The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 24

by K R Martin

  “The gown was just finished this morning,” a voice drew Desiree to wear her uncle stood with an older woman.

  “It is perfect!” He grinned with glee.

  Sure enough, just like every other item in the room, the gown was pure Retanny in design, and while even she had to admit that it was pretty, her other gown was truly stunning.

  “We should begin fittings immediately,” the woman said.

  “Actually, that won’t be necessary,” Desiree spoke. The woman’s head whipped to her, shocked, and the emperor’s face turned dark.

  “But, we must make sure the dress fits you properly,” the woman stammered.

  “Oh, I understand. Please, you should know that you created an amazing gown, but I was so worried that forces beyond our control would keep me from arriving with enough time that I had a gown made for me while in Espan.

  “I believe you will love it,” she turned to her uncle, giving him wide, adoring eyes. “And this way, we won’t have to worry about the gown.”

  “I suppose you are right,” he agreed begrudgingly.

  “Thank you. And, I must say, it is a good thing, because we do have some work with the rest of the décor.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Forgive me, your majesty; I just assumed my wishes had been lost before reaching you.” Though she was all but certain he just chose to ignore them. “I was really hoping to honor all those coming to see this momentous occasion by embracing elements of their kingdoms. I’m sure there’s enough time to gather a few more flower varieties, all white of course. And as the dignitaries are sure to have traveled with their own chefs, it shouldn’t be hard to add a few dishes to the menu.”

  “Are there any more requests?” he asked.

  “Perhaps we could have some variety to the table decorations? Since our merchants are thriving, I’d love to have elements of all the visitors’ lands.”

  “I will see what we can do.”

  “Oh, thank you so much! This will be wonderful!”

  “Now, why don’t you go make yourself presentable for tonight’s dinner?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Desiree gave him a deep curtsy before gliding from the room, feeling both exhausted and elated. For the first time in her life, she’d stood up to him insisted on her own view. It felt terrifying and freeing. Perhaps she could lead after all.

  Chapter 42

  That evening, the great hall buzzed with excitement. Fedor remained mostly in the shadows, though he had to admit, this event was truly something else. The hall was filled with people of all over the known world; their clothes were vibrant and unique, as if he’d stepped into an aviary. The elaborate hairstyles showcased shades of black so dark they disappeared into the shadows, to blondes almost white. Browns and reds mingled throughout, all shades seemingly represented. The skin tones also varied. Though most were admittedly very light, some bore a rich tan, almost bronze in color, and of course, the delegation from Shi’anda’s skin tones seemed to glisten in their dark shades.

  The dinner would begin soon, and Fedor felt himself counting down the minutes. He didn’t understand why. After all, it wasn’t as though he had never been in a crowded room filled with dignitaries. He normally thrived in this situation, which is part of why Vasilissa had entrusted him to be Vikieva’s ambassador. But tonight, he couldn’t get past the feeling of tension filling the room, or the sight at the room’s head.

  The emperor stood tall and imposing, and far too full of himself as every guest had been paraded before him first. At his side stood Desiree, gracious and elegant as she greeted all with more warmth. And then came Will, almost as an afterthought to remain in the shadows. Fedor felt for Cartiana’s king, a man who was far too much of a dragon to be anyone’s trained dog.

  Wait. His gaze darted to the couple that just entered. He might have been standing across the room, but he knew them by heart. Waiting, he watched as they gave their respects for the royals before striding away. As soon as their steps carried them far enough, his own feet carried himself from the shadows.

  “Good evening, Excellency,” he said as he bowed before Vaslissa, his sister.

  “Fedor!” She all but squealed before pulling him in for a hug. He returned the embrace for but a moment before they both stepped back. Later, they would truly reunite as siblings, but now she was Empress of Vikieva, and she bore that mantle with regality and pride. “It is so wonderful to see you again,” she spoke in their native tongue.

  “It is good to see you too, sister. And you, Sasha.”

  “Likewise, Fedor,” Sasha replied. “Come, let us step away from the crowds.” Together, they found a quieter spot at the room’s perimeter.

  “I am so pleased to see you here, and a bit surprised too,” Fedor began.

  “Well, I wasn’t sure we would come,” Vasilissa began. “But your letter made me believe it would be beneficial, and Princess Desiree’s really made me curious.”

  “Desiree wrote you a letter?”

  “Oh, yes. She specifically requested that we come, as she’d heard much from you, and would be honored to meet us.” Fedor’s gaze was naturally drawn to the girl in topic. “She also said that there had been too much bad blood, and she wished to personally confer about bringing lasting peace to both empires.”

  “She did, did she?” A smile tugged at his lips as new admiration filled his heart.

  “To be honest, I do not trust the man on the throne, but his niece’s letter seemed genuine, hence we came.”

  “I can assure you that Desiree is nothing like her uncle. She is as kind and genuine a person as you will ever know. After spending so much time with her, I truly have hope for the future.”

  “It seems you truly esteem her?” Fedor’s gaze flew to his sister’s knowing one.

  “I have never met another woman like her,” he admitted. “She has a caring heart, is witty and intelligent, vulnerable but strong as she refuses to let it define her.”

  “You love her,” Sasha spoke softly, wonder seeping into his voice.

  “Do I?” Did he? Looking back, he could see how much he enjoyed being with her, how much he wanted to save her from the pain. Even now, he’d gladly give his life to see her free and happy. “Yes, I suppose I do. Vasilissa, she will be a good ruler. I doubt I will be given the chance to act on my feelings, but I know the world will be better with her on the throne.”

  “I will admit, I find myself a bit excited to see what the future holds, for if she’s half as wonderful as you believe, then she will be incredible indeed. I do hope you find the opportunity to tell her how you feel, however. My brother deserves as much love and happiness as I’ve found.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “If you love her, and she loves you, then I grant you both my blessing, as your sister, and the blessing of the crown.”

  A gong rang through the room, signaling the start of dinner and end of any meaningful conversation.

  “Thank you, sister.”

  “Always, brother. Now, I’d like to hear more about your adventures since you went away.”

  Dinner had passed quickly enough, though Renee wished it had been swifter. Instead, it was a lavish affair, each one of the multiple courses designed to showcase Retanny’s wealth. At least she sat far from the royal table, so she didn’t have to watch Will and Desiree cast adoring gazes at each other beneath the emperor’s haughty stare. Poor Fedor hadn’t fared so lucky, as he sat with his sister just a few spaces away.

  Renee remained with some of the lesser delegates, simply listening to others talk. While she hadn’t shied away from meeting others as ‘Varda’, she kept the ‘Captain’ well hidden. The last thing she needed was word of Captain Varda’s presence spreading like wildfire.

  At least dinner was behind her, though she couldn’t figure if it was good or not as she watched Will sweep Desiree around the dance floor. As she didn’t want to be noticed, she had already declined several offers to dance. And severely regretted that decis
ion. Part of her wanted to return to her rooms where she left Arrow. At least he existed outside the masquerade.

  “Ah, there you are.” The pleasant voice drew her eyes from her husband to see Fedor approach, followed by a woman with so many similarities, there was no denying her identity.

  “Your highness.” She sank into a curtsy.

  “Lady Varda, it is my honor to introduce my sister, Empress Vasilissa of Vikieva, and her husband, Prince-Consort Sasha.”

  “Your excellencies, it truly is an honor,” Renee said, sinking into another deep curtsy.

  “My brother has told me much about you, and I must say, I look forward to furthering our acquaintance.” Vasilissa spoke, her accept even thicker than Fedor’s.

  “He has spoken very highly of you as well.”

  “I am sure we shall all be busy, but if you find time, do come visit our quarters. I would love to talk in a much more... relaxed setting.”

  “Until then.” Renee gave another curtsy before Sasha drew Vasilissa to the dance floor.

  “He looks like he adores her,” Renee noted to Fedor.

  “I have rarely met others as in love,” Fedor replied. “It made me hope for my own future.” His voice took on a wistful tone, and Renee turned to look at him. He gazed at the dance floor with hopeful adoration, and she didn’t have to look to know the object of his attention.

  “I hope you find it someday,” Renee told him honestly. “There is nothing else like it.”

  “I hope we both get our hearts’ desires,” he replied as he smiled at her. Somehow, having him at her side eased a lot of the tension.

  Turning from him, she allowed her eyes to wander the room, once more taking in the sight of so many people from so many different cultures. Some were new to her, but others so familiar. Her gaze stopped at a group wearing vibrant colors and swirling decorations. The men wore long tunics over their loose trousers, while the women had short tops barely reaching the long skirts. Every movement gave way to glimpses of tan skin, and vibrant shawls draped over shoulders, just like her own blue outfit. The only difference was she used an extra shawl to cover her hair, and wrap around her face.

  “I will see you later,” Renee told Fedor before she wove through the crowds. Her smile only broadened as she neared the group, and recognized some faces. “Your majesties,” she swept into a curtsy before Manish and Lavanya, the rulers of Sanskia who once took her in and helped her return home.

  “Good evening to you.” Manish inclined his head to her.

  “That is a beautiful gown,” Lavanya said, almost asking rather than telling.

  “Thank you; it should be, after all, you picked it out.” Renee said.

  Recognition dawned in her eyes, and her face lit up. “Ren... Varda! It’s good to see you again.” Lavanya pulled Renee into a tight embrace.

  “It is good to see you as well,” Renee returned.

  “We’ve heard tales of your exploits, but didn’t expect to see you here.” Manish added as the girls stepped apart.

  “Let’s just say that I am exactly where I should be. Though, I will admit that I, too, am surprised to see you here.”

  “When Retanny sends us a request, it is not wise to refuse.” His tone darkened, and she couldn’t help but think of his brother, the man who saved her life by turning her slave.

  “You know, I ran into this rather remarkable man a while back.” Both brows furrowed at her tale. “He was sailing on a Retanny vessel, but came from Sanskia. Sadly, the ship took heavy damage, and I found myself offering for him to sail with my crew. Even now, he sails on the ship, the Qilin. If you have time, I am certain he would enjoy seeing his monarchs.” Disbelief shone in Manish’s eyes. “I know he has missed his brother,” Renee added softly.

  That all but brought tears to Manish’s eyes. Sure, she was still a little bitter at Pallav for selling her as a slave, but she understood that it was all he could think to do to save her at the time, and now all she wished was to see him reunited with his brother.

  “Thank you,” Lavanya whispered, her words unsteady.

  “You are welcome.”

  Chapter 43

  “Come in!” Desiree called at the knock on the door. Sitting alone in her room made her wish she could have someone to speak with, but she wasn’t sure she would be happy with whoever was on the other end. The door opened, revealing a female servant.

  “Your highness.” She gave a curtsy as she stepped in. “His majesty sent me with a gift.” She stepped aside, motioning for another to step in. Desiree watched as a petite woman stepped through, head downcast. Her clothes were drab, whether brown or gray Desiree couldn’t tell, and her black hair was swept back in a tight knot on her head. Tan skin seemed to be stretched across her tiny frame, showing far too many bones for Desiree’s taste. But the sight that truly sent a fire boiling inside her was the deep gray metal ring encircling the woman’s neck.

  “It took some time, but his majesty was able to locate the gift you requested,” the first servant spoke. Based on the tone, Desiree supposed they wanted her to feel extremely grateful. Instead she hated them more.

  “Good. I was not looking forward to the wedding without her.” Desiree stood and stepped towards the woman. The poor thing’s shoulders slumped, as if she had given up trying to live. “And the papers?”

  “Here,” the servant spoke as she handed the papers to Desiree. Not trusting her uncle, Desiree looked over all the papers, making sure that everything was in her name.

  “And the key?” That startled the servant.

  “The key? Well, of course, but I do not know why you would need it...?” The servant stuttered as she produced a simple gray skeleton key.

  “Thank you.” Desiree took the offending item. “You may be excused.”

  “Your highness?”

  “You may be excused. Leave us.”

  “I assumed you’d want me to give order to your new...”

  “I said. You are excused.” Desiree’s voice deepened as she glared at the servant.

  “Yes, your highness,” she gave a curtsy before scurrying from the room.

  Words would be spread, especially to her uncle, but Desiree didn’t care. This was important to her. Now that they were alone, Desiree turned her full attention on the woman beside her. The poor thing had begun to tremble, and it was no wonder with how thin her dress’s fabric was.

  “You poor thing.” Desiree couldn’t help but say, drawing two shocked brown eyes to meet hers. “Come,” she was gentle as she drew the woman to a seat, helping her down before pulling a blanket and wrapping it around her tiny shoulders.

  “Why?” The woman asked.

  “Why am I helping you?” The woman nodded. “Because, I know someone who has missed you very much, Esha.”

  “You know my name?”

  “I should. I specifically have been looking for you.” Her wide eyes began to water. “But, before we continue this conversation, I think that should go.” It took almost nothing to slip the key into the lock and twist it. The cuff fell away, leaving a red spot on her neck. Esha’s hands trembled as her fingers brushed her bare neck.

  “Thank you, but I don’t understand?”

  “Like I said, I know a certain gentleman who has missed you.”

  “Taras,” her face completely lit up with the smile. “You know him?”

  “Not as well as a good friend of mine, but I have met him. And he spoke very highly about you, and how much he missed you. Trying to find you was the least I could do.”

  “I still can’t believe... I mean, am I free?”

  “Of course! That’s why I insisted on the key and the papers. I will make sure they are put in officially, but your brace has been removed. They can’t argue with that. I would request that you stay nearby for the time, just to be on the safe side.”

  “Of course.” Esha’s joy dimmed slightly.

  “Which is why I made certain not to choose any personal maids when I arrived.” That brought the sparkle ba
ck in her eyes. “Would you be willing to assist me during our time here?”

  “Your highness, it would be my honor.”

  “Please, call me Desiree. At least when we are alone. Now, let’s get rid of these rags and put you in something a bit more suitable before I ring for a meal for us to share. I don’t know about you, but I am famished!”

  Esha giggled but allowed Desiree to lead her into the deeper chambers. Desiree felt that she would enjoy getting to know this young woman, at least until Taras arrived. She hoped this small act would help begin the healing that so many needed.

  “Oh, I needed this.” Desiree sighed as she relaxed into the couch.

  “I’m surprised you found time,” Renee spoke from her own chair.

  “The only reason I could is because my uncle decided he needed Will for this afternoon’s planning.” Thus Desiree found the first opportunity to sneak into the suites of Espan’s dignitaries and enjoy actually speaking with Renee.

  “Should we be worried?” Renee asked.

  “With my uncle? Always. But right now there’s not much we can do. So, I will enjoy a moment as myself.”

  “I can second that.” Renee chuckled. “Although, oddly enough, I feel very much myself here.”


  “I suppose it’s because there are so many here that know the real me. And I’m not having to force my image as Captain Varda.”

  “I still find it fascinating how you’ve managed to befriend so many dignitaries, even without a crown.”

  “You’ve made quite an impression yourself. All who have met you have spoken with how impressed they are.”


  “Yes. They are all pleasantly surprised at your kindness and understanding; each one is hopeful for the future. Especially the empress of Vikieva.”


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