The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 28

by K R Martin

  “Your Majesty,” he bowed before her, dressed in a vibrant yellow long tunic and pants, a blush sash across his chest, gold thread woven throughout, giving him the noble air he’d long had to put aside. She inclined her head in respect.

  “How... what...” the emperor stuttered.

  “Prince Pallav has been my honored guest ever since he was liberated from Captain Schwarz Feur’s ship. Oh, forgive me, I meant Lord Conrad.”

  That had the intended effect, causing ripples of disquiet through the rows, even amongst the Retanny nobles.

  “How dare you...” the emperor seethed.

  “How dare she?” Will’s voice rang with righteous fury. “How dare you! You ordered the death of my wife, just so you could force me to marry your heir and eventually give you my throne. You have threatened the lives of my children. And you orchestrated the deaths of my parents, placing an imposter on my throne in the process. Enough.”

  “How many people have you hurt, lives taken in your greedy thirst for power?” Desiree asked. “How many families separated or imprisoned so you could control more? As Will said, enough. You rule unjustly, abusing the power given you. My dear uncle, you are no longer fit to rule, never have been, and I will see the world once more safe from your meddling.”

  “What you speak is treason.”

  “No, what I speak is a coup. A legitimate one. You are not fit to wear that crown, and as heir, I feel it my duty to protect my people from your tyranny.”

  “You don’t want to cross me, girl. You have no idea what I am capable of.”

  “Considering I watched you murder my mother, I think I have a very good idea of what you are capable of.”

  Silence cut through the room, instant and heavy. Renee couldn’t help but see Desiree in a new light, knowing the girl had seen such darkness and kept such hope inside her.

  “You had everyone fooled,” Desiree continued. “Your poor sister, the heir of the Retanny throne, killed in a tragic and senseless accident. But I know better. After your plans with Andre failed, you and my father discussed a new plan to take control of Espan and Cartiana. And that centered on me. The girl with a similar enough face to Queen Renee. You thought you could convince Will to marry me, as soon as you removed Renee from the picture. You were going to groom me, change me. Mother found out.”

  Desiree’s voice cracked and Renee couldn’t help but feel sorrow for her. “She refused to let me be a pawn, to be trapped in a loveless marriage like she was. We were going to leave, to seek asylum, perhaps in Cartiana. Instead you found out, confronted her, and I watched from the shadows as you plunged a dagger in her chest.”

  Shocked cries of outrage rose at that confession, and even the soldiers surrounding the halls seemed to be taken aback. “You murdered your own sister just so you can gain power. And you might be emperor, but that’s still a punishable offense.”

  “As you said, I am still emperor, and I have the power of the guards behind me.”

  “And she has the power, and support of Cartiana,” Will’s voice rang out.

  “Espan stands behind her as well,” Renee added.

  “And the support of Vikieva,” Vasilissa added, with just a hint of glee in her voice. “This girl has heart, and worthy of the crown. You,” she addressed the emperor, “do not deserve it.”

  “You can all support her as much as you want,” the emperor retorted. “However, I not only have the might of my vast empire, but the naval power of Jenha at my disposal. I can order all your ships sunk, and then you would have no way to return home.” The man practically gloated.

  “Then you would be disappointed,” Jian called before leaping over the railing. “The empire of Jenha is no longer your puppet. We are once again under our true sovereign, The Phoenix Empress Ama Lei.” He motioned to her before giving a half bow.

  “You are supposed to be dead,” the emperor stuttered.

  “Your lackeys were persuaded to exile myself and my sister,” Ama Lei retorted. “I returned and the golden throne once more belongs to its rightful ruler.”

  “You have a vast empire,” Renee said. “But your quest for more created enemies, enemies who have banded together, and together we are strong. We stand behind Desiree as the rightful ruler of Retanny.”

  “You stand against the wrong man,” the emperor snarled. “Guards! Defend your emperor!”

  Scrapes rang in the hall, and men swarmed in, swords at the ready. Renee pulled both swords out, her swift movements sending Arrow fling into the swarm, and she noticed her friends prepare themselves. Before she could process another thought, guards swarmed them. Her swords lifted, blocking the blades that searched her out. Metal rang in the cavernous space, and more of her crew joined the fray, jumping in to protect.

  Renee pushed her assailant back, her feet moving on their own. “Will!” she called, searching for his figure, worried for his safety. He was a good fighter, but unarmed with so many assailants... Her gaze finally found him between the blurry forms. He had shed the cape, and even now fought with sword in hand, and Jonathan at his side.

  Fedor stood before Desiree, protecting her from the onslaught. Renee wanted to smile at that thought, but a guard rushed her. Her left arm lifted, blocking the blow, and her right swung, catching his leg. He howled, and she kicked, sending him back as another assailant sought her.

  She allowed her arms full reign, the swords taking a life of their own. They swung and twirled, her body responding to the blades. Energy swirled through her limbs, pumping her with power. Man after man fell before her, many with red claw marks from Arrow’s assistance, the roar of the fight joining the pounding of the blood in her ears.

  A blur caught her eyes, and she swirled to catch his sword. Shoving him back, she prepared for his return. Movement appeared at her vision’s edge, the glint of a sword’s blade. Her first enemy charged at her. She blocked one blade, watching as the other descended too quickly. She wouldn’t be able to stop it.

  The man howled, the blade dropping as he clutched his shoulder, an arrow sticking out of his flesh. Renee looked past him to see Little Wolf with yet another arrow notched. She nodded her thanks and threw herself back into the fray.

  Chapter 53

  Desiree tried to stay back from the fighting, her veil removed long before and tossed aside to give her more freedom of movement. When the guards rushed in, Will rushed to meet them, and Fedor dashed to her side. If she wasn’t terrified for her life, she’d probably swoon at his gallantry, but she had no doubt that her uncle would see her dead.

  It seemed even more guards filled the room, though many already nursed wounds. Her friends, they were supporting her, fighting for her. They all moved with such finesse and purpose, skilled warriors all risking their lives to give her her throne. Fedor fought furiously before her, keeping any from reaching her, but with so many, she feared it only a matter of time before one broke through.

  Several men fell, one after another, all with arrows in their legs. Before she could reason it, Mei appeared at her side.

  “Come with me,” she said as she pulled Desiree towards the seats, a safe corner behind Little Wolf and his volley of arrows flying into the crowd.

  “Stay behind me,” he ordered, not stopping his foray.

  Desiree clung to Mei, truly feeling the gravity of what she’d done. Her uncle needed to be stopped, but her friends might have to pay for that with their blood, or worse.

  Her eyes roamed those before her. Nya and Luca clustered together, staffs flying faster than her eyes could detect. Deshi and Sorik had banded together, easily keeping guards at bay. Manish had reunited with Pallav, and together they had joined Bartholomew and Taras along with more of Renee’s crew, blocking the entrance.

  Renee fought through the swarm, Ama Lei, Jian, and Caleb behind her, while Will and Jonathan fought from the other end. To her surprise, both Vasilissa and Sasha had leapt from their seats, weapons in hand, and assisting Fedor who had gravitated closer to her spot, joining Little Wolf who’
d tossed aside bow and arrows for sword, both keeping her and Mei safe.

  The guards would continue to fight until her uncle gave up the crown. They had to get to him and force his resignation. Her eyes scanned the seats where he’d sat. Nothing. Frantic, she searched the room, trying to find his face amongst the blurred ones.

  There! He’d joined the fight, weapon in hand, his eyes focused on...

  “Renee! Look out!”

  Chapter 54

  Hearing the warning, Renee whipped around, and ducked just in time not to get hit. The emperor himself launched at her, sword swinging with blind fury. Renee swung her swords, knocking his blows away. He was fast, and skilled. More so than even Master Sorik. Her weapons, she gave them full rein to keep his sword from reaching her.

  Men surrounded them, blocking every path to her friends. They would get to her, she just had to buy time. Arrow dropped close, his claws digging into the emperor’s shoulder.

  He yelled in anger and pain, swinging his hand to hit the bird. The poor thing squawked as it was thrown into the seats.

  “Renee!” Will called, and she turned to block a new blow.

  Pain filled her left hand, forcing her to drop one sword. Blood flowed from a cut, blood that matched the red on the emperor’s blade. But he would not win.

  With pain fueling her anger, she lunged at him, her sword seeking his own blood. Blind fury seemed to lead her, the sword faster than she could truly see.

  “Hang on!” Will called again, the terror in his voice giving her pause.

  New pain clenched her right arm, and she fought to keep hold of her sword. The emperor swung hard, jarring her with every block. She couldn’t give up, couldn’t lose her sword. He swung, pain filling her hand as her weapon fell from it.

  No, she would not be defeated. She used her hands, her arms, ducking around the sword’s blows, before dashing in to strike. Her firsts connected with his arms and chest, her legs reaching to trap his. But he moved like lightning, so fast she didn’t see when he moved behind her and kicked her knees.

  The scream tore from her lips as she fell, her head yanked back with new pain as he pulled her hair. The sharp blade stung her neck, and she knew some blood had been drawn.

  “You should surrender now!” the emperor yelled, and all around her the fight ceased. Horror shone in her friends’ eyes. Will stood some distance before her, terror filling his. “You are all idiots. I own this world! Any who dare to oppose me will suffer the same fate as her.”

  “Don’t do this,” Will said more than begged. “If you do, I promise you will not leave this room alive.”

  “You think you have any chance to stop me? I am the emperor!”

  “And I am the King! And that is my wife. And I swear I will take your life if you take hers.”

  “You can try,” the emperor snarled. This was it. Renee had survived numerous attempts on her live before, but there was no surviving this one. She failed. She’d never return to her beloved, never see her children again. Although, she had made her mark on the world, and felt true love, even if it was short.

  “At least the end of my life would mean the end of yours,” she spoke with conviction. “I love you, Will!” she called, needing him to hear it one more time.

  “Renee, no!”

  He lunged forward, and Renee couldn’t break contact with his eyes, so full of fear, regret. She hoped hers shone with the strength he’d need to continue without her.

  Renee prepared for the pain that would end her life.

  Chapter 55

  A thud rang in the room. No more pain filled Renee’s neck, and the room became silent. A second thud followed the first, and she felt the emperor jerk away from her.

  “Renee,” Will seemed to call as he fell by her side, his arms wrapping around her, shoving the emperor’s arm from her, and pulling her close. She turned to see two arrows lodged in his chest.

  Shock filled his gaze, unbelieving that he could be hurt. Before he could look up, another arrow pierced his chest. He fell to the ground, his eyes blank, lifeless.

  Renee couldn’t trust her eyes. She’d seen Little Wolf toss away his bow. Her gaze turned, along with every other gaze in the room to the person who felled the tyrant.

  There she stood, trembling, tears flowing from her eyes, while regret and determination warred within them. Her hand still clutched the bow, the other hanging at her side, quiver in reach.


  Desiree stood frozen, just staring at the empty space where her uncle had stood. She could still feel the wood in her hand, but she couldn’t seem to reason why. Or why everyone stood frozen, as if captured in a painting. They should be fighting, trying to be free from her evil uncle.

  But no, she couldn’t see her uncle anywhere. That couldn’t be right. He was right there. He had his sword at Renee’s neck; he was going to kill her. Desiree couldn’t let that happen. She couldn’t lose her friend, couldn’t allow Will to go through that pain again.

  The bow. Little Wolf had set his bow aside. She could distract her uncle, slow him down. Will could save Renee. She reached for the bow. Wait, it was in her hand. Why was she holding the bow?

  “Desiree?” Fedor asked as he approached.

  “What... did I...?” she stuttered. Images flooded in her mind, images of her pulling the arrow, and aiming it at her uncle. Images of her releasing the arrow, and images of arrows quivering in her uncle’s chest.

  “It’s over,” Fedor spoke gentle as he took the weapon, handing it to Little Wolf. His arms opened and she fell into them, weeping. The tears wouldn’t stop, and her entire body shook with the sobs. Fedor’s arms were comforting, and strong, and the only thing that kept her from collapsing in a heap onto the floor. “Shh, it’s over,” he continued to whisper in her ear.

  But, what had she done? She’d taken a life. She’d taken her uncle’s life, just as he took her mother’s. How could she? She killed him.

  “You protected your friend.” Fedor’s voice sliced through her dark thoughts. She leaned back, looking up into his eyes. “You did not murder anyone.” He effectively slew one monster, terrorizing her thoughts. “You protected your friend and saved her life.” Another monster fell to his sword. “That man was a monster, and his actions killed many, and destroyed others’ lives.” Another monster slain. “Your actions today saved lives. You saved your friend, a man’s loved wife, and three children’s mother.” The light chased the last monsters away.

  “Your highness,” the guard captain stepped toward her. Fedor pushed her behind him, sword at the ready. The man lifted his hands, keeping his sword sheathed. “I only wish to tell you a story.”

  Desiree nodded, still unable to use her voice. Although, she was wondering why he wished to tell a story.

  “Before Retanny became a true kingdom, it was filled with battling tribes. Many of the leaders battled each other, the victor taking the new group, or even a tribal man would step up, challenging the leader and splitting the tribe. It was war and chaos.”

  He took a moment, allowing it to sink in. “One man decided it was enough. He challenged all leaders to one fight. He defeated them all, but did not kill one. Instead, he demanded their loyalty, and became the first emperor.”

  “He ended the fighting?” Desiree found herself asking, surprised that she’d never heard the story before.

  “For a time, but when he grew old, he didn’t have an heir. Many attempted to assassinate him, and one eventually did, claiming the throne. This continued for decades, warfare and bloodshed determining the ruler, until one man’s son challenged his father. But like the first, he did not kill. He asked his father to continue until he died naturally, and then he became the next. That began your line of emperors.”

  “Why tell me this?” she asked.

  “You were always meant to be our next ruler, but you showed yourself today as a warrior like the first emperors. However, I doubt you would have taken such action if not provoked.”

  She didn
’t know how to respond to that.

  “We swore to serve the crown, regardless of our feelings of the one wearing it. But you should know, you’ve always held our admiration. You won the hearts of the people at a young age, including those of us who wear a uniform. Why do you think we strived hard to cause no damage?”

  Looking around, Desiree realized that the guards had held back. None from Renee’s crew bore more than minor scratches, and some of the guards now stood easily even when before they had acted invalid. Had the guards fought for them the entire time?

  “The emperor is dead,” the captain called over the room, before taking a knee before her. “Long live the empress!”

  “Long live the empress!” Rang throughout the room as all Retanny citizens dropped to their knees before her.

  “Your highness,” the priest said, bringing her attention to him. In his hands, he held a crown, the one made for an empress. “Though you came for a wedding, I believe it is time for a coronation.”

  Fedor helped lead her to the front even as a flurry of activity surrounded her. Someone had found a white cape trimmed in fur, and draped it on her shoulders: the cape of the empress. The guards once more lined the hall, though smiles now formed on their faces. When she found the courage to look, she found her uncle had been removed. That would take some time to truly think over and settle, but she could ignore it for the moment. At some point, Fedor had left her, all had, taking their places in the seats.

  “When I learned how many guests were coming, I was astonished.” The priest began again. “It felt like the world had come together in one place. Now, I can think of no better people to bear witness to a beginning of a new era, an era of peace and harmony. And there is no one I could see heralding this in better than Princess Desiree.”

  Her eyes watered at his kind words.

  “Desiree, princess of Retanny, do you come here willing to take the crown and serve and protect?”


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