DC Affairs

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DC Affairs Page 11

by Selene Chardou

  Peter convinced himself he’d wanted it for so long, the sudden monkey wrench in his plan never registered. He could be content with Elizabeth but only if she played the game his way. Unfortunately, she no longer wanted to play nice. Her bait and switch tactics bothered him more than he would ever let on to a single soul.

  He looked up while continuing his leisurely walk down the beach as an attractive blonde jogged toward him. Her yoga pants and sports bra were a little too sexy for a day that was mild in temperature. He immediately looked away from her, not wanting to give her the wrong idea. The last thing he needed was a story that hinted at him not being faithful to his wife or worst, a scandal concerning him and a young anonymous woman.

  Stopping in his spot, he gazed at a few interesting seashells he spotted on the beach and decided to take them back to the twins. Anna and Andrew would get a kick out of them to say the least.

  Peter was startled out of his exploration as a stray hand touched his shoulder. He turned around to see the very same blonde but this time she was only mere inches away from him.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he questioned a tad too forcefully with cold gray eyes. “I don’t appreciate strange women coming up to me when I’m minding my own business.”

  She smiled although it never reached her calculating sky blue eyes. “My name is Andrea Magnussen and I’m a reporter for The Capital Post. Do you have time to chit-chat? It won’t take more than five minutes, Governor Coburn.”

  Peter smiled ingratiatingly. “Get on with it, Ms. Magnussen. I know all the big time reporters at the Post and I’ve never heard of you. What department do you work in if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She looked him up and down before she pursed her lips. “Listen, we’re going to run a story and we only need a comment from you. Elizabeth Coburn was spotted dining at Plume on Friday, June twenty-seventh. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal, however, all the insiders in DC know you plan to throw your hat in the ring for the 2016 Democrat ticket. Does it bother you the least bit Elaine Riley and your wife were seen by various wait-staff having an intimate dinner?”

  Peter knew he needed to weigh his words very carefully. He couldn’t deny his wife had been there since he hadn’t known where she’d been that evening but at the same time, he wouldn’t give these vultures the slightest bit of ammunition. It was a very tight rope to walk, unfortunately for him.

  “At this time, I can only speculate my wife and Mrs. Riley were merely having dinner, Ms. Magnussen. There isn’t anything wrong with two women meeting and enjoying food at one of the top restaurants in DC. You implying anything else is short of slander. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I would like to be left alone.” Peter turned away from her and began to walk toward his parents’ house.

  “Can I quote you on that?” the blonde twit yelled from behind him.

  “You can do whatever you want,” he said over his shoulder but never broke his stride.

  His anger couldn’t be underestimated. He was not only livid but surprised he’d been caught unawares at all. A phone call to Kylie was in order pronto. This would be a shit-storm once it hit the press and the last thing he needed was a goddamn scandal.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Saturday started like any other day for Russell and I except we had nowhere to go and that was just fine with me.

  I liked spending time with him and getting to know him more and more. What could I say? It wasn’t insta-love but we had an amazing attraction to one another and could I help it if I wanted a repeat of Thursday night?

  Russell wasn’t exactly playing coy with me but he certainly didn’t want me to get the wrong idea and I had to guess that sex between us would always be considered something that was best kept at a minimum. At least until he believed we knew one another better.

  It was the mature kind of relationship I’d always sworn I wanted and craved but now I had it, I wished he would want to do the horizontal shuffle with me a bit more.

  Would I ever be happy or forever one of those girls who claimed they wanted something until they got it and realized they’d never wanted it in the first place? Was that how my life was doomed to turn out?

  Russell and I sat next to one another in the warm California sun, working on our tans while drinking beer and smoking a joint we passed back and forth to each other. Hugh and Kristen weren’t around and although I missed them, it was nice to be alone with my boyfriend. We were still so new there wasn’t anything about him that could possibly annoy me yet.

  “Sorry about being such a dick yesterday,” he said before swigging from his open bottle of imported beer. “I get a little riled up when my dad and I debate. Then when you took his side, I gotta admit I was surprised. It was stupid and petty the way I acted.”

  I turned toward him, my eyes shielded by the harsh rays of the sun with a pair of blacker-than-black Ray-Bans. “No worries, it’s all good. It’s nice to debate with anyone at all about fun topics. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Is this you or the Chronic talking?” He reached over and slid my sunglasses off my face. “Believe me, I’m a big boy—I can take it.”

  “Face it, Berkeley, you can’t handle the truth.” I laughed out loud then. “Seriously, it was all in good fun. I think your dad is great but that’s only because I didn’t have to grow up with him. I’m sure you would say something entirely different about him but that’s your right. You’re his son.”

  Russell touched my face with a warm hand that smelled faintly of coconut-scented sun block and Chronic. It was refreshing on my skin but his touch also sent electric chills up my spine. Was this what it felt like to fall over the edge of your mind?

  I snickered again and lay out on the sun lounge.

  “What’s got you in such a good mood?” He closed his eyes and threw his head back while I leaned up and studied his profile closely.

  “Have you ever heard the album Blackout?”

  “Britney Spears during her chunky era in a really bad wig that’s almost as bad as her fake blonde hair? I’ve heard of it but no, I can’t say that cheesy pop has ever been high on my list of music I like to listen to. Give me Lana Del Rey or hell, even Rihanna, any day. At least their shit makes some kind of sense and they aren’t afraid to own up to their unique sexuality, not what society deems attractive.”

  “Whoa, that’s pretty harsh but I will forgive you for never having gone through a teeny bop period like the rest of us mere mortals—”

  “I never said I didn’t go through that rite of passage, Sigourney. I am human after all.” Russell turned toward me with cloudy aquamarine eyes. “I only meant my listening pleasure during my tween years consisted of alt-rock faves like Nirvana and Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam and Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dr. Dre and Eminem, Tupac and Limp Bizkit, Deftones and Korn. I tried to steer clear of that monotone pop shit at all costs though.”

  “Oh, so you were one of those cool, edgy kids, huh?” I teased before my fingers tickled his chest across our slim divide.

  “Not really. I preferred a lot of angry and aggressive music to make up for not getting laid. Not because I couldn’t, mind you, but my biggest fear was getting a girl pregnant and it terrorized me for many years before common sense won out and I finally got some.”

  I smiled before I stood and straddled his waist. Our lips were dangerously close together. “Tell me, does this fear still haunt you?”

  “Why do you ask?” His hands reached out for my face and I wanted more contact but the very intimate kind.

  “Because you’re exceptionally good at what you do, Russell. I like you a lot and I’m incredibly attracted to you. I would really like for us to have…sexual relations.” I’d really wanted to say, “fuck” but I thought it might sound too crude. He wasn’t the emo type but I didn’t want to seem like a horny aggressive she-wolf either although I definitely felt like one.

  “I like this new Sigourney and yes, you could hav
e said you would have liked me to fuck you. It sounds very dirty but also delicious coming from your mouth. I know I can be a bit of a shit sometimes but believe me when I tell you there is nothing more sexier than a woman who knows exactly what she wants.”

  “Touché, Berkeley, I prefer it in a man as well.”

  Russell grabbed my waist and kissed me as if our lives depended upon it and perhaps they did to a certain extent. We were both hungry mouths, warm tongues and a deep need and desire to satisfy one another.

  My stomach did a somersault as his erection pressed against my swimsuit covered privates and I could barely contain myself. I would be lying if I didn’t admit I wouldn’t have cared if he’d decided to take me then and there. To hell with the other fancy homes nearby and whether anyone witnessed what we were doing. I wanted to be with him and have him deep inside of me.

  Russell felt the same way as he casually undid my bikini top and exposed my breasts. We stopped kissing but my breath came hard and quick while he eyed my nipples like they were a delicious appetizer. His mouth sank down on one while his fingers played with the other and I pressed him against me, enveloping him in an embrace.

  “I love your body. You have the most perfect tits a guy could ask for. But I don’t get off on a crowd and I’m taking you inside.”

  My lips grazed his ear before I playfully bit his earlobe. “Do you want me to get up so we can go into the house?”

  “Nope. You don’t weigh much. I can carry you.” He stood and I hoisted my legs around his waist though his throbbing member caught between us had to be in all kinds of pain. Russell wasn’t small but he wasn’t freakishly large either. He was just right, at least for me and I could spend all day worshipping his perfect cock, which didn’t noticeably curve to the left or the right.

  He walked up through the house albeit slowly. I kissed his mouth with my own, and bit his lower lip playfully as he walked us up the stairs. Meanwhile, his movements had gotten even bolder. My pussy hung out of my bikini as he slid it to the side and plunged two fingers deep inside of me. I rode his fingers while freeing one of my arms and caressing his hard length.

  The moment we got to the bedroom, he threw me down roughly on the bed and swung the door closed with his leg. I didn’t even bother to try to be sexy as I took off the bottom half of my bikini. Meanwhile, I watched him strip out of his low-rise swim shorts that hit him at that ever sexual V-line abdominal area most men had if they were in shape.

  In the daylight, heavy curtains shielded the brightness of the sun but not enough we couldn’t see each other clearly. I stared at Russell with unrestrained lust in my eyes as he approached me. He rubbed the length of his manhood, and somehow this was a huge turn on for me. One of my hands immediately sank down to rub my clit as my legs opened further for him.

  “Keep doing that and I won’t last long…at least not the first time,” he murmured in a sex-soaked voice.

  “Maybe I don’t want you to.” I brought my fingers, slicked wet with my juices, to my mouth and sucked on them eagerly.

  He continued to stand as he kissed my knee and continued to rain kisses between my parted thighs. I was in a state of shock and awe as he grabbed my hand and sucked the same fingers that had been in my mouth before he parted me with his fingers and began to slide his tongue up and down my lips. I moaned out loud as he slid his thick tongue inside of me and tasted my arousal.

  “Honey definitely’s got me hooked on you,” he murmured in between tastes and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I fucking hate honey and after having tasted myself, babe, I can guarantee you my pussy juice doesn’t taste anything like honey.”

  “Okay, sweetie.” Russell plunged two fingers into me again and began to finger fuck me slowly, his eyes never leaving my face.

  We stared at one another and the moment was so fucking intimate, I wanted to disappear from the overload of emotional exposure. Could he see all of me and would he hate the real person I truly was? She wasn’t a good girl, she was something else entirely, and she’d also decided to come out to play.

  “How about sugar and spice and everything that’s so fucking nice about being a gorgeous, seductive woman?” He pulled his fingers out of me and sucked on them.

  I could have died right there but instead, I did something completely unexpected. I grabbed his cock and pressed it against my opening.

  “I can get a condom, babe, though I’m clean but then again…I could be lying.”

  “Maybe I want your fucking disease,” I whispered to him and allowed the full weight of his body to press against me as he drove into my depths.

  This person wasn’t me but I loved the feel of his cock inside of me with no barriers between skin-on-skin contact. The way his hairless chest brushed against my taut nipples was enough to make me want to have an orgasm right then and there. When we kissed one another, the light streaming through the bedroom seemed neon and Technicolor bright in its intensity.

  There wasn’t a complete or poetic way I could describe our sexual escapade rather than frenzied yet controlled passion. This time I knew his body and when I flipped us over and rode him, he slid in and out of me in perfect precision with my body. Our movements weren’t carefully coordinated but it felt like they were.

  Russell pulled me closer to him and I used the hard strength from his body to gyrate my hips and push him deeper into me. The look in his eyes though was what sealed the deal. They were gorgeous, expressive, full of so much hope and lust, want and desire, need and pleasure. We weren’t too different from one another and yet, we’d found a consummate and willing partner in each other.

  It was indeed true, anyone could be a good or bad lover; the only circumstances that decided which they were happened to be the time, the place and the person. I felt like I wanted to fuck Russell well and he felt the same for me in return. It wasn’t love but it was pretty damn good and would have to do until the real thing came along.

  I was lost in the delicious scent of Russell’s body, our sweaty passion for one another and the length of his cock thrusting in and out of me. My orgasm rolled over me in effortless and joyous waves while he jerked us back to reality moments later.

  Ever the gentlemen, we sat like that, bound together until we couldn’t stand the heat of our bodies any longer. He rolled me over onto the bed and stood, walking to the bathroom in the buff. I liked what I saw of his finely muscled ass but I could barely stop myself from succumbing to sleep.

  It all hit me at once. The booze, the marijuana, the fantastic sex. I needed a nap.

  I felt his fingers brush against my skin as he cleaned me up between my legs with a damp hand towel and tossed it along side our discarded swimwear before he lay on the bed beside me and enveloped me into the warmth of his strong arms.

  “Was it good for you?” He massaged my scalp with gentle fingers while I rested my right arm against his chest.

  “Yeah, it was better than good. I mean, it was really, really…nice.”

  I could have used words like “great,” “fantastic,” or “mind-blowing” but those were all such overused clichés to the point where they’d lost all meaning in our “bwahaha, laugh out loud” world. Nice conveyed the exact meaning I meant because Russell’s performance had required great skill, precision, delicacy and care. He’d excelled at them all and I was a very, very happy woman at the moment.

  His iPhone went off with a buzz. We both ignored it and lay there together until it went off a second and a third time.

  I’d closed my eyes at this point. “You better check it just to make sure there hasn’t been an emergency crisis of some kind,” I whispered against his skin.

  Russell reached for his phone without disturbing my body splayed on his and looked at it for a moment before he set it down on the bedside table again. “It’s nothing. Just text messages about some kind of crises and a story being written about Coburn by The Capital Post. Blah, blah, babble, babble, bitch, bitch, blah. I’ll call Kylie tomorrow after we get back to
Washington. Right now, this is our time and I’m not interrupting it over some random campaign shit that can easily be handled when we get back to work.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” I nestled myself in his arms and closed my eyes again.


  “Yes, Russell?”

  “I really like you…a lot. I’m not saying this in some sort of post-coital haze. I truly mean it. When we get back, don’t let that son of a bitch take advantage of you. You’re worth so much more than you ever give yourself credit for and you deserve to come first in any man’s life who is lucky enough to have you.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate you saying that,” I said in a soft voice and closed my eyes, determined to blink the tears away.

  Oh. My. God.


  Okay that was too deep for me especially right now. I never had gotten over shit that had happened to me earlier in my life and I thought this would be an easy love affair. A tide-me-over until something happened with Peter…or not. I wasn’t all that crazy about breaking up happy homes and shit. Plus with a divorced man came kids and split custody. Ten-year-old twins weren’t so much for me.

  Now I officially knew Russell and I could truly be something while Peter and I would probably never be anything, reality sank in like a brick lodged at the bottom of my stomach.

  It was the end of an era for me because shit just started to get real, and I wasn’t sure I liked it one bit.

  In fact I knew I didn’t like it at all.

  End of Book 1.

  DC Affairs Book 2 premieres Monday, April 28, 2014

  Excerpt from Covet, a sensual New Adult contemporary novel in The Covet Duet

  I smiled as I got into my car. Kink stood there and I waved to him before he turned his back on us.


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