Finding You

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Finding You Page 2

by Ivy Love

  “I know you think you get it, but you don’t. You think you have this idea of what’s happening to her, but I don’t even fully know what’s happening to her. I don’t understand. I’ve watched her try to hide the bruises and I’ve seen how she walks after he loses his temper. But, I’ve done nothing. Not a fucking thing. I just can’t sit by and watch this anymore. He’s going to kill her one day and I’m going to have to live with the fact that I never said anything, never did anything to help her.” She chokes on her words, nearly sobbing at this point.

  Ryker grips her tightly, pulls her head under his chin and begins to rock her.

  “Shhhh, Pet. I’m here now, we’re here now. We’ll help any way we can.”

  “Liz, I have a few questions, okay? I, um… we, just need to know what we’re up against.” I say quietly, leaning forward.

  Ryker pulls her head from under his chin, lifts his hand, wipes away her tears and kisses her softly.

  “Okay, what do you need to know?” she sniffles.

  “Thank you Liz. I have to ask, were you ever around when she was hit?” I ask, watching as Ryker’s arms grab her tighter.

  “No,” she rushes, “I was never there. Honestly I wasn’t. Whenever I was there, he was always this sickeningly, fake sort of nice to her. It was disgusting. He’d pat the couch, have her sit next to him and put his hand on her knee or arm and I’d watch as he’d ‘caress’ whatever part of her he was touching. But I could tell he was squeezing her just a little bit too hard. I watched her face, listened for any warning that she needed help. But she never gave one, she just took it. I don’t know why.” She says defeat seeping through her voice.

  “Hey, you couldn’t do anything about it. Think about it, if you said something imagine what could have happened to you too. You were there for your friend when she needed it and you’re doing something now.” Matt says kneeling in front of her, patting her knee.

  She nods at him slowly and he gets back on the couch.

  “I’m glad that you weren’t there. I wish that she wasn’t but she was and she is, so now we’re going to figure out how to help.” I pause looking at her, “Can you tell me how long it’s been going on?”

  She looks down at her lap, “I’m not sure. I know it wasn’t always like that for her. They met each other in college and I think they’ve been together ever since. We met when she was in college as well. I remember she used to be so happy. Something changed about a year or two ago? I’m not sure exactly when. But I remember she started acting a bit odd, became a little jumpier. She stopped coming over as frequently. When she would come over she would wear long sleeves and pants, even in the summer and I started wondering if something was going on then. I asked if she was okay, but she always said things were fine. Sometimes she would make excuses, pretty lame ones, about why she couldn’t come over. At the time I thought that maybe she was just over us hanging out. We had been inseparable for a little bit.”

  I have to take a deep breath to calm my shit, because Izzy should have never had to go through that. Hell, no woman should have to go through that. I want to ring her husband’s neck right now. That’s how I feel as Matt places a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. At the same time, I can feel the tension radiating from him.

  “Have you ever seen bruises?” I ask.

  “Only once. I thought there was something on her neck, but after it didn’t rub off, I got curious. I stared a little bit longer and realized it was a permanent mark. I’m not the most subtle person in the world, so I just asked her how she got a bruise on her neck. Her shirt was almost hiding it, but the top of the bruise was showing. I remember how quickly she pulled her hair around and covered up that side of her neck and said that she got a burn from her curling iron. But her hair was only in curls for the times she went out and as far as I knew, she hadn’t gone out in a couple weeks.”

  Matt, Morgan and I look at one another and we all realize at the same time, just how dangerous of a situation Izzy is in.

  “Okay, I think we’ve waited long enough here, something…” my train of thought is interrupted by a loud chirping sound. I watch as Liz jumps off Ryker’s lap and races towards the kitchen.

  “Liz, where are you going?” Ryker asks standing up.

  “That’s my text alert,” she yells back.

  The rest of us jump up and wait as she runs back in the room.

  She’s looking at her phone and looks up at us.

  “What does it say, Pet?” Ryker asks her standing behind her.

  “Um, it says, Hey Liz, made it home, had an argument with Jared, all good now. Just going to head to bed, talk in the morning?”

  I fucking hope that means she is okay… I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose her when I haven’t even had a chance to have her.

  Chapter 1


  “That’s a good thing, right Liz?” Ryker asks placing his hand on my back.

  “Um, yeah, it’s good. It just doesn’t feel right. Something about the way she said it, feels off. Maybe it’s just me worrying about her, but it doesn’t feel right. I guess we just wait it out until morning and then we’ll go see her.”

  Anthony nods, “Okay, would you mind if we slept out here tonight? You know where she lives and I’d like to go first thing in the morning to make sure that she’s alright.”

  I go, in case I need to leave. I did meet Izzy in college, and we immediately bonded. I never had to explain myself with her, I was able to just be me. When I had to leave on short notice she didn’t ask me a I bite my lip, “Umm… sure. I don’t have a whole lot of space out here, but if you want the couch does pull out, so two of you could sleep there and the other on the chaise. I’ll grab you guys a couple of blankets and pillows.”

  I walk back towards my bedroom and open up the hallway closet door. I don’t have a lot, I never have. I travel light wherever dozen questions, she just hugged me and slipped me a phone with her number programmed into it. She’s the only person that I’ve ever kept in touch with and this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one spot. It’s dangerous, but she’s worth it.

  I shake my head to sweep the thoughts from my mind, and grab three pillows and blankets. I walk back into the living room and see the guys have already moved what little stuff was in the way and have the bed pulled out.

  “Here you go, guys. It’s not much, but it should get you through the night,” I say handing Matt the stuff.

  “Thank you sweetheart,” Matt says smiling.

  “Yes, thank you very much,” Morgan echoes.

  Anthony looks over at me and smiles. I smile back at all of them.

  “The bathroom is right down the hall across from the kitchen. I have extra toothbrushes and you’re welcome to use the toothpaste that is in there. There’s some soda and water in the fridge, if you’re thirsty. There are glasses in the cupboard. Sorry, I’m a bit low on drinks and snacks, I haven’t made my grocery run yet.”

  “Darling, we got this. If we have any questions, we’ll ask you in the morning. Go get some rest. Plus it looks like Ryker is pretty antsy to get you to bed.” Anthony says, nodding towards Ryker.

  I turn around to see Ryker staring intensely at me. I immediately flush. Damn, what is it with this man.

  “Um, okay, sounds good. I’ll see you all in the morning then.”

  There is a chorus of goodnights as I turn and walk back down the hall, Ryker at my heels. As soon as I’m through the door, Ryker closes it and pulls me into his arms.

  “I was so worried about you tonight,” he mumbles against my hair.

  “I’m sorry, I’m fine,” I squeeze him. I need this, I need him and the comfort he brings and that’s a scary thing for me. What’s worse is that I feel safe with him. I don’t feel like I have to constantly look over my shoulder. I don’t feel like I have to hide or fear the unknown, but I can’t feel that way. It’s how people die. Those feelings will just make it harder when I have to leave… and I will have to leave him. I squeeze him a little bit har
der as that thought lingers in my mind.

  “Where did you go there, Liz?” He whispers softly, pushing me away from his body.

  “Nowhere, I’m here with you.” I force a smile.

  He stands up straight and squares his shoulders. His eyes narrow as he stares at me and I almost wither under his glare. It’s his Dom glare and dammit if it isn’t the most intimidating look I’ve ever received.

  Fuck. I need to say something. At least to deter this line of questioning.

  “I was just thinking about Izzy, and wondering if she was okay,” I murmur softly.

  He stares at me and I try to make my face a blank canvas. I can tell that he isn’t falling for it, but I’m not ready to have this conversation yet. I need to think of something quick.

  “Okay, look we don’t do this,” I gesture.

  “What do you mean?” he asks confused.

  “You and me. This. Here.”

  “I’m going to need more Pet.”

  I take a breath, “We’ve been strictly a club couple. Yeah, we text outside the club, but we don’t do this.” I pause to gesture the air between us. “This face to face thing, dates, spending the night with one another, hanging out with friends. We haven’t even talked about it. So, what’s the protocol, because I’m at a bit of a loss here? Am I your sub here, even though we both said we weren’t ready to take things to the next level?”

  “This is a special circumstance, don’t you think?” He asks as he spins me around and pushes me against the door.

  “Yes, I suppose it is.”

  “Do you think that just because we’re a ‘club couple,’ as you say, that I can’t care for you as well? That just because we have a D/s relationship at the club that I just turn off any affection I feel for you the minute you walk away?”

  I look down, my face brightening, “No, Sir.”

  He lifts my chin, “Love, you can’t stop me from caring about you. Whether you like it or not, you and I have a bond. You don’t do the things we do and not connect to one another and if you don’t then you’re doing something wrong. As far as tonight, we’re just us. If you need me to be your Dom, then I will. If not we’ll just be a couple, two people enjoying one another’s company. We don’t have to label it right now. But I’ll tell you this, I don’t race over to someone’s homes for people I don’t care about. I don’t feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest for people I don’t care about. I sure as hell, don’t feel like locking people in a room and never letting them out of my sight if I don’t care about them. Since you managed to evoke all three of those feelings in me tonight, you can pretty much bet that I care about you.”

  I stare at him dumbfounded. “It’s dangerous for you to care,” I whisper, letting the admission slip.

  It feels like his eyes are penetrating my soul as he stares at me, the flecks of color in his eyes changing as he looks back at me, “I don’t care.”

  He leans in, places his hands on my cheeks and touches his lips on mine.

  Chapter 2


  Why is it so dark? My ears are ringing and my eyes are so heavy. I feel like I can’t open them. My whole face is throbbing. I’m trying to sort through the pain and the noises and I hear a faint noise above the ringing.

  “Fuck you bitch. You should have just stayed in the fucking bedroom, why in the hell did you follow me.”

  It sounds like Jared. Like he’s talking to himself. He sounds so… angry. Then I feel a kick to my ribs and stomach. I think I moan, but I’m not sure.

  “Come on Izzy, wake up. I know you can hear me, wake up. I didn’t even hit you that hard,” he snarls.

  He sounds like he’s close to my face. My body is aching and all I want to do is drift away, instead I keep trying to force my eyes to open.

  “There you go, there’s my fighter. I see your eyes fluttering. Come on and show me those brown eyes.”

  I fucking hate him. I keep struggling and finally I see a glimpse of light. I hate myself more for letting it get to this point. It’s so bright, why is it so bright?

  “Ahh there you are. Stop over-acting and just open your god-damn eyes,” he yells at my face.

  I shrink back and open my eyes.

  “Well, hello there brown eyes. I just want to make sure you’re awake and fully comprehend that we are done. There is no more us. No more together forever. I’ll be sending you the divorce papers. When you get them you will sign them without putting up a fight. As a little refresher, I want you out of my fucking house. If you need money fucking take it, but stay the hell away from me. Understood?”

  My throat is so sore and I feel like I can barely breathe, but I manage to squeak out, “Fuck you.”

  He gets an evil grin across his face, stands up and gives me another kick to the ribs that has me coughing and clutching my stomach.

  “Oh, by the way, I took the liberty of telling your little girl friend that you were fine and to not bother coming over until the morning.” He grins, drops my phone in front of me, picks up his suitcase and heads to the door and I watch as the past eight years of my life walk out the door.

  My sobs come quick and are uncontrollable. My physical pain is blinding but the emotional pain just overwhelms me. I’m crying for my stupidity, for love lost, for the pain in my body and the pain in my heart. I have no idea how long I cried on the floor for, it seems like hours and finally the sobs begin to subside. I know I have to try moving but I’m afraid to. Afraid of the pain any movement will bring.

  I try and stretch my legs. There’s pain, but it’s not too bad. I move my lower back so I can straighten my body out and scream in pain, which leads to a coughing fit. As I pull my hand away from my mouth I notice a little bit of blood. Fuck. That can’t be good.

  I push through the pain and straighten my body. The pain radiates through my chest, back and stomach and my head is still pounding. I know what I should do, what I have to do, but as I stare at my phone, I struggle to hit the buttons. I’m not ready to admit what a fool I’ve been, but I don’t think I have a choice.

  I hit dial, it rings two times.

  “Izzy, what’s wrong? Where are you?”

  I start to cry.

  Chapter 3


  He doesn’t kiss me forcefully, his lips are soft and coaxing as he teases my lips. I love the way that he kisses me. I could live off those kisses. Okay, not literally, but damn his kisses are just all consuming. My hands slide up his chest and around his neck as my hands find his chocolate brown hair. I let my fingers wander through the soft strands and grab on.

  I feel his hands slide from cheeks to my hips. I open my mouth slightly and he takes advantage of the opportunity to plunge his tongue into my mouth. In that moment, he owns my body. His tongue swirls and dances with mine. He caresses my mouth, inside and out, as his hands clench tightly against my hips.

  I need him. I need him to make me forget. I need him to make me feel alive. I need him because he makes me feel safe. All of those things, terrify me. I have never needed anyone, ever. I never wanted to because I know what the repercussions are, heartbreak, loneliness and death. But in this moment, there’s nothing that I want more than to let it all go and just feel.

  I feel as hands slide to my ass and moan softly into his mouth. He pulls away, and puts his head against mine.

  “Jump,” He whispers.

  I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist as his hands cup and knead my ass. He stares into my eyes as he turns around and walks us to the bed and slowly lowers me down. My back hits the mattress as he leans over me, our eyes never breaking contact.

  “Tonight, it’s just you and me. Whatever happens and however it happens, is fine. Just relax and let everything go. For tonight, just let me take care of you.”

  I let his words slip over me, and hesitantly nod my acceptance.

  He leans down, sticks out his tongue and licks my lips. I smile and nip at his tongue. His eyes start to sparkle and he presses his lips back to
mine. My hands lift off the bed and travel over his back. His lips leave mine and make their way slowly to my neck as he nips, licks and caresses my skin. I moan and my hands slide under his shirt, desperately seeking skin. I lift my body up to his trying to get more friction. I need to feel his skin on top of mine. He bites my neck softly and I gasp.

  “Fuck. That’s not fair.”

  I feel him grin against my neck, “What’s not fair?”

  I moan.

  “Hmm? I didn’t get that baby. What’s. Not. Fair,” He punctuates each word with a light bite to my neck and shoulder.

  “You. This. You know how to work my sweet spots,” I say breathily.

  “Maybe I should try another spot then,” he says as his lips trail to my collar bone.

  As I surrender myself to his touch, my phone begins to blare See You Again.

  “Shit!” I push Ryker away, “That’s Izzy’s ringtone!”

  He jumps off of me and I race to the dresser to grab my phone.

  “Izzy, what’s wrong? Where are you?” I ask my voice laced with worry.

  All I can hear is crying on the other end.

  “Izzy, please talk to me. I can help you.”

  I look up at Ryker concern covering my face.

  What’s wrong, he mouths.

  I move the phone away from my mouth, “I don’t know. She’s just crying, I can’t get her to talk.”

  He holds out his hand and I reluctantly hand over the phone.


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