Love Unfortunate

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by Claudia D. Christian

  Love Unfortunate

  A Miserable Love Story

  Claudia D. Christian

  Published By Delsin Publishing, LLC

  Cover image by Marija Ivanisevic

  Cover design by CGM Web Designs

  Love Unfortunate

  Copyright © 2010 by Claudia D. Christian

  All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the author. The author assumes no liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover image by Marija Ivanisevic

  Cover design by CGM Web Designs


  A single tear snaked down her cheek. The pale-faced woman brushed it away listlessly. Nightmares became spikes designed to tear into her paper-thin flesh. Memories, ancient and new, melded into a macabre dream book. The ink crimson, the text reprehensible, it told part of a perverse tale.

  * * * *

  Soft, chubby fingers clutched at the rotting counterpane. The little pixie-faced girl climbed onto the enormous bed, one that had witnessed her conception, birth, and now life. Careful not to touch the lush hills and valley hiding beneath velvet and down, she gazed at the exquisite summit.

  "So pretty." The innocent words disturbed the motes swirling about like dispossessed souls. "So very pretty." Rapturous euphoria made the child’s mind buzz. Falling into temptation, she reached out to touch a softly rounded breast.

  She immediately snatched her hand away with a whimper. She scooted back, nearly to the edge. Stuffing raw fingers into her mouth, the little girl suckled them much as she wished she could her mother’s breast.

  The woman lying there now burned with coldness. Although smooth, every facet of her perfect countenance promised retribution for daring to touch where unwanted.

  "I’m sorry," the girl whispered.

  "It’s not enough."

  A voice droned in her tiny ears. She gasped and her gaze darted fearfully. She slid off the bed, tearing several silken threads in her haste.

  "You’ll pay."


  "No, I’m not your mother."

  Immediately, she sought the comfort of her sleeping sibling. Wrapping her arms around his thin chest, she buried her head beneath his pointed chin.

  "I am you. You are me. We destroy the sons of God. We shred them apart—make them do our will. We defile the pure, annihilate the weak."

  "I don’t want to," the poor creature moaned.

  "But you will, Liana. You will."

  "Yes, little bird. You will rip out my heart and devour it slowly."

  She looked up from her huddled position. A beautiful man crouched a few feet away. "Who are you?"

  Silver flame reflected a woman’s perfection. "Your sin."

  "Who is looking out at me?"


  The little girl touched her face and found it to feel just like her mother’s. Wonder had no time to develop for suddenly her arms lay empty. "My brother! He’s gone!"

  "Of course he is," the handsome stranger replied in detached amusement. "And I am here. I have something for you, little bird." Without another word, he reached into his pale chest.

  Her shrill screams haunted the room as the man pulled out a disgusting mass of veins, muscle, and flesh. "Here," he offered with a pained smile. "Taste my suffering."

  * * * *

  She rubbed her eyes, weary of fighting the cords threatening to tie her down into misery.

  "It always comes to me on this day. Always."

  Dreams and memories meant nothing and everything to Liana. They spoke to her in strangled whispers. They marked a seductive madness running swiftly through her veins.

  Soon Liana would talk to her dream and this time she would make the ending different.

  An hour. Maybe less. Maybe more.

  The broken thoughts forced her gaze to slide to the barred door. Rigid lines of wood and iron mocked her.

  How long has it been? How long have I been locked in this room?

  Her question meant nothing. Liana already knew the answer because it was always the same.

  Twenty days.

  Memories of the world beyond her cage disintegrated.

  "Taste my suffering."

  More tears seeped into Liana’s dark hairline. A few slid across her chin, splattering onto the sheets. The noise assaulted her ears. She imagined her tears sounded like dripping blood.

  Liana shifted. A grimace tightened her colorless mouth. Although ebony sheets of the softest linen lay across Liana’s naked limbs, they felt like sand. She brought her knees up and winced as pain burned between her thighs.

  Scattered all over her body, several fresh scrapes overlapped old ones. Deep punctures wounded Liana’s breasts, thighs, and arms. Their horrible presence depicted a tapestry of depraved pleasure.

  * * * *

  "I can’t bear it!" The hoarse cries spilled from her bruised lips as a giddy offering.

  "Yes, you can," he answered with chilling arousal. "You can and you will bear it for me."

  Splayed beneath him, Liana whimpered as his lean hips ground against hers. "My lord…"

  He threw back his head and growled with pleasure. "I love hearing you say that. Say it again."

  "My lord…my lord…please." Liana’s legs fell away from his waist, exhausted from the incredible strain of holding him so tightly.


  "My lord…" The world grew smaller as he started thrusting harder and harder.


  "My lord…more…ah!"

  * * * *

  Liana touched a particularly vicious cut on her abdomen and hissed. Reaching up, she ran her fingers over the scabs encrusting her neck.

  Almost healed but it doesn’t matter. I’m happiest when they get ripped open again.

  She braved shifting positions once more. Mist swirled about the edges of her vision. Not waiting until it subsided, Liana gritted her teeth and moved again, albeit gingerly.

  A mangled growl seeped from Liana’s throat.

  Please make it right this time. Please.

  The agony continued to intensify and it became bitterly clear.

  God’s ears were closed to her.

  Liana moaned in black anguish. Her prayers mutated into venomous curses.

  No matter what I do, it ends like this. How can I change my fate? How can I make tonight different?

  A murder of crows flew by, startling Liana out of miserable turmoil. Their raucous chatter warned of what her raw core already knew. Liana’s moans ceased abruptly and the tears ran dry. She eyed the lone window. Terrible longing stained her vivid green irises. Night was coming.

  So was Laurent.

  Voracious hunger stirred inside her veins. Liana embraced it with desperate conviction. Her flesh crawled with the exquisite memory of his tainted touch. Color returned to Liana’s pale cheeks and the sharp note of hunger altered its melody—becoming something more torturous than before.

  Soon he’ll be here, but by tomorrow will he still?

  The thoughts crowding her consciousness left Liana naked in spirit. She eyed the chests lining the stone walls. They lay empty of clothing or possessions alike.

  Once given to her in contempt, the trunks now stood as a constant reminder of who and what Liana had become.

  * * * *

  "What are you doing? Answer me!" Panic laced her veins, banishing all signs of lethargy.

/>   "Go back to sleep, little bird. You need it." The black smile he flashed matched his tousled hair perfectly.

  "That’s not what I asked you!"

  Displeasure tightened the line of Laurent’s now-flawless jaw. "I’m just ensuring your safety and comfort."

  "Stop it."

  Laurent’s movements never faltered, nor did his hands show mercy. Newly-developed claws shredded through the voluminous skirts, brightly colored undershirts, and heavy overdresses. When finished with one pile, Laurent began on the next.

  Horror overtook Liana as she watched the methodical destruction. Springing up from her musty bed, Liana ran to him and grabbed the trailing end of an endangered skirt. "You can’t do this!" she shrieked while pulling back. "Stop it!"

  Laurent’s emotionless stare flicked to her hand.

  Despite Liana’s fear, she forced herself to keep his unnatural silver gaze. "You can’t take them away."

  "Why? Who could you possibly see that would require clothing?"

  Liana scented danger and changed tactics. Her voice became reasonable and placating. "You can’t keep me in this tower forever. You’ll let me out eventually."

  "You think so?"

  His lazy smile cracked her brave façade. "Don’t take them away, Laurent. Let me have something to wear. Please!"

  "No." With insulting ease, he sliced through the soft fabric.

  Tears filled her eyes as a pitiful scrap of violet cloth fluttered from her hand. "Why are you doing this? Why?!"

  "You know why."

  "No, I don’t!" Liana wanted to wail her misery. He wasn’t the kind soul who had found her along the riverbank one month prior. He wasn’t the same boy who had gifted her with his innocence four days before. He wasn’t the man who had sworn to live his life with her one day after.

  That one was dead and this damnable creature now stood in his place.

  She hated him. She wished she could destroy him. She wished she could destroy herself.

  "Control your anger, little bird. Control it before it causes us both grief."

  Liana’s face mimicked ice. The cold, smooth surface didn’t betray the helplessness running rampant in her heart. "There’s no point in this, Laurent."

  "Of course there is. You’ll leave." A dangerous grin tweaked his pallid lips. "I won’t let that happen." Laurent’s pleasant response seemed obscene in the midst of his violent hands. Finally finished shredding her clothes beyond repair, he picked up the scraps and threw them out the narrow window.

  Liana’s shoulders sagged. Sharp gasps tormented her lungs. The urge to weep picked away at her heart. Liana fixed her gaze upon him and wished she hadn’t.

  Framed against the night sky, Laurent’s lean body reminded her of what was forever lost. She DID hate him. She DID wish she could destroy him. But most of all, Liana wished they could go back to the way things were.

  Why couldn’t I stop this?

  "Now, go to sleep. I’ll be back again tonight." Laurent barely glanced in her direction as he strode out the room.

  "And the sheets? Blankets? Will you take them too?"

  Don’t leave me. Please.

  He stopped at the door. "No."

  "Why not? I could wrap myself in them and find a way to walk out of here!" she pointed out snidely, angered with her detestable weakness.

  I SHOULD want him to leave.

  Laurent turned. He answered with a tiny smile. "You could."

  "I will!"

  The gentle façade vanished. Ruthless cruelty took its place. "You won’t."

  "Why not?"

  Coming towards his wife, Laurent gave no answer.

  Only a smile.

  * * * *

  The faint odor of urine tainted the air. Liana felt humiliated.

  I couldn’t control myself. It just came out.

  Instead of being disgusted, Laurent had simply laughed. And after the laugher, nightmarish gratification had taken over. Thick, sweet, acrid…nauseating. Liana saw herself greedily gulping it down, swallowing every bit of demented passion.

  It’s too much. I’m weakening. Eventually I’m going to break. Then what will happen to him?

  Therein lay Liana’s strength and torment.

  You keep me here, locked away, not knowing I do the same to you. So which of us is the monster?

  Her cage, her prison, wasn’t made of stones and iron. The pain tearing her apart, piece by piece, wasn’t the present circumstance of captivity. The tower meant less than nothing to Liana.

  Her agony was something else entirely.

  It’s all my fault. I should’ve never tried to manipulate Laurent. I should’ve known this would happen.

  Liana did know. She knew and didn’t care enough to change her course.

  And now we’re both paying the price.

  Beneath her fragile façade lay a busy demon—one tirelessly carving a jagged hole in Liana’s conscience and heart. Known as Blame, it had burrowed its way deep inside, branding her with every breath she took, every dream she tainted.

  My fault. It’s my fault. All of it.

  Blame possessed an addictive quality for Liana. It tempted her to accept wretchedness while giving despair beautiful purpose. It wrecked, tempered, destroyed, and renovated. Blame amalgamated truth and lie, keeping Liana in black obsession.

  Tonight will be different.

  Night descended and the air turned cold. Sounds of castle life ceased, leaving Liana completely alone. Sprawled on her back, legs open with wanton need, she felt her world shrink. It became a void where sadness, regret, and misery retreated.


  Liana’s limbs trembled with manic anticipation. She wondered at what familiar torments Laurent would devise for their mutual pleasure.

  Restraints? Asphyxiation? Gentle, normal lovemaking?

  Liana didn’t have to wonder for long. First came the scrape of metal. Inanimate groans spiced the air before footsteps whispered across cold stone. Liana grimaced in a travesty of excitement as the cloying smell of scented water hit her overwrought senses.

  "I’ve missed you." Cool hands lifted Liana from the bed. "Have you missed me too?"

  She linked her arms around his neck, too anxious to do more than murmur, "Yes, Laurent."

  "Good." A gentle kiss brushed across her damp temple. Laurent’s tongue snaked out in a delicate caress. "You’ve been crying," he accused while setting her on her feet.

  "Yes." The air grew heavy, stretching Liana’s nerves unmercifully. She rubbed her cheek against his chest. Liana felt his hands rake across her back and trembled like prey.

  Laurent’s whisper fell like decaying petals before the wind. "There’ll be time for tears later." Despite the softness, his tone brooked no room for disobedience. "Not now."

  "I know." Nestled against his cold body, she felt her own come to life. Heat seared her naked breasts and stickiness dampened her plump thighs.

  "Later. Yes?"

  Laurent’s voice tickled her ear and the dulcet tones became a carnal torture in itself. "Later, Laurent."

  * * * *

  "Why are you crying?"

  She hastily wiped her eyes. "I’m not crying." Belligerence gave way to embarrassing grief. "Don’t mind my childishness. It’ll pass."

  Laurent reached above her head and plucked an apple. Crouching down in front of Liana, he took the hem of his tunic and polished the ruby skin. Once finished, he extended his arm and murmured, "Here."

  "I don’t want it." Although not stated unkindly, her rebuff remained all too obvious.

  Instead of being deterred, Laurent offered his gift again. "Please take it. You’ll never find another so sweet."

  Liana bit her lip in a vain effort to keep her heartache from pouring out. Although she knew running away from her life would carry consequences, Liana never expected fear to be one of them.

  How can I survive on my own? But how can I go back?

  "Take it. I promise you’ll feel better."

  Liana opened her mouth to r
efuse when she chanced looking into his eyes. Benevolence and empathy burned within.


  Her tears subsided and Liana once more found herself moved by the living enigma before her. She reached for the apple. "Why are you so kind to me?"

  Laurent’s glance thought his knee fascinating. "Because I could never bear to cause sorrow or harm to another."


  "Because I know what it’s like to cry." He stated his feelings without shame or hesitation.

  Something lurched inside Liana.

  "Thank you."

  * * * *

  Liana pressed her parched mouth against his. Thirsty beyond redemption, she moaned with abandonment as Laurent’s tongue filled her.


  Passion possessed Liana. She was dying, drowning, sinking into an abyss of shameless lust. Old wounds and burning aches meant nothing. Nothing mattered except the crimson beast panting in her veins.

  "For you, for me…"

  Liana sank her teeth deep into his bottom lip. Laurent hissed before responding in kind. Hot rivulets slid down her chin, painting her throat with obscene beauty. Liana laughed deliriously.

  "I want more from you. Kiss me harder. Harder, Laurent."

  He moaned her name in charming distress. Fresh pain became an exquisite prelude to enthralling pleasure. Laurent knew her depravity, even if he didn’t understand its origins. His tongue probed the jagged tears, deepening them and calling forth more blood.

  Liana’s blunt nails dug into her lover’s pale flesh and for exceptional moments, she rejoiced in what she was. What she always came to be.

  "They’ll be there…"

  His words poured into Liana’s avaricious mouth. Her instincts disconnected her from everything except anticipation.

  "Do you hear me, little bird?"

  "Yes," she sighed between hungry kisses. "I hear only you."

  Laurent’s arms squeezed her tightly before pulling away. He swallowed once and admitted, "Tears…they’ll be there for me as well, Liana."

  Passion evaporated, leaving her adrift.

  "I miss you so much, Liana."

  His name traveled on her breath and craving blossomed in her mouth.


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