Hidden (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 2)

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Hidden (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 2) Page 2

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “Hey, it’s okay! He’s in the other room, playing ball with Nancy. I thought she could distract him while we patch up that arm,” he said full of guilt for drawing such emotion so quickly. He noticed how on edge she was with Jax, and made a note to be more considerate of that hot button. Something must have happened. It wasn’t typical “mom fear”, it was something greater. He was determined to figure out what that was.

  Surprise crossed Megan’s face at the mention of a woman’s name. Of course there was a woman there, why wouldn’t there be, look at him. It made sense now. The home décor, tidiness…Colton had a live-in girlfriend. That thought should have offered relief and a really good excuse to keep her distance, but it didn’t. It wrangled up something more like jealousy, which pissed her off. There isn’t any reason to be jealous. Even if he was available, she couldn’t explore any kind of relationship with him.

  “So, how long have you been dating?” She asked nonchalantly.

  “Dating who? I don’t have a girlfriend.” He gave her a funny look of amusement while he began to clean her wound.

  Squinting at the sting, she offered an assuming statement rather than a question, “Oh, you have a roommate.”

  “Nnnno, no roommate.” His smug grin stung as much as the wound on her arm.

  Megan was annoyed by the relief his two admissions granted. Shit, she was in trouble, she thought. She sat in silence for a moment trying to decide how to gage just who Nancy was to him.

  “No girlfriend, no roommate, no family to speak of. Just me and my pets. They’re my family.”

  He finished bandaging her up in silence, enjoying the direction her inquiry was leaning. If he didn’t know better, she had been jealous at the thought of a woman living there, and relieved that he was as available as the air she breathed. This day may end in his favor after all.

  As if she knew her presence was needed to solve the mystery at hand, in walked Nancy, Jax in tow, just as Colton applied the final strip of tape to the bandage. “Good timing…Nancy! I want you to meet Megan.”

  The snorting, one eyed, white English bulldog walked over to Megan for a hello sniff that earned her a timid pet from their guest. Megan began to giggle, eventually erupting into a tear jerking laugh. “That’s Nancy?”

  “Dog!” Jax said, firm grip on Nancy’s collar.

  “Yep, buddy, that’s a dog alright! Nancy…is a dog!” More laughter poured out as Meg felt the overall silliness of the past several minutes.

  “I thought she was like…a…live innnn…” she paused to choose her words carefully, “girl.”

  “A live in girl?” Boom, he was right; she had assumed the worst and had been jealous. A new wave of confidence rolled through him.

  “Yeah, I mean look at your place. Look at you…you’re…” she paused with an oh shit look on her face, she was about to show her hand, “a nice guy.”

  Pleased with her quick save, she was hopeful he didn’t catch on to her blushing cheeks and heavier breathing. This man was oh so bad for her, and he was single. There was that tingle again.

  Jax joined in on the laughter and his excitement had him tugging on Nancy’s collar and yelling, “Dog!” over and over again.

  “Honey, don’t pull on her like that. You’ll hurt her…gentle buddy,” she said, moving her hand over his to show him how to handle his new friend.

  “Nancy’s okay. She’s as gentle as they come. If she doesn’t like something she just leaves, but that rarely happens. She’s a nurturer, very motherly.”


  “Yeah, she was left behind by a family that had left her locked in the house. She lost her eye trying to find a way out. Lost a whole litter of pups. Now she takes care of everyone, she’s our little mama around here,” he said, giving her praise worthy scratch of the ears.

  “That’s a horrible story! Just horrible!” Megan said in shock.

  “It is, people do really dumb shit, but she is here now, and happy! She has a…gas…issue, but we overlook it, don’t we Nance?”

  Megan began to laugh at the odd, yet warming afternoon she was spending with her new friend and his critters, stinky as they were. He was making it hard to keep him in the friend zone with all of his charming ways, but she would fight the temptation he offered. Nancy may have fallen under his spell, but Megan was a step ahead of him and in full armor.

  Colton recognized that he had been holding Megan’s arm, and now hand, for some time. The realization spread quickly and they both found themselves speechless and unable to let go. The silence between them was deafening and their locked eyes were creating a sweat worthy heat that was laced in undeniable desire. The spell was broken when a large German Shepherd entered the room and sat in front of Megan, holding a mewing kitten by the nape of its neck, in his mouth.

  She jumped, startled by yet another animal and stated the obvious, “That’s not Nancy! Oh my God, it’s eating a kitten!! Do something!!! Oh no, where’s his other leg?” She shouted as she leaned back in her chair attempting to distance herself from the cat-eating monster.

  Colton laughed again, finding her antics amusing. She clearly had little to no experience with animals. “That’s Duke. He only has three legs, but it doesn’t slow him down.”

  Duke laid the tiny kitten in her lap while he sat at her feet. She scooped up the tiny ball of fur and held it close, inspecting it for any sign of harm. The small sounds and rooting nose promptly flooded her heart with warm fluttery feelings that were unfamiliar to her.

  “That means it’s feeding time again. If Nancy isn’t around when they begin to cry, this ol’ boy panics and brings them to me, one by one,” Colton said, nodding to the nuzzling kitten.

  “Aww, that is very sweet. Why does he need Nancy?”

  “Oh, they’re a stray litter. Found them on a hike a few days back. Coyote probably got mom.”

  “Oh my God. That is awful. What is it with you and animals with a devastating back-story? Rambo, Nancy, and Duke…now this poor sweet kitten?” Her eyes began to water at the thought of what happened to its mother. What on earth was happening to her? They were animals for crap’s sake!

  “Can you carry Whiskers there, and I’ll grab these.” He went to grab the large stack of bowls from the mudroom counter, but Megan took off at a dead run when she heard the front screen door open and close, followed by far away giggles.


  Chapter 3

  Before Colton could calm or warn her, she made her way through the front screen door to the expansive wrap-around porch. She found Jax sitting smack dab in front of the biggest behemoth of an animal with dark, serious eyes pinned on her tiny nephew. She rushed to him, putting herself between the beast and Jax. Now she was the focus of the dark eyed, pointy eared, gray monstrosity of a dog, so steely it almost made her wet her pants.

  She looked adorable, and maybe a little ridiculous in his oversized sweatpants and shirt. She guarded Jax, one arm straight out in front of her, legs planted firmly, but apart, kitten in her other hand raised above her head. Baby boys and kittens were not on the appetizer menu today, if she could help it.

  Colton had a few endearing thoughts followed by a few that were naughty, before her words brought him back to present.

  “What the hell is it? What do I do? What do I do?” She hollered as if in battle.

  She heard the cries of the tiny kitten again, only in unison this time. She scanned the expansive porch that reached either end of the house, each end flanked with a porch swing. Then she saw the dark stained rocking chairs with a basket placed between them, under a small table. More kittens. Megan ducked her head, confusion crossed her furrowed brow, and Nancy was in the basket of kittens, nuzzling them. Duke was perched to her far right, then a black and white dog, and finally Rambo.

  Her gaze reverted to the black and white dog. It wasn’t a dog at all; it was a one-horned goat with crossed eyes. “Baaaaahaha.”

  Relaxing in her battle stance, she eased back from her oversized nemesis and
looked to Colton with a wide-eyed what the hell look. At second look, she could see each of the animals had the same tilt to their head and the same what the hell look pinned on her.

  “So you met big boy Boss! He’s our gentle giant.”

  “Boss? Of course…Boss.” Her tone full of snark. Anything that big deserved the name Boss.

  Colton lined the bowls up against the front porch railing in order of size, largest to smallest. His pets waited patiently, waiting for the magic words. When he said eat up they each made their way to their designated bowl, also in size order. The largest bowl was vacant, and big ol’ Boss was still front and center, watching her every move.

  “What’s going on here? Wha-what is he doing? Why isn’t he eating?” She stuttered.

  “He hasn’t been told to yet.” Colton walked to where Megan was standing and made a quick hand gesture that prompted Boss to find his vacant bowl and eat.

  “Hasn’t been…he’s deaf? Of course you have a deaf dog. What’s the goat’s story?” She was really intrigued now; this guy was a real friggin’ Dr. Doolittle. The row of furry, feathery fannies was now complete.

  “Oh Doug? Their stories are similar to the others. I take the animals nobody wants. The animals they think are damaged.”

  “Wow, that’s very admirable.” As if he couldn’t get any more perfect, he nailed her with his own heart-wrenching story.

  “I don’t know about admirable. I just understand them. I grew up in the system, the kid nobody wanted, so I give them all a home.”

  And there it was, the final nail in the coffin where her resistance to his charm and sexy rested. This man was incredible. Tears welled, and heart pinched at the thought of a lonely orphaned Colton. How could anyone not want him? He wasn’t like anyone she had ever met. She wanted him, even if she couldn’t have him.

  He motioned for her to take a seat on one of the rocking chairs, which she did. He set down the plate of cookies from the dining room table, giving one to Jax with her permission. Then he pulled two tiny bottles from his pocket and handed one to her, keeping one for himself. She gave him a puzzled look before watching him pick up a kitten and begin to feed it. Picking up on his cue, she followed his lead, and fed her little furry friend.

  They sat long beyond the kitten feeding, sharing stories and enjoying each other’s company. Colton filled her in on Boss being their deaf, gentle giant that has seizures, and Doug the goat’s special affections for his partner in crime, Nancy. Boss had found the kittens on their hike, no more than a few hours old.

  They made sandwiches and talked about her limited experience with animals. It began and ended with purse-sized pups that her friends toted around as accessories. Amused by his brood, she joked that they were like a really small gang, all looking out for and taking care of each other. She loved their closeness, despite their varying differences. She had a feeling that was because of him.

  The conversation was light and pleasant before it turned a bit more serious, having shared his every detail from his orphan status to orphaned animal whisperer status. He wanted to know more about Megan. After hours of conversation, he knew very little about her.

  “So tell me your story, Megan Johnson. We’ve been talking about me all night; I’m starting to think you like me.” He teased with a wiggle of his brow.

  Her relaxed body language tensed at his question. She didn’t like talking about her past, or the story she wanted people to know anyway. She also didn’t like that he was on to something, she did like him. But, both issues needed to remain vague for everyone’s sake.

  “Well, you know where I live,” she joked, nodding to her house in the distance.

  She winked at him, remembering how they met, “You also know I own Blooming Grounds, the perfect mix of florist and barista!”

  “I’m from New York, originally. My sister passed away in a car accident with her husband last year. That’s how that sweet boy ended up with me.” She paused, carefully considering how much or little to tell as not to raise suspicion. “I wanted a different life for us, a fresh start, simplicity. We ended up here in McKenzie Ridge.”

  She stalled before saying, “A friend told me about it. It sounded perfect, the simple life I was looking for.”

  She smiled, remembering her sister, and the life she had before devastation struck. Her life took a dramatic turn the night her sister had left them. Her heart ached thinking about Jax growing up without her and all that Lydia was missing.

  “I’m sorry. It sounds like you two were close,” he said with a soft voice sympathetic.

  She smiled and snorted a laugh. “We were. Very close. I see her in him every day, so I suppose it could be worse, I could have none of her at all.”

  “You’re very good with him, he obviously adores you.”

  “Oh it wasn’t always like this! I didn’t grow up around kids, never babysat. One day, without warning, I have this baby that I’m putting diapers on backward, and learning the hard way that babies don’t drink chocolate milk. Oh, and with boys, you better get that new diaper over him fast and hope there isn’t a draft.” She laughed again at how far they had really come; she had so many nights flooded in tears trying to figure out how to be a mom overnight and without a single person to call for help.

  “Now who’s admirable?” Sincerity in every word.

  “I don’t know about admirable!” She said, turning his words back on him. “It’s all worth it, he’s worth it.”

  “Well, I think you’re both pretty terrific,” He said looking down at the small boy sleeping in his arms.

  They sat for a while longer, watching the sun set behind the hills and peaks in the west. Animals were scattered about their feet with the exception of Rambo who kept watch over the compound. Colton appreciated her opening up to him, but sensed a sadness about her beyond the loss of her sister. There was a mystery there, and he wanted to solve it and find his way into her heart. She was special.

  Chapter 4

  The following morning, Megan started her day at the shop she had purchased shortly after finding her way to McKenzie Ridge. Blooming Grounds sat in the heart of Main Street, on the North side, and it was well known for its quirky combination. It provided the town’s only florist, but also served as a coffee shop full of morning pastries and light afternoon lunches. Nothing made flower shopping more pleasant than the aroma of freshly brewed local coffee, or having a cup of joe amongst fragrant fresh blooms.

  Fairly new to McKenzie, she was in love. It was a small mountain town nestled in the Pacific Cascade Mountains of Oregon. It’s breathtaking Pacific Northwest beauty and ample outdoor activities made it an appealing tourist attraction year round. McKenzie’s Main Street had a rustic charm, full of unique shops, delicious eateries, and an array of other things to explore.

  It was the perfect place to settle down, for now, different from the glamorous, high society, socialite life she abruptly abandoned nine months prior.

  The simple life of small town living was anything but simple, it was damn hard! Although its charm was appealing to her, it didn’t boast the amenities she was accustomed to—her idea of a spa, and what resided in Lumberjack nation were two completely different things.

  Shopping was plentiful in McKenzie, if you were looking for antler chandeliers, coonskin hats, and of course flannel. There was zero purpose for Christian Louboutin and Jimmy Choo in her new world, and you wouldn’t find Louis or Jimmy for miles and miles. She settled for blue-collar jeans that actually did wonders for her ass—not bad for forty dollars, Ugg-style boots, and of course the occasional fur vest and flannel.

  She was trying to blend in, even bought drug store makeup and wore her hair in a messy bun. Gone were her days of Mac, Prada, and Barneys, here were the days of simplicity and becoming Megan Johnson.

  She was lost in thought, recalling the previous night with Colton and his furry and feathered clan. He walked her home after sunset, carrying a sleeping Jax. The dogs and goat followed, Rambo manned the fort until th
eir return.

  He was so good with Jax, such a kind soul, and easy on the eyes. Electricity sparked when his arms brushed hers, handing her the tiny tot. He gave her goose bumps and made her warm in all the right places. Unfortunately, they couldn’t explore those feelings, she could leave at any time…today or 10 years from now—there was no way to know. It wouldn’t be fair to drag Colton into her mess.

  She could dream about it though, and welcomed those dreams each night. Colton was on shift at the House the next several days, which was probably a good thing. The House, as it was called, held Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical. She was the only one from the tight group of friends that didn’t work at the House or hospital. They all tended to work the same shifts allowing them to work together as well as play together. She was happy to be a part of the family-like group, even if it meant seeing a lot of Colton.

  Megan had struggled for months to keep Colton out of her mind, a mighty feat with him living within view. After last evening, the task of maintaining the “no sparks for Sparks” campaign was bordering impossible. If he were home, it would be far too easy to wander down to those rowdy geese and one duck, with a bag of bread hanging from her back pocket again. He invited her back, anytime, to “help with the kittens”. He was too tempting and she wasn’t above using orphaned kittens as an excuse to visit.


  She spent the next few days prepping for Blooming Grounds’ first wine tasting. She loved Blooming Grounds. It was sweet, charming even. It had a uniqueness that set it apart from other shops in town, with the coffee shop included. She wanted to put her mark on it, however, as the new owner, to offer sophistication and something new, a taste of the old her.

  Breweries and distilleries were a popular culture in the area; it was part of the tourist attraction. The wine industry was beginning to feel Oregon’s mark on it as well. There was something about the cool mountain weather and mineral bearing spring water that provided a harvest unlike any other.


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