Hidden (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 2)

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Hidden (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 2) Page 4

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  The upset driver that hit the mystery man was tended to by Morgan while Jessie cleared the sidewalk of gawkers. Evie stood above the scene, phone to ear, directing and updating dispatch, and Sam stood at Meg’s side, consoling her, wiping the tears she hadn’t even realized were there. It was like a sobering scene straight out of a movie. The only thing missing was the eerie music full of dramatic highs and lows to match the events as they unfolded.

  Megan stared at the man lying on the pavement, eyes locked on his gaze. He was staring back with a smile that sent chills down her spine. An unfamiliar sense of fear filtered through her. There was something familiar about him, something dark and icy. The swarming sensation filled her with dread and the need to run.

  Why did he have such a familiar look about him in a small town where she only knew a handful of people? He had been watching her from across the street; she noticed him just before he had moved her direction. He let out a brief chuckle that reeked of depravity as his eyes glazed over and he went blank. Tears stained her cheeks while her secret past began to haunt her where she stood.

  How could anyone have found her? She had been so careful. No, he must have been a tourist, late to the party. She’s safe here, she was impossible to find, all of her tracks were covered. This was just wine and a little paranoia.

  Blake noticed Megan’s reaction to the man and the man’s focus on her, before he took his final breath. Was this a case of shock on her part, and his final moments being at the feet of a pretty girl, or was there more? Something was nudging him toward the latter. He would find out, he always did when there was malice of any kind and this left an uneasy stench.

  The on duty paramedics continued where Dawson and Carigan had left off, giving every effort they had to save the stranger on their way to the hospital, even if it didn’t look good for the man. The street had been cleared and reopened to traffic as if nothing had transpired. Sitting inside Blooming Grounds, Megan couldn’t take her eyes off the street from where she sat.

  They tossed the last bottle of wine and cleared the table that had been the host of their joyful evening until the past hour. Shaken to her core, Megan was at a loss for words when she was startled by the eyes pinned on her by the group of friends standing in front of her.

  “You okay, Princess?” Jessie’s concern sincere even with the princess dig tossed in.

  “Oh, yeah. Just…wow, that was something else. Right?” She shook her head as if it would clear the images of the man and all that the past hour had held.

  “Honey, it’s okay to feel stunned. We are used to things like this in our lines of work,” Carigan offered with sympathy for her friend.

  “Yeah, this isn’t something we see every day, but we see it. If you need to talk about it, we’re here, okay?” Evie offered.

  “No, thank you, but I’m fine. It was just…a little shocking, that’s all.” She finished with a synthetic smile. She stood to hug them all goodbye and thank them for their help in her night’s success.

  Blake gave Colton a nod while hugging her goodbye, as if understanding why he was the last to leave. It was clear she was still shaken, and Blake, being Blake, didn’t miss a thing. Colton nodded back before giving the standard “bro” goodbye handshake as he made his way out the door. Colton appreciated his friend’s intuition and concern, but had already decided that he was taking her home, whether she wanted him to or not.

  Megan turned, startled by Colton still standing there. She quickly wiped at the tears that had finally won and made their way down her cheeks.

  “Oh, sorry! I thought you walked out with Blake. I don’t know why I am crying. I didn’t know the man. Too much wine and tired, I suppose.” She laughed off the emotions and gave a simple shrug and eye roll, annoyed with her own behavior.

  “Let me drive you home, Meg. We are practically going to the same place.”

  “Oh, Colton, I appreciate it, but…”

  He cut her off before she could deliver any excuses. He moved in closer placing his hands on either side of her waist, bending down so he was at eye level. “I’m not taking no for an answer sweetheart. What you saw tonight…was awful. You’re clearly shaken up and in no condition to drive. I’ll drive you home, and I’ll bring you back to town tomorrow morning for your car. We’ve had enough excitement for one night, we don’t need another accident.”

  As the man from the streets face wandered through her mind, taunting her, provoking a reaction she didn’t quite recognize, she finally caved. She nodded her head just as the tears started again and she hiccupped a quiet sob. He pulled her in and held her tight, comforting her, while she let out what had been stirring for the past hour.

  He rubbed her back, kissed the top of her head, and whispered sweet words of encouragement, “It’s okay honey, it’s over, I’ve got you,” he said. “You’re okay, darlin’, you’re safe.”

  He was right in one regard; he did have her, he had her good and tight and she didn’t want him to let go. His arms were strong and full of something she had never experienced—comfort, concern, and something else that she couldn’t quite put a finger on. He felt like home on a dark and stormy night, and she wanted to stay there forever.

  What he didn’t have right was that she was okay. Sure the sense of distress would pass when the wine completely wore off and she had a chance to reconcile the feelings provoked by watching a man possibly die at her feet. Her gut said ‘safe’ was a term to be loosely used; that perhaps that man was there for her, and this might just be the beginning of something she thought couldn’t find her.


  The drive home was quiet. She hadn’t said a word since shedding her mountain of tears. Sitting beside him with her arms wrapped around herself and her head leaning against the window, he could see the emotions streaming through her.

  She began to rub her hands nervously across her lap as they pulled into her driveway. She lived alone with her nephew, and it hadn’t bothered her, until now. Paranoia had settled in as ghosts of her past taunted her with a single incident that likely had nothing to do with her. She sat staring at the front of her house long beyond parking in the driveway.

  Colton had cut the engine, but she remained where she was, rubbing her hands as if building up the nerve to go inside. A shocking event will cause people to act anything other than their level of normal, but something about her sense of anxiety left him unsettled. She was nervous, maybe afraid, but why?

  “You okay?” He asked, unsuccessful in gaining her attention. “I’ll walk you in, get you settled.”

  Colton jumped out of the truck and made his way around to her side to help her out. When he opened her door, she was anything but focused, still lost in thought. He put a hand on her leg, startling her back to present.

  “Whoa, you’re okay! It’s just me, honey. Where were you just now? You have me a little worried.” His expression confirmed his words as he spoke softly to her, hoping not to further upset her.

  Megan looked around, suddenly embarrassed by her behavior, “Oh geez, Colton, I am so sorry. I guess I’m just a little spent. Long day…lots of emotions.” She chuckled as if acknowledging her odd behavior as silly, hoping to move on and not shed her secret fears.

  “Okay, let’s get you inside. I can stay a while if you’d like?” He paused, reading her expression before defining his intentions to put her at ease. “Just until you’re settled in, promise, no agenda here…just a concerned friend.”

  Normally, Megan would stop the conversation before it reached this point. An adamant ‘no’ would be easy to deliver, but tonight, she couldn’t. He was hard to say no to, harder to resist, but his sincerity and kindness gave her the comfort she desperately needed. Just this once, she would break her own rules. She smiled a sweet smile, and nodded as he held her hand, helping her down from his sky-high truck.

  Making their way inside, she gestured to the couch, handing him the remote expecting him to put on some form of sports news or movie full of blowing crap up. To her surpri
se, he turned it to something sweet, a movie that most men probably hadn’t heard of. He really was different from the rest, an amazing catch, if she were fishing.

  “Can I get you anything?” She asked with a shyness that he found cute.

  “No, thank you, I’m good. A good ol’ love story sounds like the perfect thing to wrap an odd evening,” he replied with a wink.

  “Sounds like a plan, I’ll be right back.” She excused herself to her bedroom for a quick change into something more comfortable so she could truly relax and try to shake the ominous cloud that seemed to be hovering over her.

  She returned in a semi-fitted t-shirt and yoga pants that earned her an endearing grin of approval from her guest. She hadn’t intended to dress for him, but found satisfaction in knowing he had a thing for her in yoga pants. She grabbed her favorite movie watching throw blanket and sat on the couch beside him.

  He was sitting at one end of the sofa with an arm stretched along the back. Not sure what motivated her to do so; she scooted in and leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder. Before long, his arm found its way around her, it was strong and comforting and all she could do was melt into his embrace, finally feeling free of the stress the night had conjured up.

  He could feel her body start to relax into him as he held her close. He kissed the top of her head when her breathing started to slow and deepen. Having her fall asleep in his arms wasn’t what he had planned or even expected, but he wasn’t going to complain. It felt good, it felt right.

  Recalling the night’s events like a highlight reel, he became more and more intrigued by the woman in his arms. She was lovely and kind. Her energy throughout the night was contagious; she was completely in her element.

  Her enthusiasm over the Holiday Fair warmed his heart; he could see the wheels turning and found it incredibly cute. Nobody wanted that job, but she was damn near giddy with excitement. She seemed to be fitting in and feeling comfortable – that was encouraging to him.

  He wanted to get through those walls of hers, but unsure how. He assumed there was something, or things, he still didn’t know about her, that were going to be his largest obstacles yet. Something dramatic, something hurtful perhaps, he didn’t know, but he would find a way through it, straight to her heart.

  Satisfied with his plan and commitment to explore who Megan Johnson was and claim her heart, he kissed the top of her head. She took in a deep relaxing breath in response, drawing a smile to his handsome face. He could get used to this.

  He clicked off the TV and stood, scooping her up as he went. Finding his way down the hallway, through process of elimination, he found her room and gently placed her on her bed, sitting at the edge.

  He kissed her temple and whispered, “Good night, darlin’.”

  He stood to leave, but she caught his hand and with eyes still closed, pulling him closer and whispered, “Stay? Please?”

  Her plea was so soft, so innocent, laced with a hint of insecurity. He knew she wasn’t asking for anything more than comfort and companionship. She was afraid to be alone, for whatever reason. He was happy to be her chosen protector, the one to make her feel safe.

  He crawled into her bed behind her, and pulled her close. Still half asleep, she cozied her way into him as he draped his arm over her. A perfect fit, he found pleasure in knowing she wanted him, needed him, in such an emotional way. That far outweighed the physical in his mind.

  Dropping one more sweet kiss to her temple, he said, “Always, sweetheart, always…”

  He could get used to this…

  Chapter 7

  The bright sunny morning flooding through the lightly shaded windows woke Megan with a smile on her face. Her morning stretch reached to the other side of the bed that was empty. Thoughts of him flooded her mind as she remembered the night before. He had been so sweet, kind, and caring. Something she had come to expect from her hunky neighborhood firefighter.

  When she turned to her right to read the time on her clock, she noticed a note propped on her nightstand.


  Went to feed my small gang. I put my number in your phone under “Hunky Firefighter” (your words, not mine). Call or come over if I’m not back by the time you are ready.

  See you soon…


  She laughed at the small gang comment, he remembered. She blushed at the humiliating reminder of her lust-induced lack of filter, admitting he was a hunky firefighter. Her mind was flooded with thoughts of him, how fun he was at the shop the night before, how heroic he was when tragedy struck, and finally how tender and compassionate he was with her when she felt weak. A regular Prince Charming.

  Physical attraction between the two of them had been undeniable; there was blistering heat every time they were within close proximity. He flooded her thoughts by day and consumed her dreams by night. She had never met a man she wanted to explore more, until now. Tangled in her thoughts, she decided that it just might be a risk worth taking.


  Getting ready for the day was much easier as “small town Megan Johnson”. Less makeup, less hair spray, Lycra leggings instead of silk. She really liked the relaxed elements of her life in McKenzie. Ready for the day, with Colton still gone, she decided to trek down the beach and meet him at his house.

  Day old bread in hand, she cautiously approached the geese that seemed to be giving her less trouble as of late, and handed them their broken up treat. Making her way up the small hill to Colton’s yard, she was greeted by Rambo who announced her presence to the world before giving her a quick nuzzle and running off to work, to inspect the perimeter for intruders. She shook her head and giggled at the idea of Rambo, the watch-Rooster. Who would have thought such a thing existed.

  At Rambo’s call, Doug rambled his way to Megan and offered his own greeting while escorting her to the porch where Duke and Boss guarded their family. Thoughts of a missing Nancy had her giggling again as the reality of Colton’s zoo settled in.

  “Where’s Nancy?” She nervously asked the squad of furry friends. “Am I really talking to you like you are going to answer? You guys must be rubbing off on me,” she admitted.

  “I bet Nancy is with the kittens, huh? Was it time for breakfast? Who names a dog Nancy, and a goat Doug?” She asked, laughing at herself once again.

  Thinking back to her first meeting, she stepped out of her comfort zone and cautiously approached the pair eyeing her. She had been speaking to them like people, not sure how else to address an animal, and felt absolutely ridiculous. Colton was kind, so his animals were kind. She recalled how gentle they were—one carried a tiny kitten in his mouth for heaven sake.

  She slowly extended her hand to Duke first. She remembered seeing that on TV once, so figured she would give it a whirl and see how he received her. Surely he would remember her. The German Shepherd replied with a quick sniff and a long slobbery lick as his greeting, followed by a shake from his lone front paw.

  “How do you do that?” She questioned, looking under him, trying to determine how he managed to shake her hand and balance as he did on only his two back legs and bottom.

  Next was Boss. She took a deep breath while mustering up the nerves to greet him as well. It didn’t help that he had those dark piercing eyes pinned on her every move or that his head was as big as her torso and sitting, he still came to her chest. Being deaf, she figured he would be easily spooked if she moved too quickly or just the wrong way.

  Not interested in losing a hand to a startled beast of a dog, she moved directly in front of him, ensuring that locked gaze was truly on her. She ducked down slightly, eye to eye trying to decipher the intention of his look.

  “Shit. Is that a ‘what the fuck are you looking at’ stare, or a ‘how can I help you’ stare?” She negotiated. “Shit, okay, you can do this Meg,” she encouraged herself.

  Closing her eyes tight, she slowly put her hand out in front of her and turned her head to the side so she wouldn’t have to see whatever was about to happe
n, should her eyes betray her and open. She was saying a silent little prayer when she felt a gentle nudge. Opening one eye, she peeked out of the corner to see if it was a run like hell nudge, or a stay a while nudge.

  She found a tilted head looking back at her. The dog was confused.

  “You and me both, buddy,” she laughed. “Are we friends now?”

  He offered another nudge with his head, followed by a large sandpaper tongue slopping drool all over her fist. Overcome with a sense of pride and joy, she reached for both dogs, giving them loving ear scratches while bouncing in place and squealing.

  “Look at me, bonding with friggin’ nature! Go me!” She cheered. “Did you see that Doug? Me and the dogs, buddy. You want a scratch too?”


  Colton heard a voice and followed it to the porch where he found Megan, sitting in a rocker, surrounded by his dogs, with a goat head resting on her lap. Even Rambo was perched on the table next to her, watching the world from his new post while listening to her talk. The voices were all from Megan; it seemed she had a different one for each animal she addressed.

  “Hey! Sorry, I was in the shower and didn’t hear you. It’s just me here, next time, just come in, no need to knock,” he said, announcing his presence with a delighted smile.

  She smiled back at him, happy to see him, and for him to see her new pack. “Yep, just makin’ friends over here!” She said full of excitement. “Where’s Nancy though, haven’t seen her yet?”

  “Oh, she’s inside with the kittens, they just ate.”

  “Ahh, that’s what I thought,” she said in a sing song voice, scratching Rambo’s neck. “She’s such a good mama, huh, Rambo.”

  Colton was impressed by the dissipation of her previous apprehension where the animals were concerned. She seemed perfectly comfortable and even enjoying them as much as they were enjoying her. He understood exactly why they were so mesmerized by the lady petting them and talking sweet to them. He was completely smitten too.


  Megan found herself spending more and more time with Colton as the days passed. They spent their time taking walks along the trails that trace the property leading to the mountains that surround them. Jax was much too heavy for Megan on that type of walk and that type of terrain, so Colton carried him in the hiking pack without hesitation. At night, they would eat easy dinners and watch the sun set before Colton would walk them home.


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