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Bennett Page 16

by Sybil Bartel

  I bit my lip and moved my hips into his intimate caress. “Not sore.” Needy, achy, pulsing, my mouth watered to taste what his other hand held, but my core wasn’t sore, not like my back.

  “So wet,” he absently whispered as his gaze roamed over my breasts.

  My hand fell to my aching nipple as if his gaze commanded it, and I rubbed, but it did nothing to alleviate the need now pounding at me from the inside. Despite his finger, I felt empty. I wanted more. I needed more. “Please,” I begged. “I want you inside me.”

  His finger left my body, then his hands landed on my thighs, and he was pushing my legs wide. Hot lips landed on my clit, and I was coming before I could even process what’d happened.

  His sharp intake of breath told me he knew how embarrassingly quick I’d orgasmed, but then his intense gaze was watching my empty pussy constrict over and over at nothing, and he did something I’d never heard him do. He swore. Religiously. “Jesus fuck, you are so goddamn beautiful.”

  A deep heat, so beyond embarrassment, flushed my cheeks and obliterated the seconds-old release. New, sharper need erupted like a volcanic fury, and I wanted to thrust my core into his face and claim more.

  But I didn’t have to.

  His body rose like a phoenix out of the ashes as his hand gripped his cock so tight, the head swelled deep with rushing blood.

  He brought himself to my entrance and plunged into me.

  My mouth opened, my back arched, and I was flying.

  He was growling.

  And thrusting.

  Oh my God, was he thrusting.

  Marking me, claiming me, surging toward a release he needed as badly as I needed him, he took me, over and over, driving into me like a man possessed. Hitting a spot deep inside my body that only he knew, it hurt, and it burned. But it was the most incredible feeling I’d ever felt. Crossing a threshold between pleasure and pain that I never knew existed, I savored every second.

  Flesh slapped against flesh as the sweat of two bodies mingled, filling his room with the scent of raw sex. A new orgasm built on the tease of the last, and I wanted to come so bad, but I never wanted this to end. Gooseflesh crawled across my skin, warning me of what was about to happen, but I wasn’t ready.

  Gripping his biceps, watching the fierceness in his eyes as he watched me, I felt my heart fracture even more. I couldn’t come back from this. I didn’t even want to. But if I was going to watch him leave again, I needed to take something more with me than what he was offering.

  “Come inside me.” I didn’t question the primal need to have him release everything he had to give. I just demanded it like I had a right to own it.

  If I’d thought he’d growled when he’d first entered me, I was wrong.

  The sound that struck from his chest and crawled up his throat eclipsed a growl.

  He roared.

  Pumping hot possession into my womb, Ben claimed an irrevocable ownership as my body exploded around him with release.

  NO CONDOM, HER TIGHT heat constricting around me, I fucking lost it.

  Selfishly, stupidly, triumphantly, I gave her exactly what she asked for.

  I came inside her.

  Goddamn, I came inside her.

  Caging her in, stroking in and out through our releases, feeling every contraction of her orgasm, I didn’t want this to fucking end. She was mine. All fucking mine.

  Caressing her hair, her face, I stared down at the woman I’d loved forever, still not believing I was inside her. “You okay?”

  Her legs, her body, they trembled beneath me. “Yes.”

  Her voice was so damn soft and sweet, I could listen to it forever. “You’re amazing.” So fucking amazing, I didn’t have words.

  “I didn’t do anything.” Her hips shifted, and she pulled her lips into her mouth.

  “You gave me the best damn gift I’ve ever had.” Seeing her discomfort, I kissed her and slowly eased out.

  She sucked in a sharp breath as the head of my cock slipped out.

  “Come on.” I scooped her up. “Let’s get you in a hot bath.”

  She flinched. “No, I’m okay. I can walk.”

  “You’re sore from me taking you. You haven’t had a chance to fully heal from the other day, and you’re mine. I’ll carry you if I want.”

  Her arms wrapped around my neck. “You know I’m not going with you.”

  I carried her into the bathroom, thinking how best to get what I wanted. “Then I want a compromise.” I set her down and turned the water on for the tub.

  She pressed her thighs together. “What kind of a compromise?”

  I tested the water and adjusted the temperature before stepping up to her and tipping her chin. “You’re staying here.” Before I got the last word out, she was already protesting.

  “I have my own house, and it’s not like I’m any safer here. Marcus knows where you live. He even got past the downstairs security gate.”

  “That was because he had the code. Now he doesn’t. I already changed it.”

  She dropped her gaze. “He’s not going to come after me.”

  “A couple weeks. That’s all I’m asking.” That would give me enough time to either find his ass and get him in rehab or wherever the hell he needed to be, or get my replacement on the tour.

  She stared at her legs as my release ran down the inside of her thigh. “I, um, I need privacy.”

  Fuck, that was sexy. I dragged a finger up her thigh and brought my lips to her ear. “Why? Because I’m coming out of you?”

  She shivered. “Ben,” she whispered. “Stop.”

  “No. Do you know how beautiful you look right now?” My dick was hard again.

  “Please.” She caught my wrist as I gently cupped her. “I just need a minute.”

  “And I need you to be safe.” I kissed her neck, then I gave up playing fair. “I won’t be able to concentrate on the tour if I don’t know you’re protected. It’s a secure building, the underground parking is safe, and I can download the security app on your phone so you can see anyone who rings to get in.”

  She exhaled.

  I knew I had her. “Stay at my place, and unless you need to use the restroom, don’t hide from me after sex.” I stroked my fingers through her cum-soaked pussy. “I want to see every drop that drips out of you.”

  Heat flushed her cheeks bright red, and she let go of my wrist. “Fine.” She stepped toward the tub. “But only two weeks, and I get to drive past my house once a day to see if he’s there.”

  No fucking way. I upped the ante. “One month and I’ll have Hank drive past your house on his way to work and text you if he sees him.”

  She bit her bottom lip as she gingerly got in the tub. “Two weeks, fine on Hank.”

  “Deal.” Remembering she was thirsty, I kissed her on the top of her head. “I’ll grab us some waters, then join you.”

  She looked up in surprise as she sank into the hot water. “You take baths?”

  “With you I do.” I winked and walked out.

  As I passed the nightstand, my phone vibrated with an incoming call. I didn’t recognize the number, but it was local.

  I answered as I walked to the kitchen. “Hello?”

  “Hey, it’s Hank.”

  I frowned. “What number are you calling from?”

  “The gym. You’re gonna want to hear this. Hold on, I’m putting you on speaker.”

  I grabbed two waters out of the fridge.

  “Can you hear me?” Hank asked.

  “Yeah.” My muscles tightened as another voice came on the line.

  “Hey, this is Tucker. Hank said you’re looking for Maher. He was in here earlier today, ready to fucking pound anyone who looked twice at him. He asked everyone who was anyone if they were ready to fight. I told him to get lost, but some new asshole cornered him before he left. Supposedly the guy was claiming to be a scout from south Florida. Said he had ties to Alastair’s in Miami. He left with Maher.”

  “Yeah, Pete Alastair. Used to be a big-time AFC trainer before he retired. Now he has a gym, and every idiot who thinks he can crush it in the ring tries to convince him to come out of retirement and train them. Word on the street is there’s a big underground scene being run out of the place.”

  Shit. “Underground as in unsanctioned fights?”

  “Yeah. No rules, no refs, fight till you get knocked the fuck out or die.”

  Jesus Christ. “You know Alastair or got a contact down there?”

  “No, I stay the hell out of that.”

  Fuck me. “Hank?”

  “I know less than Tucker,” Hank answered. “But I’ve met Alastair once before. Want me to call him?”

  And say what? This was beyond the scope of anything Hank could do. I scrubbed a hand over my face. “No, let’s keep this between us. Thanks for the information, Tucker. I appreciate it. Hank, I’ll catch up with you later.” I hung up knowing I needed to call Talon, but Elyssia was waiting for me. I walked back to the bathroom, not sure what the fuck to tell her.

  “Here.” I handed her the water without making eye contact. I couldn’t fucking believe I was leaving her again. Stepping into the tub behind her, I pulled her back to my chest.

  She didn’t relax into me all the way. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Everything. I stroked her arms and kissed her shoulder. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  She slowly leaned back into me. “I’ll be fine.”

  I brushed her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. “I know you’re strong.”


  “No buts.”

  She turned and looked up me. “What just happened?”

  Naked, her hair floating in the water around us, her trust in me—Jesus, she was stunning. “I love you.” The words flowed like rightness.

  Her eyes went wide and her mouth opened, but I put my fingers over her lips.

  “I’ve always loved you. I think you probably know that. Just like I know how incredibly strong you are. I’m not telling you how I feel now because I’m leaving, or because we made love or because I need to hear the words back. I’m telling you because I don’t want to hold back anymore.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Ben—”

  Like a coward, I kissed her. I kissed her until the water turned cold. But I didn’t tell her about her brother.

  BEN’S HANDS FLEW ACROSS his drum kit. The rhythm got faster and faster, and the intensity in his expression matched. His white T-shirt clung to him with sweat, as his head nodded with the beat. I watched his strong thighs flex as his feet hit the foot pedals, and he began to sing backup vocals.

  My stomach fluttered into a desperate mess.

  I stared at the hands that’d caressed my face, and lips that’d touched my body. I took in the hardened muscles that had carried me to his bed only hours ago. Every precise movement, every ripple of muscle, I committed it to memory as my mind filled in the ghost of his scent.

  I was supposed to wait for him at his place.

  He’d given me his keys and his access codes, and he’d promised to stop by after the concert to say goodbye. Except he’d said we weren’t going to say goodbye. He’d said this was only the beginning. He’d said he loved me.

  Then he’d lied to me.

  My fingers touched my lips, remembering the kiss he’d given me before he’d left for the concert. Then I’d checked my phone to see if Marcus had called, and I saw Hank’s text.

  Marcus is heading to Miami. Probably a gym called Alastair’s. Like I told Stark, he’s looking to fight. Don’t go down there alone. I’ll go with you if Stark won’t.

  I sucked in a breath and squeezed my eyes shut. The music, Ben’s drumming, the feeling of betrayal, it all beat in my veins. My head swam, and for one last time, I opened my eyes to the incomparable sight of Ben Stark on stage.

  The man I’d loved forever. The man who’d withheld information about my brother’s whereabouts.

  As if he knew I was there, Ben lifted his head and deep blue eyes met mine across the crowd.

  Then history repeated itself.

  Myles’s voice held the last note of the song, and Ben moved. Leaping up, swift and powerful, he kicked his stool back and threw his drum sticks into the audience. Never taking his eyes off mine, my name left his lips with the roar of understanding.

  The crowd screaming, bodies pushing, I stepped back.

  But Ben cleared his drums and was already leaping over the speakers.

  The audience went wild. Myles glanced toward Ben, Graham glared at me, and Aaron began playing. Anger contorting his features, Ben dropped off the edge of the stage.

  I turned to run.

  Pushing at the bodies, shoving, yelling, I cut through the crowd to the side exit. Not even thinking about my back, I hit the exit with my shoulder, palmed my keys, and the second my feet hit the gravel of the lot, I broke into a sprint.


  I didn’t look up, and I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. If I let him explain, I’d forgive him. And if he found out what I was doing, he wouldn’t get on the tour bus. And he needed to get on that bus. I had to find Marcus on my own. Ben didn’t understand that. If something happened to Marcus, and I wasn’t at least trying to find him, I would never forgive myself.

  I jumped into my Mustang and shoved the key in the ignition. The giant engine purred to life and for the first time ever, I was thankful for the V8. Throwing it in gear, I cranked the wheel, and the thud of a hand slap hit the trunk.

  “STOP!” Ben roared.

  I gunned it.

  Tears dripping, I blindly sped out of the parking lot.

  I didn’t remember driving to the highway. I didn’t remember taking the southbound onramp. I didn’t remember when the rain started.

  Drowning in grief, I clutched the steering wheel and drove into the storm.



  I whipped my phone out and dialed because there was only one asshole who could’ve told her.

  Hank answered on the first ring. “What?”

  “Where the fuck are you?” I was going to fucking throttle him.

  “Turn around.”

  I spun and saw him walking out of Seven-oh-One.

  I hung up. “What the fuck did you tell her?” We were attracting an audience, but I didn’t fucking care.

  His expression locked down, he strode up to me and fucking pivoted like he was my goddamn bodyguard. “My office, now.” He tipped his chin at one of the bouncers then nodded toward a handful of groupies taking video on their cell phones. “We’re not gonna be stupid enough to discuss this out here.”

  Fucking asshole. I followed him back inside and slammed his office door. “I told you not to tell anyone.”

  Hank dropped to his chair and laced his hands behind his head. “She’s not anyone. She’s his sister.”

  “You knew she’d go after him.” What the fuck was he thinking?


  I roared in impotent fucking rage, because I couldn’t go after her. I couldn’t fuck the band like that. Millions were caught up in this goddamn tour, and I wasn’t going to be an irresponsible fuck, but goddamn it.

  “Follow her. I’ll pay you.” I didn’t have a better fucking plan.

  “I already have a job.” He kicked his feet up on his desk like he didn’t give one fuck about any of this. “Besides, she’s free to chase her asshole brother if she wants.”

  Not if he was going to beat the fuck out of her again. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with.” I couldn’t even threaten the prick because that’d clue him in.

  Hank snorted and shook his head. “Don’t fucking lecture me. You’re in town a fucking day over the past year. I know what Maher’s been up to better than you.”

  “Then why the hell did you tell Elyssia where he was?”

  Hank dropped his feet and stood. “I don’t know where he is, but I told her what I knew.” Usin
g his giant bulk that was almost as big as Marcus’s, he loomed over me. “I don’t give a fuck that you’ve known that family longer than me, or that we were both friends with Maher before he decided to push everyone away, you never fucking served. You can’t begin to relate. So if his sister wants to go after the half-cocked motherfucker, I’m gonna let her. She knows where to find me if she needs help.” He eyed me to make a point. “All she has to do is ask and I’ll drive the fuck down. For her.”

  “You done?” I seethed.

  Hank crossed his arms. “Not if you’re still being an asshole.”

  “If she gets hurt, I’m fucking blaming you.”

  “Blame away. I didn’t fucking chase her out of the club.”

  The door flew open and Graham stalked in, followed by Myles.

  “What the fuck, Stark?” Graham was pissed. “We got two more months of the tour. You need to keep your shit together.”

  Myles shut the door. “Leave him alone, he’s fine.” Myles eyed me like he wasn’t fucking sure.

  “Bullshit.” Graham’s hands went to his hips. “I’m not playing with his fucking backup again. That asshole sucks.”

  Myles slapped Graham on the shoulder and gave him his signature smile. “Like we haven’t had to carry your sorry ass when you’ve played drunk as hell.”

  “Fuck you.” Graham shrugged him off. “We weren’t on tour then.”

  “Technically…” Myles pulled his cell out and glanced at it. “The tour bus isn’t leaving for another hour and forty-seven minutes.”

  “Fucking pussies.” Graham strode to the door. “I’m out.”

  Myles turned to me after Graham walked out. “What happened?”


  Hank smirked. “He’s finally figuring out you can’t control women.” He followed Graham out and shut the door behind him.

  Myles dropped the pretense. “Seriously, you good? Because we need you. We got two more months on this tour. Then we have a year break.”

  “I know. I’m good.” Fuck, I wanted to go after her.

  “I need your head in the game. What do we need to do to make that happen?”

  “Nothing, I said I’m good.” I needed to call Talon, ASAP.


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