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Breakthrough Page 4

by Sarah Stevens

  “Who’s Mandy?” both Seb and Ski ask at the same time.

  I have no words at this time, my face is in my hands and I’m only slightly freaking out over this news.

  Cam answers, “She is Coach Hutton’s granddaughter. She was here with her grandmother at the last game, remember? She is moving back to Nashville, and Jason offered her a job with the team. However, this fuck right here has some playboy wires crossed and has her stuck in his head. Apparently, she gave him no attention and he didn’t like it.” Turning to me he adds, “You better squash this conquest I know you have buzzing in your head. She’s a good person who’s a good trainer. Leave her alone. I heard from the grapevine that she’s had a rough time with her team. I don’t have details, but sounds like she needs to be respected and accepted as part of a team, not belittled for being a female in a man’s sport. We need to show her we are a family here with the Notes. So, get this girl out of your head and stay away from her.”

  I lift my eyes out of my hands just enough to catch his eyes and say, “Got it.”

  “Let’s get geared up guys, we have a job to do and a win to add.” Cam finishes the conversation we had going and then we all fist bump. Cam walks over to the sound system and cranks up the noise, so we get pumped up while we dress for the game.

  With the music blasting through the speakers the energy rises. Warm up time is soon, and Coach Crawford comes in standing next to Cam and together they get us even more amped up for the game to start. The team rises to our blades and we get ready to make the walk to the ice.

  We walk through the VIP lounge slapping gloves to the hands of our fans as we pass by and enter the rink. I take my place near the bench and drop down on the ice to start stretching. I did, however, notice her standing at the glass next to Mrs. Hutton where her seats are located. I know with what Cam said I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it, I add a little extra wiggle to my ass as I loosen up my legs. After I’m good and stretched out, I skate over to take my place at the net for some quick drills but before that I catch her watching me and I give her a quick smirk before I go do my job.

  The game goes in our favor, I only let one pass by me. Next time I’m going for a shutout. After I celebrate with my team, I skate my way over to the bench stopping right in front of her and tap the glass twice before she has any time to react, I make my way to center ice to raise my stick and salute our fans. The next time I look in her direction they are making their way up the stairs to leave. She has a little extra urgency in her step, like she is in a hurry.

  Once back in the locker room, Cam comes straight for me, “What the fuck was that shit tonight? I tell you to forget her and you do what, put on a show for her during stretching and then go over to her after the win? I’m your best friend, I want you fuckin happy but not at the cost of the team, and possibly her job.”

  “No harm no foul.” I try to brush it off, but he won’t leave it alone.

  “Leave her be. Go out and find another girl to screw with,” he says, then walks away.

  I remove my pads and skates and grab a quick shower, get dressed, and leave without a word to the media. I don’t even go to the bar tonight to celebrate the win. I’m too pissed off at Cam and myself and go directly to my condo to crack open a few beers. I shouldn’t have done what I did tonight, but I lose my damn head when she is around. What the hell am I going to do when she’s around every day? Thankfully, I have a couple of months before Mandy starts working for the team to rid her from my thoughts.



  I wake up feeling sad. I know I’ll be back, but the thought of leaving has me a little down. Grandma meets Callie and I in the kitchen like every other day I’ve been here and hands me a mug of coffee.

  “Thanks Grandma, exactly what I needed.”

  “Sweet girl, this isn’t forever. You’ll be back before you know it,” she comments, noticing the sadness that’s overcome me this morning.

  “I know. I’ve just felt so at peace since coming back here. When I go back it’s going to be so hectic with working and then getting ready to move.”

  “You can do this. Boston is temporary, please keep in mind each day where you’ll be in the end. Home. Back here where you belong. Then we can celebrate the holidays together and you can take a much-needed break before starting work again with the Notes.”

  “It’s going to be the best holiday season I’ve had in a long time. I’m so happy Callie gets to spend it here.”

  Grandma comes over to wrap me in her arms. “Me too. Now let’s get you two some breakfast and then off to the airport. That place has become so hectic lately. We can’t have you missing your flight.”

  After an uneventful flight, Callie and I are greeted by none other than the asshole who brushed us off to the side.

  “Conner, what are you doing here?” He doesn’t even pay any attention to his daughter in the stroller in front of me. He has a glare on his face that could bring a flying bird down to the ground. As surprised as I am, I’m more pissed then anything. For starters, who the hell told him we’d be here?

  “Why did you quit?”

  “Seriously, you make an appearance because I’m leaving the team? How the hell did you find out I quit anyway? It wasn’t supposed to be announced to anyone.”

  “Your nanny told me.”

  “Oh yeah, and how did you end up talking and about me? You screwed her, didn’t you?”

  “Why do you even care? We aren’t together.”

  “I don’t care, Connor. Why do you care? Why are you here and not her to pick us up from the airport?”

  “I care because you’re taking Callie to Nashville, aren’t you?”

  “You didn’t care from day one. You were the one who didn’t want anything to do with us. You, Connor, signed away your rights to this sweet girl and never looked back. Why now?”

  “You ask why now. Because she is still my daughter, and with you here, I get to see her.”

  “That’s bullshit and you know it. Con, the second I found out I was pregnant, you were gone, legal papers in place, and back to the single life you wanted all along. I know you cheated on me over and over and you know what, I don’t care. I’m finishing this season, and then I’m done and going home. I already have a job lined up at the start of the new year.”

  “You will not take her out of Boston.”

  “Sorry, you really have no say in what I do and where I go. You signed your rights away. I’m the one who has done everything from day one. I didn’t need your money and I haven’t touched a penny of it. I put it into an account for my daughter,” I answer him back putting emphasis on the word my.

  “If you don’t mind, I need to get our bags, and apparently find an alternate way home since I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “This isn’t over, I won’t let you leave.” Then, in the next breath he’s trying to get me to let him give us a ride home. “Let me at least give you a ride home,” he says, his jaw tight with anger.

  “Fine, but only because I don’t feel like taking a rideshare with Callie in tow.”

  We go to get our bags in baggage claim, no more words spoken between us, and he brings us to the condo that all of a sudden doesn’t even feel like my home anymore. Nashville is home, and I can’t wait for this next month to pass by.

  He helps me get my bags out of his car and drops them on the curb, turning to me he says, “I mean it Mandy, you will not take Callie out of Boston. I will fight you.”

  “Why do you even care Con? Why are you all of a sudden up in my business? What is the reason you want to fight over Callie, who you walked away from since day one?”

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “If that isn’t the vaguest answer yet,” I bite back at him.

  “Fuck this, you want to know why? My damn mother found out about her, tore me up one side and then the other, and then told me to get her back and away from you. Mom is all I have left. I can’t lose her over this.”

u know what Con, you’re the one who walked away, you are the one who gave up acknowledging Callie as yours. All you seem to care about is your mother not me or Callie. Your mom wants to see her that’s fine, I’ll let it happen, but I won’t let you trap us here in this city. I won’t let you dictate my life.”

  “Whatever you say, Mandy. That little girl is mine, and I will fight you.” He doesn’t let me respond before he turns and gets in his car to leave.

  I get Callie and myself settled in from traveling. Thankfully, I don’t have any laundry, so I unpack our bags. Once Callie is fed dinner and is in bed, I call Grandma and fill her in on my return.

  “Hi Grandma”

  “Hi, sweet girl. How was your trip home?”

  With a frustrated sigh I give her all the details of my arrival with Con.

  “He can’t do anything, he signed away all rights to Callie before she was even born.”

  “Grandma, what if he can? What if his big shot lawyer can find a loophole? What if he takes her away from me?” I start crying at the thought of him taking her away.

  “Sweet girl, we won’t let that happen. We have big shot lawyers too. Right in my back pocket and a family in the Notes. Just keep moving forward, and I’ll make a few calls tomorrow. You did the right thing offering his mother access to Callie, she didn’t make the choice to walk away, and a grandchild is special. However, I don’t know them, and I don’t get a good feeling about them. He said his mother wanted to take her away from you. Be on guard, and don’t make any decisions until I talk to Henry.”

  “Thank you, Grandma, I love you. I’m going to move forward with all my plans, keep my head low and do my job for the next month. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Sleep well, sweet girl. I’ll let you know what I find out. Love you, bye.”

  “I love you too, bye.”

  I sit there in silence and in the dark with a glass of wine trying not to freak out, but this nagging feeling won’t go away. The feeling like my world is crumbling down around me. Eventually I drift off to sleep on the couch.



  The next month goes by too slow. Connor doesn’t talk to me, but I get a few glares from him when I’m in the locker room. He’s made sure I don’t have to work on him. I haven’t heard anything from his lawyer, or his mother. I’m starting to become on edge as the days get closer to my leaving. The condo is packed, sans a few items Callie and I need until we leave, but I get this feeling it is all going to blow up last minute when I’m packing the car and trailer to leave.

  Grandma talked to the lawyer, and he said nothing can be done since Connor’s name isn’t even on the birth certificate. He would have to have a good reason to even take the issue to court. Because you want to have rights really isn’t a reason for the courts. Especially after all the papers Connor had me sign. Though this makes me feel better, I still have a feeling he isn’t going away that easily.

  The season ended last night with a loss and no World Series championship. I’m not as upset about it as the team is, I’m ready to move on and move home.

  The Notes have a bye week and Jason decided he was going to send a couple of the players up to help me get back to Nashville. I wasn’t told who, but I’m to expect overnight guests tomorrow night. Callie and I go about our day and once she’s down for a nap, I continue packing. The condo is already sold, thankfully and closing is in a few days.

  Things seem to be moving too smoothly.

  Callie is resting peacefully in her travel crib when I hear a loud rapping on the door. Hesitantly, I move towards the door and take a look through the peephole.

  Connor stands there with a guy I have seen only one other time in my life, when I was forced to sign the NDA. Connor and his lawyer are on the other side. I knew this day was going too well. I slowly open the door with a slight crack, enough that half my body fits in the space, closing them off from the other side.

  “Why are you here? What do you want?” I speak quietly so I don’t wake up Callie.

  “Mandy, I’m here to serve you with custody papers,” he states matter of factly as his lawyer hands me the manila envelope.

  “You have no rights. You can’t do this. We leave in two days and you can’t stop me.” I take the envelope from the lawyer and shut the door in their faces, locking it up good and tight.

  Once I have them shut out, I slide down the door, tears streaming down my face. Connor continues to knock on the door to get me to open up again, I ignore it, pick myself up off the floor and walk to the other room to get my phone so I can call Grandma. They eventually go away, but not before a text from Connor comes through my phone.

  Connor: 9 am lab for paternity test tomorrow. Be there.

  With more tears streaming down my face I call Grandma. She can’t even get a hello out of her mouth before I start telling her what just transpired.

  “Oh, sweet girl. I’m so sorry. What do the papers say?”

  “I haven’t even opened the envelope. I swear to God if he screws up my plans for moving, he won’t like my wrath.”

  “I get it, I do Mandy. I need you to scan the papers and email them to the lawyer right now. We will get this figured out. He won’t get our little lady.”

  “Okay, I will do it right now, thankfully I haven’t packed up the printer yet.”

  “You have to go to the lab in the morning too. If it’s ordered, then you have to do it. Get those sent over to Henry, I’ll call him right now and I’ll have him call you in the morning before you have to go to the lab. Take a breath sweet girl and we’ll get through this.”

  “Okay, I’m scanning them in now. Henry will have them in like ten minutes.”

  “I love you Mandy, try and relax and get some rest.”

  “I’ll try. I love you too. Goodnight.”


  Everything is scanned in and emailed to Henry. I sit on my couch listening to the sound of my baby girl sleeping and try to relax. In what seems like the next beat I’m waking up and the sun is shining through the window casting a glow on Callie who’s beginning to stir.

  Realizing the time, I get us up, fed and ready to go to the lab for this stupid paternity test. I already know he’s the father, there is no discrepancy there. As I’m walking out the door saddled with Callie and her diaper bag Henry calls me. Immediately I answer, “Hi Henry.”

  “Good morning Mandy. I’ll get right to business if you don’t mind.”

  “That’s fine, w’re actually on our way to the lab. What did you find out?”

  “Looks like he’s going for full custody, Mandy. But with all the previous paperwork he had you sign, and he signed, he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. This filing won’t prevent you from leaving.”

  “Are you sure? And what’s his reason for all of a sudden wanting to do this?” I ask with tears slowly filling my eyes.

  “He says the reasoning is he was concerned about his reputation and was advised to not claim paternity. I think it’s all bullshit honestly.”

  “I would have to agree with you. I’ve already offered to let his mother see Callie. He seems more concerned about what his mom thinks than Callie.”

  “I know you are due to leave Boston tomorrow. Jason has a couple of the guys flying up this morning to help you get packed up and drive home. I’m going to talk to them and let them know what is going on. That way if Connor gives you a hard time about leaving, they will be aware. You can leave, nothing can stop you. Let the guys deal with Connor if he shows up. I’ll be available to you all day tomorrow if you need me for any reason.”

  “Thank you, Henry. I appreciate it. I just got in the car so I’m going to let you go. I’ll let you know if anything happens today.”

  “Keep me updated. I hope you have a good day. We got you, don’t you worry.”

  “Thanks again Henry. Bye.”

  I hang up the phone and start the car, wiping the tears away from under my eyes. Callie and I arrive with fifteen minutes to spare and unf
ortunately Connor is standing by the door waiting for us with his mother by his side. The second I see him, I become full of rage. I wrangle it and gather Callie from the car, ignoring the two glaring at me I walk into the reception and check in. Following behind us, Connor checks himself in. I continue to ignore them as I hold Callie on my lap and wait. His mother keeps looking at us, a hint, though slight, of love behind her glare.

  The clock hits nine and we’re called back, all together. I can’t get a damn break today. The lady with a sympathetic look on her face takes the swab out of the protective covering as she explains it is just going to be a saliva sample by swabbing her cheek.

  “Once you swab her do I have to stay, or can I go?” I ask her feeling as if my world is caving in around me.

  “You can leave the room and wait outside, but I have to give you your paperwork. It will be a few minutes while I finish up with his sample,” she answers.

  Callie is swabbed and I’m out the door as fast as I can. I can’t stand to be near this monster that wants to try and take my world away. Here I was, excited about starting life over and being home. Now I’m completely full of stress and anxiety.

  The technician comes out into the hallway, has me sign the paper then gives me my copy of the paperwork saying I showed up like a good little girl. I turn to walk away when Connor’s mother approaches me.

  “You won’t win. This baby will be where she belongs before too long,” she snarls at me.

  “Why? Why all of a sudden when I want to move back home. I’ve been the one to do everything for her, he denied her existence up until now and she’s six months old. What do either of you have to gain from taking her away from her mother that has been there since day one?”

  “She is my blood. We already know it. She needs her father.”

  “She also needs her mother. He doesn’t care about her. You are the one who started this. I offered for you to be able to see her whenever you wanted. I get it, you are her family. I never denied that fact. The NDA prevented me from doing anything about it. This entire situation has been on Con’s shoulders since I told him I was pregnant.”


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