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Breakthrough Page 8

by Sarah Stevens

  “I had no idea. But guys, what’s the problem? She isn’t on staff yet and it isn’t really our problem.”

  Anger tenses me. “Yeah well it is our problem. You sent us to help her move here. That bastard caused us all problems when we were trying to leave. He thinks he’s untouchable, he pitches for Boston. He followed us the entire way down here, coach and it didn’t stop there. He scared the crap out of Mandy at a truck stop and then left a package at her grandmother’s house after we arrived. We called the cops.”

  “So, let the cops deal with it,” he says with no care in the world. “Why do you care so much about Mandy anyway? She’s hockey family, yeah I get that, however she’s not on our staff yet and not our responsibility and if she has all this personal crap going on maybe she shouldn’t be.”

  I’ve never disrespected our coach before but he’s being a complete asshole, “Fuck you,” I say and walk out leaving Cam to deal with him. I put my skates back on and hit the ice full force doing laps until I can’t breathe anymore. As I’m bent over holding onto my knees trying to catch my breath, I notice Cam standing by the boards, watching me.

  “What?” I snap.

  “What nothing, I get it. She’s important to you. Coach was an asshole, unfortunately he has a point. We can only do so much. Have you even heard from her since she dropped us off?”

  “Fuck you,” I growl at him.

  “I’m not going to fight you Marsh, I’m not going to argue either. We have one job right now and that is to take this shit we’re feeling inside and make it work for us, get the points and get to the playoffs.”

  I speed past him to the locker room raging like a storm, take my skates off, change clothes not even bothering to shower, and leave, beelining for my car, ignoring the few fans still waiting to see us. I usually stop, but I can’t deal with it today. I’m out of there. I don’t even realize it, but I drive to my house outside the city instead of the condo. I don’t want to be bothered. I enter the house and head straight for the gym, taking every ounce of anger and frustration out on the heavy bag. Once I don’t have another ounce of energy to hit the bag another time, I take a look around my house as I make my way to the living room.

  Christmas is coming in a week and I’ve got nothing—no decorations, no presents bought, and I won’t have the time either. Our next series is a home series, and coach is going to have us busy with all the charity events and practices on top of the games. I plop down on my couch and let out a long breath. How the hell dd I go from one extreme to the other in such a short amount of time? Fucking anything with legs to being so consumed with one girl, who has my world flipped upside down.

  I’m physically and mentally exhausted, and fall asleep right where I deposited myself a few hours ago. Waking up, I grab my phone, I notice so many message notifications and calls I panic for a second before I start reading them.

  Most are from Cam making sure I’m okay, asking if I need him to come out to the house, along with a few calls from him too. I’m surprised he didn’t come by.

  Then I notice this one message wrapped up in the middle of all the others, Mandy.

  Mandy: Welcome home, thank you for all your help moving.

  That’s it. A simple message. No how are you, Callie and I are doing well. Not even a fuckin’ everything has been quiet here, no Connor.

  Maybe I’m just letting everything get to me and it was a nice little olive branch to start a conversation. I decide to text her back, ignoring all of Cam’s texts and calls.

  Parker: Thank you. You’re welcome. How is everything?

  A few minutes pass by before I see the typing bubble on my screen, showing me, she’s replying, then it goes away. Again, I see it and again it goes away. I try and ignore my messages with her and move over to Cam’s

  Parker: All good here. Beat the bag and then passed out on the couch.

  Cam: Good to hear. Sorry for being an ass earlier. We can go talk to Jason tomorrow about everything.

  Parker: Yeah, let’s do that, after practice.

  Cam: Sounds good.

  Still nothing from Mandy, I put the phone on the charger and go take a shower.

  I feel a bit better knowing Cam really is on my side. I’ll bust my ass in practice, showing coach that nothing is bothering me including him and his asshole response. After a good long shower, I realize I’m starving and make some dinner, in need of some carbs, so spaghetti and meatballs it is. A good filling meal to take away my hunger, at least for food.

  I finally look at my phone and I have a message waiting for me from Mandy.

  Mandy: Good. Getting ready for Callie’s first Christmas. That was a great away series. Way to protect the net!

  Parker: Has he bothered you?

  The bubble appears again and then a message comes through.

  Mandy: No, nothing.

  I can tell that she doesn’t want to talk about Connor, by her quick response. So, I skip over it and ask her about Callie and Christmas.

  Parker: What are the plans for her first Christmas?

  Mandy: The normal. Tree, lights, way too many presents. LOL

  Parker: Sounds amazing.

  Mandy: I hope so! What are your plans?

  Parker: Nothing. We have charity visits at the hospital and other than that and playing games. I’ve got nothing.

  Mandy: Why don’t you come out here for Christmas Dinner?

  Parker: Maybe. It’s late. Sleep well, Mandy

  Mandy: You too, night

  I let her have the last word, putting the phone down I roll over grab my pillow and try and sleep. Thoughts of Christmas’s past invade my dreams,

  When I was a kid, we had nothing. Hockey was my life from the beginning and when my parents couldn’t afford it others took pity and helped us out, charity. That poor kid, his parents are crap, that poor boy, his dad is drunk again. That poor boy, he has no tree for Christmas, no gifts to go under it. That poor boy, where did his mom go?

  Life wasn’t pretty…life sucked actually. Thankful for my peewee coach, he saw something in me, he was the reason I am where I am. He was there making sure I was at practice and games and keeping my grades up. He was more of a parent than my own. After mom left, Dad was too drunk to even realize I was still there, and to this day I don’t talk to him. I don’t have a memory of a good Christmas, holiday of any sort or even a good birthday. My equipment came from secondhand stores and maybe a gift every now and again from my coach. Coach Wolf was my savior, we still talk all the time, he comes to my games when he can, he’s the only family I’ve got, and he has his own family now.

  Christmas was spent alone, or with my dick shoved in some random girl’s pussy. Sometimes Cam and I would get together, but he has family he spends the holiday with.

  This year wouldn’t be any different, other than maybe going to Mandy and Maggie’s if I have the balls to do something that might make me happy!

  Practice was good the next day, as always, we killed it. Seb and Ski came over knocking gloves after I went on a streak saving everything that came towards the net.

  “Damn Marsh, you’re on fire lately. What’s got into you?” Seb asks

  “I’ve got a chip on my shoulder and I’m bringing it to the net,” I reply like I don’t have a care in the world.

  “Who’s face is on every puck flying your way?” Ski says as he laughs.

  “Some dipshit without the balls to be a man”

  “Damn, Cam who pissed in his Wheaties?” Ski questions my right-hand man.

  “Like he said, the dipshit without balls. I can’t say his face isn’t on the puck for me either.”

  “Damn, what the fuck happened when we were on break? You have both been on fire since we got back? I figured it was the good rest for a few days but you both have the ice in your hands,” Seb speaks up.

  “Think about it. We went to Boston to help out our new athletic trainer who starts at the beginning of the year. She has a baby and baby daddy is the asshole with no balls. Her situation is
enough to give any good man a chip on their shoulder. Her story to tell but, we have her back. You will too, her decision if she wants it known though,” Cam shoots off to the boys. I’m done with this conversation and Cam and I have a meeting to be at in an hour.

  We all hit the locker room and then go in separate directions. Cam and I drive over to the office to meet with Jason Talbot, owner and general manager, along with personal friend to the Hutton family.

  Walking into the office, we’re greeted by Stephanie, Jason’s secretary. She tells us to wait a moment and Jason will be right with us.

  We didn’t even have time to sit before Jason calls us in.

  “Boys, what can I do for you?” he asks while he shakes our hands.

  “It really isn’t what you can do for us, but what you can do for Mandy Hutton,” I say as I take a seat at the same time, he and Cam take their seats.

  “What do you mean? Is that guy still bothering her? Henry has been keeping me in the loop, but I haven’t heard anything in a few weeks.”

  “You can say that. He followed us from Boston to Nashville. He also left a gift by her porch the night we got here. I’m not sure he’s going to go away easily. We talked to coach, but he seems more concerned about her coming on with all this going on in her life. We know she isn’t part of the organization yet, but she’s still hockey family. We thought it was best to let you know what was going on. I know we can’t do anything ourselves. The police are aware we called them when the package arrived. I am concerned for her safety. This guy is extremely screwed up in the head. I’m not even sure how he can pitch a decent ball. He went from not wanting anything to do with Mandy and Callie from the beginning to wanting to take Callie away from her. Connor has been silent since that night, I’m assuming he went back to Boston, but you never know when he will pop back up and screw with her.”

  “I’ll get in touch with the police chief in Trentonville, see if they can keep a close eye on Maggie’s house for the time being. Thank you for letting me know what happened. Once we have Mandy on contract, we’ll be able to keep our own eyes on her. I wish I could do more, she’s a good girl and doesn’t deserve any of this. I’ve watched her grow up and I hope we get to have her little one grow up around here too. Family is important, always has been.” Jason stands and shakes our hands as he dismisses us with a, “Have a good game tonight boys.”

  Time to go home and take a pre-game nap before we have to be back in the locker room for tonight’s game. I fall asleep hoping Mandy will be at the game tonight, I need to see for myself she’s doing okay.



  I haven’t seen Parker in almost two weeks, I kind of miss him. The realization spooks me, Grandma saw our connection immediately. However, I have been trying to fight the feelings I have stirring inside me. I have rules for a reason.

  He was so sweet to me when I saw Connor at the truck stop, and then when the package arrived. I was terrified at that point. I didn’t feel safe in my own home. Luckily, I haven’t heard anything from Con or his lawyer and no more packages have been left behind. I’m trying to live my life and get ready for the holiday. Callie’s first Christmas. I think I’m more excited than anyone, I haven’t been home in so long for Christmas.

  I texted Parker yesterday, he asked me about Connor, but I evaded with a simple answer then invited him over for Christmas dinner when I realized he had nowhere to go, or anyone to be with for the holiday, my favorite holiday. We’ll see if he shows up or not, but the invite is there.

  I’m sitting in the kitchen feeding Callie when Grandma comes in and reminds me we have season tickets for all the home games.

  “There’s a home game tonight, do you want to go?” she questions as she pulls out these little ear protection earmuffs from behind her back, “It’s never too early to introduce hockey.” She smiles.

  “Let me guess, you also have an infant sized jersey in your other hand with a particular goalies name on the back?” I question.

  With a beaming smile she shows I was correct when she brings her other hand in front of her.

  “Looks like we’re all set to go to the game tonight. Not like you had this planned or anything,” I jest.

  “I’m looking out for your best interest. I saw the way you two looked at each other. I know you have your rules, but then again rules are made to be broken.” She winks at me then walks away.

  “What are we going to do with your great grandma Callie? She’s looking for trouble,” I say to Callie as I spoon another bite of avocado into her mouth.

  The day goes by fast and we’re getting ready for the game. Callie looks adorable in her tiny jersey. I pack a smaller diaper bag for tonight and make sure to add the earmuffs to protect her little ears. Security can be a pain in the ass and luckily, I already have a clear backpack perfect to put diapers, wipes and a couple bottles. We park in the garage attached to the arena and make our way inside. In a few weeks this will be my home away from home and where I work. I can’t wait.

  Warmups are about to start soon so we make our way to our seats to watch. Benefit of having seats on the glass is we don’t have to fight a crowd to watch. I hear the fans gathered by the tunnel start hollering and screaming their favorite players names as the guys take the ice. Cam comes zooming past us to toss the pucks sitting on the ledge of the boards for the rest of the team to start shooting in an empty net as Parker stretches. He is a lot less showy with his stretches compared to the first time I witnessed them. He knows he has my attention now. Once he’s done stretching out his long legs, he notices us, almost like he was in such a zone when he came out, he didn’t even realize we were there. He lifts his helmet, so it rests on top of his head then taps on the glass with a huge smile on his face when he grabs Callie’s attention. I turn her so her back is facing his direction and his smile widens, noticing Marshall is across her back. Cam comes skating by to let him know they were ready for him in the net. When he notices that Callie wears Parker’s name on her back, he frowns for a second then laughs as he skates away.

  The guys are back in the locker room after warmups getting last words of encouragement from their coach while the crowd settles in for the opening show. The lights go dark before the music starts and they announce our Nashville Notes with bright lights that catch Callie’s attention and she starts to scream with excitement. I feel you little one, it is exciting.

  The boys won again. They are on the longest winning streak so far this season. Parker in the net is a beautiful thing to witness, he moves and blocks like it’s no big deal; so fluid with his movements. Parker and Cam are recognized as two stars of the game and before leaving the ice for the final time tonight he comes over to where we sit and mouths, “Wait for me” before disappearing.

  Grandma, Callie and I make our way to the lounge area where the guys come out after press and showers. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait, Callie is getting a bit cranky, it’s late for her. She did, however, love the game, the music, the sounds, and movement on the ice all caught and kept her attention.

  “I don’t know how much longer we’ll be able to wait. Callie is really tired and getting cranky. It’s way past her bedtime,” I say to Grandma.

  “Let’s give him a few more minutes before we have to go, you haven’t seen him since the day he helped you move. He looked excited to see you tonight.”

  “I think that was his excitement over this one’s jersey and his name on her back, nothing to do with me.”

  “Whatever you say. I think his excitement was seeing you, and Callie. That guy isn’t good at hiding his feelings or thoughts, it’s written all over his face and in his eyes.”

  The door swings open that leads to the locker room and with it is Parker, a huge smile on his face.

  “There’s my biggest fan,” he says as he grabs Callie from my arms and embracing her within his big ones.

  “I suppose we’re chopped liver?” I question.

  Cam comes up behind him laughing at the scene
in front of him.

  “That’s okay, you can have Callie, I’ll take Mandy,” he says with a smile and wraps his arm around my shoulders bringing me in close to his freshly showered body, attempting to walk away.

  “Oh, heck no, I get them both.” He grabs my arm pulling me into his side and then kisses me briefly on the lips, then we all laugh like this is all normal between us.

  I hear a group of people, mostly women, or puck bunnies, vying for the players attention as they walk out, gasp with shock. Marshall and a girl with a baby, that is kind of shocking.

  “Oh, stop it.” I pull back laughing, mock hitting Parker in the arm. Inside I’m saying, take that girls.

  “We can’t really stay. I need to get Callie home and to bed.”

  “I wanted to see you, see how everything was going and if you were still being bothered by dip wad,” Parker says as he hands Callie over to Cam, so he has his moment with her.

  “No, it’s been quiet since that night.

  “Good, we talked to Jason today. He’s going to make some calls and make sure the house is being watched by the local police. They will be there if you need them. As much as I wish I could make sure he doesn’t bother you, I can’t always be there.”

  “Parker, it isn’t your job to make sure we’re okay. I appreciate the concern and I’m sorry for all the trouble Connor has put both you and Cam through, but I have to deal with his shit on my own. I have to be strong and show him he can’t intimidate me,” I say, placing my hand on his cheek and kissing his other. Pulling back, I give him a small smile before I take Callie from Cam and walk towards the car, Grandma on my heels.

  “What was that about, Mandy?” Grandma questions when she reaches my side.

  “I see what you see okay? I can’t do it all again. I need to be Callie’s mom first and foremost. I can’t get wrapped up in another relationship when I’m fighting to get rid of the last one. I can’t—and I won’t—put Parker in the middle of it all. We can be friends, and that is all it will have to be.”


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