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Breakthrough Page 11

by Sarah Stevens

  “Hello Mandy,” he says as I try and slam the door shut in his face. He blocks it just as it’s about to latch with his foot, then pushes it open.

  “What are you doing here?” I question him with trepidation in my words. On the inside I’m terrified.

  “I’ve come to spend the holiday with my daughter. Where is she?” he questions as he sees grandma off to the side holding her, slowly backing away back into the kitchen.

  “You can’t be here. Get out.” He laughs at me.

  “I have every right to spend the holiday with Callie. She is, after all, proven to be my daughter.” He sneers at me.

  “Not tonight you don’t. Not ever. You signed away every right you had to her before she was even born. Now get out before I call the cops. You are not allowed anywhere near us after what you did when we moved here a few weeks ago. I got a protection order against you. You aren’t allowed within three hundred feet of Callie and me. Now leave.” I step closer to him making sure he crosses the threshold of the door so I can close it. Right at the moment the pizza arrives. Playing the nice guy, Connor takes the pizza as I hand over the cash to the pizza guy. I quickly snatch the pizza from him and start to shut the door right as I see the blue lights heading up the driveway. The poor pizza guy looks scared to death, like he committed a murder. The cops go right past him and he visibly relaxes.

  Officer Daniels, who is a long-time friend of the family, walks up on the porch alongside his partner, someone I don’t know.

  “Mandy, what seems to be the problem tonight?” he asks, already knowing the answer for I’m sure Grandma called him directly.

  “I have an order of protection against this guy here, he showed up trying to force his way into Grandma’s house.”

  He nods his head in response then asks, “Who do we have here?”

  Connor answers, “I’m Connor Davis, pitcher for Boston.” Like that little tidbit of information was going to help him out in my territory.

  “I don’t care what your job title is, that means nothing in this situation. We have on record an order of protection for Miss Hutton here and her daughter against you. I recommend you leave and not come back. You get one warning from us, next time we will take you in, big name or not. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, officer, what was is it again, Daniels?” he replies with a hint of laughter in his words.

  “Yes, Officer Daniels. This isn’t a joking matter Mr. Davis. You are not allowed on this property. If that is a problem for you, I recommend you speak to your lawyer. I don’t want to find you anywhere near them.”

  “Can I at least leave my daughter her Christmas gifts I brought for her?” he said looking as innocent as he can with the rage of losing this battle hidden behind his eyes.

  “Miss. Hutton, would you allow that courtesy being the holiday season?” He’s at this point trying to appease Connor and get him to go away.

  “That’s fine leave them on the porch. Thank you, Officer Daniels. Can I go back inside? I hear my daughter starting to get fussy,” I ask, trying to get the hell out of here and back in my safe home, or at least I thought it was safe.

  “Go ahead, I’ll stay here while he gets the gifts and make sure he leaves the property. Then I’ll deal with pizza guy, probably just has a little bud on him. You have a good night, Mandy.” He tips his hat to me and I close and lock the door, I sigh, glad that interaction is over. I pick the pizza box up off the floor where I had set it when Officer Daniels showed up and bring it into the kitchen where Grandma and Callie sit decorating some cookies.

  “Can I catch a break?” I question no one in particular and slump into my chair then grab a piece of pizza hoping it is still at least warm.

  “Apparently not. What did Officer Daniels say?”

  “He gave him a one-time warning, asked if Connor could leave Christmas gifts for Callie and after I said yes, he told Connor to drop the gifts on the porch and then leave and not come back. However, I don’t think this is going to stop him.”

  “I think you’re right, we’ll have to be extra careful and call Henry in the morning to let him know dipshit is in town. We can get a status on the case too, while we’re at it.”

  We both sit there in silence while we eat the pizza then make our way into the living room to the beautiful tree the guys set up for us to decorate. Grandma turns on the game and Callie sits on the floor watching all the sparkle from the lights as I put them on the tree.

  With a hint of tension in the air between what occurred on the front porch and watching the Notes lose their first game after a long winning streak with five goals passing through Parker into the net before they pull him off the ice in the second period and put in the backup goalie. I’ve never seen Parker get pulled out of the net, and he is looking pissed about it too as he heads straight to the locker room, not even acknowledging anyone on the bench. A huge wave of guilt hits me when I see the despair on his face.

  I did this, I screwed with his head and I made him get pulled out of the net. I glance over to Grandma, holding a sleeping Callie and she gives me a knowing look. Like she can read my mind all of a sudden.

  I excuse myself from the living room and grab my phone off the charger and send him a simple text.

  Mandy: I’m sorry.

  I didn’t get a reply, but I also didn’t expect one either. There are still a few minutes left on the clock and the boys are fighting for their life to try and come back and at least tie the game up. They can’t get it done and skate of the ice through the tunnel and into their sanctuary of the locker room. Though I know what my grandpa would have done when he got them back behind those walls and I can’t imagine it would be any sort of sanctuary for any of them, especially Parker.

  No reply by the time I head to bed, and again I have a fitful night’s sleep.



  Well, Fuck. I can’t believe the shit show that occurred on the ice. Five, I let five fuckin’ goals by me tonight and I got pulled out of the net. Coach was pissed, and I don’t blame him after the winning streak we’ve been on. I bust into the locker room throwing my pads off myself not caring where the fuck they land and rip my skates off my feet, my jersey is next. Plopping down on the bench in only my pants and undershirt I rake my hands through my hair in anger and then throw my stick across the room. Fuck.

  Yeah, my head still hurt going into tonight’s game, but I was good to go, a mild headache never stopped me before. The problem with my head is the fact I fucked up, and I’m still stressing over the other foot that will inevitably be dropping soon. The police haven’t been able to find the red head or identify her. If I thought Mandy was pissed about the picture, I don’t even want to think about what she’s going to think about the video. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I was invited to the Hutton house, but honestly, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.

  I hear the horn blare for the end of the third period and the guys start trickling in a few moments later, none of them have a happy face.

  Cam comes storming in beelining right to me. “What the fuck was that shit show Marsh?” He’s pissed and has every right to be.

  “I’m pissed too, all right. I let the team down and myself. I fucked this game up and I take all the blame. This was my worst game of the season and I’m fuckin pissed about it,” I snap back at him as I stand to meet him eye to eye.

  “I told you in the beginning to not get involved in any way with her, yeah she’s a sweet girl, nice to look at and Callie is an amazing little girl.”

  “Watch it Cam,” I snap at him as he starts talking about Mandy, “She’s not a piece of ass I’m infatuated with, I really like her.”

  “That’s the problem asshat, you really like her, and you fucked up anything that could have happened with her, in one night. Now you’re taking it out on the team because you’re in your head. Get your head in the game because in a week she’s going to be on the staff, and we can’t have you pulling crap like you did tonight. You will have to man up and a
ccept her choice. She is a strong woman dealt a crap situation and a dad, who let me remind you, was a goalie in the NHL who dropped her off at her grandparents’ house so he could go live his life and screw all the bunnies he could even before his wife passed away. You think it’s going to put a good light on you? You think her working with you and having any sort of romantic relationship is going to work after Connor and the crap he’s putting her through now? Marsh, this isn’t about you and what you want or feel, you have to remember Mandy hasn’t had the best vision of a professional athlete in her life. Hutton was a diamond in the rough, a man who had pride in himself, family and team and a heart of gold. He’s the only good man she’s ever had in her life. You Marsh, need to get all your shit figured out, this video thing dealt with, then after that, show her the man you can and want to be for her and Callie.” He tears me up one side and then the other then walks away before I have a chance to say a damn thing.

  He’s right though. I’m only thinking about what I want and feel and not about Mandy, and what she’s gone through and is going through. Realizing more clearly why she has her rules in place.

  Coach comes in, looks at me shaking his head and then walks away, not saying a word. It messes with my head more than Cam attacking me. That showed me his disappointment in me. He then stands in the middle of the room getting everyone’s attention. He pinpoints as much of a shit job I did blocking the shots that defense should have been on point and should have kept it away from our zone. As much as I agree with him, I still didn’t do what I’m paid to do.

  I’m in no mood to stick around here tonight so I shower as fast as I can and get out of there, trying to avoid the media and all the questions I’m not in the mood to answer about what I didn’t accomplish tonight in net. I’m almost free when this leggy brunette Jamie, a reporter for one of the local sports outlets, corners me.

  “Marsh, did tonight’s crash have anything to do with the photos leaked yesterday”

  “No comment.” It’s all I got for her then she pushes a bit more.

  “Marsh, who’s the baby we saw you with before the game two nights ago?”

  “No comment, Jamie you aren’t getting anything from me. I need to go,” I say then walk away leaving her behind pissed she couldn’t get anything from me, get her scoop.

  I finally reach my car, throw my bag in the back along with my suit jacket and get in, sitting there a little while before I decide I need to go out to my house tonight. It’s late but I need to be away from the city to decompress the past few days. With Christmas Eve tomorrow followed by the big holiday itself I want to hide, getaway from everything. Before I back out of my spot, I get a text.

  Mandy: I’m sorry.

  I don’t reply back to her and throw my phone in the seat next to me, then back out of my spot and start driving.

  Within thirty minutes I’m pulling into my garage and shutting off the engine. I may have exceeded the speed limit a little bit, but I needed the security of this place. I leave all my stuff in the car grab my phone and head to the fridge to grab a beer.

  With beer in hand I plop myself down on the couch in the darkness. I’m just about to pass out from exhaustion when my phone lights up and pings with a text notification.

  Unknown: Baby, where are you?

  Unknown: Why aren’t you home?

  Unknown: I have something to show you.

  A video pops up in the text conversation next. The video from the other night. Just to see how bad I come across in the video I open it and watch. What I see is an edited version, a version that doesn’t show her tripping over her own feet but of me pushing her to the ground, cropping out her feet. Not to mention it starts with what looks like us kissing, though clearly, I didn’t even let it go that far after what had happened earlier in the night. The sound was also cut out so you can’t hear me denying her or finding her in my apartment after she broke in. This definitely doesn’t paint a good picture for me at all.

  I sit watching it over and over again realizing I’m completely fucked. The NHL doesn’t much care for any sort of domestic violence and if she leaks it out my year is done for.

  Unknown: Back off little Mandy and her kid and I’ll keep this little jewel to myself.

  Parker: Who is this?

  Unknown: Just call me Little Red and we’ll do fine.

  Parker: Why are you doing this to me?

  Unknown: Because I can.

  Parker: What do you gain from this?

  Unknown: That’s for me to know and you to find out.

  Parker: You know I didn’t do anything besides deny you after you broke into my condo. Who put you up to this?

  Unknown: I know a lot of things, Parker Marshall.

  Parker: What do you want from me?

  Unknown: I told you. Stay away from that girl and her kid. You do and this video will never see the light of day.

  Parker: I can’t really do that since she works for my team. So, what now?

  Unknown: Easy, let her do her job, and you use a different trainer on staff. Ignore her, don’t try and pursue anything with her.

  Parker: This makes no sense. I don’t know who you are and hope to never see your face again. Leave me alone.

  Unknown: If that’s how you want to play this, the video will be all over social media by the new year. I’m watching. Have a good night!

  I Immediately text coach and Henry the video along with screen shots of this conversation. They both acknowledge they have it and have seen it and we will talk first thing tomorrow.

  I drag my ass to the bedroom, plug my phone into the charger and crash on my gigantic king bed in a spread-eagle position. This day has been total crap and I’m done.



  It’s Christmas Eve, Callie’s first Christmas begins. We’ve done all the things in town, the tree lighting a couple weeks ago and the Christmas bazar where everyone came together to celebrate the holiday with crafts and baked goods. I have my first picture of her with Santa too sitting on the mantle.

  After getting Callie up for the day I go in search of coffee. After a night of hell dealing with Connor and the conversation with Grandma about Grandpa, I feel more drained than I have ever felt before in my life.

  Grandma senses my exhaustion and takes Callie from me and gets her all set up with breakfast in her highchair; scrambled eggs and a piece of toast. Then she looks at me with sadness that I notice is frequently sitting in the back of her eyes.

  “Mandy sweetheart, you need to go on the porch and see what that idiot left last night. We need to get a call in to Henry this morning, even with it being Christmas Eve, we need to make sure we are protected against Connor.”

  “I will, but honestly I don’t care what he left for her. She doesn’t need a thing from him. They can’t even accuse me of going after his money. It’s all in a trust for Callie.” I pick my mug of steaming coffee and go to the porch where I find the gifts piled high. All wrapped pretty with big bows. I take a picture of the pile for photo evidence then toss them inside the door, not even putting them anywhere near the tree. I know it’s immature of me to be this way about the presents, but I don’t want him to touch our holiday. I’ll help her open them later, sometime.

  Grandma is busy with Callie, so I show her the picture.

  “Wow, I was expecting two maybe three not twenty or so. Grab the house phone for me will you. I’m going to call Henry.”

  “Sure,” I go get the cordless phone off the charger and hand it to her taking her spot in front of Callie while she gets up to make her call.

  “Merry Christmas Eve Callie girl,” I coo at her chuckling a bit at the scrambled eggs covering her face and hair. “Looks like you’re going to need a bath after breakfast,” then place a kiss on her forehead.

  I hear Grandma on the phone, “Yes Henry, I’ll wait for your call. Yes, it’s fine you go ahead and deal with Parker’s issue, and then call me back. Really, Henry it’s fine. I have the police on speed dial, they were here
in five minutes last night. We’ll be fine. Talk to you later, bye.”

  When she comes back into the kitchen, I watch her wondering if she will fill me in on her conversation with Henry. I’m about to ask her when she starts telling me about what’s going on with Parker.

  “Parker has some stalking or harassment issue going on, I don’t know the details.” She sighs before sitting next to me and placing a hand on my arm. “Henry will call me back when he’s finished dealing with his issue.”

  “Oh, okay.” It’s all I can muster up before I go into a tailspin of crazy thoughts about Parker. What if Connor is bothering him, what if he has a crazy bunny causing him problems, and lastly, is he okay?

  I can’t help but worry, I do care about the idiot even if I can’t be with him as more than a friend, and with that thought I grab my phone and text him.

  Mandy: Are you okay? Henry just said you had something going on with a stalker or something.

  I close the text window out and go back to the day, hoping he replies back this time.

  It’s when I have my little girl in the tub and am covered in water and bubbles my phone pings with a text notification. I put the text to the back of my head and concentrate on what I’m doing. When Callie is dressed and ready for the day playing on the floor, I’ll check the message.

  When we do get back downstairs grandma is on the phone.

  “Yes, Henry. Officer Daniels made sure he left the property. He did allow him to leave Christmas presents on the porch with our permission. We haven’t opened them, but I can send you a picture of their placement on the porch. We brought them in this morning.”

  She’s silent for a few moments listening to Henry. “Let me ask Mandy what she wants to do.”

  Grandma turns to me asking if I want to press charges against him or is the warning the cops gave him enough?

  “I don’t know. What if he comes back here again the next time barging right through the door? Can we take that chance? We don’t know if he’s still around or on his way back to Boston.”


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