Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 14

by Candace Blevins

  He stood her up, placed his arms around her waist from behind, lifted her, walked her forward as one would a mannequin, and leaned her over the bed again.

  The sound of the condom package ripping made her jerk, but he still didn’t give any reassuring touches.

  He’d started with the spreader on the longest setting, so there was no need to readjust it — she was wide open and completely at his mercy as he rammed his cock into her ass with only the lubrication the condom offered.

  He fucked her, hard, knowing she’d hate the first few seconds, but planned to back off if he didn’t see signs of pleasure once she was beyond the initial invasion. A minute later her moves indicated both pleasure and pain, and while she still held the tissue, he wanted more feedback from her. Leaning forward, he reached around to release the valve. “Punishment’s over, Viv, if you see rainbows now, you should tell me.”

  The instant the gag slid from her mouth she gasped, “Oh God, please tell me I can come!”

  “I’ll count backwards from ten. Hold onto it until I get to zero.”

  As he reached ‘one’ she started spasming, but wasn’t fully into it until zero so he let it pass, as she did good to hold back as long as she did. When her orgasm was over he pulled out and tossed the condom. He wasn’t ready to come yet; he had too many things he wanted to do to her.

  He released her wrists, removed the spreader bar, and had her lay across a pile of pillows in the center of the bed — her ass high in the air. His touch was tender now, and he hoped affectionate, as he connected right wrist to right ankle, and left wrist to left ankle.

  “I love having you at my mercy. You’re beautiful like this — such pure submission.” His hands trailed over her body, eliciting moans and gasps as he squeezed and played with the welts. A few strikes had brought blood to the surface; she’d likely have a few scabs even though he hadn’t broken the skin. Mac’s warning about not seeing marks replayed in Tyler’s head, and he made a mental note to talk to Viv about it before they headed back.

  Turning so Viv could watch, he donned another condom, stretched a glove onto both hands, and lubed his thumbs. He took his time climbing onto the bed behind her, rested his cock at her entrance, and casually curled his fingers around her hipbones. Her body was strung tight with anticipation, and her tension only fueled his hunger to own her, possess her.

  With no warning, he plunged into her cunt, buried to the hilt, and groaned as her warmth hugged and surrounded him. She was still gasping from the invasion when he forced both thumbs into her ass.

  “My cunt. My ass.” He paused and added, “Say it.”

  “Your cunt. Your ass. Sir.”

  He was close to losing control as he pulled her ass apart with his thumbs while his cock pounded her cunt. He barely remembered to tell her to come when she wanted before he lost himself as he fucked and rutted and pulled and pushed until his orgasm took him and he collapsed on top of her.

  It was several long moments before he dared an attempt at walking, but when he could, he made his way to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and gloves. Leaning against the sink for support, he wet a cool washcloth, wiped his face and cock, and then wet another.

  He returned to Viv and wiped her face first, then cleaned her pussy and ass. He removed all but one ankle cuff, which he tied to the bottom leg of the bed, allowing enough rope to give her freedom of movement in her sleep, but not enough to get more than a couple of steps away from the bed unless he released her.

  She drank a few sips of water when he offered it, and snuggled into the blanket, her eyes heavy. Tyler turned the lights off, double-checked the lock on the door one last time, crawled into bed, and spooned behind her.

  * * * *

  Viv awakened in the middle of the night needing to use the restroom. She’d only accepted a few sips of water, hoping to avoid this, but there was no way around it.

  She gingerly touched Tyler’s shoulder and said, “Sir, I need to empty my bladder. Please.”

  He woke immediately and released her without comment. When she came out of the bathroom he was sitting on the side of the bed, the sheet loose in his lap. She thanked him as she neared, but he only reattached the rope to her ankle cuff, and she was a little put out that he hadn’t acknowledged her thanks. However, it seemed wise to keep her mouth shut about it since she didn’t trust herself to speak respectfully, though they’d need to talk about how she felt at some point.

  She didn’t expect him to pick things back up in the middle of the night, but soon learned he’d put a condom on while she was in the restroom. When she backed up to him to spoon, he lifted her right leg to her shoulder and drove into her pussy from behind.

  She wasn’t at all horny, and tried to pull forward, but he said, “Are you my property or not, Viv? Did you or did you not agree to belong to me until ten minutes after we return from breakfast?”

  She stopped trying to escape and went limp, but said, “I’m not horny, Tyler.”

  “Do you want to reword your sentence, Viv?” he growled.

  She sighed to herself. “I’m not horny, Sir.”

  “That’s fine; this’ll be a quickie. In fact, since you’re being uncooperative I think I’ll just say you aren’t allowed to come.” He pulled out, pushed back in, taking his time. “Take what I give you. Become a vessel for my pleasure without obtaining any for yourself. Some would say that’s true submission.”

  He slammed into her, his motions harsh and fast, and she whimpered at the discomfort and violation. However, true to his word, within two or three minutes he came, filling the condom with such force she felt the spurts through the latex.

  He disposed of the condom and nonchalantly made sure her ankle cuff was secured to the rope before climbing into bed to spoon behind her again. His hand caressed her stomach and he kissed her shoulder. “We’ll talk more about this tomorrow, when we aren’t in power exchange. It won’t always be about you. Sometimes I’ll just want a quickie.”

  Viv didn’t answer, as she thought it a good idea to wait to inform him of her opinions once they were out of power exchange. She was certain she was too aggravated to return to sleep, but he rubbed and caressed her until she drifted off.

  Within moments of being awakened the next morning, Viv found herself lying on her back, stretched out sideways on the bed with her head upside-down over the edge while Tyler fucked her mouth. She was sure this would be a repeat of the first morning, and expected to go to breakfast without brushing her teeth.

  When he finally came, he did so in her mouth instead of spurting down her throat, and when he’d finished he sat her up and ordered, “Swallow every drop.”

  They held eye contact as she swallowed self-consciously, and she saw his eyes drop to her throat to watch it work.

  “I could get hard again just watching you swallow me down.”

  He kissed her on the forehead and proceeded to remove her ankle cuff. “Why don’t you use the bathroom I while get the shower adjusted. Meet me under the water when you’re finished.”

  Viv was glad he didn’t make her ask to empty her bladder, but wasn’t sure about using the toilet while he was in the bathroom. However, he stepped into the shower and turned the water on, and she had no issues going when he couldn’t see or hear her.

  She made sure to thank him for letting her empty her bladder when she followed him into the shower, and he pulled her to him under the water as he said, “I’m so pleased with you, Viv. Let me pamper you a bit. Is the water temperature okay? I like it pretty hot, is it too much?”

  “It’s fine, but could be a little hotter, if you were being cautious for me. Sir.”

  He grinned and twisted the nozzle before reaching for the shampoo. Viv lost track of time as Tyler washed her hair twice, massaging her scalp with heavenly fingers both times. He worked conditioner through it and had her stand out from under the water as he bent to loofah both of her feet, and switched to a washcloth and lathered the rest of her body. He took his time rinsing the
conditioner, and finally helped her out.

  Gentle hands thoroughly dried her, and then he situated a kitchen chair in front of the mirror, motioning her to sit as he reached for the blow dryer.

  When her hair was dry he had her stand, and she turned to see eight perfectly straight bruises, each with a raised welt running through the middle.

  Her eyes met Tyler’s in the mirror, but he only asked, “Do you need to empty your bladder again?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Then bend over the bed and spread your legs, please.”

  Strong fingers lubed her ass before forcing a plug in. She feared it would be another giant plug, but it was a manageable size and she worried she might not be able to hold it. Tyler once again thought of everything though, and he looped a rope around her waist and between her legs, creating a harness. She moaned as she felt a knot pressing into her clit again, but he quietly handed her panties and shorts, then bra and shirt, and had her turn in a circle once she was dressed. He nodded his approval and said, “Do your hair while I get dressed. You may not brush your teeth.”

  At breakfast he told her to get anything off the buffet she wanted, but instructed her to only get orange juice to drink. When they returned to their table he casually said, “You may eat, with any utensil you wish. While you eat, I’d like to hear how you felt about last night’s punishment.”

  They’d lucked up and found a table in a corner, away from everyone else, so she answered, “I was terrified, Sir. I couldn’t translate the pain into pleasure, and it just fucking hurt. I hated it.”

  “Do you think you’ll forget to thank me for allowing you to empty your bladder again?”

  “I hope not, Sir. But...I’m kind of worried. If I get such a severe punishment for forgetting something, how bad would it be if I deliberately broke a rule?”

  “Let’s hope you don’t want to find out bad enough to try me and see. Punishment is designed to keep you from making the same transgression again. The consequence when you forget something the first time is considerably more lenient than when you forget the same thing a second time.”

  He paused, and spoke as if he were carefully choosing his words. “Deliberate disobedience means you’re choosing not to submit. If I don’t understand why you chose to flout a rule you’ve agreed to, then we’ll need to discuss it before I can decide on the consequences. If you didn’t obey simply because you didn’t want to, we have to reevaluate whether you want to be in a power exchange relationship at all. If there’s a reason you objected to a particular rule, we’ll discuss how you should’ve talked with me, instead of refusing to obey. There will of course be a punishment, and it’ll likely be something to make you think twice before repeating a similar offense — but there’ll also be so much conversation about it you’ll be more likely to come to me to talk the next time you have an issue with a rule.”

  “So, if I don’t like a rule, I only have to tell you, and it goes away? Sir?”

  He smiled. “Sorry, no — not the way it works. However, I’ll listen to your concerns and objections, and will make a determination of keeping it as is, getting rid of it altogether, or modifying it in some way. All decisions are mine to make, but I’ll weigh your feelings into the mix.”

  Viv wouldn’t be comfortable giving Tyler this much power if they were going to be twenty-four/seven, but realized it wouldn’t work any other way for their short term power exchanges.

  Tyler’s voice drew her out of her thoughts. “Were you angry with me for punishing you?”

  “No. I mean, our agreement says you get to make the rules, and if our power exchange is to mean anything then you have to be able to enforce them.” She shrugged. “You’re just doing your part, I can’t really be mad at you. Once I agree to the rules, I’m kind of agreeing to be punished for not following them, and while I never imagined the punishment would be so severe for forgetting to thank you... it’s not my place to judge how you choose to punish me as long as you stay within the boundaries we agreed on. Sir.”

  “How would you feel today if I’d only given you a token punishment? Say, five strokes to your ass with a flogger.”

  She’d be disappointed in him. Five strokes with a flogger wasn’t punishment, it was play. Looking up, unsure of what to say, the smirk on his face told her he already realized he’d made his point. She sighed. “Yeah, okay. I’d have lost respect for you as my Master if you hadn’t given me a punishment that tested my limits. I’m not likely to forget to thank you again, and the reminder that you don’t screw around with consequences will keep me in line. I’ll be better behaved, will work harder to please you and follow orders, and we’ll be a happier couple because of it. Sir.”

  “So, do you still think the punishment was more than should’ve been called for?”

  “No. Sir. I’ve spent time with Doms who let me walk all over them. I’d make a determination of whether the punishment was worth it or not before deciding whether to follow a rule. Part of me is glad you aren’t giving me that option, because I want to be able to respect you. I want to submit to you; it isn’t that I need you to make me submit, it’s just that I guess I need…” She paused, trying to figure out how to word it. “I need to know you’ll enforce the rules. I need to know you mean business, and I don’t get to decide which rules to follow and which to ignore.”

  He smiled. “Thanks for being honest. We’ll always have these discussions after a punishment. It’s okay for you to be upset or angry with me, and it’s even okay for you to tell me you’re mad, as long as you do it respectfully. My aim is for you to find peace and accept each punishment, and to agree with my decision. I’m glad you’ve done so today, but it isn’t likely to happen every single time.” He shrugged. “As long as we can continue to communicate and be honest with each other, I feel confident we’ll deal with whatever comes up.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Tyler was ready to step out of their power exchange roles by the time they were in the elevator returning to their room. They’d need to check out in about an hour, and he hoped they could find a place to sit and talk about how they might integrate things into their lives before they returned to the house. He was terrified of losing her, but hadn’t been able to tell her he loved her. It was time he did.

  He set his watch for ten minutes as they stepped into the room, and quickly led her to the bedroom, pulled her shorts and panties down long enough to release the harness and remove the plug, and pulled her clothes back up, taking care to tuck her shirt in and fasten her shorts.

  Motioning towards the bathroom, he said, “Let’s go brush our teeth,” and smiled when she smirked at him.

  They had just under five minutes remaining as he led her to the living room, and he sat on the sofa and pulled her into his lap. The angle wasn’t quite right, so he scooted out from under her, leaned her backwards while taking care to support her shoulders and head, and bent down to kiss her until they were both breathless.

  His watch caught him off guard when it vibrated, as it didn’t feel as if they’d kissed nearly five minutes. He’d become lost in it, and by the look in her eyes, so had she.

  Tyler sat her up and turned sideways on the sofa as he silenced his watch. Their eyes met, and Tyler’s heart surged. He’d wanted her back for so long; he couldn’t blow this second chance. His voice threatened to tremble, but he managed to hold it steady as he said, “I love you — not just the submissive side of you, but the totally-in-control-of-herself part, too.” He caressed her cheek. “I can live without a twenty-four/seven relationship, but I’m not sure I can live without you.”

  He couldn’t breathe, and wasn’t sure what he’d do if she balked. Her face didn’t look accepting as she processed his words, and his heart fell to his stomach.

  “I’m pretty sure I love you, too, but, there’s so much to think about. Both of us are at a crossroads. What if you get a job in Portland and I get a job in Atlanta?”

  “I can work almost anywhere. Maybe we won’t be in the same city,
but I’ll get us closer than Portland and Atlanta.”

  His heart fell further as it occurred to him perhaps she didn’t want to make this work. “That is, if you want me to be near you.”

  * * * *

  Viv couldn’t believe her ears. He loved her?

  She’d pretty much decided it’d be better if they could have a short fling and go their respective ways when they found jobs. She was terrified of losing herself in Tyler; he was so strong and capable, and so damned good at Topping her. If he had much time with her she was almost afraid of what she might agree to.

  And, shit, if he took a job near her, instead of a more preferred one elsewhere, she’d owe him. She didn’t want to be indebted to him, and couldn’t let him hurt his career for her sake.

  He was looking at her, waiting for a response, so she said, “I tell you what. We’ll both look for jobs without telling the other which cities we’re considering. Once we’ve narrowed our list down to a few cities, only then will we share locations with each other.”

  He didn’t say anything, so she clarified. “I’ll hand you a numbered list with my first two or three choices, and you’ll hand me your list at the same time. If we both have the same city at or near the top of our lists, we’ll see what we can do.”

  Tyler leaned back and studied her — not his Dom face, but his assessment still made her wonder what he saw.

  “Viv, you’re important. What we have together is important, or it’s important to me, and if you don’t feel the same, please tell me, but if you do…” He shook his head, looked out the window at the ocean a few seconds, and returned his gaze to her. “I think we owe it to ourselves to see where we can take this.”

  Shit. He wasn’t going to let her off the hook easily. If she compromised her career to be with him she’d resent it, and it would take a toll on their relationship. It would break her heart to walk away from him, but it might destroy her career to find a way for them to be together. Her heart would heal. Eventually.


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