Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 24

by Candace Blevins

  Viv’s ass and pussy were both being plundered, and she was so far gone she could barely concentrate enough to follow orders, but she raised her eyes to the handsome man standing before her and did as ordered.

  He ran a single gloved finger down the center of her tongue, and proceeded to stroke it back and forth, from tip to root. It was all she could do to hold her mouth open and keep her tongue stretched out to give him access. His finger in her mouth was more personal than the unseen men behind her who were plundering her pussy and ass.

  Her gaze travelled across the pool to her Master. She hoped this wasn’t what he’d had in mind, but he was leaning back in his chair and slowly rubbing his cock over the top of his swimsuit.

  He added a second finger as he stroked her tongue, and after a few times in and back out, he slid them past the back of her throat, threatening her gag response. Her eyes flew up to meet this strange man’s gaze again, and she recognized his own brand of sadist peering out as he said, “Open your mouth like a good little cunt and let’s see how well you can handle being invaded in all of your holes at once.”

  He opened his hand so all four fingers slid down her tongue, with only his thumb outside her mouth. His fingers pressed into her throat as the knuckles of his large hand passed inside her lips and the webbing of his thumb caught at the corner of her mouth.

  She gagged at the invasion and he stilled but didn’t pull back. “Swallow around me, dear. Your rules say I can’t hurt you, and I wore a glove to be sure my nails won’t scratch the back of your throat. A hand is different from a cock, but I watched your Master feed his cock down your throat the other night so I know you’ve been trained. You don’t want to puke and embarrass your Master, do you?”

  Her eyes drifted back to Tyler across the pool as she swallowed around the fingers invading her throat. She managed to stop gagging, but was just on the edge of control when the fingers pressed deeper. Her throat only gave one spasm this time, before she coaxed it into relaxing once more.

  The dildo in her pussy, the fingers in her ass, and the fingers in her throat began moving in the same rhythm — slowly at first, with each extraction coming dangerously close to a complete exit, and each entrance pushing as hard and far as possible without bringing pain.

  The tempo gradually increased and Viv worked to keep eye contact with Tyler, though the arm in front of her face blocked her view from one eye a good part of the time.

  She’d already been played with by numerous men, and had endured more orgasms than she could count. She was so tired, and so horny, and just couldn’t find her way over the edge until Tyler leaned forward and mouthed the word, “Come,” and her body obeyed. The hand in her throat went in and pressed, as did the fingers in her ass, but the dildo in her pussy continued its assault as she writhed and thrashed in her restraints, and her knees threatened to buckle.

  When her orgasm at last waned, the hand in her mouth was slowly extracted, and Viv worked her jaw until she could comfortably close her mouth. The man didn’t address her again, but walked to the back and said, “Leave the dildo in her cunt, and stick the other in her ass. You both did well.”

  He continued talking to them as they walked away, and Viv had the impression the two men at her back had been submissive to the man at her front.

  The dildo in her pussy slid out, yanking the belt as it swung free. Tyler grinned at the sight, but she was too tired to return the smile.

  Viv knew this was another way to demonstrate how far his ownership could go. Whether she liked it or not on an intellectual level, she had to admit it was a huge turn on for her, even now when she was so tired she couldn’t imagine another orgasm.

  A couple walked up behind her and a man said, “All right, Anna, I’ll give you a chance to practice before you’re required to pleasure Mistress Ariana tomorrow. Lube your hands and play with this slave’s pussy. You know what feels good; just do to her what you’d like done to you. She’s a slave just like you, and she won’t complain about someone giving her pleasure.”

  A small voice answered, “Yes, Master,” and Viv felt the lube tube lift, drop, and then tentative fingers caressed her outer labia. She wasn’t the least bit horny, and wasn’t sure how she felt about the other submissive practicing on her, but realized she didn’t get a say, and her arousal level suddenly began to rebound.

  Cautious fingers moved from her outer labia to stroke the inner labia, and as the woman gained confidence her fingers tracked to either side of Viv’s clit, gently scissoring it as they moved forward and back. Viv moved her hips in appreciation and moaned in pleasure, and a firm hand — she assumed the Dom’s — pressed the plug in her ass to keep it from popping out with her movements.

  “Good girl. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

  The soft voice answered, “It’s not like I feel when I’m servicing you, Master, but it’s still fulfilling. My purpose is to provide pleasure when you order me to, and it’s not for me to decide who, when, or how.”

  “Very good, pet. Now, I want you to bring her as close to orgasm as you can, without bringing her over. Tell me when you think she’s close.”

  “Yes, Master. Can I use both hands, please?”

  “Of course. Use the lube on your right hand to wet your left.”

  The hand was withdrawn briefly, and two dainty fingers entered her pussy as the fingers of another hand once again slid along either side of her clit — front to back to front to back.

  Hesitant fingers soon turned bold, and each stroke pressed in and down until Viv’s involuntary gasp and moan let the other submissive know she’d found the g-spot.

  The woman ran her fingers over the magic spot – curling them back to the edge and driving over it again and again, until Viv wanted to beg the woman for more.

  “She’s very close, Master.”

  “How long has it been since you’ve orgasmed, pet?”

  “Two weeks, three and a half days, Master.”

  “Do you want to deny this woman, or give her relief?”

  “Oh, I want to give her relief, Master.”

  “What if I give you a choice? Leave her hanging and I’ll allow you to get yourself off tomorrow in front of an audience after you’ve successfully pleasured Mistress Ariana, or get this slave off and lose your chance for a reward orgasm.”

  Viv knew she’d be punished for speaking, but couldn’t help herself. She’d had plenty of orgasms, and if this woman had been weeks without one...Wow. She waited to see what the woman would do; if she chose to deny her there would be no need for Viv to get herself into trouble. However, when the girl pushed in and scraped across her g-spot as she put a little more pressure around her clit, Viv looked at Tyler to be sure he saw her, as she never wanted to sneak to break the rules, and said, “I’ve had so many orgasms today I’ve lost track. It’s okay to leave me hanging. Please don’t give up your reward for me!”

  The hands stilled and the Dom walked into Viv’s view. “I heard you tell someone earlier you’d lost speech privileges. I was under the impression you were only allowed to explain why you weren’t answering questions.”

  Viv’s breath hitched when Tyler stood and walked around the pool towards them. “Yes, Sir. I’m only allowed to inform you my Master has placed me on speech restrictions.”

  She wouldn’t say anything else. She was in enough trouble already.

  When Tyler reached them he ignored Viv and offered his hand to the other Dom, who shook it as he said, “Johan,” and her Master responded, “Tyler.”

  Johan motioned to his slave and she stepped to his left and gracefully dropped to her knees on the concrete. Viv winced and made a mental note to thank Tyler later for always providing a towel or cushion when he ordered her to kneel.

  “I believe your slave was under speech restrictions?”

  “She is.” He pulled an earbud from his right ear and pocketed it. “I heard most of the conversation, but I’d like to hear the entire story from you, to be sure I have it straight.”

/>   Johan explained he’d wanted to test his slave, and when he’d heard Tyler’s slave tell someone of her speech restrictions, thought he’d found the perfect set-up. Viv kept her eyes glued to her Master’s feet as Johan repeated Viv’s words, and her heart dropped when he added, “My slave’s choice was obvious, as I saw her make the beginning moves to bring yours to orgasm, so she’s forfeited her orgasm. Your slave’s forbidden words were for nothing, but I’m curious to know how you intend to punish her.”

  “If you have some time, you’re welcome to bring your slave to our rooms and watch.”

  “You won’t deliver it in public?”

  Tyler dropped his voice. “I’ll be going beyond the resort’s parameters, and security will stop me if I attempt it out here.”

  A finger touched Viv’s chin, lifting it until her eyes locked with Tyler’s. “Although, you make an interesting point, Johan,” he said, without moving his eyes from Viv’s. “Many people witnessed her defiance, perhaps she should be punished publicly before we finish behind closed doors. Surely I can come up with something security won’t balk over.”

  He glanced up to Johan, and returned his gaze to Viv. “I haven’t practiced long term orgasm denial with her as of yet, perhaps we’ll explore the option once we return home.”

  Viv had no idea how he thought he’d manage it when he only owned her outright for around twelve hours a week and all other scenes were optional. Nevertheless, her heart quailed at the idea, and she knew him well enough to not discount him figuring out a way to negotiate his way there.

  She saw him consider something and reach a decision, and her chin was gently released as he spoke to Johan. “If you’re in agreement, I’ll remove her tattoo and ask you to apply one saying she’s off limits once more while I retrieve a few things from our room.”

  Viv started to panic at the idea of being entrusted to this stranger while Tyler left, but common sense told her there were several staff members in the pool area, and if she gave the resort safeword they’d intervene.

  Tyler quickly removed her tattoo and handed the new one to Johan, and she barely refrained from begging him not to leave as he stepped away without saying goodbye. However, moments later she felt guilty for doubting him when he stopped to talk to a staff member before leaving the area, further ensuring she’d be safe in his absence.

  Viv remained silent as the Dom placed the tattoo on her arm, though she wanted to tell him a few things as he spoke to his slave.

  “Pet, I’m so glad the only real corrections you’ve needed have been during training, and not as a result of deliberately challenging my authority. I’d be mortified if you disobeyed as this slave did.”

  Viv bit her tongue to keep from arguing, but then wondered...had she challenged Tyler’s authority? They’d agreed he owned for their entire stay at this resort, but she’d thought he would understand she had to make a decision in his absence. She didn’t think he could hear from across the pool, so she’d used her best judgment. However, she’d been wrong, and had messed up whatever test this Dom had wanted to give his slave. It wasn’t for her to decide; her Master had set her up as nothing more than a vessel, and she’d made a decision when she hadn’t been given authority to do so. He knew what was going on, and would’ve intervened if he’d felt it necessary.

  She sighed inwardly as she realized the other Master was correct; she’d challenged Tyler’s authority. She’d known he would punish her, and had chosen to speak without permission anyway.

  When Tyler returned he carried a bag, and a lidded plastic container filled with water. As he neared she noted the water was soapy and frothy, and wondered what he could possibly have in mind.

  He settled the container on the ground, pulled some ginger and a knife from the bag, and began to peel the ginger. She hated being figged, couldn’t stand the burn. However, she didn’t bother trying to beg with her eyes. He had the right to fig her during any of the agreed upon punishments, and she couldn’t safeword.

  If she said a safeword out here, he’d have to stop, but she knew there’d be repercussions later. They hadn’t talked about it, but common sense told her he’d have the right to punish her if she forced his hand by involving the resort’s security.

  It didn’t take near enough time for him to peel and carve the plug for her ass, another plug she was certain would go in her pussy, and two more arched shaped pieces.

  He took the bag with him when he moved to her backside, and within moments the plugs were in, and her pussy and ass were beginning to tingle.

  She yelped in surprise as he nestled the two arched shapes on either side of her clit, and used four strong clamps on her pussy lips, effectively trapping the ginger around her clit and in her pussy.

  Her clit and ass were on fire, and she was in danger of hyperventilating when she felt six rapid lashes from his single tail. She stopped breathing completely, and finally remembered to unclench her ass and pussy to stop squeezing more of the caustic ginger juice onto her sensitive tissues.

  Tyler knelt before her and removed the lid from the plastic container. He pulled a bar of softened Ivory soap from the water, turned it in his hand until his fingers and palm were coated white, and settled the soap back in the water.

  His soap-covered hand came towards her mouth as he said, “Open up, my naughty little slave.”

  Her gaze shifted from his hand to his eyes as she opened her mouth. If she could’ve pulled away when his fingers ran over her tongue, she would have, but the stocks held her head firm, just as they’d done when the other Master had inserted his fingers so far down her throat.

  Tyler’s soapy fingers methodically stroked over and under her tongue, all over the insides of each cheek, and across the roof of her mouth. His hand disappeared and returned with the bar, and he scraped softened pieces of soap off and pushed them into the top of her lower molars until the chewing surface was smooth, and then did the same with her upper molars. He rubbed the bar of soap across the inside and outside of her top and bottom teeth, and finally stuck the entire bar in her mouth sideways and ordered her to bite down.

  “Keep your head down and let the drool fall out. If you swallow, you’ll get sick and throw up, so be sure you let gravity take it out.” He lowered his voice. “You’re already going to receive four of the agreed upon punishments when we return to the room. If you drop the soap you’ll earn yourself two more.”

  He extracted the hated alligator clamps from the bag, and Viv screamed around the bar of soap as he applied first one, then the other. Her feet hopelessly tried to run away when he pulled fishing weights from the bag, and she screamed yet again as he hooked a half pound to each breast.

  He stood and backed up a step as he said, “Your mouth got you into trouble, so we’ll let you burn at both ends for a while.”

  Tyler turned to the kneeling slave, considered her a few seconds, and looked up to her Master. “It’s bad form to use another slave when you don’t offer your own, but since her arm shows–”

  Johan interrupted. “Don’t mention it. I’m quite enjoying your slave’s suffering and look forward to joining you in private. Let’s put mine on a chair and I’ll take her ass while you use her mouth, shall we?”

  Viv had agreed Tyler could receive blowjobs from other women while at the resort as long as he used a condom, and she honestly didn’t care what he did at this moment. He didn’t even glance at her as he answered, “You’re most gracious. I only ask that we pull a chair around, so my naughty slave can watch me making use of another slave’s mouth while hers is full of soap.”

  Viv suffered immensely as the two Doms took their pleasure. Her ass, pussy, clit, nipples, and mouth all burned with the fires of hell, and the volume of tears nearly matched the volume of saliva streaming from her mouth.

  She knew when they hit the five-minute mark, because Tyler never left these particular alligator clamps on for more than five minutes. She screamed once more at their removal, and came very close to losing the soap. Tyler’s
cruel fingers massaged and twisted her nipples a few seconds, his cock twitching with every scream. She’d hoped he would remove the soap and ginger, too, and wanted to scream again when he turned from her and stuck his cock in the other slave’s mouth once more.

  When he pulled away from the slave and towards Viv again, the heat in her ass and pussy were bearable, but her clit burned and throbbed, and her mouth felt as if the soap had turned to acid and was slowly eating the layers of skin. However, he only replaced the alligator clamps — weights still attached — and went back to fucking the other girl’s face.

  The girl’s Master finally came in her ass and stepped away, and Tyler glanced up to say, “Feel free to swing the weights on her breasts. Or, if you want to carve a fresh fig for her ass, that’ll be fine, but leave her pussy and clit pieces in place.”

  Viv screamed into the soap when the man flicked the weights. How much longer would Tyler force her to endure this agony? And what did he have planned for her once they went to the room? She could tell Tyler didn’t intend to get off, as he was taking his time and enjoying the warm mouth.

  Johan moved from Viv’s side to squat in front of her, and randomly flicked the weights as he asked, “Did you know the punishment would be this severe when you spoke?”

  She glanced up at Tyler, who looked as if he wanted to see the answer, too, so she nodded in the affirmative because Tyler didn’t do anything halfway, especially not punishments.

  Johan swung one weight so it bumped the other. “And yet you spoke anyway.” It wasn’t a question, but an observation as he considered the situation and fiddled with the weights. After eliciting a number of screams and pleading cries, he said, “You don’t appear to be eroticizing this pain, and I don’t believe this is a case of wanting to be punished.”

  Tyler’s cock was still hard when he moved away from the slave, stepped back into his bathing suit, and said, “No. By design, she doesn’t enjoy the punishments I dole out. You’re welcome to question her later, but I believe she was willing to accept her punishment in order to keep your slave from giving up her chance for an orgasm. I’ve never put Viv through long term orgasm denial, and she couldn’t imagine going so long without.”


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