A.O.E.M: Dichotomy

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A.O.E.M: Dichotomy Page 7

by Aubrey Ross

  Using her cream as lubricant, he circled her puckered little hole. Tingles spiraled deep into her body as his fingers continued their teasing orbit. He centered his fingertip and pushed, easing past the tight collar of muscle. She gasped, looking over her shoulder, wishing she could see as well as feel.

  “Chelsea, the Dichotomy are telepathic. I can do that for you.”

  He’d heard her thoughts! Gentle heat erupted in her brain. Pleasure, fierce pride, and loneliness inundated her mind. Stunned, she realized she was sensing Delano. Some part of her still searched for a rational explanation, the facts behind his fairytale. This was real. He wasn’t human, but something different, something more.

  She saw herself bent over the couch, his swarthy hands moving upon her ivory skin. His knee kept her legs wide and his middle finger was buried between her ass cheeks. He pulled back slowly. She watched his finger emerge, before he drove back in.

  “Too much.” She panted and he terminated the telepathic link, leaving only sensation and the staggering reality of what he’d just done. He moved in her ass, driving speculation from her mind, forcing her to focus on the penetration.

  He slipped his hand between her body and the sofa, finding her clit from the front as he filled her again and again. “Come for me. I know this feels different, but let yourself come.”

  With a careful twist of his wrist, he added a second finger, thrusting in fast, but drawing out slowly. As he pulled out, he flicked her clit, applying pressure as he thrust in. He scissored his fingers, stretching her, preparing her for his cock.

  Oh God, his cock! He intended to put his cock…

  “I won’t hurt you,” he insisted. “But you have to trust me.”

  “I don’t think I can do this. Just your fingers are --”

  He rolled her clit between his index finger and thumb, ending her protestations. “Come for me now!”

  An orgasm burst within Chelsea, shocking her to the marrow of her bones. Her internal muscles clenched and she cried out. He circled her clit as he drew his fingers out, dragging every last tingle from her reluctant body.

  The urge to thrust his cock into her hot, wet body nearly overwhelmed Delano. Ray had waited out of respect for him. He could do no less for his twin. The bonding was meant to be established together. After the initial culmination, they would be free to enjoy Chelsea individually. He pulled her off the sofa and into his arms.

  “You’re still dressed.” She smiled sleepily.

  “It’s safer this way.” He lifted her into his arms. She snuggled close and his heart missed a beat. It was the first real show of affection she’d offered him.

  “Safer for whom?”

  “I can’t make love to you until Ray joins us at dawn.”

  She raised her head from his shoulder. “What time is it?”

  He chuckled, pleased by her eagerness. “You’re stuck with me for several hours yet.”

  “Such a sacrifice.”

  Placing her on the bed, he unbuttoned his shirt, but left his pants in place.

  “You really aren’t going to undress?” Her lips parted in a siren’s smile, making his gut clench. “There are other things we can do while we’re waiting for Ray.”

  Images of Ray thrusting his cock in and out of her willing mouth flitted through Delano’s mind. He was tempted, yet stubborn enough to hold out for the real thing. He could wait a few more hours.

  “You promised we’d talk after.” He crawled onto the bed and pulled her snugly against his side.

  “This isn’t after. This is an intermission in the pre-show.”

  He pinched her bare bottom. She yelped and wiggled, each movement turning his balls a darker shade of blue. “Close enough. Tell me about this year.”

  “I just survived the events. Why would I want to relive them?”

  “Ray has been using Aurora to spy on you for months. I haven’t had the same opportunity. I want to know --”

  She propped herself up on her elbow, inadvertently displaying her breasts. “Did Aurora enroll in my class to… What are you talking about?”

  “Aurora wasn’t in your class to spy on you. Her major is psychology. She has a theory about multiple personality disorder that… None of this is relevant now. Aurora was merely a student until she spent time with you. The gift of Discernment runs in our family.”

  “I have no idea what that means.”

  He rolled up onto his side. “Aurora could sense your compatibility with Dichotomy physiology. She told Ray and he used their telepathic link so he could observe you.”

  “They’ve been stalking me?” Her gaze narrowed, but she didn’t pull away.

  “No one has invaded your privacy.”

  “Just thoroughly investigated public records, and attended my class via telepathic links?” She sat, combing the hair off her forehead. “You said you know everything Ray knows. Why don’t you know what he’s learned from Aurora?”

  “The events of an entire day are transmitted in a matter of seconds. I’m left with impressions and images rather than individual thoughts. I have to rely on explanations for the details and Ray can be a pain in the ass.”

  She said nothing for a long time, then her gaze bore into his. “Did you arrange for my invitation to this island?”

  “I had nothing to do with your invitation to Chimera.”

  “Did Ray or Aurora?”

  He sat as well. Unable to keep his hands off her, he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “We were talking about you. Why has this past year been so stressful?”

  “You’ve perfected the art of evasion. Is it a family practice?” She reached for the sheet, drawing it up to cover her nudity. “I’ll take up the former topic with Ray. As for this past year, it would be easier to tell you what didn’t happen.”

  “I know you don’t have biological children but do you --” “How do you know I don’t have biological children?” He had to be more careful. Watching the transition and joining with them

  afterwards was more than most humans could accept. They could reveal the rest over

  time. They’d come too far to frighten her away. “Public records.” She shook her head. “Another evasion.” “You’re the one avoiding the issue.” “I lost my parents when I was very young and my grandmother raised me. She

  passed away eight months ago. That started the downward spiral. My boyfriend of six years got a job offer in another state and left without a backward glance.” “You had a man in your life for six years and he didn’t make you his wife?” Anger and jealousy flared with equal intensity. “He was the best of the lot, but still an asshole nonetheless. I’m not sure I would

  have married him if he asked.” “To which state did he move?” She smiled and color blossomed on her cheeks. “That sounds rather menacing.” “If he hurt you, he should pay.” “That’s very sweet, but I’m actually glad he’s gone.” He nodded, tension still gripping his chest. “Is that the end of your list?” “I wish.” She glanced at him, then lowered her gaze. “I saved the best for last. A

  student enrolled last semester who decided I was ‘hot’.” “You are.” “You’re old enough to make that decision, this kid was not. He was a spoiled

  rotten brat in a man’s body. He cornered me in my office one afternoon and tried to show me how hot he found me.” Delano pulled her onto his lap, staring deeply into her eyes. “Did this student hurt you?”

  “He grabbed my breast, so I kneed him in the balls. He didn’t find it amusing. He called the police and said I propositioned him and, when he refused my advances, I attacked him.”

  “The police couldn’t see through his story? You’re a beautiful woman with an impeccable reputation --”

  “My reputation isn’t impeccable. I had a sexual relationship with a man who wasn’t my husband, as you just pointed out.”

  “That’s not a reflection on your integrity. It simply confirms his stupidity.”

  She smiled, pleased by his praise. “The kid’s father could aff
ord better lawyers than mine.”

  “Wasn’t the university obligated to defend you?”

  “Whitmore is a small, private university. They cater to families just like his. They were more concerned about the scandal than my well-being.”

  “You need to teach at a better university, one that values their employees.”

  “If only it were that simple.” She propped two pillows against the headboard and rested against them. “Enrollment is down across the country. I’m not sure I could find another position with the incident on my record. Besides, I’ve been at Whitmore for eight years. I wasn’t going to let one obnoxious student drive me away.”

  “Does he still attend Whitmore?”

  “No. His parents transferred him at the end of the term. It was just too ‘traumatic’ for him to remain after the injustice of my acquittal.”

  “Acquittal? This went to trial?”

  “No. I don’t know what else to call it. His parents made my life a living hell while the police conducted their investigation, but once it was passed on to the District Attorney, the case was thrown out. The rumor is I bribed him.” She laughed. “If only they realized the impossibility of that scenario.”

  He angled his head, trying to catch her gaze. She looked everywhere but at him. “Are you struggling financially?”

  She expelled an exasperated sigh. “My grandmother’s care drained my savings and forced me to take out a second mortgage on my house. I just couldn’t put her in a public hospice. She sacrificed so much for me. Making sure she was comfortable was the least I could do.”

  Guided by instincts he seldom obeyed, Delano pulled her into his arms and cradled her against his chest. “You’re amazing. Anyone who can’t see that is blind.”

  Chapter Nine

  They kissed and cuddled as dawn approached. Chelsea dragged his hands away from her breasts and butt, amused by his persistence. If he wouldn’t allow her to pleasure him, then they would both wait for Ray’s arrival. Anticipation sent tingles zinging to all the places she was trying to ignore.

  “Are you cold?” A smile tugged at one corner of Delano’s mouth. His gaze focused on her turgid nipples.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this. My friends consider me a prude.”

  He chuckled and she shivered. Was everything about him sexy? His smile curled her toes, his eyes filled her mind with erotic possibilities, and his hands -- she wasn’t going to think about his hands or they would never make it until dawn.

  “There is nothing promiscuous about what we’re going to do. The bonding ritual is sacred. We’ll only have an hour once Ray arrives. If you have questions, ask me now.”

  “Why will we only have an hour?”

  He raked his fingers through his hair and glanced away. “That will be easier to explain once you see how Ray arrives.”

  He didn’t volunteer any more information and Chelsea had so many questions she wasn’t sure where to begin. “Is this ritual the Dichotomy equivalent of a marriage?”

  “It’s impossible to compare the two.” He rolled to his back and folded his hands behind his head. “Many humans no longer value marriage or treat it with respect.”

  How could she argue with that? Still, he hadn’t really answered her question. “Can the three of us -- enjoy each other without initiating the bonding ritual?”

  “The bonding has already begun.” His dark gaze returned to hers, uncompromising and hot. “Joining our bodies will simply take it to the next level.”

  She couldn’t deny the connection she felt with these men. They captivated her, attracted her, but she sensed a significance that frightened her. This would be more than a torrid affair, far more.

  “Finding compatible mates is incredibly difficult for the Dichotomy. Once we succeed, we do everything in our power to ensure the union lasts the duration of our lives.”

  “Hold on a minute.” She clutched the sheet to her breasts and angled her body toward him. “If the three of us have sex, you’ll expect me to stay with you for the rest of my life?”

  “We expect nothing. We hope you’ll want to stay with us, but if such is not the case, you’re free to leave at any time.”

  “I’m not a Dichotomy. You have to understand this is not --”

  He pulled her down to him and kissed her mouth, ending her protest. “This is all sudden and strange, I understand that. Ray and I are anxious to begin, but we don’t have to do anything. If you’re not ready to join with us, we’ll continue courting you.”

  She chuckled. “Is that what this has been? It felt more like seduction.”

  “Then we’ll continue seducing you.”

  “I’ve had about all the foreplay I can stand.”

  Delano groaned, wrapping his arms around his middle. “I’m glad to hear it, sweetheart. The foreplay is about to end.” His voice was harsh and ragged, his face tense.

  Ray had looked just like this right before he rushed from the bungalow. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”

  “I’m going to make you believe in aliens.”

  Scrambling off the bed, he barely managed to stand before light erupted from his chest, dividing his body down the middle. Chelsea pressed into the pillows, terrified, yet fascinated. The light intensified. She covered her mouth with her hand, afraid to blink.

  An outline formed within the light, progressing from silhouette to detailed shape. Delano’s body remained solid despite the being emerging from within him. Dichotomy. An entity or organism comprised of two contrasting natures. Night and day, Ray and Delano. Even their names had opposite meanings.

  Like a high budget special effect, Ray’s body separated from Delano’s and the light subsided. Ray shook his head, disheveled and dazed.

  “He’s experiencing the transition I mentioned before.” Delano spoke in a soft, careful tone, his gaze searching her face. “Twin is a human term, but it’s as close as we can come to describing what we are.”

  She knelt and dragged the sheet with her as she crawled to the edge of the bed. “How… where does his body go?”

  “During the day I become pure energy and exist in a state of slumber. At dawn Ray emerges from slumber and takes on form. Sometime within the next hour his body will absorb mine.”

  “At dusk Delano will emerge from slumber and absorb me again,” Ray said, his muddled expression beginning to clear.

  Chelsea stared at them trembling. If she hadn’t just seen it happen, she never would have believed. “Are you two separate entities or --”

  Ray climbed onto the bed beside her, tugging playfully at the sheet. “I’ll answer your questions while we soak in the bathtub and you can debate philosophy with Delano when he returns tonight. We’ve only got an hour, beautiful. I’d rather not spend it talking.” He dislodged the sheet and cupped her breast, smiling into her eyes.

  This was what they’d been waiting for, what she’d longed for since they entered her dream. But she had so many questions. Her mind was still reeling from what she’d just seen. Ray rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, igniting her senses with the simple caress. They’d teased her for days, allowing her pleasure while withholding the natural culmination of their stimulation.

  They only had an hour before Delano disappeared into Ray.

  “Did either of you bring protection?”

  “If anyone tries to hurt you, we’ll kick their ass.” Ray grinned.

  “She means condoms.”

  “He’ll never understand my sense of humor.” Ray toppled her onto her back, stretching out along her side. “We’re immune to human disease, and conception can only occur once the bond is fully formed. That can take months, depending on a bunch of things Delano will explain to you later.”

  She laughed. “If you’re leaving all the talking to Delano, what do you intend to do with me?”

  “I’m so glad you asked.” Ray flashed his wicked smile and lowered his head. His lips brushed hers, teasing, caressing. He nibbled and licked without actually kissing
. Delano joined them on the bed, cupping both her breasts in his strong, warm hands. It was happening. They were both here, touching her, arousing her. Chelsea tangled her fingers in Ray’s hair and fitted her mouth to his. Playtime was over -- this was the main event!

  Delano suckled one nipple while his fingers rolled the other. Ray parted his lips and met her tongue stroke for stroke. They dueled in his mouth, then in hers, inhaling each other’s breath, savoring their combined taste.

  “I want this to last as long as possible and Delano has waited all night. Will you use that clever mouth of yours on him?”

  “That’s not necessary.” Delano’s eyes narrowed.

  Desire gripped Chelsea’s core and sped her pulse. Sucking Delano off while Ray watched was shockingly appealing. The fact that Ray had suggested it thrilled her even more. “I don’t mind, really.” She cleared her throat and continued in a steadier tone. “I suggested it before, but he refused.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of controlling myself,” Delano objected.

  “Right. You work your cock into her tight ass after waiting this long and you won’t last three strokes.”

  “You pleasure her, while she pleasures me.”

  Chelsea grinned. Compromises like these would keep life interesting.

  Ray lifted her slightly and rotated her toward the side of the bed. Delano had picked her up as if she weighed nothing. Were the Dichotomy stronger than human men? Ray said they were immune to human disease.

  “How long does the average Dichotomy live?”

  “You better get your cock in her mouth,” Ray teased as he shucked his shorts. “She’s in the mood to talk, not fuck.”

  “You don’t need to be so crude,” Delano said. “I have no intention of ‘fucking’ her.”

  “I’m not waiting any longer.” She intentionally misunderstood his meaning. “You better reevaluate your intentions.”


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