Saving Samantha

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Saving Samantha Page 3

by S Cinders

  “I’ve heard tell of a little brown book. It’s terribly naughty. Eden only talks about it with Sophie when they are in their cups. They blush and giggle, but according to them, it is the source of all knowledge. But apparently, Phillip has one somewhere in his library. Perhaps I need to find it, maybe that will give us the edge we need. ”


  Chatterling was situated along some of the most gorgeous property in England. The white cliffs of Dover were part of the North Downs formation. The cliff face owes its striking appearance to the composition of chalk with streaks of black flint. Many of the Duke’s guests that had arrived spent the afternoon wandering the property and admiring this marvelous sight. It is said that the cliffs stretch for at least eight miles.

  But there were two ladies that were noticeably absent from the group taking in these sights. What could have possibly detained them? Only something of drastic or of dire circumstances—perhaps another little brown book.

  “Goodness!” Samantha flipped to a different page.

  Juliana huffed, “You at least need to let me see before you move along!”

  Samantha looked up, “It wasn’t something I was going to try so what was the point.”

  Juliana scowled, “The point is that you are seeing all of the good bits and I am seeing nothing!”

  Juliana had found all of Phillip’s naughty books. He had a few if the truth were known. They weren’t in any languages that Juliana knew. She never had been much of a scholar. But Juliana was certain that they could learn whatever they needed to from the pictures. If only Samantha would show them to her.

  “You need to apply yourself, Sam!” Juliana encouraged, not really knowing what application was necessary.

  Sam peeked her head out from behind the book, “ I think that for now, I will stick with trying to seduce one man .”

  “What was on that page?” Juliana’s horrified whisper made Sam laugh.

  She turned back and flipped the book around.

  There seemed to be a dinner party. At first glance one would think it was all was to rights until you looked closer and you could see that the women all had their gowns taken down to their waists.

  “Oh! Mercy!” Juliana cried out, “That is sinful, I never should have brought you that book, I haven’t the slightest notion how my brother ended up with it.”

  Sam grinned, “Look at the gentleman, their breeches are all undone. I wish the artist had drawn that aspect of the male anatomy a little clearer.”

  “Samantha!” Juliana called out, both scanalized and a little impressed with her friends bravery.

  “You brought me the book,” Sam teased, “Don’t get prudish on me now! Look at this one. The gentleman has his lady draped across his lap. And his long cock is sliding into her while he plays faro. Do you suppose that really happens? I h adn't thought one did those types of things outside of the bedroom. But in the casino, can one do such things?”

  Juliana’s eyes were glued to the picture, “That has to be his hand, surely it can’t be that long.”

  “How long is a cock?” Sam asked.

  “How should I know?” Juliana demanded hotly, “According to some of these pictures, it could be a foot or more.”

  Samantha crossed her legs, “I am not letting Mr. Harris stick his foot of cock into me just so that you can play spy for your country, Jules. I love you, dearest, I do. But that is a terrible idea.”

  “I don’t want you to compromise your virtue! Goodness I would never ask that of you!” Juliana rushed to correct the mistake. “I only want you to distract him enough to figure out what he is doing.”

  Samantha didn’t look convinced and kept turning the pages of the book. And then she stopped again and stared. The woman was without a stitch of clothing lying on a divan. Her breasts were exquisit, the pink just the same shade as Samantha’s. Would she look the same? Never in her life had she ever been without clothing except for her bath. But the woman seemed so confident, so free.

  What did that feel like? To know that you were the most beautiful thing in the world. Samantha stared at the picture. At the woman’s softly curved stomach and dimpled thighs. Had there ever been a more lovely vision of womanhood? She had one leg bent and Sam could see dark blonde curls hiding her most private place.

  The picture did not seem tawdry or lewd like many of the others.

  “What is it?” Juliana asked, noting the difference in her friend.

  Samantha drew a deep breath before turning once again and showing Juliana the picture.

  Juliana clearly did not get the same message from the drawing that Samantha had.

  “This is the kind of woman I want to be,” Samantha tried to explain. When she saw Juliana’s confused expression she went on, “Look at her, Jules, really look at her.”

  Juliana looked at again. And this time saw the gleam of laughter in the woman’s eyes. Her mouth looked to be holding back a smile. Her body was lucious, true, but this was a woman who was content in who she was. She was a woman who was well loved.

  Juliana nodded, “I understand, Sam. I want that as well. But this is only an artist's rendition. We do not know who the artist was or who acted as his model.”

  Samantha sighed, “That isn’t the point. I want that confidence. She let her likeness be placed in a book where she wasn’t wearing any clothing! And I can’t leave my room because of a nickname like Lady Stretch.”

  “The longer you hide from them, the worse it will be,” Juliana sighed, “Besides we have to go down to dinner. It is our first night here at Chatterling and your mother and mine will have our heads, not to mention Eden!”

  Samantha sighed, “I know, thank you for trying to help. Do you mind if I hold on to the book for a bit longer?”

  Juliana shook her head, “Not at all, Phillip will never know it is missing.”

  Samantha laughed, “Thank you, I shall keep studying. There is much to be learned! ”


  Samantha took great care dressing for dinner. She nearly teased her lady’s maid into a frenzy when she couldn’t decide between her melon crepe and silver pearl gowns.

  Horatia Forbes was an excellent woman who rarely had ruffled feather s, but Samantha was in rare form this evening. Nothing Forbes did or said was quite right.

  Samantha worried that her hair was pulled too tight to her head, and then it was too loose. Her face was indeed much too pale, and when Forbes discreetly mentioned a pinch of rouge, Samantha reared back in horror.

  She wasn’t a bloody courtesan!

  Forbes was beside herself. It would never have been her intention to imply such a thing, and she commenced apologizing most humbly. At least at this point, Samantha’s cheeks were stock clear full of color.

  By the time Samantha left for dinner, Forbes was near tears herself. The moment that she walked into the kitchen’s the housekeeper clucked her tongue at her. And that was all it took for the waterworks to begin.

  The poor dear, Bentley, the old butler gave Mrs. Dillworth a sour look. Surely it hadn’t been worth upsetting the young thing?

  Mrs. Dillworth rolled her eyes but didn’t stop him when he removed the weepy young woman to the butler’s pantry for a spot of dinner and a nice glass of sherry.

  Soon, things were not looking quite so grim for Forbes, and she was even able to smile at the old servant. He was needed soon to serve at the dinner, but he assured her that if she were to need anything at all, that she could just ask for old Bentley.

  Forbes smiled shyly up at the older gentleman. Perhaps, this house party wouldn’t be as terrible as she had once thought.


  This house party was a hundred times worse than Henry thought it might be.

  First, he hadn’t known, hadn’t realized that Samantha Shore would be sitting on his right side. This alone would not be a problem if the chit hadn’t the nerve to forever be staring at his lap. Almost glaring at it, as if she was waiting for something to happen.

  What mor
tified him the most was that something was starting to happen!

  He was a man after all! You can not have a beautiful woman staring at your nether region for that length of time and have nothing to show for it. To make matters worse, Samantha ate very little of her dinner, but she kept a close watch on her prey.

  Then as Henry grew more and more uncomfortable, Samantha seemed to increase in animation. Her eyes glistened, and her breathing increased. What kind of folly was this? She is a blasted innocent—wasn’t she?

  Henry felt stripped bare and wanted to strip her bare, but she refused to meet his eyes.

  He was so utterly confused he had no idea what was going on around him. It was no doubt that the rest of the party would find him to be a complete bumbling idiot. Henry came to the point where he had to rest his napkin over his cock stand.

  It was beyond humiliating. He was not a boy—damn it!

  When the ladies and the gentleman separated for an after dinner drink, Henry thought it the perfect time to sneak out. He excused himself, claiming an upset stomach.

  It seemed that all believed him except that younger brother of the Duke, who grinned at him and said, “She almost had me going, mate.”

  Henry bristled, “I beg your pardon!”

  James laughed coolly, “No need to kick up a fuss, Harris. I just have never seen any young lady give a man quite so much undivided attention before.”

  Henry did not like the Duke’s brothers tone when it came to his Samantha.

  His Samantha?

  “I won’t have any talk about her,” Henry growled.

  James put up his hands, “Completely innocent, I assure you. I won’t say another word.”

  Henry nodded and stormed out of the room. He wasn’t certain why he was so angry, nor was he aware of the fact that he had just given himself away to James by acting so territorial. He would have been better off laughing it away.

  Samantha stepped out of the ladies retiring room and rushed back down the hallway to rejoin the ladies. Not paying attention to where she was going, it was little wonder that she ran straight into Mr. Harris. He caught her in his arms and kept them from falling to the floor, although it was a near miss.

  His strong arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling Samantha’s curvaceous form into his chest. Her hands clutched at his upper arms, the air almost knocked out of her.

  She felt the heat of his body radiating into hers. They were glued from knee to chest, and even though there were many layers of clothing, Samantha felt electrified.

  So, this is what it felt like to be in a man’s embrace!

  Her fingers tightened on his biceps imperceptibly, and she couldn't bring herself to look into his handsome face.

  “Just what sort of game are you playing?” Henry hissed, feeling himself at sixes and sevens.

  Suddenly Samantha looked up at him, “I do not know, Mr. Harris.”

  Her sweet innocence was intoxicating, “Little girls shouldn’t play with the big bad wolf.”

  Samantha blinked, “Are you going to bite me?”

  Henry clenched his teeth, “No.”

  Samantha licked her lips, “Just a little, Mr. Harris, I just want a taste.”

  And that was his undoing.

  Henry crushed her lips with his own. He should have been more tender. He should have carefully taught her the ways of loving.

  But he couldn’t. She had pushed him passed all reason. And his passions had been inflamed. Henry kissed Samantha like a man kisses a woman. Deeply, with no regard to time or her innocence.

  It was only when he realized that she was barely hanging on to him that he came back to reality.

  “Miss Shore, I do apologize, I am so terribly sorry. I should have never have taken such liberties.”

  Samantha was dazed. She swayed a bit. Her lips were swollen, and her cheeks felt a touch abraded by his whiskers.

  “That was fantastic,” she breathed closing her eyes.

  Henry felt his clock throb in agreement. But he knew that this was not the time nor the place to be starting something.

  “Miss Shore, I never should have kissed you,” he began.

  Samantha smiled at this, “No, you shouldn’t have. But I did enjoy it. And cannot wait for our next lesson. I must bid you goodnight, Mr. Harris.”

  “Next lesson? We are not having lessons, Miss Shore!”

  “Whatever you say, Mr. Harris,” Samantha smiled up at him and tucked her arm into his. “Would you escort me back to the ladies please?”

  He was bewildered, “Yes, yes, of course, I will.”

  Samantha was quiet as they walked, but just before they parted, she looked at him consideringly, “Before I did not think I would let you do that thing to me. But I just might after all.”

  Mr. Harris lost most of his color, “Miss Shore, I assure you, I do not wish to do anything to you. I am not here to dally.”

  Samantha grinned, “Is it really a foot long?”

  “Is what a foot?” he croaked out.

  She laughed, “Never you mind, goodnight, Mr. Harris.”

  Mr. Harris couldn’t answer because she was staring at his lap again. And he was horrified that he just might know exactly what she was speaking of.


  “So, it was late last night that our mother carried herself off to Aunt Constance’s because of some trumped up emergency that she couldn’t possibly deal with on her own.”

  Samantha’s eyes danced as she met her brother Benjamin’s over the breakfast table the next morning. “Undoubtedly it was something of grave importance. I dare say, the upstairs maid may have given her sass again.”

  Benjamin harrumphed and it sounded scarily like their missing matriarch, “Or perhaps the Milliner didn’t get Aunt Constance’s peacock feathers dyed in the correct hue.”

  Samantha’s lips twitched, “That is most vexing. I don’t know how one is to deal with such trials on their own. I for one could not stand for it.”

  Hazel walked into the breakfast room in the highest of spirits, “Is it true then? Has your mother taken herself off? I am disappointed, she will be missed.”

  “Brat,” Benjamin rose to greet his wife kissing the side of her face tenderly.

  “Nonsense,” Hazel sparkled as she turned to the side board to fill her plate, “You know how much I delight in her constant criticism—all for my benefit, I am sure.”

  Benjamin growled and pulled her against him, “I won’t have you unhappy, if I need to speak to my mother.”

  Samantha laughingly rose, “It is long past time I made my excuses and discreetly left.”

  Hazel wriggled out of Benjamin’s arms, “Do not leave on our account, Sammy. We are only talking nonsense, anyhow.”

  Samantha shook her head, “No, dearest, it has nothing to do with either of you. I am quite used to your antics by now. But more of the party will be waking soon, and I would like to spend some time out of doors before we find ourselves overwhelmed with company.”

  Benjamin frowned, “Make sure to take a maid or groom with you.”

  Samantha rolled her eyes, “Of course, Mother, I wouldn’t dream of disappointing you.”

  Hazel’s eyes were suspiciously bright , “Do enjoy yourself, darling. We shall meet up again soon.”

  Samantha wrapped herself in an embroidered shawl and then went to walk along the bluffs. The white walls of Dover could be seen in the distance. And the bracing sea air brought a feeling of peace and rightness to her soul. This was a lovely place.

  Strolling along, Samantha stopped and gathered a few of the brilliant red poppies that grow in abundance in Kent. Samantha never considered for a moment the picture that she made. It was one of youthful innocence mixed with spicy vixen as she bent her dark head to inhale their scent.

  “You are an early riser, Miss Shore.”

  Samantha’s head shot up, and to her delight, Mr. Harris stood not twenty feet from her on the path she had been taking.

  “Indeed, Mr. Harris, and it wou
ld seem that you are as well,” Samatha noted the firm look of his jaw. The man was even more handsome in the early morning light. Some gentlemen did not fare so well in broad daylight, Samantha only hoped that she would live up to his appraisal.

  Because it was apparent from the way that his eyes were raking her face and form that he would be unlikely to miss anything about her. He paid particular attention to her lips and then his gaze settled on her bosom, which Samantha knew with a touch of pride was indeed fine.


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