Saving Samantha

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Saving Samantha Page 8

by S Cinders

  Vivian stared up at the dark haired man. In many ways he frightened her. His tough demeanor and dangerous eyes had her wanting to take shelter. However, Pressmiser girls were not ninny hammers, and she was not going to let him intimidate her.

  Vivian reached her arms up to be carried.

  Ian had to stifle a smile. This was one young lady that would be perfectly happy seeing the tail end of him. It was refreshing to not be chased after. He felt guilty for what had happened at the stables and wanted to make it up to her.

  Perhaps they could be friends?

  She was lighter than he had expected and fit perfectly in his arms. He tried not to think about what she would be like against him if they were skin to skin. Her blond hair cascading down her back and those blue eyes shining up at him.

  His cock was at half mast.

  Damn, Ian knew that he needed to pull himself together. But her scent combined with holding her so closely was a heady combination. She had tucked her head against his chest.

  It felt good—too good.

  Friends don’t think about kissing other friends— do they?


  Henry had just about worked his hands free of the ropes. Although his eyes were covered, Henry recognized some of the voices of the French soldiers. This was not just a run of the mill smuggling ring.

  Rigal was on the vessel, but from how the marshal spoke with him, Henry could tell that he was low on the food chain. There was much talk about what to do with him, which amused Henry. He had been in tighter corners than this, and certainly had no intention of becoming fish food.

  Marshal Ney was one of Napoleon's confidants. Henry was excited to hear his gravelly voice along with the other men. Perhaps he would be able to retain Ne y—t hat would be a huge capture for him and the war office. It might even help end the war.

  His hands broke free, scraped and bloody from the broken nail that he had used to break the bonds. Henry pretended that his hands were still tied. The men had blindfolded him but hadn’t tied his feet, that was certainly not in their favor.

  Henry still had his father’s old dagger in his boot as well. They had relieved him of all his other weapons but hadn’t checked his shoes.

  “Throw him over the side,” Ney’s gravelly voice caught Henry’s attention.

  He felt a moment of panic, but then heard Rigal start screaming, “Don’t touch me! How dare you? I am a loyal Frenchman! I have served my country well, what right do you have. I implore you to spare my life!”

  Ney’s laugh was chilling, “You are nothing. And you led the war office right to us. There is no mercy for the idiot , and you might be the greatest of them all.”

  Henry held as still as he possibly could. He knew that Samantha would be upset if something happened to Rig. Unfortunately, this was the end that many traitors faced.

  For whatever his reasons were, a man who is not loyal to his country is not one that either side wishes to keep around.

  Rigal screamed, and a fight ensued.

  Henry figured that this was the best shot that he was going to get. He reached down slowly, waiting to see if anyone would notice that he was untied. But everyone was tied up with Rigal, and no one was paying any attention to him.

  Once his hand closed over the knife, he swiftly pulled it up and held it at the ready. He removed his blindfold, and as he did so, a large Frenchman lunged toward him. Henry slipped under his arms.

  The man went to yell for help, but Henry had already used his dagger slitting his throat from ear to ear.

  One man down, but Henry knew that there were many other obstacles before he would be sailing home to Samantha.

  Rigal was surprisingly wily and had slipped their grasp, racing as quickly as he could across the deck.

  From what Henry could see there were eight Frenchman, including the one he had just sent back to his maker.

  That made seven to go.

  Henry had relieved the large Frenchman of his sword and gun. He pulled out the gun and at close range shot the two men that were closest to Rigal.

  He wasn’t sure if it was wise to alert the Frenchmen of his escape, but he knew that Rigal needed help and the odds were much better if it were two against six than one against seven.

  Rigal looked at him in astonishment, “You saved me!”

  “Move your bloody ass, Rigal,” Henry shouted at him as another soldier made a swift swipe with his broadsword.

  “I need a weapon!” Rigal called out.

  “I found my own,” Henry replied, now fencing with a slender dark eyed man that indeed was greatly skilled.

  “ I found my own ,” Rigal mocked under his breath as he punched the nearest soldier causing his head to smack against the balustrade .

  A loud crack filled the air and Henry looked up to see that God had decided to join the fray. Lightning and thunder rolled across the sea, and the boat became slippery almost immediately as they were inundated with rain.

  “You still there, Rigal?” Henry called out a moment later, after running his sword through another Frenchman’s heart.

  “Right and tight, Sir,” came the reply from across the deck, it would appear that Rigal had found himself a weapon.

  Four of the six men had been dispatched. Henry searched for Marshal Ney but could not find him, how could he disappear?

  It was then that he noticed a long boat being tossed at will among the angry waves. Has Ney escaped? And would they even survive in such a vessel on this stormy sea?

  “A little help Capt’n,” Rigal’s voice sounded strained.

  Henry grabbed his borrowed sword and dashed to where Rigal was fencing the last remaining Frenchman.

  “Your comrades have deserted you,” Henry called out. “I could shoot you now, or you could help us return to England and take your chances with the war office.”

  The French soldier spit at his feet, “I would rather die than help an Englishman.”

  “Sadly, I felt the same way,” Rigal threw a dagger, catching the Frenchman unaware. He was thrown back against the deck, and as he clutched his side the blood spilling freely, he cursed both Rigal and all of England.

  Rigal ignored him using his long sword he stabbed the man through the heart.

  Henry eyed him, “What now, Rigal? I am not going to France.”

  Rigal shook his head, the rain was starting to let up a little, but they were both soaked clear through.

  “France was willing to dispose of me the moment that I wasn’t necessary to them,” Rigal frowned, “I gave everything to them, and this was how I was repaid.”

  Henry blew out a breath, “I cannot promise that England will welcome you. You are a traitor, although a fine fighter and quite possibly responsible for helping to save my life.”

  Rigal looked helpless, “Is there nowhere for me then? Am I bound for the goal or the hangman’s noose?”

  A slow smile settled across Henry’s face, “ Rigal, you might be, b ut I have other plans for you.”


  Samantha was livid. The men were not able to set out after Henry because a storm had blown in. Her heart was breaking, and she knew without a doubt that he was forever lost to her.

  She stayed up all that night, praying to God that he would bring her Henry home safely. It wasn’t until the early morning light that she finally succumbed to a fitful sleep in the window box of her room.

  She was pressed up against the window where she could see the sea and where she had been diligently looking for any sign of her love.

  It was here that Henry found her several hours later.

  He was exhausted, bloody, and sore. But just the sight of her tangled dark curls had his heart clenching. There were dried tears upon her cheeks, and her head was tipped at a strange angle.

  Henry thought she had never been more lovely to him.

  He scooped her into his arms.

  “No,” Samantha cried out, “I must watch for Henry!”

  “Darling, can we not watch from
the bed?”

  His amused voice was laced with exhaustion.

  Samantha started in his arms, clutching his handsome face in her palms she loved how his daily growth of whiskers scraped against her palms.

  “You are here,” she breathed. “Henry, I love you! I thought I would never see you again.”

  He placed her gently on the bed and set to remove his boots, “You could not be rid of me that easily, my darling.”

  With some effort, he removed his muddy coat and started on his trousers.

  Samantha flushed, she was certain that her brother would not countenance Henry being naked in her bedchamber in the middle of the morning. Even if they had been through a tremendously awful ordeal, she couldn’t see his agreeing to such things.

  “Henry!” Samantha squealed when he pulled his lawn shirt over his head. The muscles in his back rippled as he moved away from her to the wash basin.

  Then he turned, and she saw the large expanse of his chest. His stomach was corded and taunt with a trail of dark hair leading to that magnificent cock. He was only in his drawers at this point, and his cock stand was already more than apparent.

  Henry groaned, “Sweetheart if you continue to look at me like that I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  Samantha licked her lips, “I am not certain I know what you are referring to.”

  After washing, he came back to her, “You are watching me much like a wolf watches its prey.”

  Samantha flushed, “Nonsense, I am merely concerned for your welfare. Henry, you know that I love to see you like this. Indeed, my stomach gets all topsy-turvy, and I feel so completely lightheaded I could swoon, but my brother will kill you if he finds you here. Henry, I can’t lose you again.”

  He growled as he climbed onto the bed, stalking her much as a wolf would. “I am not afraid of your brother, and I would imagine that he has been informed of my location because I was very clear as to where I was going.”

  “Goodness,” Samantha moaned as his lips met her neck sucking and kissing her all along her jawline. “And he was alright with it?”

  “I haven’t the foggiest,” Henry replied honestly. “However, your sister-in-law said something to him about how he had moved into her home and that pots should not be calling kettles black.”

  Samantha laughed, “Hazel is a dear, I shall have to thank her.”

  Henry cocked a brow, “How attached to this nightgown are you?”

  “It isn’t my favorite,” she went to reply, but Henry had taken his hands and ripped the gown straight down the middle. “Henry! You cannot just go around ripping up my clothing.”

  “You won’t wear clothes when we are m arried, that is something that I shall rectify.”

  “Married? Oh, Henry, that feels amazing!”

  He had latched onto her left breast and started to roll the right with his fingertips.

  He looked up at her, “Of course married. I sent your brother for a license. Did I forget to mention that?”

  Samantha gasped as he switched breasts, elongating the nipples and then scraping them lightly. She could not get close enough to him, “No, you hadn’t brought it up.”

  Henry ripped his drawers off and then grasped the edges of Samantha’s and pulled. Her eyes were glued on his cock which danced for her.

  “Henry, your cock, we really must discuss this,” he was starting to kiss down her abdomen, slow, lazy kisses that had her crying out.

  “I would be more than happy to discuss my cock with you,” he growled.

  “The point I am trying to make,” Samantha’s breath was choppy, “Whatever are you doing?”

  Henry pushed back on his knees and opened her legs wide, “Bloody hell, woman, you are amazing.”

  He smiled when he noted that her blush went all the way down to her breasts.

  “I am loving you,” he replied and then he did.

  Grasping her hips, he ignored her startled cry and licked her pink folds. Soon her cries became moans of pleasure, and he explored and tasted every inch of her. Her core was burning hot, and he knew that the moment he had her around his cock he would blow his load.

  So, he wanted her to be ready.

  Samantha had grabbed his hair and was thrusting her hips against his face in a helpless manner. She was so close. It felt like it had when his fingers had danced within but this was so much more.

  Suddenly he entered her with a long finger, still sucking and licking at her clit.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” she didn’t even know that she was crying out. All Samantha knew, was that this was the best feeling in the world.

  When his second finger joined the first, and he sucked hard on her clit, she shattered, screaming out his name her juices flowed, and he was there to lick up every drop.


  Samantha pushed a heavy lock of hair off of her face. Henry suddenly looked as if he was unsure.

  “You cannot stop now,” she almost wailed.

  Henry barked out a laugh, “It is not what I want, I am only wondering what kind of a man takes a woman who isn’t yet his bride. Samantha, I love you more than life itself. The last thing in the world I would ever want is to dishonor you. You mean more to me than my life.”

  Samantha felt she had just about enough of the male gender making decisions for her.

  She sat up and pushed him down on the bed.

  He laughed but went willingly, “Are you going to ravish me?”

  She shrugged one naked shoulder. There was no way she could have known how innocently erotic she seemed. Her breasts red from his mouth and swaying as she climbed upon him.

  Samantha leaned down and kissed him. She tasted herself on his tongue. And rather than disgust her, she felt another wave of pleasure wash over her as her nipples tightened even further.

  He grabbed the back of her head and took over her innocent kiss plundering her mouth. She was his everything, and he wanted her to know that. There was nothing that he would not do, no place that he would not go for her.

  She squirmed upon his chest, and he groaned low in his throat as he felt her soaking wet core against his lower stomach. Picking up her hips he angled her so that she was slipping along his cock. He hadn’t placed himself at her entrance. He was happy to let her decide if they were going to consummate their relationship.

  Samantha had no such compu nction. Slipping her hand between them she grasped his massive cock in her hand and rubbed herself with it.

  “You are killing me woman,” Henry grit out between his teeth.

  Samantha grinned, and at that moment Henry could see why Samson fell for the delectable Delilah. She owned his heart.

  Samantha felt the head of his cock enter her. The slight burning made her hesitant.

  “We don’t have to do this right now,” his words said one thing, but his eyes said another.

  “We are doing this,” Samantha insisted and sank down, the burning increasing as he met with her innocence.

  Henry looked at her. He would never forget this moment as long as they lived. He captured her lips with his pulling her down on his chest.

  Slowly as he kissed her, Samantha relaxed, and he was able to push through.

  She gasp out.

  “Should I stop?” He would die if she said yes.

  Samantha shook her head, her hands placed on his chest as she rocked back and forth before slowly sitting up and allowing him to penetrate her fully.

  “That is the most amazing feeling in the world,” he ground out.

  Samantha wasn’t as certain, but seeing as Henry was so happy, she didn’t argue.

  His grasp on her hips tightened and then suddenly he flipped them over so that he was on top and she was on the bottom.

  He began to move within her, back and forth, the burning tightness started to change into a burning pleasure.

  Samantha clutched Henry’s shoulders. There was sweat dripping off his brow as he worked himself deep within her.

  A coil
of pleasure began to start again at the base of her stomach. Samantha started clutching at his back, making light scratches as she held on.

  This only encouraged Henry who no longer glided within her slowly and steadily. It was now wild. He couldn’t hold himself back has he rammed his length inside of her over and over again.

  “Henry,” she cried out, “Oh, Henry!”

  The contractions from her orgasm clutched him like a tight glove, and it was seconds before she was milking him as he spurt deep inside of her.

  “I love you, Samantha.”

  She opened her eyes to see him looking down at her, his expression so tender and kind that it almost brought tears to her eyes.

  “I love you, Henry, so very much.”


  “Oh, Benjamin, for heaven’s sake are you still not talking to me?” Hazel huffed as she straightened her husband’s cravat for him. “Darling, it is your sister’s wedding day. Let’s just let bygones be bygones.”

  Benjamin eyed his beautiful wife through narrowed eyes. Her shiny, thick black hair was styled in some elaborate twist that his fingers were itching to undo. He knew that it was futile to argue with her because she always won.

  Hazel tipped her head to the side, “I know that you are only trying to protect her. But Benjamin, she is a grown woman who loves a good man. Let them be happy.”

  Benjamin frowned, “For the longest time, I have been responsible for Samantha. My father wasn’t much of one, and after he passed, I made certain that she and my mother were well taken care of.”

  Hazel sighed, “I know dearest, you are the best of brothers.”

  “It 's hard to think that after today she will no longer be my responsibility,” he shook his head ruefully, “you are right, of course.”

  Hazel swallowed a smile, “Aren’t I always?”


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