Submission and Surrender: The Billionaire's Temptation Series

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Submission and Surrender: The Billionaire's Temptation Series Page 12

by Cali MacKay

  He hated that her absence bothered him, that he was fucking obsessed with her. He thought about the way she chewed her lip when she got nervous, the way her thick hair curled at her shoulders in a lazy wave, the way her eyes brightened when he misbehaved, the little sounds and needy moans she made when he fucked her. The mere thought had his cock going hard, as his lips kicked up in an unconscious smile.

  He’d gone and fallen for her from the very moment she kicked him out of her bed. And never mind that he could be sleeping with a different woman every night. Instead, he’d rather have Hadley in his arms, holding her close, and wanting her to stay with him while she was in town. He told himself it was to keep her safe. To keep her from running into her ex. But he knew it was just the excuse he needed to get full access to her. Thoughts of fucking her on every horizontal and vertical surface in his apartment invaded his mind, causing his already engorged cock to press painfully against his zipper. He had to stop thinking about her.

  When his intercom buzzed, he let out a sigh of relief and punched in the code that would allow Hadley to take the elevator up to his floor. She was barely two steps into the room when he tangled his fingers in her hair and cupped her face, pulling her to him in a deep kiss, his mouth hard on hers as he made up for their hours apart, his heart thundering against his chest.

  “Fuck, I want you, babe.” He was ready to have her, to take her, right there, pressed against the wall or bent over the arm of his sofa, too impatient to bother making it all the way to his bed.

  He lifted her up off her feet so she could wrap her legs around his waist, his hard cock pressing against her in search of relief, as her words were spoken between kisses. “I want you too…but I’m starving, Gabe.”

  With a groan, he stole one last kiss, and then let her legs slide down to the floor, already missing the feel of her body in his arms. She’d certainly had a long day and he’d be a real jerk if he fucked her when she was so hungry. “Come on then…I know just the place. It’s up in Portsmouth, but I’ll call ahead so we can get right in. Maybe even have a real date? It’s a big enough city that we shouldn’t get noticed.”

  “Sounds perfect, as long as there’s food involved, since I didn’t have the chance to grab lunch.” She went up onto her toes, grasped his shirt and pulled him down to her so she could bite his lower lip. “Not that I won’t want you to fuck me senseless once we get back.”

  “Babe…” His cock throbbed, her words pushing his need for her beyond his limits. He loved that she wanted him—wanted him to take her—just as badly as he wanted her—and she had no problem saying it. It was a total turn-on. “You’ll be lucky if we make it home before the fucking commences.”

  She nestled up to him, her mood shifting towards something more serious. “I missed you, Gabe. I think I’ve gotten used to having you around as I work.”

  Shit. He was so screwed. “I missed you too, sweetheart.”


  “Do you really think you’ll be able to track down the driver even though you couldn’t get a view of the license plate?” Gabe wasn’t convinced it’d be that easy. But the fact that they finally had video of someone spotted in the vicinity of Emma’s restaurant shortly after the fire was set was a good start.

  “I’ve got facial recognition software I can run it through. If we’re lucky, the image will be clear enough, and he’ll be in the system. If you come with me to the station in the morning, I’d also like you to take a look, on the off chance you recognize the guy. There was another guy on foot too, though we didn’t get a great capture of his face to be able to use the software. He is damn tall, though.” Hadley was devouring her steak and fries, and damn, but Gabe liked to see a woman with a healthy appetite. “We’ll catch him, Gabe. I promise.”

  He stole a fry off her plate, laughing when she glared at him. “It was one fry!”

  “You’re just damn lucky you’re cute. ’Cause I never share my fries. They’re like salty hot morsels of golden deep fried goodness.” Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at him and popped another fry past those lush lips of hers.

  “Cute? That’s it? Not manly, or damn fucking hot? I get cute? Like I’m some fuzzy little Golden Retriever puppy.” He shook his head with a mock look of dismay. “What’s the world coming to? I hope you realize that you’ve turned my entire world upside down.”

  Her eyebrows perked up in question as she stopped eating and gave him her undivided attention, her lips quirked with humor. “Yeah? How’s that?”

  “Well, to start, you kicked me out of your goddamned bed.” He shook his head, still not quite believing it.

  Clearly unable to help herself, she burst out laughing, hiding behind the back of her hand for a moment, her smile infectious, especially when it made her eyes light up and sparkle. “That really bothers you, doesn’t it?”

  “Damn right it does—and it’ll be the last time that happens, babe. You’re mine now and I’m not going anywhere—especially not at the crack of dawn before I’ve even had the chance to get properly dressed, let alone had the chance to fuck you again. You know there’s no better way to wake up in the morning.” And that was exactly what he’d be doing when he woke up with her in his arms tomorrow.

  “I won’t argue with you there.” She popped another fry in her mouth and then slid her plate towards him. “’Cause you’re so cute.”

  “Babe…keep that up and I’m going to have to spank your ass red.” Wouldn’t that be a sight to see her bare ass twitching, draped over his lap? It wasn’t a need he ever really got to fulfill, given the short length of most of his relationships, though he couldn’t deny it was a total fucking turn-on for him.

  “Promises, promises…” Her eyes were alive with mischief and anticipation, and he swore he’d never been so hard.

  The fact that she was not only up for that sort of thing, but truly seemed as if she liked the forbidden allure of it, was enough to do him in. “Come on, then. There’s someplace special I’d like to go before we head back to my place.”

  Special indeed. And he’d get to see just how adventurous his sweet girl could be.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Gabe…” With her hands wrapped around Gabe’s hard biceps so she could keep him close, Hadley tried to keep her voice down in the exclusive boutique, not wanting to be overheard by the sales lady. “I really don’t know…I’m not sure I…Fuck.”

  “Babe, don’t tell me you’re shy.” The humor in Gabe’s voice had her glaring at him, even if there was no heat behind it.

  “Damn right I am, when I’ll be on the receiving end of most of this stuff.” Hadley looked at the array of sex toys on display that made it impossible to keep her imagination from roaming. Gabe had taken her to a pretty little sex toy shop designed to appeal to women, with its pale pink, black, and white décor, not to mention the elegant exterior that reminded her of an exclusive Parisian boutique.

  She wasn’t quite sure what to think about it all. Being single as long as she’d been and with a healthy sexual appetite, it wasn’t that she hadn’t used the occasional toy. Yet the variety in front of her, and the thought of using them with Gabe present…well, that was a completely different story.

  He wrapped a firm arm around her waist and pulled her tightly to his hard body, his head bent to hers as he whispered in her ear, “You won’t be so shy once I’ve had you over my knee, sweetheart.”

  His breath was warm against her skin, sending a shiver of need down her spine, his words leaving her wet, aching and ready for whatever he had to offer. And yet, she needed an answer to something that was nagging at her. “Gabe…have you done this sort of thing before? Because I haven’t—not to say that I’m not interested, because I am. It’s just that…”

  He kissed her forehead sweetly, his lips lingering. “No, love. Though I’ve been to a handful of discreet clubs and know what I like, you’ll be the only one I’ve actually experimented with. I’ve never been with anyone I was comfortable enough or cared enough about to explore t
hese sorts of options. Until you.”

  “I’m glad for that.” Somehow, it set her mind at ease to know this was something between just the two of them, something they hadn’t previously shared or experienced with another, especially when she thought of this as an act even more intimate than sex since it not only involved sex, but also baring one’s true nature, with all pretenses and prejudgments cast aside. And above all, it was about trust—something she was learning to do again, after Matt’s betrayals.

  Her stomach knotted with excitement and anticipation as Gabe started to select items, pausing after each one so she could veto it if it wasn’t something she was interested in trying. From Velcro cuffs and a flogger, to a rabbit vibrator and a soft leather collar—and that was just the start of it.

  The items piled up until she lost count, and though she could have stopped him at any point, she surprised herself by simply nodding to each item Gabe selected, the speed of her heartbeats increasing with each one. The sales lady offered suggestions as they shopped, though she also gave them ample privacy to discuss things.

  By the time they finished and their bill was totaled, Hadley nearly choked on the amount as Gabe quieted her protests with a kiss before they even made it past her lips, and slid his credit card across the counter.

  Was she really going to do this? When she’d decided she wanted a new start in life after her crappy marriage and drawn-out divorce, it was doubtful this was what she had in mind. And yet, she’d never felt so excited, so alive—and so very happy.

  Still holding onto Gabe’s arm, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Gabe. For everything.”

  There was so much more that she was feeling, that she wanted to say, and yet, she didn’t even know where to start, and verbalizing her emotions at this point in their fledgling relationship could have Gabe running for the hills. She couldn’t lose sight that this was new for him too, and probably not something he was used to, especially when he’d always kept women at arm’s length.

  “Anytime, babe. Anything for you.”

  Elegant black damask bags in hand, they stepped out into the cold night with Hadley tucked in at Gabe’s side for warmth and comfort as they wove through the evening crowds. It didn’t take long for him to drive them back to Portmore, but by the time she stepped off the elevator and into Gabe’s home, her nerves were getting the best of her.

  “Don’t panic, babe. You look like you’re ready to bolt, when it’s still just you and me. Nothing’s changed, and nothing’s different, despite what’s in the bags.” Gabe set the bags aside and cupped her face in both his hands, pulling her to him for a sweet, lingering kiss. “You’re all that matters, Hadley. We don’t need to do anything different if you don’t want to. That decision is entirely yours to make, and if you want me to stop at any point, you just say so, without giving it a second thought. This is as much for you as it is for me, and it’s only fun if we’re both truly having a good time.”

  Taking a deep breath, she let herself melt against his body, against his touch, as the tension inside her eased. “I swear, you always know the right thing to say. I do want to do this and I don’t want to overthink it.”

  “We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” Tangling his fingers in her hair, he tugged on it, forcing her head back so he’d have easy access to her neck. He ran his tongue up its length and then sank his teeth in, feasting on her as she moaned in desperation and felt herself go wet for him. He continued nipping along her neck, each bite sending a shiver down her neck and straight to her clit, as she reached down to stroke his steel hard cock through his worn jeans. “Sweetheart, I’m going to fuck you until you don’t remember anyone’s name but mine. Would you like that?”

  “Fuck, yes…” Any doubts, any worries, disappeared the moment he started touching her. And she knew that she would do anything and everything he wanted, because she now realized she could trust him the way she’d trusted no other.

  What they had might be brand spanking new, and it may even be fleeting—though she sure as hell hoped not—but it was unlike anything else she’d experienced and she refused to let worry or fear keep her from living her life to the fullest. She may not have been able to trust Matt farther than she could throw him, but Gabe was different, and she had no doubts that she could trust him.

  With his kisses barely slowing, Gabe stripped her naked right there in the great room in front of the wide expanse of windows, his large hands warm against her skin, before scooping her up into his strong arms, his muscles flexing against her naked body. He made her feel so tiny, so taken care of, as if everything he did was calculated with her pleasure, her needs, her safety in mind.

  Still holding her in his arms, he paused only long enough to dip down to grab the bags, and then he was headed towards his bedroom, as she kissed his neck and nipped at his ear. “I want you, Gabe…so fucking bad.”

  “And you’ll have me, babe—but not before I fulfill my promise to you.” He put her down on her feet, sat on the edge of the bed, and then before she fully realized what his words meant or what he was doing, she found herself draped over his lap, and a stinging blow landing across her ass.

  “Fuck!” Pain and pleasure mixed in the searing heat that flamed her delicate skin.

  “Babe…I so wish you could see how gorgeous you look with that fine ass of yours high up in the air and my handprint red against your milky white skin. It’s like fucking art.” Another blow landed on the opposite cheek and had her cursing under her breath, even as she felt her wetness slip onto her thighs, pain and pleasure mingling as her clit throbbed in time to her heartbeat. “There…now they match.”

  He ran a gentle hand over her still stinging skin, caringly soothing the spots, before slapping her skin again, soothing and then slapping, over and over, until her ass was twitching in anticipation, part of her desperately wanting the next blow to fall, while the other part had her holding her breath and cursing him.

  “You’re such a sight, sweetheart. Have you been enjoying yourself? I can tell you that my hand stings like the devil, so I can only imagine what your ass must feel like.” He rubbed a gentle hand over her flaming hot skin and blew on it, the feel of it like a million pin pricks—and yet every blow had only left her more turned on than she’d ever been before. “Are you going to answer me, love? Or should I check for myself?”

  “Gabe…” She tried to squirm away, but he held her down firmly as his fingers slipped down the curve of her ass and brushed against her folds, knowing full well that he’d find her dripping wet, her need overwhelming.

  “Sweetheart…I can’t tell you how much it fucking turns me on that you’re so wet because I spanked you. And you are wet…downright dripping with need.” With a furious blush heating her cheeks, his fingers dipped in just a little deeper, brushing against her clit so she couldn’t help but moan. “And your clit’s so swollen…I bet it wouldn’t take much to make you come—though I’m not going to do that just yet. And you’re not to come until I allow it. Are we clear?”

  Of course he wouldn’t let her come. Because that would be too easy, especially when he had an entire arsenal at his disposal. “Please, Gabe…”

  His fingers dipped into her slick heat teasingly, but only for a moment, before slapping her ass hard. She cried out as her eyes watered and she nearly came. “Stand up for me, darling.”

  Taking her hands in his, he helped her to her feet so she stood naked before him, while he sat there still completely dressed. He rubbed a careful hand over her ass cheeks, the sting of each blow magnified as he touched her. And damn, but she wanted him desperately. Wanted to feel his huge glorious cock as he claimed her as his own. Wanted to feel him stretch her body around his girth as he took her roughly, her orgasms shaking her to her core.

  “Come on, babe…onto the bed. The night’s only just beginning and I plan to make you come enough times to make up for all the years someone should have been treating you right.”

  It was a funny thing for him to say after paddling
her ass red, and yet it was still completely true. He did treat her right, making sure he gave her everything she wanted, everything she desired, strengthening their trust in each other. And so she did as he asked of her, knowing that it only empowered her, since he was doing it all to make her happy.

  “You’re still wearing too many clothes, Gabe.” She knelt on the bed by his side and ran her hands down his hard abs to his belt, catching his lips in a teasing kiss as her hands tried to free him of his clothes, and stroke his hard cock. “I want you—I want this.”

  He groaned into her mouth when she squeezed his length through his jeans. He grabbed her and flipped her onto all fours as she let out a needy moan in protest. “Stay there. Eyes forward.”

  He was driving her crazy, and her throbbing clit and tingling ass weren’t helping matters. “Gabe…you’re killing me. I just want you to fuck me. Please.”

  “I fucking love it that you want me, babe…that you actually want me bad enough to ask and beg.” Her heart rate spiked as he rustled around behind her, though she didn’t turn around to look, even though she was desperate to know what he was getting out of the bags. “Look at you, sweetheart…so fucking obedient. You’re so good. I might have to reward you for that later.”

  She felt the bed dip behind her as he joined her once more, his hand running down her spine as she felt his now naked thighs brush against her. There were more indecipherable noises, and then he was slipping his fingers between her thighs and spreading some sort of slippery balm over her slick folds and deep inside her, her back arching to give him easier access. She bit back a moan, not only from his touch against her aching clit, but because the balm was both cool and hot at the same time, and it had started to tingle, heightening her need and leaving her even more sensitive than she already was.

  “Gabe…you’re killing me with that stuff. Fuck…I might come right on the spot without you ever touching me.” Her body pulsed and tightened as if milking an invisible cock, desperate to be filled—and then he slipped his balmed finger against the bud of her ass and pressed against it, slipping past the tight opening with ease, the balm once again overwhelming her as it heightened every sensation. She was teetering on the edge, desperately trying to rein in her orgasm, though she didn’t know how successful she’d be if he kept this up.


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