Seven Books for Seven Lovers

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  The shop seemed to calm down around dinnertime and Penny took off.

  “I’m running for subs,” Bryn announced. “You want?”

  “Oh, yes.” Mia had barely eaten all day.

  Bryn knew what she liked on her sandwich and was back in less than ten minutes, handing over sweet onion teriyaki goodness.

  “I got a call this morning,” Bryn said after a few bites. “From the owner of Club Paradise.”

  “Seriously?” What would the owner of a gay club want with them?

  “Yeah. He said he’s heard all the buzz we’re generating and asked if we were planning on adding a men’s line. I told him we’ve already discussed it and he suggested a lingerie show at the club. We’d cohost the event and provide all the lingerie. Mostly male models, but some female, too.”

  “Wow. That could be really big for the shop.”

  “I know. He said he came to the shop yesterday and loved everything. He wants Logan and Oliver at the show. Thinks they could bring in quite a crowd.”

  Mia giggled recalling how uncomfortable Oliver had been about all the men touching his behind the day before. But even though he hadn’t been sure about it, he’d continued anyway . . . for her.

  “And if it goes well, the lingerie show can be a seasonal thing.”

  “Sounds like a good partnership.”

  “I know. Did you ever think we’d be partnering up with a gay club?”

  Mia shook her head as she dove in for another bite of her sandwich.

  “So, things aren’t good with Oliver’s mom, huh?”

  “No. Such a nice lady. It’s so sad. Lying there like that, sometimes not even being able to breathe properly, but all she could do was worry about Oliver. She wants him to be happy.”

  “Sounds like a great mom.”


  “I get the feeling there’s more.”

  Mia looked up at Bryn. Might as well tell her. She wouldn’t quit until she knew the whole truth.

  “She told me his fiancée is evil and he only stayed with her because he wanted to make his mom happy, while she basically waited to die.”

  “Oh. How sad.”

  “Yeah. She wants me to give him another chance. She genuinely just wants him to be happy and thinks I can do that.”

  “I do, too. I think you can make each other very happy. Life is short, Mia. You know I know that. And obviously Oliver’s mom knows it, too.”

  “What’s the point of loving someone if they can be taken away so easily? Why should I knowingly put myself in that position?”

  Bryn’s eyes clouded with tears. “Because it’s worth it. Every fucking moment I spent with Johnny is embedded in my brain . . . forever. Even if we’d only had a quarter of the time together that we had, it would still have been worth the pain in the end. That’s how worth it real love is.”

  Mia couldn’t control her tears anymore. “But—”

  “But nothing. Don’t miss out on it because you’re scared.”

  Bryn, Mrs. Christiansen, hell, even Kyle all seemed to know more about love than she did.

  THE SHOP picked up for the evening—a welcome distraction after the conversation over dinner. But it was slow enough that Mia could handle it on her own. Bryn had been there since nine in the morning, and at eight, Mia had to practically push her out the door and force her to go home.

  The last hour the shop was open was usually the quietest of the day, and that night was no exception, even though it was busier than most nights. Every sale made Mia smile, and finally she felt as if she could relax. The shop was safe.

  The rest of her life was a mess, but at least that one thing had worked out as planned.

  The door chime sounded, almost closing time, and in walked part of her mess. Oliver.

  “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?”

  “She refused to sleep unless I promised to come see you. And I always try to keep my promises.”

  Mia smiled. She had just met the woman and could already envision her saying that to Oliver. “She’s one tough lady.”

  “Sometimes she’s so strong it’s hard to imagine she’s as sick as she is. But she’s ready to go home tomorrow and be in her own bedroom with her own things.”

  “Is she scared?”

  “If she is, she hasn’t let on. She’s known for a couple years that she didn’t have long. I think her doctors are surprised she made it this far. She’s been planning her funeral the last six months, right down to the color of linens at the breakfast afterward.”


  “Yeah. She always loved planning a beautiful party. I think doing that and having control over something in her life helped get her through these last few months with her sanity intact.”

  Made sense. Mia wondered how she’d feel if she had that kind of time to prepare for her death. And would it be easier on Oliver and his father having had so long to prepare? Bryn had lost Johnny so fast there hadn’t been time to think about anything but the sadness and emptiness.

  But no matter what, everyone was destined to lose the ones they love. She couldn’t see how it was all worth it, like Bryn had said. Mia had just met Mrs. Christensen and it was breaking her heart to know she’d be gone soon.

  “So, I thought maybe we’d go over to Club Paradise tonight,” Oliver said, yanking Mia from her thoughts on death. “See if anyone can tell us anything about Chris. What do you think?”

  “Don’t you need to go home and make sure everything is set up for your mom?”

  “Most of the equipment was already delivered and they’ll set everything up in the morning. There’s nothing else I can do tonight. Besides, it might be good to focus on something else for a little while.”

  “Let me close up and we’ll go.”

  Mia shut down the computer while Oliver flipped off the lights and neon sign in the shop.

  “So, what does one wear to a gay bar?” Mia asked.

  “There’s no way you’re getting me into leather pants and a mesh shirt.”

  “Come on! You know how many more dildos we could sell if I dressed you up like that?”

  “I draw the line at hot pink Speedos.”

  “You can always wear that to the club. That would go over real well.”

  “Uh, I’ll stick with my jeans and button-down.”

  That was fine with Mia. Those designer jeans were sure worth every penny. Cheap denim didn’t wear like that. And the button shirt thing with the sleeves rolled up—so hot.

  The perk of arriving at a nightclub at nine thirty: no line. That also meant there was no one there. But that worked to their advantage. They took seats at the bar and immediately a mesh-shirt-wearing bartender approached.

  Oliver turned to Mia, hushed tone. “If you’d dressed me up, I’d be in the same outfit as the bartender. How embarrassing would that have been?”

  Mia giggled as the bartender eyed Oliver and asked what to get them. Scotch and a glass of wine. It took only a moment for him to fetch the beverages.

  “Never seen you here before.” The bartender leaned on the counter, completely ignoring Mia.

  “Um, actually, we’re looking for someone. Do you know a guy named Chris?”

  “Oh, honey. Do you know how many Chrises I meet? Between the men, women, and trannies, at least a dozen a week.”

  Oliver looked to Mia. “Great.”

  Mia’s turn to talk. “What about a Grant?”

  The bartender seemed to be searching his brain.

  “Short, skinny, kinda nerdy. Loves the Wizard of Oz.”

  “Oh, I think I know who you mean, but around here he goes by Marvel.”

  “As in Professor Marvel?” Oliver asked.

  Mia tried to hold in her burst of laughter. “I guess it’s better than Toto.”

  The bartender rolled his eyes. “So what do you want to know about him?”

  “Does he hang out with a Chris?”

  “You know, I have seen him with this one guy a lo
t lately. But he uses a bunch of different names. I think Chris is one of them.”

  Oliver pulled out a fifty and slid it across the bar. “If you see that guy in here tonight, can you let me know?”

  “Sure, baby. But I’d do it for just a squeeze of that fine ass.”

  “Uh, we’ll go with cash instead.”

  He shrugged and took the bill. “Suit yourself.”

  “So what do we do now?” Mia asked Oliver as the bartender left to take care of someone else.

  “I guess we wait.”

  CHAPTER Thirty

  An hour and three drinks later, Oliver was feeling pretty damn good. His troubles were miles away and it was just him and Mia. He flirted with her and she seemed to be flirting back.

  The club filled in—a world Oliver was not used to. Couples stood around doing exactly what he and Mia were doing, only it was men hitting on men. But it didn’t bother him.

  He looked over at Mia, sitting on her bar stool bopping along to the pop remix.

  “Wanna dance?” he asked her.

  “Oh, no. I’m good here.”

  He slid off his seat and took her hand. “Come on. You know you want to.”

  She shook her head but let him lead her to the dance floor, where it didn’t take long for her to start shaking her sexy behind. Oliver wasn’t much of a dancer, and had only spent limited time in the club scene, but the few drinks had pushed his inhibitions to the side. All he wanted to do was be with Mia and keep that smile on her face.

  But the music changed, a slower R & B tune. As couples around them paired together, gyrating to the sultry sounds, Oliver locked his eyes on Mia’s, his hand on her waist pulling her to him. She wound her arms around his neck, swaying to the beat, rubbing her body on his. As his heart thundered inside his rib cage, he demanded his dick stay soft.

  Her face stayed tilted toward him, lips begging to be kissed. Were they really? Or was it just his buzz and libido imagining them? A misplaced kiss could ruin everything. But then she raked her fingers through his hair. God, did she know how badly that turned him on? If she didn’t, she sure as hell would now.

  As he leaned to her, the music faded and the people around them seemed to blur and move in slow motion. All except a hot pink sequined something or other shimmying on his right. He tried to ignore it, but for some bizarre reason, could not. He let his eyes break free from Mia’s stare for a brief second. And that’s all it took to realize who it was in the supershort, supertight dress, dancing and grinding, martini glass in her hand, tipping it back like she wasn’t with child. Alexiana.

  He tried to turn his attention back to Mia—her waiting lips, that hunger in her eyes. But fury rose from his gut. What the hell kind of woman lies to a man, twice, about being pregnant? A stuck-up, snobby bitch who’d do anything to get her claws back into him.

  Oliver stormed over to her. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Step off, asshole,” the guy behind her said, the one enjoying the raunchy dance with Alexiana, his hands on her thighs. The yoga instructor.

  Oliver ignored him and snatched the drink from her hand, it’s remaining contents splashing out. “Well, obviously you lied to me, again, about being pregnant.”

  “You’re pregnant?” the guy behind asked, his eyes as wide as the disco ball above them.

  Alexiana stalked away, followed by Yoga Guy, followed by Oliver and Mia. She leaned to the bartender and ordered another drink.

  “Okay, go ahead and down some more alcohol. Since there’s no baby in there to deform.”

  “I ordered a glass of juice, dickhead. Same as the one in your hand.”

  Oliver lifted the near-empty glass to his nose. Apple juice.

  Alexiana’s plaything stood there, his eyes still bugged. “You’re fucking pregnant?”

  “Yeah. Surprise,” she said in her most monotone voice. “You’re gonna be a daddy.”

  “Holy fuck. This can’t be happening. I don’t want a kid.”

  “Then you shoulda used a rubber.”

  “I can’t deal with this.” The guy walked away.

  “Get back here,” Alexiana yelled and started after him. “Chris! Don’t fucking walk away from me.”

  Chris? Had Oliver heard her right? He grabbed her arm before she got too far. “Your yoga instructor’s name is Chris?”

  “Yeah. And?”

  “I need to talk to him.”

  “Why? You wanna beat the shit out of him for fucking your fiancée? If that’s the case, I should beat down Miss Lingerie here.” Alexiana eyed Mia. “I know you were screwing him behind my back.”

  “Leave Mia out of this.”

  “Oh, so it’s fine to punch out my fuck buddy, but yours is off-limits?”

  Mia meant far more to him than that vulgarity, and he hated what Alexiana had insinuated. But he had more important things to worry about right then. “I need to talk to him about something else.”

  Alexiana crossed her arms over her enormous chest, her tone changing. “What?”

  Oliver got the feeling he needed to tread lightly. Maybe the sentimental angle would work. “We’ve known each other since we were kids. I want to make sure he does right by you.”

  She stood silent for a minute; reminiscing maybe? “I saw him go into the bathroom.”

  He pushed the door labeled Men’s Room, but instead of finding occupied urinals and closed bathroom stalls, he walked into an orgy. Oliver backpedaled right out of there.

  “You dumbass,” Alexiana said. “No one goes into the men’s room here to use the toilet.”

  “Sorry I’m not all up on my gay bar etiquette. I’m supposed to go into the ladies’ room? I can’t do that.”

  “I’ll go,” Mia volunteered.

  “But I need to talk to him.”

  Their eyes met in mutual understanding. “I’ll bring him out.”

  Oliver was worried about what Mia might do, but if this was the guy they needed, he deserved whatever Mia could throw at him.

  MIA WALKED into the ladies’ room at Club Paradise. A stall opened and a man came out, zipping his jeans. This was so weird.

  “Excuse me,” he said and casually made his way to the sink to wash up.

  No one else was there, but one other stall had a closed door.


  “How could you do this to me? I can’t have a kid right now. Why aren’t you on birth control or something?”

  “Uh, it’s not Alexiana. I’m Mia. A friend of hers.” That lie could work, right? “Can we talk?”

  “Not unless you’re gonna tell me what to do about this kid.”

  “It’s not as bad as everyone says. My sister has two kids and she loves every minute.” Another total lie. No doubt she was going to hell. Might as well make it worth it.

  “I’m fucking twenty-four years old. I don’t know if I even want kids, and definitely not now.”

  “Well, the kid is coming whether you like it or not.”

  “That’s not helping.”

  “Sorry. Can you come out? So we can talk face to face.”

  Mia heard the click of the stall lock. The light was brighter in the bathroom than in the club, so she could see him better. And seeing him better allowed her to recognize him.

  “You’re the guy. Chris. The guy from the photos.”

  “What photos?”

  “Sex photos. You and Grant and my model, Logan.”

  His eyes widened like they had when Alexiana had shared her shocking baby news. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, I think you do.” Mia stepped closer. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You tried to destroy my shop. Why? My father put you up to it, didn’t he?”

  He tried to sneak past her, but she was too fast for him and sidestepped to block him.

  “I don’t know anything.”

  He slipped past Mia and she tried to grab him, but just as he reached the door, it opened. In stepped Oliver.

  “It’s him,” she y

  Oliver grabbed Chris and pinned him to the wall. “You better start talking.”

  “I don’t know anything.”

  “You sure as hell do. And if you don’t tell us who put you up to it, well, let’s just say I have a lot of money and I know a lot of dirty people who can get rid of you. So, would you like to start talking now?”

  “I didn’t even know the guy. It was just a fun time.”

  “Wrong answer.” Oliver tightened his grip on Chris’s arms.

  Mia’s turn to talk. “But you know Grant? I mean Marvel.”

  “Yeah. We fuck around sometimes.”

  “Why did you take Logan home with you?”

  “He was hot and we wanted to fool around.”

  “Why did you choose him? And who took the pictures?”

  “That’s all I’m telling you.”

  Mia had been standing back, letting Oliver be the muscle while she asked the questions, her anger building with every vague answer Chris gave. But that last one put her over the edge. She leapt toward him. “My father did this, didn’t he?”

  “Get off me, bitch!”

  Oliver shoved Chris’s head into the wall with a crack she could hear even over the thumping bass outside.

  “This is your last chance,” Oliver growled.

  The door opened and Chris’s terrified face changed to relief. But it was just Alexiana.

  “Let him go!”

  “Not until he tells us what we need.”

  Mia watched Alexiana stare Chris in the eyes and give a slight shake of her head. And it clicked. “It was you? You tried to destroy my shop?”

  Oliver turned to Alexiana. “Is she right?”

  But she just stood there. Oliver turned back to Chris and shoved him into the wall again. “Tell me everything.”

  “Fine. It was all her.”

  “Chris!” Alexiana shrieked.

  “You fucked up my life. I’m not gonna cover for you.” He turned back to Mia. “She knew I screwed around with Grant. And then she found out he used to work for you.”

  “Shut the fuck up, asshole!”

  “She paid me to drug that guy and take him to Grant’s. She was there the whole time. She took the pictures herself and I helped upload them.”


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