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Resurgence Page 4

by Rebecca Deel

  Her gaze searched his for a moment before she nodded.

  The knot in his stomach eased. Without thinking about what his actions might say to Veronica, he leaned down and brushed a soft kiss across her mouth, then turned her toward the exam room and nudged her inside.

  Once the door closed behind Veronica, Adam sagged against the wall. What was wrong with him? He’d never kissed a principal and this one was so wounded he had no right putting his hands on her aside from keeping her upright. Would she be angry with him?

  He closed his eyes a moment. He should ask Maddox to replace him. Obviously he wasn’t objective about her. He’d never forgive himself if her safety was compromised because he was distracted.


  Veronica climbed on the exam table, almost numb with shock. Adam Walker had kissed her. Did it mean anything beyond a gesture of comfort? Man, she hoped so. The black ops warrior attracted her as no other man had in a long time.

  And, no, it didn’t make any sense. She didn’t know him, not really. She’d built the fantasy of him in her mind when she found out where he was held captive in Belize.

  So what was her excuse for keeping watch over him for the past year? She told herself her interest was pure, that she had a vested interest in his recovery. Maybe she had an unhealthy obsession. She was definitely exhibiting behavior far outside her norm. After all, once she returned to her normal life, she wouldn’t see him again. What a depressing thought.

  Sorensen examined her face, his expression dark and forbidding. “Sleaze bags,” he muttered. “Any other injuries I should know about?”

  Veronica told him about the beatings with fists and whip, and endured the teeth-grinding examination by the doctor. She knew he was only doing his job. Didn’t mean she had to like it. She’d always hated dealing with doctors.

  “Sexual assault?” he asked bluntly. “And don’t lie to me. I need to know for the sake of your health.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so, but I was unconscious for an unknown length of time. When I was awake, they threatened me with rape. If Adam hadn’t arrived when he did, I would have been assaulted.” The thought of Adam finding her after that kind of assault made her stomach revolt. Would he have looked at her differently? Somehow she didn’t think so. The Adam Walker she’d learned about over the past year had more character than that. If anything, he’d be inclined to hunt down the man who assaulted her. She couldn’t let him do that.

  “I’m going to give you another round of fluids and a stronger antibiotic just to be safe. I imagine the interrogator practiced using his whip on more than one person. Go to the room on your right and make yourself comfortable on the bed. You’ll be here for at least a couple days.” He stood, turned toward the door, paused with his hand on the knob. The doctor spoke to her over his shoulder. “Walker’s a good man to have at your back.” With that, he left the room.

  What did he mean by that? She already knew Adam was a good protector. Veronica tugged her shirt back into place with a grimace. He’d seen the operative kiss her. Did his statement mean Sorensen approved?

  She slid from the exam table and had to grab the edge to hold herself up. Man, she was still weak. Hopefully in a couple days, she’d be back to normal. Veronica slowly walked to the door.

  Adam straightened from the wall and slipped his arm around her waist to lend his support. “Where to?”

  “Bed. He’s keeping me for two days.” Unless she could convince him to release her early.

  “Not surprised.” He bent down and lifted her into his arms.

  “I can walk a few feet.” Maybe. It galled her to be this weak.

  “Save your strength for what’s important. Healing.” He placed her on the bed, then tugged the sheet over her. Adam dragged a chair to her bedside and sat. “What did he say?”

  “I’ll recover, but I should see a plastic surgeon to minimize the scarring on my back.”

  “If you need a recommendation, he has several doctors he trusts.”

  Honestly, she didn’t want to see another doctor anytime soon. Besides, what were a few more scars on her back and legs? She never went to the beach without a cover-up anyway and she didn’t care what other people thought of her scars. Well, not much, she amended.

  Another thought occurred to her. Would Adam find the scars distasteful? “I don’t know if I want another doctor working on me. When do you have to leave, Adam?”

  “I’m staying.”

  “But your boss must have another assignment for you.” Veronica’s handler always had another mission lined up for her. She couldn’t remember when she last took time off for herself.

  Veronica didn’t have close family contacts anymore so she was the perfect choice for many undercover assignments. Most of the time she didn’t mind taking on the more dangerous tasks. She’d been to too many funerals of fellow agents and witnessed the devastation of their families.

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Vonnie.”

  Her lips curved. The last thing she wanted to do was get rid of Adam. She liked having him around.

  The doctor came into the room and set up the IV. “Keep her still, Walker. No walking the halls until after hours. My waiting room is full of cats, dogs, a parrot with an attitude, and curious pet parents with a direct connection to the Internet. Anything unusual shows up on their social media pages.”

  “I know the drill, Doc. We’ll stay in here until the coast is clear.”

  With a nod, Sorensen left, closing the door behind himself.

  “Interesting man.” Veronica turned her head. “Do you still have an extra weapon? I feel vulnerable without a way to defend myself.”

  The operative reached down to his calf and grabbed the sweet Sig he’d loaned her earlier. “Sorensen has weapons stashed all over his clinic. We’re careful to protect his identity, but leaks happen. He has enemies, the same as we have, and the doctor has a family to protect.”

  Veronica blinked. “He’s married?”

  Adam shifted in his seat as he chuckled. “He also has twin boys at home. Sorensen takes any threats to him or his family seriously.”

  A short while later, her eyes grew heavy. She couldn’t find a comfortable position on her back so she turned on her side to face Adam, trusting him to watch the door.

  “Rest, Vonnie. I’ll keep watch.”

  “Who will spell you?” she murmured. “You have to be exhausted.” She knew he hadn’t slept on the plane. Every time she woke, Adam reassured her she was safe with him.

  “My backup will be here soon.”

  Who was his backup? She should be on edge, worried since a stranger would be at her back while she was vulnerable. Instead, she let go and slid into sleep.

  Sometime later, she woke with a start at a quick knock. She and Adam pointed their weapons at the door.

  “Coming in soft,” a male voice said from the hallway.

  Adam must have recognized the voice because he lowered his weapon. “Come.”

  Not so trusting, Veronica kept her weapon trained on the doorway and the man with buzz-cut blond hair walking into the room. His eyebrow soared when he noted the Sig in her hand.

  “Ms. Miles, glad to see you on U.S. soil.” He extended his hand. “Brent Maddox.”

  Keeping her gaze locked on the potential threat, she asked Adam for confirmation. Receiving it, she set aside the Sig and shook the Fortress CEO’s hand. “Thank you for sending Adam and the others. I’m indebted to you.”

  “Not in my book, Ms. Miles. I still owe you for saving the lives of my wife and daughter. Tell me the size clothes and shoes you wear.”

  Bemused at his insistence, she gave him the information. Veronica’s agency wouldn’t go to this much trouble for her. Was this how Maddox treated all his employees?

  Maddox turned his attention to Adam. “I’ll be in the hall. Both of you get some rest.”

  For the next two days, Veronica slept more than when she’d been injured previously, including
the time she’d been down with a nasty case of the flu. Finally, Sorensen agreed she was fit enough to travel.

  “If you have a setback, call me or one of the Fortress medics. If you see your own physician, make sure he can be trusted not to report your injuries. A record in the medical system will tip off your kidnappers that you not only survived, but you’re back on your home turf. We don’t want you in their hands again.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Sorensen.” Veronica leaned up and kissed his cheek. The gruff physician turned beet red as he patted her shoulder.

  “Just see that you take care of yourself.” He glared at Adam. “Watch out for her, Walker. I don’t want her back here anytime soon.”

  Adam saluted the man, then he and Maddox escorted Veronica out the back door of the clinic and into the black SUV waiting to take them to the airfield.

  Within minutes, they boarded the Fortress jet. This time, Veronica insisted on sitting in the seats like a normal passenger. “I slept for two days. I’m much stronger than when you brought me here.”

  Once airborne, Adam retrieved three bottles of water from the galley. “Staying hydrated helps with the soreness.”

  Veronica eyed him as she drank deeply. “Where are we going?”



  “Fortress headquarters is there. Plus, that’s where I live.”

  Something in his expression told her there was more to what he was saying than the simple words conveyed. “I need to report to my handler after we land.”

  Adam and his boss exchanged grim glances.

  “Adam?” She reached over and gripped his hand. “Tell me.”

  “Vonnie, Dane Carver is dead.”


  Cold seeped into Veronica’s bones, setting off convulsive shivers. She fought to keep her teeth from chattering with marginal success. Dane was dead. She had talked to him an hour before she was captured by the thugs who tortured her in that death chamber. He didn’t say anything about a medical problem, and he would have told her. They had been friends since she joined the DEA.

  Adam didn’t mention a medical issue. Her heart skipped a beat. Was his cause of death medical or something more sinister? “How did he die?” she asked, voice hoarse. His wife, Cissy, must be devastated.

  Adam laced his fingers with hers. “The police report indicates he committed suicide.”

  “No.” She shook her head, rejecting that possibility. “Dane would never do that.”

  “Are you sure?” Maddox leaned forward, gaze intent. “People hide things from others, even those they love the most. Maybe he was more troubled than he let on, Veronica.”

  “Dane adored his wife. Her father committed suicide soon after she and Dane married. Cissy made him swear he would never put her through that, no matter what. I’m telling you he wouldn’t kill himself. Especially now. Cissy is pregnant with their first child. They’ve been trying to have a baby for years. I’ve never seen him so excited about anything more than this baby.” She swiped tears from her face. “How is Cissy? Is the baby all right?”

  “You’ll have an answer by the time we land in Nashville.” Maddox stood. “I’ll let you know what I learn.” He walked to the front of the plane, sat at the table, and pulled on a headset.

  “Come here,” Adam murmured. He took the bottle from her unresistant fingers and wrapped strong arms around her.

  Veronica’s head rested against his chest. She couldn’t stem the tears flowing down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe her friend and mentor was gone. Flashes of the dinners she had shared with Dane and Cissy, the weekends spent with them between missions, the birthday and anniversary celebrations all ran through her mind.

  How could this happen? She had a hard time believing Dane was so distracted by anything that he would compromise his safety. He’d drilled into her the need to be vigilant.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” Adam’s large hand cradled the back of her head.

  She drew in a deep breath, two, a third before she could speak. “Me, too. Adam, I need to see Cissy. I have to go to her.”

  “It’s not safe. That’s one of the first places your captors will look for you.”

  “She’s my friend. I have to do this.”

  “Even if the visit might cost your life?”

  “It won’t. I’ll be careful. I’m not stupid, Adam. I know these creeps won’t give up.” She also knew they would look for the people who ripped her from their clutches, especially the operative holding her in his arms.

  Adam was silent a moment, then eased away to look her in the eyes. “Are you positive Dane wouldn’t kill himself? Not for any reason?”

  “There is no question in my mind that someone murdered my handler.”

  “Where did Carver live?”

  Her lips curved. “Nashville. I’m based there as well.” Their proximity to each other made it easier to keep up with Adam’s recovery. Of course, she didn’t dare follow him. He was too good an operative to miss someone trailing him. No, she made discreet inquiries through a contact in black ops who was friends with the medic on Fortress’s Durango unit.

  “Veronica.” Maddox covered the microphone on his headset with his hand. “Cissy has been admitted to St. Thomas-Midtown as a precaution. She took her husband’s death hard.”

  “And the baby?”

  “Seems fine, but the doctors are keeping a close watch on her.”

  “Can she have visitors?”

  “I’ll arrange for you to see her.” He moved his hand, turned back to his open laptop, resuming his conversation over the headset.

  She frowned. “How can Maddox guarantee I’ll see Cissy?”

  “The boss knows a lot of people. If he says he’ll get you in, bank on that happening.”

  Veronica knew she should pull away from Adam, but was too comfortable to move. He didn’t seem inclined to release her, either. She reminded herself not to assume anything, especially not to credit the Fortress operative with feelings he couldn’t possibly have for her. As upset as she was, she still caught the sweet name Adam called her. Perhaps he called all the women in his life by sweet names.

  She hoped not. She wanted to be special to someone, but figured that dream would never come true for her. Perhaps Adam wouldn’t mind if she stayed in his arms a few more minutes. Adam holding her made Veronica feel safe and secure though experience taught her safety didn’t come from another person. She’d always had to protect herself, even during her childhood.

  She must have drifted off because sometime later, Adam rubbed her arm, murmuring her name to wake her.

  “We’ll be landing in a few minutes, Vonnie.”

  Veronica disentangled herself from the man who had held her for hours. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. You should have nudged me to my own seat.”

  He cupped her cheek, his gentle touch a stark contrast to his hard hand. “You needed to be held.”

  She couldn’t deny it although she was embarrassed to admit such a weakness. To give herself time to collect her thoughts, Veronica glanced out the window and saw that it was dark. “What time is it?”

  “After midnight, too late to see Cissy.”

  She blew out a breath. “Can you drop me at my place? I left my car in the garage.” She always took a taxi to the airport when she left on a mission. Otherwise, the parking fee would be astronomical. Sometimes she was out of the country for weeks.

  “You can’t go home right now.”

  Veronica stiffened. “I know how to protect myself.”

  “You’re still recovering from a horrific ordeal and your reflexes aren’t up to par yet. If you stay in your own place by yourself, you’ll be on alert instead of resting.”

  “Take me to a hotel.”

  “I have something better in mind.”

  This ought to be good. “Do tell.”

  “Stay at my place.”

  She twisted in her seat to face him. “I can’t stay with you.”

p; “You don’t trust me?”

  “Of course I do.” Seriously? This alpha warrior had risked his own life to free her and hustle her out of Mexico. How could he think she didn’t trust him? “I can’t put you out that way. You need rest as much as I do and you won’t if you’re watching over me.”

  “Vonnie, I’ll be watching over you, whether you’re in my house or not.”

  “Be reasonable.” He couldn’t be serious. “You can’t stay awake 24/7. You have to sleep sometime.”

  “I arranged for friends to provide backup.”


  “Remy and Lily Doucet. They’re with Fortress as well and I’ve worked several missions with them. I’d trust them at my back anytime, anywhere.”

  “A brother-sister team?”

  “Husband and wife. Lily’s a spitfire and Remy adores her. Both of them are as fierce as they come.”

  She blinked, surprised. “Maddox allows married couples to work together?”

  “He says they fight harder to protect each other. So far, he’s been proved right.”

  “What are their backgrounds?”

  “Lily was an Army sharpshooter before signing on with Fortress. Remy was an NYPD homicide detective.”

  A fellow cop. Some of her tension faded. “They don’t mind helping?”

  He shook his head. “They just returned from a mission overseas and are happy to remain on US soil for a while. Maddox authorized them to be on your protection detail.”

  “That’s just wrong,” she muttered. “I know how to use a gun and I’m well trained in defense tactics.”

  Adam gave her a lopsided grin. “Might as well give in, Vonnie. We have your back for the foreseeable future.”

  Truthfully, she didn’t mind all that much. The thought of facing her empty house made her skin crawl. Who could she trust aside from Adam and his friends? Her cover had been blown. No one but Dane knew she’d been assigned a deep-cover mission in the Chihuahua province in Mexico and he would never tell. Who found out and gave her identity away to the creeps who abducted her? “All right. You win.” She slid him a pointed glance. “For now.”


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