Russia, 406, 506
Old Believers, 415
Olga (Helga), 23
American Civil War, 256
Bermuda, 167
business practices, 308
corporations, 365, 421, 518
free markets, 340
greed, 318, 320
Hamilton, 184
Hawaii, 284
Massachusetts, 179
media, 353
political power, 312, 356
power, 300, 310, 374, 421
railways, 309, 368–69
Russia, 310, 312, 362, 374, 505–6
Virginia, 54, 55
Olney Corollary, 214, 524, 525
Olney, Richard, 214
oprichniki, 76, 78. See also secret police
Oregon, 240
Osceola, 231
O’Sullivan, John, 244
Pacific, 324
Pacific Railroad Act, 279
Paine, Thomas, 169–70, 174, 247
Panama, 148, 332
Pan-American Congress, 528–29
Pan-Slavism, 236
Paris, 204
Parker, Fess, 149
patrimonial society, 136
patriotism, 513
Paul, John. See Jones, John Paul
Paul (Tsar), 198, 199, 201, 212
Pavlov, Ivan, 311
Pavlutsky, Dmitri, 281
Paxton Boys, 157, 158
Pearl Harbor, 426, 433
Pearson, 515–16
peasants. See serfs
Peck, Gregory, 500
Pemberton, John Stith, 367–68
Penn, Thomas, 103
Penn, William, 102
Pennsylvania, 102
People’s Will, 300
Pequot, 87, 88
Pequot War, 88–89
perestroika, 495, 502
Perovskaya, Sophia, 301
Perry, George, 51
Peter III, 140
Peter the Great, 20, 130–34, 137–38
Peters, Hugh, 98
PFI (Private Finance Initiative), 538–39
Philadelphia, 105
Philippines, 276, 288–90, 435, 444
Pilgrim Fathers. See Pilgrims
Pilgrims, 46, 53
myth, 92, 94
Plymouth colony, 92–96, 99
terror, 85
Pining, Dietrich, 37
Pinkerton, Allan, 355
Pinkertons, 355
Pinochet, Augusto, 480
Pipes, Richard, 548
piracy, 45
Plehve, Vyacheslav, 344
Plymouth colony, 92, 99
Pobedonostev, Konstantin, 304–5
America, 7, 344, 345
Russia, 343, 344, 345
see also massacres
1863 revolt, 238
Alexander I, 201
Congress of Vienna, 206
independence, 503
Katyn massacre, 465
partitions, 194–97
Russian expansion, 126, 127
Second World War, 425
Solidarity, 502
Ukraine, 126, 393–94
Warsaw battle, 394
Warsaw revolt, 232
Polar Bear expedition, 375
police state, 222
Political Action Committees, 518
political frameworks, protest within, 268
political life, 183, 223, 518–19
Politkovskaya, Anna, 508
Polk, James, 235, 236, 240
Poniatowski, Stanislas Augustus. See Stanislas II
population growth, 251
Port Arthur, 325, 327
Pothorst, Hans, 37
Poyarkov, Vasily, 118
‘praying towns,’ 91
presidential elections, 267, 303, 378–79
presidents, America, 183, 264, 549
Prestowitz, Clyde, 545
price-fixing, 320
primogeniture, 145–46
Pritsak, Omeljan, 28
Private Finance Initiative (PFI), 538–39
Procter & Gamble, 538
propaganda, 380
protests, political frameworks, 268
psychological imperialism, 504
Puerto Rico, 286, 290, 291, 444
Pugachev, Emilian, 270
Pugachev rebellion, 270
purges, 439
Puritans, 86–89, 93, 96, 99–102, 187
Putin, Vladimir, 494, 506, 507, 508
Quakers, 99, 102
Quitman, John, 242
racism, 57–58, 271, 416, 418
Radhaniya, 29
Radischev, Alexander, 246
America, 278–79, 368–69, 371
Russia, 310, 324, 376–77
Reagan, Ronald, 478, 480, 548
Red Indians, 156. See also Native Americans
Regents, 226
regime change, 450–56, 480
Rehnquist, William, 374
religion, 122, 187, 189–90, 197, 257, 547
religious discrimination, 100–103
religious fundamentalism, 97
Republicans, 302, 303
Revere, Paul, 162, 163
revolutionary socialists, 337
revolutions, 178
revolvers, 248
Rhode Island, 100
Ribault, Jean, 47, 48
rice, 527
Rice, Condoleezza, 522–23
right, 448
right of free speech, 373
rights, corporate, 363, 371
rights of man, 219
Roanoke, 50
robber barons. See oligarchs
Rockefeller, John D., 308, 315
Roman empire, 17, 21
Romania, 503
Romanov, Michael, 83, 130
Romanovna, Anastasia, 75
Romanovs, 83, 129–41, 199, 342, 347
Roosevelt Corollary, 332
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 426, 427, 434, 435
Roosevelt, Kermit, 432, 453, 455
Roosevelt, Theodore, 315–18
1912 election, 378–79
Cuba, 289–90
inauguration, 283
Maine, 288
Russia and Japan, 327–28
rule of law, 144–49, 520
Rurik, 22
Rus, 22–23, 26–27, 64, 504
Alexander I, 199, 201–6, 211–12, 215
American Civil War, 259
Beria, 462–65
Catherine the Great, 140–41, 181–83, 193–95, 198
Chechens, 239–40
Chukchi, 281, 282
Church, 257–58
civil service, 125
cold war, 470
collapse of, 502–5
colonisation, 122–23, 189, 190, 336
Crimean War, 238
culture, 304
determined opportunism, 513
dissent, 297–302, 306, 334–37, 496–97, 501
economy, 436, 465, 494, 495, 505
empire, 396, 466, 471, 502–5, 512–13
First World War, 346
foreign investment, 314
foreign policy, 442
glasnost, 495, 501
Gorbachev, 495, 501, 502, 504
health indicators, 535
imperial expansion, 126–29
imperialism, 81, 123, 274–75
industrialisation, 307, 312–14
Ivan IV (the Terrible), 73–79, 112–13, 126
Khruschev, 465
Komi, 414–15
labour unrest, 353–54
languages, 501
manifest destiny, 129, 181
military force, 189
Mongols, 65–68, 70–72
as nation state, 111
nobility, role of, 135–36
Novgorod, 22, 69–70, 86
occupation, 435
October Revolution, 348
oil, 406, 506
oligarchs, 312, 340, 362, 374, 505–6
oppression, 439
origins, 27
Pan-Slavism, 236
patrimonial society, 136
perceptions of, 432
perestroika, 495, 502
pogroms, 343, 344, 345
prisoners of war, 436
Putin, 494, 506, 507, 508
railways, 310, 324, 376–77
reconstruction, 436
religion, 122
Rus, 22–23, 26–27, 64, 504
science, 310–12
Second World War, 425, 429, 430
serfs, 221
Siberia, 114–22
territorial expansion, 90, 185, 189–91
terror, 79, 124, 485
Time of Troubles, 81–83
tsarism ends, 342–46
tsars, 123, 302
women, 301, 311
see also Bolsheviks; communism; Lenin; Poland; serfs; Stalin
Russia and America. See America and Russia
Russian Revolution, 127, 178, 296–97, 301, 338, 342, 351, 353, 407, 549
Russian-American Company, 212
Russo-Polish War, 394
Ryazan, 68
St. Petersburg, 134–35, 137, 335, 336
Sakharov, Andrei, 496–97
Samoa, 286
Sand Creek Massacre, 280
Sands, Philippe, 521, 522
Sanford, Leland, 278, 279
Santa Anna, Antonio, 234
Sarandon, Susan, 499
Saud. See ibn Saud
Saudi Arabia, 434, 435, 493
SAVAK, 455
savings, 539
scale, economics, 321, 494, 531–32
scalps, reward for, 156–57
science, 310–12
Scotch Irish, 157
Scott, Winfield, 235
Seattle, 403–4
Sechenov, Ivan, 311
Second World War, 423–32
America, 426, 429, 430
perceptions of, 430, 432
Russia, 425, 429, 430
secrecy, diplomacy, 453
secret police, 355, 455. See also oprichniki
sectarianism, 100
Sedition Act (1798), 183–84
Seeley, John Robert, 548
self-interest, 245
Seminoles, 217, 218, 231
Arakcheyev colonies, 221
class struggle, 274
communes, 547–48
emancipation, 258, 268, 269
peasant revolts, 270
power structure, 300–301
Radischev, 246
revolts, 270
slavery, comparison with, 26, 267–70, 273–74
students, 299
Seven Year War, 155
Seward, William, 275
sexism, 58
Shamil, Imam, 239
Shelikhov, Grigori, 175
Sherman Antitrust Act, 319
Sherman, William T., 265, 266, 271, 272
ships, 286–89, 313, 403
Siberia, 114–26, 250, 336
Siberian natives, 120–21, 124–25
Singer Corporation, 370
Sioux, 275, 280, 282, 283
Sitting Bull, 284, 285
skyscrapers, 284
Slansky, Rudolf, 439
Slater, Samuel, 229–30
slave-based colonisation, 91
slavery, 56–58, 170–71, 418
abolition of, 269
Carolina, 60–61
divided attitudes, 247, 253–56
economics of, 255
life expectancy of slaves, 180
New England, 91
serfdom, comparison with, 246, 267–70, 273–74
slave revolts, 243, 270
slave states, 189
Texas, 233
see also black people
Slavophilism, 129
Slavs, 21–22, 103, 236
smallpox, 121
Smith Act, 497–98
Smith, Howard, 497
social democratic parties, 338, 359
‘socialism in one country,’ 397–98
socialists, 337–38, 354, 405, 407
Solidarity, 502
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 496, 501
Somersett, James, 170
Sondheim, Stephen, 500
Soviet Union. See Russia
Cuba, 402
exploration, 32–39
Florida, 218
Mexico, 233
Seven Year War, 155–56
Spanish American War, 276, 287–91
Spanish Inquisition, 38
Spanish-American War, 276, 287–91
spoils system, 226–28, 519
Squanto, 93–95
Stalin, Joseph
alliances, 348
America, 263
consolidation, 442
death, 460, 462
death sentences, 409
Finnish-Americans, 104
Georgia, 395
Komi, 415
Korea, 472, 475
and Lakoba, 463
liberation movements, 444
memory of, 266
perceptions, 461
powerbase, 388
purges, 439
reconstruction, 436
Second World War, 425, 426, 427
‘socialism in one country,’ 397–98
Soviet empire, 396
terror, 389–91
and Truman, 430
Yalta Conference, 434, 437
zones of influence, 437
Stalinism, 361, 389
Standard Oil, 315, 319, 370, 406, 413
Stanislas II, 194, 195, 197
sterilisation, forced, 417
Stevens, John L., 284, 285
Stoeckl, Edouard de, 259
Stolypin, Peter, 336
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 358
strikes, 351–53, 399, 402, 404
Struve, Friedrich, 311
Strzelecki, Pawel, 232
students, 299
subsidies, 527
Suez canal crisis, 449, 467
sugar, 283, 284
Sultan-Galiev, Mir Said, 389
superiority, 81
superpowers, 436, 443, 509
Svyatoslav, 23
Swartwout, Samuel, 227–28
Sweden, 126, 132
Sweezy, Paul, 498
Taft, William Howard, 379
Taino, 35
Tajikistan, 503
tariffs, 306–7, 412, 533–34
Tartars, 65. See also Mongols
Taylor, Zachary, 235, 236
Taylorism, 406
Tea Act, 159, 161
Tecumseh, 208, 217, 264
Tehran, 453
Tehran Conference, 427
America, 485–89
cold war period, 484–89
Pilgrims, 85
Russia, 79, 124, 485
Stalin, 389–92
Texas, 232–35, 370, 520
textile industry, 229–30
Thanksgiving Day, 93
Thatcher, Margaret, 532
Theodoric I, 17, 18
Third Crusade, 65
Tift, Joshua, 106
Tilsit, Treaty of, 202
Time of Troubles, 81–83
Tippecanoe, battle of, 208, 264
Tito, 439
tobacco, 52, 188, 189
tolerance, 105
torture, 521
transcontinental railway, America, 279–80
Trans-Siberian railway, 310, 324, 376–77
treaties, 147–49, 280
tributes, payment of, 87, 123–24, 537
Tripoli, 216
Trotsky, Leon, 336, 347, 349, 350
Truman Doctrine, 447
Truman, Harry S., 430, 431, 441
trusts, 315, 319
tsars, 123, 302
Tulsa Pogrom, 344
Turkestan, 275
Turkey, 237, 333
Turkmenistan, 503
Turner, Frederick, 106
Turner Thesis, 106–7
Tyler, John, 234
UK. See Britain
Ukraine, 387–88, 393, 503, 504
Ulyanov, Alexander, 283
Ulyanov, Vladimir. See Lenin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 358
Underhill, John, 86, 87
Ungern-Sternberg, Roman Fedorovich von, 396
United Fruit Company, 366–67, 370, 455, 456
United Nations, 434, 525
United States of America. See America
United States, term, 515
urbanisation, America, 249, 251
US. See America
USSR. See Russia
Uzbekistan, 275, 503
values, modern, 272
Van Buren, Martin, 264
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 242
Vanderbilt, William, 308
Varangians. See Vikings
Vasilly (second False Dimitry), 83
Vermont, 172
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