Working Desires: A Dirty Office Romance Boxset

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Working Desires: A Dirty Office Romance Boxset Page 25

by Hazel Keys

“Before that, what do you think?” he asked again, knowing he was sounding like a broken record but not really able to help himself.

  “Honestly, I would be just fine with us doing dinner and a movie again, she said lightly, smiling back at him. “We had such an amazing time last time, and I with our schedule it’s not like we can just take off somewhere to celebrate. Let’s keep it simple for now, and maybe a little later on we can actually think about going somewhere to do something, okay?”

  Amun deflated a bit, the feeling that she seemed to be settling for his sake making him feel less happy than he thought he might. He had been expecting something more, so her unexpectedly normal request actually took him by surprise. It’s not like he explicitly had a problem with it. If that was what she wanted to do and she was fine with doing it, why should he tell her no?

  “Alright, that sounds just fine to me. Do you have a movie in mind?” he asked, kissing her.

  “You bet.”

  Chapter Eight


  Once she had left the break room to go back to work, Isabella couldn’t help but feel the familiar tingle of excitement slowly beginning to course through her body. She hadn’t exactly chosen the most exciting of date destinations, but for her, just being able to spend time with him out in public and enjoy a nice meal. She felt like Amun must be over whatever moodiness he might have had about her promotion by now, and she wanted to thank him for not having made the whole situation overly uncomfortable. Besides, he had been treating her so well this past year that he deserved a reward for all of his efforts. She knew she wasn’t the easiest person to date due to her borderline clinginess and sarcastic personality, but he had stayed with her regardless.

  There was still a small bit of hesitation since she hadn’t spent the money from the bonus yet, and if she mentioned that she was going to use some of it to pay for their night out she knew that he wasn’t going to take it well. It would only serve to rub raw the nerve that had probably only barely been able to be covered up through his own effort, and that wouldn’t make the night enjoyable for either of them. The last thing she wanted to do was spend the night of her anniversary arguing.

  Once the two of them were off for the night they left straight from the office back to Amun’s place so that they could get ready. Isabella had left a bag of clothes over at his house the night before in preparation for their date, and she took at least fifteen minutes deciding between the different outfits she had brought, trying to choose the one that she thought flattered her the most. She ended up choosing to go with a bright yellow sundress that went surprisingly well with her tan skin. It really brought out her green eyes, Isabella watching how they glimmered with obvious enthusiasm in the mirror. She let her hair hang down today, the blonde streaks in her otherwise brown hair shining extra brightly thanks to the conditioner she used.

  She chose to forego a bra, though she did slip a pair of pure white panties on beneath her sundress. She had this idea in her mind about how she was going to tease Amun during dinner by letting him sneak peeks at her bare breasts, the naughty feeling she got from the thought enough to make her shiver. She was definitely planning on having her way with him when they got back from their date, a mischievous grin sneaking onto her face as she peered over at him through the bathroom door. Her heart throbbed in her chest at the sight of him dressed up in a yellow dress shirt and white khakis, his hand currently in the act of stroking over his own chin gently, obviously feeling for stubble.

  “Are you going to shave?” she asked playfully, walking up behind him and allowing her own hands to gently brush along the sides of his face before cupping it between her palms.

  He cast a sidelong look at her that made her burst out laughing, her hands moving away from him so that she could rest against the frame of the door until she could get her breath back. “Do I look like I need to shave?” he asked finally, amusement creeping into his voice despite his attempts to keep his face straight.

  “Do you really want me to answer that question?” she asked playfully, looking up at her boyfriend’s clean shaven face and leaving a gentle kiss on his cheek. “It’s not like you ever let it grow anyway.”

  “That is because I don’t like the way that facial hair feels. It always grows too quickly and ends up making me look messy and uncultivated. As a salesman, that is simply not something that I can abide by. I have to keep myself looking good at all times, for the sake of my reputation and the company’s,” he murmured, returning her kiss by pressing his lips against her own.

  “What if I were to tell you that I wanted you to grow your hair out for me? Would you do it?” It was mostly a playful question but Isabella was still quite interested in the answer. She had often wondered about her boyfriend’s seeming aversion to hair, and even after his explanation, she couldn’t escape the feeling that he was hiding something.

  “I am afraid that would prove to be a request I wouldn’t be able to fill,” he said apologetically, seeming to notice the way that she deflated slightly at the rejection judging by how quickly he spoke again. “I just don’t think that you would really like me with facial hair for the same reason that you never showed interest in having a pet.”

  “Yeah, I can’t stand the little hairs that seem to always get on everything,” Isabella admitted, her head slowly nodding up and down in agreement. “I especially can’t stand cat hair because it clings to literally everything. I can’t even begin to tell you how many of my outfits got ruined as a teenager because of my grandmother’s cat. Not even my best lint rollers could ever get it off of my clothes. I promised myself after that I wouldn’t ever have a pet with fur so that I never had to experience that again,” she said, rubbing her arms slowly as she spoke as she felt a sudden chill.

  “Well, I don’t keep a beard for similar reasons. The hairs aren’t nearly as noticeable, but they cling to my shirts and I find myself picking them off when I look at myself in mirrors. It’s honestly just a bother to have to do constantly, so I just shave when I begin to feel stubble as a way to avoid that problem entirely,” he said, glancing at his watch before gazing over at her. “Did you pick a movie that you wanted to go see?”

  She had almost forgotten about the movie, a small blush appearing on her cheeks as she fished her cell phone out of her pocket and began to look through the different films being offered at the nearby theaters. She wasn’t too impressed with the large selection of horror movies that seemed to be dominating the box office at that point, and she knew that she didn’t feel like sitting through any historical dramas or animated kid movies. It was starting to look like they might have to change their plans until one of the posters caught her attention, lifting her phone up to show Amun. “How about this one?”

  He turned enough so that he could peer over at the screen of her phone, his face remaining neutral as he looked at the film she suggested. He didn’t seem to be opposed to it, but he also didn’t seem too enthusiastic about it either. He was making it hard for her to get a read on him, though the fact that he hadn’t said anything about it yet was leading her to believe that he wasn’t interested in going to it. “If it isn’t something that you think you could enjoy, you can look through the list and help me pick something else. There honestly aren’t that many movies out right now that are serving to catch my interest,” she said truthfully, watching his face carefully as he replied.

  “No, it sounds fine. I was just trying to think if I recognized the title or not. I don’t recall seeing many trailers for it,” he said while looking somewhat bewildered. “Is it going to be like that Ride Along movie that we watched a while ago? I can’t say that it won me over, though that might have been mostly Kevin Hart’s fault,” he added, his head shaking slightly. “I really can’t stand him.”

  “Well, then I guess it is a good thing that he isn’t in this movie. It’s got Ice Cube in it, but he has someone else who is usually a lot funnier than Kevin Hart,” Isabella said, pointing towards the actor with a goofy grin standing opp
osite Ice Cube on the poster. “It’s Charlie Day. You know him, he plays Charlie Kelly on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” she said matter-of-factly, slipping her phone back into her pocket.

  “I admit, I do find him funnier than Kevin Hart,” Amun admitted with a smile, his brown eyes glinting as he gazed back into Isabella’s eyes. “Alright, what the heck? Why not,” he finished, his arm moving to wrap around her shoulder gently.

  “I don’t know whether you are enthusiastic about it or not,” she said in mild annoyance, nudging him gently.

  “I’m just happy to get to spend time with you, baby. How we spend that time together doesn’t really matter to me so long as we do it together,” he said softly, pulling her body close to his so that he could press his lips against her once more, causing any objection she might have had to die on her lips.

  She closed her eyes and allowed herself to get lost in the feeling of his lips against hers, her arms moving up to wrap around the back of his neck so that she could pull him a little closer to her. She took a deep breath, drawing the scent of his newest cologne into her nose, finding that she rather enjoyed the somewhat spicy scent that was emanating from him. It reminded her slightly of cinnamon, and another sniff served to reinforce the opinion that she was recognizing its scent. It also had just the barest hint of mint that served to dull the cinnamon slightly, the ability of the mixture of scents to actually come out pleasant blowing her mind slightly.

  “That’s a really unique scent that you have going there,” she whispered, finally breaking the kiss and stepping back from him so that she could catch her breath. The smell of his cologne was making her slightly dizzy, the intoxicating scent causing her to feel a small trickle of her arousal slide down the inside of her thighs. “Where did you come across it?”

  “Bought it in a boutique in the mall that night that you stayed in at your place for an alone night. I decided to take the liberty of my solitude to pick up a few things in anticipation of our date night, and I thought that this might be a good way to go about it. I am glad that you approve of the fragrance I chose since it took a really long time to find one that I actually liked there. It seemed to attend more to female customers, and I only say that because most of the employees and shoppers were women,” he added as he stepped out of the bathroom and stepped towards his dresser, grabbing his wallet from where he had left it early and stuffing it into his back pocket.

  “Had to make sure you had it this time, huh?” she asked playfully, looking over at him with a devilishly coy smile, her hand moving to pat her purse. “I think that I will treat us this year. You paid for everything last year, so it would only be fair.”

  She could see hesitation flash across his face for only a brief instant before he seemed to force himself to snap out of it, a nonchalant shrug causing his shoulders to dip up and down once accompanying his carefree smile. “If you want to foot the bill then I won’t stop you. It’s no skin off my nose to be able to save a few bucks for another day,” he said bravely, though Isabella saw the corner of his eye twitch slightly and had to stifle a giggle, looking away quickly to give herself time to compose her features.

  “Perfect, then let’s go. If the movie isn’t great, I’ll make it up to you afterward. Sound like a deal?” she asked, walking past him to the door of his bedroom so that she could go wait for him near the front door.

  The movie didn’t turn out to be quite as good as she had originally thought it would be, but they didn’t have a terrible time during it. She caught herself laughing at some of the jokes, and Amun seemed amused enough that he wasn’t using his phone, which she took as good signs. It seemed to be a good way to lead into their dinner date, the two joking back and forth with one another as they allowed themselves to be seated by the wait staff of the fancy restaurant that they had chosen to go to that night. It was a five-star restaurant that Brad had apparently told Amun about, and as Isabella looked around the place she was more than content.

  Everything about the restaurant seemed to sparkle and gleam, the multiple crystals that were set into the chandeliers causing the light to dance and flicker all around the place. There weren’t many places with shadows, but at the same time, the light was not so bright as to be blinding. The chairs were all highly cushioned and seemed to shape to her butt as she sank down into it, Isabella unable to hold back the slightly uncomfortable squeal that slipped past her lips at the unfamiliar sensation. Amun bit his lip as he looked towards her, his expression that of someone who was trying very hard not to laugh.

  Trying to move past that embarrassing moment, she picked up one of the menus and started to look through it, holding it up in front of her to prevent her from making eye contact with Amun. The first thing she was going to do was order lots of wine, eager to see how her boyfriend might get after getting a little liquor in him. He usually held back when they were together, so she was pretty curious to see what he might be like once he let his guard down a little bit. He was always so careful with how he acted that she sometimes got the impression that she might be restraining him in some way, though she never voiced her concern out loud.

  Their meal went by pretty uneventfully, the two simply enjoying the ability to be out for their special day. Isabella was more than a little tipsy by this point, the two of them having already managed to finish off two bottles of champagne and were working their way through a third. She hiccupped gently, the unexpected sound apparently tickling her funny bone as she found herself breaking out into a fit of giggles shortly afterward.

  After they arrived back at Amun’s place Isabella wasted no time in pressing herself against Amun, the two drunkenly falling onto the couch as they strove to kiss one another passionately. She could feel his hands groping her bare breasts, her dress now sitting discarded on the table before the couch. She moaned as he took her nipple into her mouth and sucked on it lightly, bringing the soft little nub to a hardened point beneath his tongue. She whimpered gently in his ear, grinding herself against him as she felt her desire for him flare up powerfully inside of her.

  She reached down and pulled his pants out of the way, her panties pulled unceremoniously to the side so that she could sink down onto his length. She shivered as she let out a sultry little moan in his ear, the two beginning to move against one another passionately as their libidos began to flare up. The wine was obviously egging them on, and Isabella was enjoying the increased roughness that Amun was using on her, the force of his upward thrusts making it so she was going to be walking funny the next day. It felt so good to be there with him, his powerful strokes as he flipped her over onto her back causing her pleasure to ride higher and higher.

  When they finally came down from a powerful simultaneous orgasm that had left Isabella shaking and twitching slightly on Amun’s chest as his warm cum slowly oozed out of her she exhaled gently, her head resting on his chest as she struggled to catch her breath. She felt warm from the exertion of their passions but didn’t mind it too much, the good feeling of being able to have enjoyed their anniversary together overshadowing any negative that she could think of. “This has almost been a perfect night,” she said dreamily, looking over at him with a loving smile on her lips.

  “What could I do to make it perfect?” he asked, planting a gentle kiss on her lips as he gazed back at her.

  “Tell me one secret that you’ve been keeping from me,” she said playfully, not fully expecting him to play along but figuring she could try at least.

  “When Ryan talked to me about who should win the award I told him that you should win instead of me. He seemed like he was going to give it to me, but I told him that I felt like you deserved it more,” he said, looking her in the eyes with an innocent smile on his face.

  Isabella froze then, her eyes going wide as she looked towards him. Her insecurities came surging back in that instant, the doubts she had been holding inside about whether she had actually earned the award now flooding her consciousness. In her drunken state, she might not have responded in
the best way. Her last memory was her calling him a jerk and quickly dressing before leaving, vaguely recalling dialing for a cab and getting driven back home. Her last memory was crying heavily until she fell asleep.

  Chapter Nine


  To say that Amun was confused by Isabella storming out the night before would be an understatement, to say the least. He didn’t see what the big deal about him recommending her to have won the award was. If anything, she should have been thanking him for being so considerate. It was enough to leave him slightly annoyed, and he found himself in a bad mood as he prepared himself for work that day. He was tempted to call in so that he could avoid what was sure to be a tense situation at work, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to do it.

  It was honestly the first time that they had argued like this, the rest of their relationship having only been dotted with the occasional disagreement. They had always managed to make up afterward, and Isabella had never run out of his house the way that she had the night before. It was enough to make Amun want to go to her and ask her why his statement had made her so angry, but he had a feeling that she wouldn’t be talking to him right away. That was going to make work somewhat miserable since he was so used to talking to her during his lunch break, the knowledge that he had upset her sure to gnaw away at his consciousness until the matter was resolved.

  His fears about her refusing to talk to him were well founded, his attempt to greet her in the morning met only with an angry glance before his girlfriend closed the door to her office in front of him. His hand, which had been raised in greeting, fell limply to his side. He exhaled gently before making his way to his own office, closing the door to it as well. He didn’t want to talk to anyone right now and figured it would be best if he just took some time to himself to focus on work. The company wouldn’t accept relationship troubles as an excuse for him not getting his work done, and he wasn’t in any hurry to have his title of number one sales representative put in jeopardy. It was the one thing he could claim that he had earned through his own effort since he had only managed to gain the title in the first place because of his tireless dedication.


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