Working Desires: A Dirty Office Romance Boxset

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Working Desires: A Dirty Office Romance Boxset Page 38

by Hazel Keys

  Amelia…well, Amelia is still young and active. Why didn’t she take care of it? And why did she specifically request that I come over instead of a gardener or lawn care specialist?

  Maybe it was selfish of me, or egocentric, but I couldn’t help but wonder if she felt the same way deep down, the way I felt about her. She’s the one who never seemed to think of me as a romantic kind of guy. Maybe something changed. Maybe she changed or I changed, and one chemical incompatibility was corrected.

  Oh but wouldn’t it be embarrassing if I was the only one that felt this way? Oh Jesus, and right in front of her mother!

  This was going to be a very difficult “flirty” conversation. I had to imply things to Amelia without coming outright and saying them. If I knew anything about Naomi, her mother, is that she was very keen on manners and politeness. To be crude about dating Amelia now would be an unforgivable trespass.

  I smiled, exhausted after a long haul outside in the massive back yard. I was also freshly showered, as they insisted “their home was my home…” Oh if only!

  I sat on the couch and faced Naomi and Amelia, who did seem a little on edge.

  “Well like I said, it’s been so nice seeing you again. It kind of sucks that we don’t hang out like we used to.”

  “Oh yes, even when you were children you were both very good friends. And that friendship has persisted to this day!” Naomi said, always eloquent as was her style.

  “Yup. It’s a shame so many people lose touch nowadays. I mean, we live in a generation that values social media, email…we’re losing the physical connection.”

  “Yes, we are!” Naomi replied.

  “Yep,” Amelia said, keeping conspicuously quiet.

  “You know, I still remember…Amelia…”

  I said her name and neglected to say Naomi…I felt a chill go down my spine. I was making the implication. It felt right. It felt bold and a little exhilarating. Especially considering how many times I neglected to ever speak of Amelia like an attractive woman and not just a friend.

  “The times we spent in Galveston. Sitting on the beach. Riding on the ferry.”

  “Of course we remember those times,” Amelia said with a friendly smile, kind of smacking down my implication. “We all had so much fun. It was a home away from home.”

  True, Naomi was always with me and a few other mutual friends. It’s easy to see how she could have misconstrued that as innocent and wholesome friendship.

  I sighed, almost backing down.

  I should just let it be.I’ve already chosen. I chose Crystal. The timing is wrong. She’s single but I’m not. Maybe it’s just time to let this thing die once and for all.

  I paused and smiled, spacing out and feeling each second passing by as if it were a full minute.

  “You know all I really remember about those vacations is you.”

  “Awww, well we remember you too-”

  “No, YOU, YOU.”

  I blurted it out. Like I feared, time stopped in that moment and all I heard was the sound of my own voice ranting.

  “I didn’t really notice a lot of the scenery or how much fun I was supposed to be having because I was staring at you most of the time.”

  Amelia and Naomi stared at each other, definitely getting the vibe.

  “I kept thinking to myself, as beautiful as the beach is…all I’m ever going to remember about this moment is staring into Amelia’s eyes. Chatting about silly little things that seemed like nothing back then…but which now I realize were about everything. And wishing that this moment never had to end. That it could go on and on forever.”

  Amelia chuckled to herself. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “Well…we were both young, weren’t we?”

  She smiled as she looked into my eyes but her shields were up. Poor Naomi had no idea what to say, and looked back and forth at us, probably annoyed that neither of us were communicating what we really felt.

  “Well, we never appreciate our youth until it’s gone,” I said with a grin. I tried to laugh off the weird moment we had—that realization that I had been in love for a long time.

  Maybe Amelia knew, or maybe she just found out. One thing seemed for sure: there was nothing that could be done about it, or at least that’s what she implied with those stoic and distant eyes.

  I made a few more jokes and talked about a few other mutual friends whom we haven’t seen in a while. I can’t even remember what I said. Mostly, I was breaking inside and trying to stay calm. Truth is, it felt exhilarating to just confess what I was really feeling.

  Maybe the dreaded conversation didn’t matter, maybe we had all outgrown it. Or maybe I screwed up the big dramatic conclusion, I don’t know.

  But after that day, I resigned myself from every entertaining the thought again.

  So what. So Amelia finally knew that I was in love with her. That was ten or twenty years ago. Things change. We’re mature now. We outgrew the past.

  Now it’s all about living like an adult, and all god damn happily ever after.

  Chapter 6:Amelia

  Mother never said much about David’s very scandalous and inappropriate confession. I suppose there wasn’t much to say. It seemed almost arbitrary and rude. And I’m not even talking about the “being in love with me” thing, which he very clearly indicated. That’s a whole other story I don’t care to think about.

  I mean the idea that he would make such a statement while still engaged to another woman. How would such a confession affect Crystal? Crystal, whom he already agreed to marry?

  It was very rude to say it, especially in front of mother.

  But…to David’s credit, I think I finally understand him now. When he said what he did, he took responsibility for his slip up. He didn’t make a scene and he didn’t betray Crystal’s trust. That was the manly thing to do. And for that I am proud of him.

  Still, I guess it is a bittersweet moment to realize that he really did feel that way for so many years. I don’t blame him for not saying anything. We were both seeing other people. And David is not the type of guy to sneak around behind someone’s back.

  Neither am I. I was really stupid…really faithful. To you know who, who didn’t really deserve it. Just a lot of stupid mistakes.

  But it’s all in the past now.

  Funny though…thinking about David’s speech, or half a speech I should call it. I just wonder…if he really made a move, what would I say to him?

  I’ve always cared for David, I’ve just never thought of being with him in that kind of setting. I can’t deny that there have been…moments…when I’ve felt something.

  But nothing can come from it.

  The sad thing is, this may be the last chance we both get, to explore anything. Do I wish that Crystal would suddenly leave him? Would that be the safe way to do it?

  Well…that’s not going to happen. It’s just something we’re going to have to accept.

  I do hope that David is one hundred percent sure about his marriage, it’s not something he should be rushing into if he has all these distracting thoughts about other women he’s known!

  I mean…okay so let’s say he’s really…in love with me. What does it change?

  If he were to end it with Crystal—the only way I would EVER consider doing something like this—would it be worth it?

  Damn it, I know what he’s afraid of. He wants to preserve our friendship and I don’t blame him. I would hate, HATE, to ruin what we have for a complete disaster of a romance.

  I’m not even sure David knows what he wants. Maybe he’s just projecting onto me or something. I mean…I don’t think he was always in love with me, was he?

  I guess the thing is, I don’t want him to marry Crystal or anybody if it’s not what’s going to make him happy. As a friend I owe him that.

  Maybe that’s what David knows. Maybe David knows, deep down, that we’re not going to be compatible. Friendship works because we respect boundaries, we don’t invade private matters. We respect
each other’s personal lives and we keep a respectful distance.

  Maybe David, being the deep thinker he’s always been, realizes that we’re just not going to end up together. Maybe he knows that friendship really is more important right now.

  And if that’s the case, I respect him more than ever. He really has matured into a great guy. If only I could find someone like him…but I guess that’s the problem with romance and friendship. You have to choose one in the end.

  Chapter 7:David

  Well, now here’s where the friendship / romance experiment got complicated. Honest to God, I was ready to forget Amelia and just appreciate the fact that I had a beautiful woman in my life. I mean, when I got out of high school I dreamed of getting a girl as hot as Crystal. She was like the girl you see in the movies, the kind of girl that marries a complete dork like yours truly, and you wonder, what could she possibly see in him?

  Whenever I asked Crystal that, she always said the same thing. “You have a good heart, a rocking body and a superior intellect.” I mean that right there, told me she was the one!

  So why do I still get breathless every time I hear Amelia’s voice? Why, when I was in her presence, did I feel like I was in heaven? Why do I see her in her quaint purple dresses and want to undress her and make love to her, instead of appreciating someone like Crystal who could easily appear on the cover of Maxim on any given month and loves stripping for me?

  It has to be lust and that’s what I told myself, even down to the last minute, when I unfortunately let one slip at the worst time possible.

  “David!” Crystal called out to me. “Why do you always jump out of bed in the morning? It’s like, programmed into your male brain or something. Gotta’ go hunt. Gotta go kill something.”

  She laughed, as always, piquing my mind right after I first wake up in the morning. The fact that Crystal and I had a pretty good sex life was all the more confusing, since when I was thinking about Amelia I still felt as horny as a virgin on prom night.

  “I don’t know, I guess I do want to kill something and eat,” I said with a laugh.

  “Silly, don’t you know that lying in bed talking to your woman is the best part of married life? This is where you make your true confessions and share your real feelings.”

  God, when Crystal called me “Silly” I got weak at the knees all over again. It reminded me of Amelia. And I felt guilty just as much as I felt joy.

  “Come on. Share with me something new. A new potent thought. I want to listen to your resonating mind.”

  I giggled. “Okay. Well…in the interest of conversation and, you know, holding nothing back, I have something on my mind.”

  “Yeah you have been very distracted lately. I’ve noticed that.”

  “Well…the thing is. I’ve been feeling guilty. Because I really like you. But I’ve been distracted because…well, this girl that I knew before I ever met you…she became single again recently. She was a girl I grew up with. And I sometimes think about her.”

  “Oh really?” Crystal said, suddenly losing her smile and staring a hole through me.

  “I’m sorry…” I quickly replied, losing my smile. Apparently, pillow talk was not as intimate as Crystal made it sound. “I didn’t mean to imply anything. Just admitting…”

  “Are you fucking her?” Crystal said, hopping out of bed and assuming fighting position.

  “No, no! I just…wanted to be upfront and honest.”

  “Well why are you thinking about her? Are you in love with her?” As the moments passed, her tone became more caustic and unforgiving. This didn’t seem like the kind of honest marital communication I heard about from Doctor Ruth.”

  “I’m sorry, I was just saying…you know, so it wouldn’t be a big secret.”

  “Well maybe you should have kept that a secret!” Crystal roared back. “That’s not pillow talk, that’s being an asshole!”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, folding my arms and suddenly feeling like I was back in the first grade.

  “What, you think you’re so special, David? Because what, you sell steroids or something?”

  “Vitamins, mainly. Not steroids.”

  “Big fucking deal,” she said, making a pissy face and tearing me up with her enflamed eyes. “You’re not all that, you know.”

  “I know, baby. You’re the cheerleader. You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever met.”

  “No, don’t baby me, you cheating bastard.”

  “What? I didn’t cheat!”

  “Yes you did. Jesus said if you keep on looking and fapping to a woman that’s like adultery. So you did cheat on me. You screwed that chick in your head.”

  “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out like I planned.”

  “Oh what, you want a threesome with Amelia? You want us both to suck your dick or something? What kind of a chauvinistic pig are you?”

  “No! That’s not what I said…”

  I shook my head and sighed. Well, so much for honesty. “I can’t even talk to you. It always ends like this, you know.”

  “Ohhh, ohhh!” she shouted back. “Now you’re putting it on me! Like it’s my fault? Yeah pretty boy, I don’t ever hear no complaining when I’m pounding your dick like a porn star. Don’t even go there, pretending like I don’t love you good.”

  “I’m sorry, Crystal.”

  “Don’t use my name! Don’t try to score points with me. You basically just said you’re in love with somebody else. Some trash bag hoe! How am I supposed to react to that?”

  Tell her right now. Tell her you’re in love with somebody else. She deserves the truth. But…look at her. She’s so upset. She’s feeling hurt. I can’t keep adding insult to injury. Just lie to her. No, tell the truth. No, LIE! Dammit…

  I took a deep gulp and replied as honestly and safely as I could at that moment.

  “I have…feelings for her.”

  She shook her head in rage, like the fucking Exorcist kid or something.

  “BUT…” I added quickly. “I am willing to forget that. I am willing to let all that go to be with you.”

  I reached out and tried to touch her but she slapped away my hands.

  “Yeah well who says I want to stay with you? You know, you arrogant asshole, I have had many different offers. I’ve had all kinds of rich men hit on me.”

  “I have no doubt,” I said. “You’re a gorgeous woman.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” she snapped. “I have a rolodex of six big buff guys I could call right now and rock their world. I could make them scream for their mommy, bitch! How does that make YOU feel?”

  “I guess…it makes me feel…”

  Sadly, I feel nothing at all. I almost want you to just leave me. I know that’s terrible but if you’re so unhappy, Crystal, then just go. Let’s stop this before we dedicate our entire lives to THIS.

  “Feel bad. I feel bad.” I frowned and looked her in the eyes. “I’ll never speak of her again.”

  Because obviously, I wandered into that very special relationship that demanded I never look at another woman, or heaven forbid talk about someone else. It was a huge contrast to Amelia. Amelia and I could talk about other people we liked or crushed on or whatever, because there was no “us” there was no jealousy among friends. We were just like bros, like drinking buddies.

  “You’re just lucky I even give you the time of day,” she pouted, right before going back to bed.

  “I am a lucky guy,” I replied softly.

  “Well mister lucky guy,” she said, still lying on the bed not bothering to give me a full turn.“Maybe you should do some serious thinking and decide if you really want to get hitched or not. Because I don’t want to be no fool, looking the other way while you’re banging your secretary.”

  “You know, you’re right. I should. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.”

  “You didn’t. You could never hurt me. Dickhead.”

  I smiled and saw myself out.

  Chapter 8: Amelia

  I was so mad at Dav
id that night. Apparently, he and his fiancée were on a break or something. I didn’t quite understand what he was saying because the silly man had been drinking all night!

  He called me from the Tallyhoo Bar and sounded totally drunk! He even sounded like he was dancing or drinking with other women. I guess he took that “break” with Crystal seriously because he sure as hell wasn’t acting like any happily engaged man!

  “David is that you?” I asked, ignoring the giggles of “Carla”, who was some bar hopping slut that was talking to him while he was drunk dialing me.

  “I’m sorry, Amelia,” he said, with that unmistakable drunk talk. “I just wanted to get something off my chest.”

  “I’m not talking to you! You’re drunk!” I said.

  “I’m not drunk.”

  “Then what are you?”

  “I’m…reflective. Introspective. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

  “Yeah that’s called stinking drunk!”

  “Look, you know how I feel about you.”

  “You made it very clear, David.”

  “No wait, I didn’t. That’s not what I wanted to say to you. It didn’t come out right. Here’s what I really meant to say…Stop licking my ear!”


  “That wasn’t it. I’m telling Carla here to please leave me alone. I’m on the phone!”

  I grumbled, listening to him shoo Carla away.

  “No Amelia. Let’s be honest, okay? I am drunk. But I did what I had to do. I told Crystal the truth. And now I’m telling you the truth.”

  “No you’re not! I don’t believe anything you say right now. And if you broke up with Crystal because of me, you’re just plain stupid.”


  “Because, silly, she really liked you. And you and I don’t have a future together, anyway. You know that.”


  “David, I told you, I don’t want to hear it. Save the big speech. I’m not interested in you.”


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