The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG Page 14

by Cody Pondsmith

spend an amount of I.P. equal to the current out general Improvement Points to apply on

  them up you must acquire

  level of the skill to raise its value by 1. If you any skill that you used during that adven-I.P. equal to the current level

  want to raise your skill by multiple levels, ture. General y a GM should be even-hand-

  of the skill times 2.

  you must pay the cost for each level in total. ed with I.P.; we suggest not giving out more For Example: If I want to take my Swords- than 6 I.P. to any one player per game ses-manship from a 4 to a 5 I need to spend 4 I.P. sion, unless they do something spectacular.

  I.P. Rewards

  But if I want to go from 4 to 7 I have to pay 15

  I.P. (4+5+6=15).

  I.P. Achievement







  Being Taught

  Study & Practice


  Used skills effec-

  By finding a mentor or a teacher and learn- By setting time aside to study and practice a


  ing under them, you can learn higher prin- skill you can learn the basics. You can only


  Did something

  ciples in a specific skill and eventual y excel raise skil s from +0 to +2 via this method; impressive

  in it. However, your teacher must have a you have no guidance and therefore you

  higher level in the skill than you and must will make mistakes along the way. It takes


  Did something

  out of the box

  have the time to teach you. Your GM de- a day of book learning or active practice to

  cides the length of time; usual y lessons gain 1 I.P. in a skil .


  Did something

  incredibly clever

  give 1-5 I.P. each. The Teaching skill sets

  how far a mentor can take you. The teacher

  Was critical

  averages their Teaching skill with their own


  to the party’s

  Raising Stats

  skill in what you’re learning. They can raise With intensive training, you can raise a


  your skill to that value. A mercenary with Statistic much like a skil . To raise a Stat


  Saved the entire

  a 10 in Swordsmanship but a 2 in Teaching you must spend a number of I.P. equal to


  could still only teach you up to 6th level in the level of the Statistic times 10. This will Did something

  Swordsmanship. But a teacher with only an raise all Derived Stats such as Stamina and


  that blew the

  8 in Swordsmanship but a 10 in Teaching Health. You still cannot raise a Statistic be-

  GM’s mind

  could teach you up to level 8.

  yond 10.


  Bad Reputation

  If either you or your oppo-


  Reputation is a measure of how well you

  nent has negative points in

  Using Reputation

  are known for your actions, both famous Reputation is a powerful thing. In the world Reputation, these count as an

  and infamous. A Reputation is always es- of The Witcher it can often get you into trou-active Reputation for being a

  tablished by a character’s actions and is ble, but it can also help you get out of it.

  coward or otherwise unim-

  awarded to the player by the GM. When- When trying to influence someone (or en-


  ever a character encounters new people tering Verbal Combat), you can choose to

  in new situations, Reputation influenc- try to face them down. If they know about

  es how they react. Every new person you your Reputation, make a Face-Down roll


  meet rolls 1d10. If they roll lower or equal opposing them. Both parties roll:


  to your Reputation, they have heard about

  you and react to what they’ve heard as the

  A merchant with a rep for be-

  GM thinks appropriate.

  ing a kind-hearted dealer who

  1d10+Will+Reputation Level

  gives to charity wouldn’t get a

  It is important to remember that Reputation If you succeed in this rol , the person you

  bonus to Intimidation, and an

  can be bad as well as good. You could gain are facing is aware of whatever Reputation

  infamously soulless murderer

  a name as a world-class bandit slayer but you have and can’t help but think of it in

  won’t get one to Charisma.

  you could just as easily earn one as a coward the back of their mind. If your Reputation

  who runs from any fight they encounter.

  is positive, then you gain a +3 to influencing

  skil s that relate to your Reputation.


  If your GM agrees, you can

  add a title based on your repu-

  Reputation Table

  tation. This could be anything

  from “the Golden Knight” to


  Who Knows You

  “Knife Tongue.” This won’t


  Anyone who was there at the time

  af ect results but it will make


  Some stories have gotten around, but only within some circles

  your reputation feel real. It’s

  one thing to have a reputation


  All acquaintances, co-workers, and friends know

  of 5 and have people recognize


  There are stories all over the region

  you as you walk into a tavern.


  Your name is recognizable by others beyond your region

  It’s even better to have people


  People know you on sight, even outside your region

  whispering about “the Giant


  A few bards have traveled the kingdoms telling stories about you

  Slayer Olaf.”


  Every bard knows your story


  Even the monarchs of the northern kingdoms and the Emperor of Nilfgaard

  know your name


  You’re a household name


  Skill Trees

  Three Merchants

  Each Profession in the Witcher TRPG has

  Very rarely do two people

  Gaining points for each new ability works

  a Profession Skill Tree which offers many

  do the same job exactly the

  the same as gaining points in any new skil .

  variations on the core Profession. Each

  same way. This is especialy so

  You can go from your core skill down any

  tree has three paths that represent differ-

  when it comes to the loosely

  one of the three paths, but it must be along

  ent approaches to that Profession. At the

  described professions in the

  the path (For example: Core Skill to A1,

  very bottom is the starting ability for the

  Witcher TRPG. A Profession’s

  B1 or C1). You cannot hop from one path

  Profession. As you proceed through the

  skill tree outlines three variants

  to another, so if you have points in A3 and

  game you can use Improvement Points to

  on it’s core skil s so you can

  want to get to B3, you must work your way

  travel down any of these paths, or venture

/>   customize what abilities your

  all the way up Profession Path B. This allows

  down all of them a bit. When you have 5

  character learns based on how

  you to play multiple variations of the same

  points in an ability, you can use the next

  they come at their Profession.

  Profession and gives you lots of useful perks

  ability in that Profession Path at a value of

  Take Merchants, for example.

  to pursue.


  One player may choose to play

  a Broker. They’ll be focusing

  on the acquisition of items,

  and having them in a party

  will mean the party never goes

  without gear, ammunition, or

  components. Another player

  may choose to play a Con-

  tact and they’ll form a web of

  connections and informants

  around the Continent. With

  them in your party it’ll nev-

  er be hard to get information

  or uncover secrets. A third

  player might choose to play

  a Havekar, using their skil s

  to enhance their influence

  and gather a group of crimi-

  nals and deadly mercenaries

  around them. In a party, they

  could be the key to navigating

  the seedy underbely of any

  city. You can even choose to

  dabble in each path, creating a

  jack of all trades who is pretty

  able in all situations but not as



  Raise a Crowd

  When raising a crowd in a

  Bard Skill Tree

  large area full of people, a

  Busking (EMP)

  DC:15 is sufficient to create a

  A Bard is a wonderful thing to have around, especial y when the party’s low on money.

  crowd around the Bard dense

  A Bard can take an hour and make a Busking roll in the nearest town center. The total of enough to require a DC:15

  this roll is the amount of money raked in by the Bard while they perform on the street. A

  Physique or Athletics check

  fumble can lower the rol , and a negative value means that not only do you fail to make any

  to pass through. Also keep

  coin but you are also harrassed by the locals for your poor performance, resulting in a -2 to in mind that enemies and

  Charisma with anyone in the town for the rest of the day.

  non-sentient creatures gain a

  +10 to resist.

  The Charmer

  The Informant

  The Manipulator

  Good Friend

  Return Act (EMP)

  Fade (INT)

  Poison The Well (EMP)

  Before at empting a Busking A Bard can make a Fade A Bard can make a Poison



  roll a Bard can roll Return Act roll against multiple targets’ The Wel roll against a target’s Settlement

  at a DC set by the GM to see Awareness rol s to fade into EMPx3 when they are try-

  whether they have played in the background. This abili- ing to influence a person or



  this town before. If the roll is ty allows a Bard to hide even people. If successful, the Bard Town


  successful the Bard has made when there are no good hiding makes a pointed comment that

  a name for themselves in this places, by slipping into a con- imposes a -1 for each point



  town already. Not only is their versation, drawing at ention to they rolled above the DC to the Capital


  Busking income doubled but something else, or the like. This target’s Seduction, Persuasion, Profession

  they gain a +2 Charisma with ability doesn’t work if you are Leadership, Intimidation or

  everyone in at that venue.

  wearing real y flashy clothing.

  Charisma rolls.



  Raise A Crowd (EMP)

  Spread the Word (INT)

  Needling (EMP)

  Inn Keep




  By taking a full round to per- A Bard who rol s a successful

  form, you can roll Raise A Deceit roll against a target can A Bard can make a Needling Guard


  Crowd to captivate anyone then roll Spread the Word roll against a target’s Resist Coercion rol . If successful,



  within 20m. Anyone who against the target’s Resist Co- the bard goads them with ob-


  doesn’t make a Resist Coercion ercion rol . If they succeed the

  roll higher than your initial rol target spreads the Bard’s lie scenities and threats until they Low


  can do nothing but watch you around the target’s settlement at ack. The target takes a negative to their at ack and defense



  perform until they succeed at or group, giving the Bard a +2

  rolling above your initial rol . If to Deceit when trying to pass equal to half the Bard’s Nee-High


  at acked a target will snap out off that lie again to someone dling value, lasting for as many of it.


  rounds as the Needling value.


  Good Friend (EMP)

  Acclimatize (INT)

  Et Tu Brute (EMP)

  Once per session a Bard can When in a settlement a Bard A Bard can roll Et Tu Brute



  make a Good Friend rol to can roll Acclimatize (See Ac- against a target’s WILLx3 to find a friend to aid them. Take climatize chart for DC). If suc- turn them against one al y. If Hamlet


  the total roll and split these cessful, the Bard learns how to successful the Bard’s lies and Town


  points up between the 3 cat- appear as a local and will no half-truths makes the target



  egories in the Good Friend longer be treated as an outsid- treat that al y with mistrust and chart in the sidebar. This friend er. This grants a +2 to Charis- animosity for as many days as Capital


  will do one reasonable thing ma & Persuasion with locals the Et Tu Brute value or until for old times’ sake, then cannot and means that they won’t be they make a Resist Coercion

  be called on again for free and questioned or harassed like an roll that beats the Et Tu Brute must be convinced.


  rol .


  Craftsman Skill Tree Too Many


  Patch Job (CRA)

  A weapon, shield, or ar-

  A skilled craftsman can patch a weapon or armor well enough to keep it working and keep

  mor which has already been

  its wearer/wielder in the fight, whether that be by tying a bowstring back together, sharpen-patched once can only be

  ing the edge of a broken blade, or nailing a plate over a cracked shield. By taking a turn to patched again 1 more time,

  rol Patch Job at a DC equal to the item’s Crafting DC-3 a Craftsman can restore a broken and this patch only brings it to

  shield or armor to half its full SP or restore a broken weapon to half its durability. Until 1/4th SP/Durability (rounding

  fixed at a forge, a patched weapon does half its normal damage.


  The Forge Master

  The Alchemist

  The Improviser


  Extensive Catalogue (I

  Mental Pharmacy (INT)

  Augmentation (CRA)



  A skilled Craftsman can keep a A skilled Craftsman can keep A Craftsman can make an

  Augmentation roll at a DC


  mental catalogue of diagrams a mental catalogue of formulae listed in the Augmentation


  in their head at all times. When in their head at all times. When chart to augment a weapon

  +2 Reliability


  a Craftsman has memorized a Craftsman has memorized

  as many diagrams as they can, as many formulae as they can, or Armor with special bonus-


  they may roll Extensive Cata- they may roll Mental Pharma- es. This augmentation takes 3

  +25% Bleed


  logue at DC:15 to memorize cy at DC:15 to memorize one rounds. While a forge isn’t re-Lighten

  one more. There is no limit, but more. There is no limit, but quired, it grants a +2 to the rol .

  +1 Accuracy


  every 10 diagrams they have every 10 formulae they have A fumble results in the item

  memorized adds 1 to the DC. memorized adds 1 to the DC. taking damage equal to the


  fumble value.


  Journeyman (CRA)

  Double Dose (CRA)

  Silver Coating (CRA)

  +2 SP


  Any time a craftsman sets out


  A Craftsman who begins craft- to make an alchemical item A Craftsman can coat an ex-

  +1 Stealth


  ing an item can roll Journey- they can make a Double Dose isting weapon in silver with a Studded

  man at a DC equal to the item’s roll at a DC equal to the formu- forge and a number of units 2 Damage to


  crafting DC. If they succeed la’s crafting DC. If they succeed of silver ingots based on the Grapplers

  they add +1 DMG or +1 SP

  size of the weapon. The DC for

  for every 2 points they rolled they create two units of the this roll is 16. If you succeed, above the DC. The maximum formula with the ingredients add +1d6 silver damage to a

  bonus they can give to DMG of one. This applies to all items weapon per 3 points you rolled or SP is 5. They can’t use LUCK created with alchemy, includ- above the DC, up to 5d6. Fail-to raise it further.

  ing potions, oils, decoctions,

  Silver Coating

  and bombs.

  ing the roll breaks the weapon.

  Silver coating requires 2 ingots

  Master Crafting (CRA)

  Adaptation (CRA)

  Pinpoint (CRA)

  of silver for 1-handed weapons

  Master Crafting allows a Craftsmen can roll an Adap- A Craftsman can roll Pinpoint


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