The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG Page 16

by Cody Pondsmith


  distance out of range. Success trail while tracking with this a number of rounds equal to

  target’s arm knocking

  removes range penalties on the ability, they can roll Blood- their Fury value times 2. Dur-their weapon away.

  shot, though it still takes any

  targeting and environmental hound at a DC set by the GM ing this time, rage clouds their Blinding: The trap

  to pick the trail back up imme- thinking and instinct takes

  throws sand or dirt




  in the target’s eyes,


  blinding them.

  Twin Shot (DEX)

  Booby Trap (CRA)

  Zweihand (BODY)

  Tripping: The trap

  When making a ranged at ack A Man At Arms can make a By, spending 10 STA and rol-

  swings low and knocks

  with a thrown weapon or a Booby Trap roll to set a make- ing Zweihand minus 3 against the target’s legs out


  bow, a Man At Arms can rol shift trap in a specific area. See an opponent’s defense, a Man from under them,

  Twin Shot in place of their the Booby Trap table for traps At Arms can make one at ack knocking them prone.

  normal weapon skil . If they that can be built. The Man At which does double damage

  Bleeding: The trap

  hit, they strike with two pro- Arms can only build one type and has armor piercing. If the

  weapon already has armor

  throws or swings spikes

  jectiles and damage two ran- of trap at a time. Every trap piercing, it gains improved ar-

  into the target, causing


  domly rolled parts of the body. has a 2m radius tripwire and mor piercing. A weapon with

  them to begin bleeding.

  Even if the at ack is aimed, the requires an Awareness roll at a

  second projectile will hit a ran- DC equal to your Booby Trap improved armor piercing gains Stunning: The trap

  dom location.

  roll to spot.

  3d6 damage.

  clubs the target in the

  head or stomach with


  Pin Point Aim (DEX)

  Tactical Awareness (INT)

  Shrug It Off (BODY)

  enough force to stun

  Instead of moving, a Man At A number of times per game

  the target.

  A Man At Arms who scores a Arms can roll Tactical Aware- session equal to their BODY

  critical with their ranged weap- ness to gain insight into a whole value, a Man At Arms can on can immediately roll Pin group of opponents. The Man spend 10 STA to immediately Blocking

  Point Aim at a DC equal to the At Arms gains +3 to at ack and rol Shrug It Off when an ene-target’s DEXx3. If they succeed, defense rol s against every ene- my strikes a Critical Wound on Twin Shot

  they add their Pin Point Aim my within 10m whose DEXx3 them. If their roll beats the ene-A Twin Shot can be dodged

  value to their critical rol . These is lower than that rol , for one my’s at ack rol , they can negate with one action, and can be

  points only affect the location round. This ability also tel s the the Critical Wound, taking value of the Critical Wound. Man At Arms what each af- damage as if the enemy hadn’t

  blocked as one action by a

  fected opponent is about to do.

  rolled a critical.

  shield. Parrying a Twin Shot

  has a -6 penalty rather than a




  Merchant Skill Tree



  Attack & Defense

  Well Traveled (INT)



  Your average merchant makes a living from trade, and that trade brings in customers from



  all around. But a traveling merchant goes to their customers, wandering the roads of the



  world and learning from its people. A Merchant can make a Well Traveled roll any time Intelligence

  they want to know a fact about a specific item, culture, or area. The DC is set by the GM,

  and if the roll is successful the Merchant remembers the answer to that question, calling on 3


  memories of the last time they travelled through the applicable area.





  The Broker

  The Contact

  The Havekar

  Weapons & Armor

  Options (INT)

  Rookery (EMP)

  Well Connected (WILL)

  SP:3 body armor, a

  zerrikanian dagger &

  A Merchant can roll Options A Merchant can make a Rook- On first entering a settlement, a hand crossbow & 10


  against a DC set by the GM to ery roll at a DC based on the a Merchant can spend an hour bolts

  find a lower price on an item. settlement they are in to gain spreading word of their arrival, SP:5 body armor & a

  If they succeed the Merchant the aid of 1 urchin or vagrant then roll Well Connected at a longbow with 30 ar-6

  finds another person selling per 1 point they rolled over DC based on the settlement.


  the same item for half the price. the DC (maximum 10). These

  people can be consulted to Success raises their reputation

  Full plate &

  The higher the item rarity, the grant +1 per person on Street- in that settlement by a num-



  higher the DC should be. Op-

  ber equal to the amount you

  tions does not affect experi- wise rol s. Informants take 1 rolled over the DC divided by 2

  mental, witcher, or relic items. crown each as payment each

  time they are consulted.

  (minimum 1), for 1d6 Weeks.


  Hard Bargain (EMP)

  Insider (INT)

  Fence (INT)

  When bribing a target a Mer- A Merchant with Insider can



  chant can roll Hard Bargain convince a person to spy for A Merchant who has to get

  rid of a dubious or stolen item

  Well Connected &

  at a DC equal to the opponent’s them. Spend 10 crowns and can make a Fence roll at a DC


  WILLx3. If they succeed, they rol Insider versus the person’s

  can bribe the opponent with Resist Coercion rol . If it is suc- determined by the GM. If they Thorp


  any item they have at hand that cessful the person will spy on a succeed, they sell the item (at full market price) to a buy-Small city


  is worth 5 crowns. The object target for as many days as your

  always grants +3 to Persuasion. Insider value. At the end of er who won’t ask any serious Capital


  The DC rises by 5 for truly ri- this time you can roll again, but questions and won’t turn them diculous bribes.

  must pay again.

  in to the Guard.

  Promise (EMP)

  Treasure Map (INT)

  Warrior’s Debt (EMP)

  When at empting to buy an Once per session a Merchant A Merchant can roll Warrior’s

  item, a Merchant can make a can roll Treasure Map at a DC Debt to call on a fighter who Promise roll at a DC equal to set by the GM to remember owes them. Split your roll be-the Salesperson’s EMPx3. If the supposed location of a relic tween the 3 sections on the

  they succeed the salesperson item, or a ruin that may hide Warrior table in the sidebar.

  accepts the Merchant’s promise something useful. This loca- This warrior will work for you
r />   to pay for the item later. This tion wil , of course, be out of for a number of days equal to promise holds the salesperson the way or exceedingly danger- your Warrior’s Debt value and over for a number of weeks ous, requiring a quest. Reach- takes any reasonable order you

  equal to your Promise ability. ing this item or ruin should

  require a full session.

  give without asking questions.


  Priest Skill Tree

  Animal Compact

  Initiate of the Gods (EMP)





  The churches of the world are often warm and inviting places, helping their communities

  Defend a target


  and welcoming new converts. A Priest can roll Initiate of the Gods at a DC set by the GM

  Let me ride you


  at churches of the same faith to get free lodging, healing, and other services at the GM’s

  Fetch an object


  discretion. Initiate of the Gods also works when dealing with members of the same faith, though they will likely be able to offer less than a ful y supplied church. Keep in mind that Fetch a target


  Initiate of the Gods doesn’t work with members of other faiths.



  Keep lookout


  Guard an area


  The Preacher

  The Druid

  The Fanatic

  Go to a known location


  Divine Power

  Nature Attunement

  Blood Rituals (WILL)

  Don’t touch


  A Priest can become more in A Priest can become more in A Priest casting a ritual can



  tune with their god, gaining 1 tune with nature, gaining 1 make a Blood Ritual check point of Vigor threshold per point of Vigor threshold per against the casting DC of the

  skill level in Divine Power. skill level in Nature Attune- ritual. If they succeed, they can This brings your Vigor thresh- ment. This brings your Vigor cast the ritual without required Compact DC

  old to a total of 12 at level 10. threshold to a total of 12 at lev- alchemical substances by sacri-Divine Power can be trained el 10. Nature Attunement can ficing 5 HP in blood per miss-be trained like other skil s and ing alchemical substance. This



  like other skil s and stacks with stacks with Divine Power. The blood can come from others, Cat


  Nature At unement. The Vigor

  thresholds are not separate.

  Vigor thresholds are not sepa- but must be spilled at the time




  of the ritual.



  Divine Authority (EMP)

  Read Nature (INT)

  Fervor (EMP)



  Peasants and the common When in a purely natural envi- A Priest can roll Fervor against Horse


  folk of the world see Priests as ronment a druid can roll Read a target’s current INTx3. On War horse


  agents of the gods’ wil . A Priest Nature at a DC set by the GM. success, the ral ying power of Ox


  can add their Divine Author- On a success, the druid reads the Priest’s words grants 1d6

  ity to their Leadership rol s if the signs around them to learn temporary health for every Mule


  they are in an area where their everything that passed through point rolled over the DC (max-Wolf


  religion is worshipped. Even that area and what they did in imum 5). This lasts for as many Wild dog


  when outside such areas of the area. Read Nature renders rounds as their Fervor x2 and worship a Priest adds half this a very localized picture and only works once per target per value, due to their presence.

  cannot track things.


  Precognition (WILL)

  Animal Compact (WILL)

  Word of God (EMP)


  A Druid adds Animal Com- A Priest can roll Word of God

  Any time you give a truly

  At the will of the GM, a Priest pact to any Wilderness Surviv- to convince people that they strange or uncharacteristic

  can be overcome by visions of

  command to your apostles,

  the future, sending them into al rol s they make to handle an- are speaking directly for the you must make a Word of

  a catatonic state for 3 rounds. imals. A Druid can also make gods. Anyone who fails a Resist God roll at a DC set by the

  After this time the Priest can a compact with an animal. By Coercion roll sees the Priest as GM. You can fail 3 times be-rol Precognition at a DC set taking a full round and rolling a messiah and follows along as fore your apostles leave you.

  by the GM to decipher the vi- Animal Compact, they make an apostle. A Priest can have as If your last failure is a fumble,

  one Beast or animal their al y many apostles as their Word

  your apostles will at ack you or

  sions that they are stricken by. for a number of hours equal to of God value. In combat, use brand you as a heretic.

  Such visions are composed of

  symbolism and metaphors.

  their Animal Compact value. bandit stats for apostles with-

  Monsters are unaffected.

  out them.



  Witcher Skill Tree



  Witcher Training (INT)

  Anyone who comes in contact

  Most of a Witcher’s early life is spent within the wal s of their keep, studying huge, dusty with your saliva has a 50%

  tomes and going through hellish combat training. Many have argued that the Witcher’s

  chance of being poisoned.

  greatest weapon is their knowledge of monsters and their adaptability in any situation.


  When in a hostile environment or difficult terrain, a Witcher can lessen the penalties by

  Your legs become stronger,

  raising your LEAP by 3m.

  half their Witcher Training value (minimum 1). Witcher Training can also be used in any Noon Wraith

  situation that you would normal y use Monster Lore for.

  Your eyes change, and you

  aren’t affected by light

  The Spellsword

  The Mutant

  The Slayer



  Iron Stomach

  Parry Arrows (DEX)


  Your andrenal glands change,

  A Witcher can enter a medita- After decades of drinking toxic A Witcher can roll Parry Ar-allowing you to regenerate 3

  tive trance which grants all the witcher potions, witcher bod- rows to deflect arrows and HP when you deal damage.

  benefits of sleeping but allows ies adapt to the toxins. A witch- other projectiles in same way Wyvern

  them to remain vigilant. While er can endure 5% more toxic- as melee weapons. This doesn’t

  Your muscles strengthen,

  meditating a Witcher is con- ity from drinking potions and affect at ack magic with no

  giving you a +5 to SPD which

  sidered awake for the purpose decoctions per 2 points they physical component for a

  carries over to RUN.

  of noticing anything within spend on Iron Stomach. This sword to divert. See the bomb skill can be trained like other table (pg.152) to see where the


  double their Meditation value skils. At level 10, a witcher’s
at ack lands. Area of effect at-Your body hardens, and so do

  in meters.

  maximum toxicity is 150%.

  tacks detonate after the parry.

  your bones. You do an extra

  1d6 physical damage.

  Magical Source


  Quick Strike (REF)


  When poisoned, a witcher goes After a Witcher takes their

  Your eyes change

  As a Witcher uses signs more into a frenzy and deals an extra turn they can spend 5 STA

  imperceptibly and your gaze

  often their body becomes 1d6 melee damage per level and make a Quick Strike rol

  becomes subtly enthralling,

  more used to the effort. For in Frenzy. While in a Frenzy, at a DC equal to their oppo-giving a +4 to Charisma,

  every 2 points a Witcher has your single goal is to get to a nent’s REFx3. On success, they Seduction, and Persuasion.

  in Magical Source they gain

  1 points of Vigor threshold. place of safety or kill the target make another single strike in Grave Hag

  When this ability reaches lev- that poisoned you. When the that round. This at ack must

  Your body changes impercep-

  el 10, your maximum Vigor poison wears off, the Frenzy be made against the opponent tibly, allowing you to gain 10

  threshold becomes 7. This skil ends. You can at empt to end they rolled against, but can inSTA by killing targets.

  can be trained like other skil s. Frenzy early with a DC:15 En- clude disarms, trips, and other Werewolf

  durance rol .

  at acks.

  Your jaws strengthen and your

  Heliotrope (WILL)

  Transmutation (BODY)

  Whirl (REF)

  teeth sharpen just a hair, giving

  you a bite at ack of 2d6.

  When taking decoctions a By spending 5 STA per round,

  When a Witcher is targeted by Witcher can roll Transmuta- a witcher can enter a Whirl, Griffin

  a spel , invocation, or hex they tion at DC:18. A success allows where the witcher makes one Your eyes change, allowing

  can roll Heliotrope to attempt their body to assimilate slight- at ack against everyone within you to see for a great distance,

  to negate the effects. They must ly more of the mutagen than sword range each turn, with

  giving a +4 to Awareness.

  roll a Spell Casting roll that usual and gain a bonus based their Whirl roll acting as the at-equals or beats the opponent’s on which decoction they take. tack rol . The witcher can only roll and expend an amount of The decoction lasts half as long maintain this Whirl, dodge, Vigor equal to half the Vigor as it normal y would. The ex- and move 2m each round. Do-spent to cast the magic.

  tra mutations are too subtle to ing anything else or being hit


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