The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG Page 45

by Cody Pondsmith


  a specialized diet, and rigorous mental and physical training. The mutation process, begin-

  ning with the Trial of the Grasses, lasted for days. There are no records of successful trials on girls or non-humans. Those that survived the non-stop fevers, vomiting, and haemorrhaging emerged as different creatures.

  The most obvious sign of the transformation are the cat’s eyes that give witchers

  night vision comparable to regular day vision. It also sets them apart. They are made ster-

  ile: all witchers are made, not born. Their more efficient immune systems give them tre-

  mendous resistance to disease and a prolonged lifespan. They become stronger, faster, and

  more rugged than humans in every way. They have limited magical ability (enough to cast

  short-effect spel s called “signs”) and are preternatural y aware of their environment. We’ve taken their humanity and given them the tools to fight the ‘relicts’ of the Conjunction so

  that we don’t have to. In those dark days all men lauded witchers as mankind’s defenders,

  but as monsters became rare, people forgot the witcher’s purpose. Today witchers travel

  constantly to find enough monsters to make their trade profitable. Witcher traditions bar

  them from fighting humans for pay. Prices for monster slaying have also dropped—people

  are now more afraid of war than nekkers or common vampires. When people now see a

  witcher they see only a monstrous, powerful, and dangerous being of dubious humanity.

  But the monsters were not completely killed off. In these days of few witchers, some of them are making a return, though not in large enough numbers to panic the populace. These

  days peasants have little to lose or to pay, so they are more likely to gang up on a monster themselves. At their height, when monsters and the monstrous results of magical experimentation were common, there were five witcher Schools: Wolf, Cat, Griffin, Viper, and

  Bear, each distinguished by their animal head medallion.


  The Wolf

  The Manticore

  The Wolf Keep, Kaer Morhen, is hidden in the Blue Mountains in Kaedwen. These are the

  Now I’ve heard tell about a

  witchers we hear the most about. They fight with swords, with strong blows appropriate for

  sixth school of witchers caled

  monster killers. I have heard that there are only four or five of them left. The legendary Ger-the Manticore. Only heard

  alt of Rivia is a Wolf witcher. The tales of his exploits have grown so fantastic that many of about it from one drunk trav-them may be just the artistic imagination of the bards, who make large sums of money from

  eler in a tavern though, so who

  them. A riot of townspeople badly damaged their keep and killed many of the witchers.

  knows. Said somethin’ about

  the manticore bein’ past the

  The Cat

  Korath or somethin’ like that.

  Does make a person curious

  The Cats are probably what first made the people distrust and hate witchers. Their method

  though. What’d witchers be

  of creating witchers was different from other schools and the results were often unstable

  like in a land with saber-wiel-

  and bloodthirsty. They didn’t have a keep, but travelled in a caravan, Dyn Marw. The Cat

  din’ warrior women and gold

  fighting style is light and quick, developed from elven styles. They may not even be consid-

  dragons and whatnot?

  ered witchers any more. The Cats adjusted to the poor market for monster slayers by be-

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  coming assassins of men. Their presence only reinforces the fear and anger of the people. It is not clear if there are any Cat witchers left, and it appears that their caravan has disbanded.

  The Gryphon

  The Gryphon Keep, Kaer y Seren, was in the North on the sea end of the Dragon Mountains.

  The other schools respected the Gryphons for their study of magic and fighting style that

  emphasized multiple opponents. Gryphon scholarship enhanced the existing witcher signs.

  Unfortunately the Gryphon School was badly damaged in an avalanche, killing many of the

  witchers. Rumor has it that a group of mages became angry when the Gryphons refused to

  share important books of magic in their library, and caused the avalanche in revenge.

  The Viper

  The Viper Keep, Gorthwr Gwaed, is said to be in the Tir Tochairs close to Nilfgaard. Their

  fighting style features sinuous, unpredictable movements and they often carry two smaller

  blades, or “fangs,” which are often poisoned. They are perhaps the most alien and secretive

  of witchers. After the Usurpator tried unsuccessful y to absorb the Vipers, the Nilfgaardian army destroyed their keep and the Vipers dispersed. Letho of Gulet attempted to win back

  Nilfgaardian favor for the Vipers by working for Emyr var Emreis.

  The Bear

  The Bear Keep, Haern Cadwch, was a fortress in the Amell Mountains. They wore heavy

  armor more flexible than plate. They may have had an understanding with the dwarves

  and gnomes of the Amell Mountains. As one would expect, the Bears were terrible to fight,

  with amazing strength and endurance, but when the Bears repeatedly failed in a contract to

  destroy a cabal of vampires, the frustrations of the people in the war-torn provinces around them boiled over into riots. It is believed that the Bear Keep still stands somewhere in the mountains.


  Elven Mage Tutors

  It is well known that the elves


  have a legacy of magic. Per-

  Like many things, magic seems to favor humans. Only hu-

  haps they keep their magic to

  mans and a few elves are sources, those born with the abil-

  themselves. Obviously there

  ity to use magic.

  is no love lost between elves

  Humans have taken to magic with a vengeance.

  and humans. It is also pos i-

  Many non-magic users expect mages to be arrogant, selfish,

  ble that the power is deserting

  and power-hungry. But that is a particularly visible type of

  the elves as they dwindle. Af-

  mage. There are magical people all around us. The woman

  ter the Landing of the Exiles,

  in the vil age that heals may be magical. The young girl who

  humans took 200 identified

  is especial y good at finding things may be magical. People

  child sources to the elves to be

  can manipulate the “Power” in a myriad of different ways,

  trained. But this didn’t last.

  and at many different levels of effectiveness. “Then why,”

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  you ask, “do mages have such a bad reputation?” Because

  those who are most truly gifted with the “Power” are spe-

  cial y trained at the girl’s school, Aretuza, the boy’s school, Ban Ard, or Nilfgaard’s Gweision Haul Magic Academy. Powerful sorcerers emerge from these schools thinking themselves

  superior persons a world apart. They rarely use their powers for the good of the common


  man. They become advisers to kings, but when push comes to shove, they choose personal

  The first seat of magical power

  power over the good of king and country.

  that we know of was at Mirt,

  The first organization of great mages was the Brotherhood of the Sorcerers in the

  before the relationship between

  Eighth Century. Its ruling body was the Conclave, which attempted to bring all m
ages un-

  elves and men had completely

  der a united code controlling their actions. This started a civil war among the mages. After soured. Unfortunately Mirt

  the war a parallel organization joined the Brotherhood: the Supreme Council. It dealt pri-

  was destroyed by Falka, prin-

  marily with magic experimentation and research. Eventual y a Chapter of Sorcerers was

  cess of Temeria, daughter of

  founded within the Conclave as a higher chamber with superior authority. By this time

  King Vridank, during her re-

  sorcerers (male and female) were settled as advisors to most of the kings of the North.


  At a great meeting of the Council at the island of Thanedd, sorcerers loyal to the

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  kings and the Conclave itself mounted a surprise revolt. News had come to them that a

  cabal of sorcerers who had been swayed (some might say “bought”) by Nilfgaard were pre-

  paring to take over the Conclave. The loyal sorcerers arrested as many of the conspirators as they could, putting them in dimeritium handcuffs. But this could not be kept quiet for long, and soon general violence ensued. The actions at Thanned ruined the Brotherhood, and

  many sorcerers were expelled from the courts of the kings under suspicion of conspiracy.

  Soon after, Philippa Eilhart, once an advisor and regent of Redania, secretly formed

  the Lodge of Sorceresses. This was to be an all-female organization for the protection and

  betterment of magic, to counter the earlier events that had seriously deflated the prestige of the sorcerers. Unlike the old days, the Lodge was much more secretive. Then at the meeting

  of the four major nations and Nilfgaard at Loc Muinne, it was discovered that Letho, the

  Viper witcher, had been hired by the Lodge to kill the kings of the four nations. He successful y murdered King Demawend of Aedirn and King Foltest of Temeria and, incidental y or

  intentional y, destroyed the Lodge.


  The Havekar

  The Scoia’tael

  Even amidst the desolation of Temeria and Sodden,

  I suppose the Scoia’tael were inevitable. For hundreds of

  there is always someone making a profit. Where there is

  years after the humans landed, the elves fell back. Their

  war, first are the vultures, then the wolves and eagles, and

  long lifespans made the humans seem a mere annoy-

  always the Havekar. These scavengers sprang up in Sod-

  ance. Starting about 200 years ago the elves continued

  den to take advantage of the Scoia’tael commandos’ need

  to pull back but started to destroy their beautiful mar-

  for supplies. There are few safe havens for the Scoia’tael,

  ble cities and palaces behind them as they left. So many

  especial y now that many of the elves have withdrawn

  young elves died during the Aelirenn Uprising that quite

  to Dol Blathanna where Scoia’tael cannot go, and assim-

  a few elves gave up on the future. They had two choices:

  ilated elves elsewhere risk death if they are even seen

  attempt to assimilate into human communities as sec-

  with Scoia’tael. Coins, gems, jewelery, fine furs, well-

  ond-class citizens or withdraw into the harsh wastes of

  bred horses stolen or looted from the dh’oine—only the

  the Blue Mountains. Their pride would not accept the

  most valuable and portable of wealth is accepted by the

  first, and the second seemed a death sentence. Out of an-

  Havekar. They provide services covertly to anyone who

  ger and frustration arose the Scoia’tael, small comman-

  can pay, but flash too much wealth around them and it

  dos of gueril a fighters; mostly elves, and some dwarves

  may be the last thing you do. You will also want to be

  and halflings. Many wear squirrels’ tails, leading to the

  careful if you have a wagon. Since the Havekar stay mo-

  name given them by outsiders, Scoia’tael or Squirrels.

  bile to keep from being caught by the regular army, wag-

  They live off the land, or trade looted goods with the

  ons are necessary for their way of life. They will do an-

  Havekar. Their skil s when fighting in forests are unpar-

  ything for money, up to and including murdering their

  alleled. The Scoia’tael appeared just after the First Nilf-

  own kind. Their healers may roam the battlefield looking

  gaardian War. They killed humans and terrorized small

  for injured to heal at the price of all their goods. Mer-

  communities, inflaming human fear and hatred, even

  chants scour the field for weapons, and bodies wearing

  of assimilated non-humans. After banishment from the

  armor they can resel . Desperate people whose vil ages

  ancestral homeland of the elves, Dol Blathanna, there is

  have been destroyed may barter arrowheads and bloody

  nothing left for Scoia’tael to do except to kill dh’oine. In

  clothing for food, but if they ever appear to make a prof-

  a deal between the Nilfgaardian emperor and Francesca

  it they will be shut down quickly—and permanently.

  Findabair, the elvish queen, the price of Dol Blathanna,

  Havekar are most easily found at deserted crossroads or

  the elvish homeland, was that the queen not recognize or

  the occasional brick building left standing after the war

  support the Scoia’tael or call them back to the homeland,

  passes by. Some people believe that the Havekar are sim-

  so that were doomed to fight on. Despair, hopelessness,

  ply one aspect of organized crime elsewhere, but there

  and anger drive them.

  are no tales of Havekar being protected or avenged by



  The Mage Hunters

  The Crescent Moon

  Few Northerners know about the Mage Hunters whose

  Even in the North, some know about the blue rose that

  job is to find unregistered mages within the Nilfgaard-

  only grows in Nazair. The roses have long been the sym-

  ian Empire and take them to the capital. They do not

  bol of Nazairian patriotism, and those who regularly

  operate in war zones. In the Second Nilfgaardian War,

  wear the rose are well known to Nilfgaardian Intelli-

  sorcerers of the North were a thorn in the side of the

  gence, though so far all Intelligence has found is fiery

  Emperor. He made neutralizing them a priority, winning

  rhetoric. Every once in a while word also drifts north of

  some over, and badly damaging the reputation of others.

  the Crescent Moon, a provincial resistance group. It may

  We know that Nilfgaardian mages are kept under close

  have started in Nazair, but the suggestion is that a thin

  control, but Nilfgaard occupies many times its own orig-

  network exists in many of the provinces, especial y along

  inal territory. What about the provincial mages? As their

  the coast of the Great Sea. It goes without saying that an-

  countries were incorporated, some mages voluntarily

  yone tied to such a group would be arrested for treason

  reported to the Nilfgaardian magic academy, Gweision

  and executed. The fact that we in the North hear about

  Haul, for registration. Others, particularly in Nazair and

  the C
rescent Moon being used as a password probably

  Gemmera, did not. During the reign of the Usurpator,

  means that the name has been compromised and re-

  the Nilfgaardian Mage Hunters were created. The orig-

  placed. We have not heard about any rebellions attribut-

  inal organizer of the Mage Hunters was Isaiah Coehoo-

  ed to this organization, but they are probably gathering

  rn, a distant relative of the famous Nilfgaardian general.

  strength throughout the Empire, especial y in recently

  The Usurpator called together the most successful mine

  conquered areas like Angren, Sodden, and Cintra. They

  owners in the Empire and offered an exclusive contract

  know that surely Nilfgaard would easily put down one

  to the one who could discover the largest seam of di-

  provincial rebellion, but sporadic acts of sabotage could

  meritium. The metal, which damps magic power, is pri-

  gain them more ground with less risk. We assume that

  marily found in Kovir and Poviss, and is much rarer in

  some provincial nobles must be involved to supply mon-

  the South. Despite the Usurpator’s offer, only one vein of

  ey and safe havens. I have never heard that Imperial In-

  dimeritium was found south of the Yaruga, in Gemmera.

  telligence has been infiltrated, but of course it serves the

  Mage Hunters travel in pairs and carry dimeriti-

  Empire best to keep any word of the resistance absolutely

  um handcuffs and col ars. They recruit hard and danger-

  quiet to maintain a façade of uniform harmony through-

  ous men who demonstrate paranoia concerning magic.

  out the provinces. It remains to be seen if King Radovid

  Very few questions are asked about Mage Hunter meth-

  can make use of the resistance.

  ods, except as it concerns civilians. In order to ensure

  cooperation with Mage Hunters and the Empire, no ci-

  vilians are to be harmed unless reinforcing the Empire’s



  The Church of Kreve

  Powerful Religions

  The earliest religions in the primitive North mion, sometimes called Mousesack. He is


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