Rise: Contemporary Romance (Creamy's Bakery Book 2)

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Rise: Contemporary Romance (Creamy's Bakery Book 2) Page 5

by Aspen Drake

  “Hmm. Well, he didn’t mention anything to me.”

  “He said something about a big order.”

  Fuck, the Stephens’ get together is tonight. I almost forgot. It’s certainly something I can handle on my own, but it would be easier with help.

  “Yeah, there’s a party tonight that we’re suppling a large order of cream sticks for. You sure you’re up for it?” I sneer, giving him the impression I want him to say no, but inwardly hoping he’ll say yes.

  “Sure.” He waggles his brows at me. “As long as you don’t cover me in them like last time.”

  “Hey.” I turn and point my finger at his chest. “I had to sneeze. Would you rather we had to remake the whole cake or just one pan?”

  “Just sayin’.” Cody laughs as he follows me through the back door. I turn on the lights, and the fluorescent beams illuminate the small work room in the back. Since the downtown area doesn’t get as much traffic on the weekends, we still have a few hours before the front of the store opens. That should give Cody and I plenty of time to prep and get the batter started.

  “I love this smell,” Cody says as he inhales deeply and looks around the bakery. “Nothing like fresh baked pastries to make the day better.”

  I roll my eyes and walk to the office to set my purse down on the desk. “When did you become Mr. Happy?”

  “I’m usually happy,” he quips. “I just have even more reasons to be happy today.”

  Stepping out of the office, I grab two fresh aprons from the hanger outside the office door. I toss one toward Cody, not at all surprised when he catches it in the center of his chest.

  “Nice toss.” A smile curves the edge of his lips.

  “I know.” I smirk and chance a glance at him. “Come on. We’ve got some pastries to make.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Cody gives me a wink.

  Despite my best efforts at being mean, I can’t help but smile. His cheerful attitude is one of the reasons I fell in love with him in the first place. He’s a caring guy who would give the shirt off his back if it would help someone.

  I’m grateful Cody’s back is turned to me because crimson floods my face at the thought of seeing him shirtless. The taut muscles beneath his tight T-shirt seem to react to my thoughts as he flexes under the fabric while tying the apron around his back.

  “What’s first?” He turns and I quickly avert my eyes.

  Pointing toward the shelves of flour, I nod in the same direction. “Let’s get the pastries going.”

  Cody gives me a salute and moves over to the shelves, pulling everything he needs from the neatly arranged rows.

  We quickly fall into a steady pattern of making delicious treats. In addition to the cream sticks, I whip up some cupcakes and sugar cookies for the weekend shoppers. Cody spends his time filling the catering order that needs to be ready by three this afternoon.

  Working with Cody was always a pleasant experience, and I sometimes forget how much fun we used to have. He always lets me babble on about the most recent episode of a Housewives show, never complaining that he couldn’t care less who was fighting with whom.

  In turn, I listen to him describe all the new parts he’s had installed on his bike. Although I never understand half of what he’s talking about, I know how much he loves his bike. It’s like his baby, and he takes better care of it than his own home.

  Once I get the last few cupcakes iced, I unlock the front door and flip the small sign in the window to open. Cody keeps working in the back as I take care of the few customers who straggle in from nine to noon.

  At five till twelve, Aaron walks in. “I see Mason has Cody here today,” he says nonchalantly. “He ran out of here pretty quick last night. I hope nothing bad happened.”

  “I think Cody mentioned that he needed to help a friend with something that came up.”

  “Oh, okay. Cool.” Aaron settles in behind the counter, taking inventory of the remaining sweets in the display cases. “How have sales been today?”

  “Not too bad.” I stretch my back, listening for the crack. “We’ll get a quick rush and then no one will come in for a few minutes.”

  “Looks like you have us stocked up,” he says, apprising the cookies and cupcakes displayed. “Why don’t you grab some lunch, and I’ll watch the store.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I head to the back, pulling off my apron as I go.

  Cody is filling the last cream sticks needed for this afternoon.

  “I’m going to head out to get a bite,” I say to him casually.

  “Okay. Lunch sounds good.” He turns toward me. “Let me wash my hands really quick and I’ll come with you.”

  I nod and patiently wait while Cody washes up and removes his apron. As we’re leaving out the front, I ask Aaron if he wants me to bring anything back for him. He gives me a quick order then Cody and I step out onto the sidewalk and walk to the nearby deli.

  After placing our orders at the counter, we take our drinks and find a seat, waiting for our number to be called.

  “I’m having fun today,” Cody says with a bright smile. “I miss working with you sometimes.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. “Today’s been fun.”

  A voice calls our number from behind the front counter so Cody gets the tray with my roast beef sandwich and his spinach and mushroom quiche. We both settle into the booth, picking at our food as we fall into a comfortable silence.

  “We should do something sometime.”

  “We’re doing something now.” I chuckle and peek up at him.

  “No. I mean do something planned. Dinner, a movie… Maybe even dancing.”

  “You mean a date?” My eyebrow raises at him and I twist my face in confusion.

  “No… Well, maybe. I just miss you. Can’t we hang out and not put a title on it?”

  “I think your current girlfriend won’t care that it doesn’t have a title. She’ll still see it as a date, which is technically what it would be.”


  “Excuse me?” I’m not sure what he’s saying.

  “She’s my ex-girlfriend. We broke up.”

  “Oh.” I’m silent for a long moment.

  “It’s okay.” Cody cuts a piece of his quiche with a fork and pops a bite into his mouth. “Things just weren’t going to work out between us.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” I’m not sure what to say in this situation. A few months ago, I hated even the thought of being around Cody, but now… Now he and I seem to have come to a place where we can both be ourselves without the pressure we used to have in our relationship.

  “I’ll be okay. Besides, it gives me the opportunity to spend time with the people I care about.” His eyes lock on mine.

  My mind is spinning with the implications of what he’s hinting at. Could I even think of dating Cody again? And what about Joe? He and I have gotten better acquainted over the last few weeks, and I’ve really enjoyed spending time with him. Don’t I deserve to see where a relationship with Joe might lead?

  We sit in silence for several minutes, occupied with our lunch. Before I finish, Cody hops up and walks over to the counter. He brings back a slice of lemon meringue pie and sets it between us before passing me a clean fork.

  A smile creeps to my lips, and I’m pleasantly surprised that he remembers it’s one of my favorites. I glide my fork through the cream and scoop a bite from the plate. Holding the piece in front of my mouth, the zesty aroma of sugar greets me. I take the bite, closing my lips around the prongs and pulling the fork away.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Cody says, staring at my lips.

  Fuck. I think things are about to get complicated.

  Chapter Eight


  Saturday evening comes quickly. After finding Noah, the three of us decide to spend the weekend together exploring the town and each other. Our two days have been filled with tours of the Audubon, shopping, and even an impromptu picnic at a park area off the riverfront the locals call The Fly.
r />   My favorite part has been the two wonderful nights we’ve spent in the hotel room. While I wouldn’t mind staying in again and watching these two beautiful men worship my body, a night on the town is in order. Leaving the hotel and dressed to party, the guys and I head to Bourbon Street again. After walking about half a block, Max grabs our hands and pulls us into a Fat Tuesday to order daiquiris.

  Once we’re out on the street again with drinks in tow, my feet begin to dance to the music coming from the club across the street. Large archways encompass the walls of the bar, allowing the music to flow into the street like a calling card.

  Noah takes my hand and twirls me around, causing me to giggle. Joy bursts through my heart now that he’s back with us. The emptiness I’ve felt for the past month has been once again filled with love and hope for our future.

  While it took an entire night of talking to convince him why the things I said were not indicative of how I truly felt, he eventually realized I was being honest when I said I needed both of them in my life.

  I continue drinking my cocktail as we walk farther down the street. It seems like the same rowdy crowd is wearing different faces as we travel the street. Since it’s a Saturday night, the amount of people has quadrupled. We don’t have to fight through the crowd, but I’m definitely bumping into more people. No one seems to past us any mind as we continue on our journey.

  Barely finished with our first drinks, Noah pulls us into another bar. We each order another cold concoction and drift out into the street again, walking on the sidewalk this time. Every bar we pass blares music. The sounds of the French Quarter invite us to come in and spend our money with them.

  My eyes focus on a sign hanging in the window of a club across the street that boasts a male and female sex show. My curiosity is piqued as I point it out to Max and Noah.

  “I wonder what’s going on in there?”

  “It looks very interesting, whatever it is.” Noah takes me by the hand and grabs Max by the arm, pulling us across the street.

  A guy the size of a large body builder smiles at us from the door. “Welcome, welcome. Come on in. One drink minimum, take a seat anywhere you like.” His tone is pleasant but rehearsed, as though he’s been repeating it for a long time.

  Once inside, we’re met by a dimly-lit, double sided bar that appears to keep passersby from peeking in. Making our way around the bar, several small, round tables are scattered in front of a stage that is three feet off the ground. We find seats at a table toward the front, and I notice the stage’s height is perfect to watch whatever performances will occur.

  A waitress in a short skirt and busty top comes over to take our drink orders. She returns quickly with our beverages before the lights over the stage brighten. A man and woman, each wearing a robe, step out onto the stage. Their performance is obviously simulated sex, but it still causes a flush to spread through my body. Each of my men adjust themselves in their seats. At least I know I’m not the only one aroused here.

  “Hi.” A whispered from behind us startles me. All three of us turn around and see a young, good-looking guy seated by himself at the table behind us. “Mind if I join you guys?”

  Max looks to Noah, who gives him a quick nod. “Sure, man,” Max says. “Pull up a chair.”

  The guy drags his chair to Noah’s side. “I’m Jarrod,” he says quietly, trying not to disturb the other patrons.

  “I’m Max.” Taking Jarrod’s extended hand, Max introduces me and Noah.

  “Good to meet you all,” he says. “Are you having a good time?”

  “We are.” I give him a quick smile. “How about you?”

  “Yeah, having a lot of fun. Wish I was having a bit more, though, if you know what I mean.”

  Was this guy for real?

  “I’m with someone.” My response is polite. After all, I don’t want to just abruptly hurt his feelings. He wouldn’t necessarily know I was with Noah or Max. “Sorry.” I take a sip of my drink to cover for the awkward direction the conversation has taken.

  “That’s okay.” Jarrod’s eyes reflect the lights shining from the stage and his muscles are tight under the shirt he’s wearing. “I’m up for a three-way.”

  “Actually,” Noah says, speaking up, “we are already a three-way.”

  Jarrod’s eyes widen and a huge grin covers his face. “Fuck. That’s even hotter. I’m definitely down with the three of you.”

  I almost can’t believe what I’m hearing, and while the thought of sharing my men with this guy isn’t necessarily appealing, the fact that someone finds having sex with the three of us together solidifies something in my mind that not everyone thinks what we share is odd or wrong.

  Max stiffens beside me as his hand reaches under the table for mine, claiming his possession of me. Noah is the first to respond, turning slightly toward Jarrod as he speaks. “That’s a nice offer, man, but we only play with each other. Thanks, though.”

  Jarrod’s brightened eyes take on a look of disappointment. “Are you sure?”

  “We’re sure,” Noah replies. “But we really do appreciate the offer.”

  I smile politely and nod in agreement. Max is the only one who doesn’t seem to be handling the situation as well. But he remains calm, and I’m not even sure if Jarrod realizes Max isn’t happy about the offer.

  “Oh, okay.” Jarrod frowns. “Well, it was nice to meet you. Have a great time in New Orleans.” With that, Jarrod steps up from our table and moves toward another couple sitting in the back corner. The guy must be desperate to get laid with a couple tonight. I can’t help but chuckle as Max gives Noah a dirty look.

  “You didn’t have to be so polite,” Max says quietly.

  “Hey, the guy thought we were attractive. Can you blame him?”

  I shrug and turn to Max. “He has a point.” I laugh.

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to share.”

  “Neither do I.” Noah smiles in agreement. Both men look at me, as though waiting to see if I’ll disagree.


  Max emits a low growl as Noah laughs at my attempt at a joke. “No, I don’t want to share either.” I move in and kiss first Max and then Noah.

  Taking the last sip of my drink, my attention drifts back to the stage where the couple is pretending to have their final orgasms.

  “Come on, boys.” I grab their hands and pull them out of their seats. “I think we have our own act to put on back in the room.”

  Chapter Nine


  “Oh my god, Bethy! I want to hear everything.” Amy has been chattering non-stop since I told her about having Mason come over because of my paranoia.

  “He insisted on staying until you returned today. I hope that’s okay.” My eyes flicker to her, but she just grins in return.

  “Of course it’s okay. We’re not at Mom’s house. You’re welcome to have male company over,” she says with a laugh.

  “You should have seen him outside playing with Isla yesterday. He’s so good with her.”

  “I told you he was a good guy. When’s he coming back over? We need to throw something together. How about tonight?”

  “Amy, you and Nate just got back from your trip. I’m sure Nate doesn’t want company over.”

  Amy waggles her eyebrows. “You must not realize who’s really in charge here.”

  A loud chortle escapes my lips as I move in closer to my sister and wrap my arms around her. “I love you, honey. You know that, right?”

  “I love you too, Beth.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you plan something, but next weekend, okay?”

  Amy sticks out her lip in a pout, which is soon replaced by a yawn. I point a finger at her and give her an “I told you so” look as she nods her head in agreement.

  “Okay, okay. Maybe I am a bit tired. Ugh, who decided camping was a vacation option anyway? My idea of camping is going to a nice hotel where someone makes your bed.”

  “But isn’t it Nate who makes your bed now?”

>   “You know what I mean.” Amy waves her hand through the air, giggling.

  “Since I know you’re tired, why don’t you head upstairs and take a nap? I’ll get dinner together and wake you when it’s ready.”

  Amy gives me a soft smile as another yawn comes from her lips. “I can help you get something ready…”

  “Absolutely not.” I grab her shoulders and turn her around so she’s facing the stairs. “You go upstairs. I’ve got this.”

  “Sure, okay. Thanks.”


  She stops midstride, half on one of the steps to the upstairs landing. When she meets my gaze, I give her the brightest smile I remember having in a long time.

  “Thank you.”

  She dips her head in acknowledgement, the understanding of how much I appreciate what she’s doing for me being spoken without any more words.

  Once she’s upstairs, I head to the kitchen. Both of the kids are down for an afternoon nap and Nate ran into town to check on the salon. I search around in the pantry for various ingredients, eventually finding everything I need to make a lasagna.

  My cell phone rings from the other room, so I run into the den to grab it. Mason’s name becomes visible when I lift the phone. Swiping the small line at the bottom to answer, my voice is cheery when I say hello.

  “Hey, Beth. I just wanted to make sure Nate and Amy made it back okay.”

  “They did. Thanks for checking. They pulled in about an hour ago.”

  “That’s great.” He pauses for a brief moment, a sweet silence drifting between us. My thoughts race back to my teenage years when I would just sit and listen to my boyfriend breathe on the other end of the phone. A rush of heat floods over me as I find myself thinking about Mason in terms of a boyfriend.

  “Mason,” I say softly into the phone.


  “I had a wonderful weekend.”

  “Me too,” he says with a soft laugh. “I hope you’ll call me again when you get scared.”

  “Is that the only time I can call you?” The flirtatious tone I use is fun. It’s been so long since I’ve allowed myself to get close to a guy. But Mason’s different than the others. I can tell that just from being around him. He’s caring, kind, and handsome. Everything I could ever want in a man. The fact that he and Isla get along is a cherry on top of this sundae.


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