Mastering His Mate

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Mastering His Mate Page 6

by Delta James

  “That’s because you don’t know enough to be concerned about being disrespectful to your beta. Now, knock it off, Roz and behave yourself. If I have one more negative report about you, sister or not, I’ll make sure you can’t sit down any time soon.” He started toward the door, took a deep breath, and turned back to her. “Please try not to upset Liza. Seeing you so upset and unhappy really hurts her. From what she’s told me, I have to believe you would never intentionally do that.”

  Roz shook her head. “You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

  Bash started to say something more, but thought better of it. He turned and left.

  Roz turned to Greg. “He really loves her, doesn’t he?” she asked with a kind of wonder.

  “Yes, he does. As I said, wolves mate for life. And if you find your fated mate, there is no deeper love. Fact is that it’s rare for one to survive the other’s passing by more than a year. They just will themselves to die. Really hard and sad to watch.”

  “And Liza feels that way about him?”

  Greg nodded. “She does. Most of us, I think including Bash himself, thought he would be a lone wolf all his life. But,” Greg started to chuckle, “I think he knew when he got the picture of the two of you. Then when he caught her before she hit the ground, it was all over but the shouting… actually it was more your sister’s caterwauling.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let’s just say Liza’s attitude when she first came through the change wasn’t much better than yours. As pissed as you are? She was more. She had, as you call him, the big bad wolf telling her she was his fated mate and he was going to claim her as soon as she was well enough. She did substantial damage to one of the sets of everyday dishes.”

  “How so?”

  “She and Bash had a fight in the kitchen. She yelled at him and threw pottery at him while she cussed him out.”

  Roz giggled. “Now that’s the little sister I know and love.”

  “But that little temper tantrum cost her. When it was over, she found herself across Bash’s knee getting her bottom turned bright red… that’s when we could hear all the caterwauling. But when he was done, she was all snuggles and kisses. He’d already claimed her, with her consent. I’ve never seen him so happy, content, and peaceful.” He laughed. “Hell, Oliver called me after he talked to Bash when we’d discovered that pack had set you girls up. He was concerned that Bash sounded like he was sick. I told him he had a terminal case of love sickness. Oliver was shocked, but then happy for him. He and Bash have been friends and comrades since they were boys. Their bond is far deeper than just alpha to beta. And as tough as he is, there’s not one of us who doesn’t love Bash. He and Oliver are the best men I’ve ever known. That Liza is Bash’s fated mate makes us all want to love you too… if only you’ll let us.”

  “That’s really sweet, and I do appreciate it. But I’m not the submissive kind of girl you boys expect.”

  “Not submissive, but obedient.”

  “Yeah, I never got high marks for that either.”

  “I’m not going to change your mind, am I?”

  Roz shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Doc. As I’ve said, I really am thankful for all that you and your pack have done. And I’m so happy that Liza’s cancer is gone and that she’s found Bash, but this is not for me. I’d never fit in.”

  “We’d help you fit in. You haven’t even met everyone. For all you know your life mate could be amongst us.”

  “And if he’s not, your alpha will see me mated to someone because single females are problematic within a pack, right?”

  “Well, of course, he’d encourage you to mate.”

  “Force, Doc. He’d force the pairing.”

  “If he thought it was best for the pack, yes. He’d see you mated even if you didn’t initially want to be. I can tell you there are a fair number of men here who’d love to be considered for that position. A lot of itchy palms and hard cocks.”

  Roz laughed. “How could a girl resist an invitation like that? And you wonder why I have no interest in this lifestyle of yours?” She shook her head. “Even if I were to accept it and get mated to some wolf I didn’t find totally reprehensible, I’d never be able to sit down again. And even if you could force me to be obedient, I’d never be happy.”

  “I think you could be if only you’d allow yourself to let go of your preconceived notions and give it a try. What harm would it do to stay for a few weeks and see?”

  “My skin’s starting to crawl already. I don’t like being confined. I don’t like being told what to do and when to do it. And I miss my iron work. Sitting up high in the sky on scaffolding putting a building together? Best feeling in the world.”

  “Then wait at least until I give you a clean bill of health. Bash doesn’t bluff or make idle threats; you try to leave before that, he’ll give you a spanking you won’t forget and then really put you under lock and key.”

  “He’ll have to catch me first.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  * * *

  Roz spent the next few days visiting with her sister and getting to know various members of her new family. Roz had to admit they all seemed very nice and very loving and accepting of Liza. At night when she was alone, Roz experimented with shifting. As Greg had said, the first few times were awkward and a bit painful, but the more she practiced, the easier it became. She found there was a certain kind of peace when she was a wolf. It seemed to give her clarity. She realized she’d need to ensure her privacy when she shifted, but she could see the advantages.

  The night had come. It was a full moon. Roz had learned that most shifters’ libidos were heightened by a full moon. Tonight was the night. She would wait until everyone else was engaged in amorous activities and then make her escape. She knew how many guards would be walking the property and their approximate position. There was one obvious hole and she was quite certain Bash had left it as bait for her should she make a run for it.

  Liza had been so excited this afternoon. Not only was she looking forward to spending the evening and night in her mate’s arms, but apparently their alpha, Oliver, was due to arrive home in the next day or two. Liza would be expected to formally ask for his protection and to become a member of his pack. She urged Roz to do the same. Roz stayed neutral but tried not to negatively affect her sister’s mood.

  Night fell and Roz listened as the buildings on the estate settled down. She stood by her window, just out of sight to anyone who might look toward it and sniffed the wind. She could detect the wolves who still patrolled outside. Her plan was to wait for their shift change. She was ready. The things she was taking with her were packed. She’d written a long note to Liza and it was propped up against the pillow. She could feel the excitement coursing through her veins.

  She watched as the clock struck midnight. The guards would be changing out their shifts and hopefully be preoccupied with that long enough for her to be successful in getting away. Roz gave them a few minutes to leave their assigned routes and then opened her window. She slipped through and closed the window behind her.

  She now had a better idea of the shortest route to freedom. Unfortunately, that’s where Bash had set his trap. Her plan was to head to the beach and to the docks. There were several powerboats, but the large sailboat had a Zodiac attached to the side. As luck would have it, attached to the offside. She planned to cut it free and then paddle her way out of the cove. Once out of earshot, she’d hit the engine and make a beeline for the Jersey Shore.

  Roz stole across the open space and made it to the dunes. She listened carefully to see if she could hear any pursuit. So far, so good. She crept down the dock and went in the boathouse to grab a wet suit to protect her from the temperature of the water. Pulling it on, she slipped into the water and swam to the far side of the boat. She used her trusty scalpel and cut it free. She was in luck, there were two oars attached to the interior. Roz pulled herself into the Zodiac, freed the oars, and began to row to freed

  * * *

  Bash watched Roz leave from the French doors from their bedroom to the balcony. Liza stood tucked under his arm, their arms wrapped around each other.

  “She’ll be all right, won’t she?” Liza asked the tall, powerful man she now called mate.

  “She’ll be better than she was. But we’ll keep tabs on her as best we can. She’s always welcome to come home.”

  “But I can write and call her?”

  “Of course, sweetheart. But I’d let her think it was on the sly. I suspect she’ll like it better that way and be more open with you as to what’s going on with her life. Remember, you promised that if you ever had any clue that she was in danger, you’d let me know.”

  “You care about her.”

  “She’s pack, regardless of whether she accepts it or lives here. And she’s your sister. Something bad happening to her would hurt you. That is not something I will let happen.”

  Liza giggled. “I’m not helpless, you know.”

  Bash looked down at his mate and chuckled. He had never known this kind of bliss could exist. “I’m well aware of that. I have the claw marks down my back as evidence of that. So, tell me, sweetheart, would you rather we go back to our bed or would you prefer to shift and have me chase you down again?”

  Without a word, Liza shifted and bounded through the doors and off the balcony. Bash watched her with a mix of pride, love, and lust. He gave her a fair head start, shifted himself, howled and went to chase down his prey.

  * * *

  Just as Roz was about to put the oars away and start the engine, a single howl reached her on the water. She smiled. It wasn’t a mournful sound. Somehow she knew it was Bash calling to his mate, the person they both loved best in the world. Roz could leave because she knew Liza would be happy, well-loved, and safe with Bash. But still, she would miss her. They’d been all the family either of them had for the last eight years. Silent, slow tears began to leak from her eyes. “Goodbye, Liza. I love you.”

  * * *

  Oliver returned home two days later. He was delighted to welcome Liza into their pack if for no other reason that he could see that Bash was desperately in love with her. She appeared to have the same depth of feeling for him.

  After dinner, Bash sent Liza up to their room so he could talk to Oliver privately. “What is it? You seem disturbed; not angry, but not happy to be home.”

  “I had expected the older sister to be here.”

  “Roz? Be glad she isn’t. Nasty attitude, that one. If any man ever claims her, he’d better have a large, hard hand and even larger, harder cock. She’s going to need plenty of both to be taken in hand.”

  Oliver looked down at his hand and grinned at Bash. “And I’ve never had any complaints in the other area.”

  “No,” said Bash in astonishment.

  “Afraid so. I’ve never been so relieved to hear that your Liza was the blonde.”

  Bash started to laugh. “Oh, my God. Let me get you a drink and offer you my deepest condolences. I say this with nothing but respect… your mate is a bitch.”

  Oliver laughed. “None taken. And now that she’s been turned, that’s an accurate description.”

  Bash handed Oliver a whiskey and they clinked glasses. “This is going to be entertaining as all get out.”

  Chapter Seven

  It had been a couple of years since Roz had seen her sister. She knew she was well and happy as they managed to communicate with each other covertly about every other month. Each time Liza encouraged Roz to come home. Roz maintained that the Hamptons compound was not her home.

  Being a lone wolf had been interesting. More than once she had been approached by a pack to join them. Each time she had politely refused. She ended up selling the house so that her movements weren’t as easy to track. Her work as an experienced female welder kept her well employed. Not only was she one of the best in her field, being a woman, they could tick off one of the boxes in the diversity column.

  She began to hear more and more of an all-female pack off the coast of North Carolina, called Bae Diogel or Safe Harbor. The idea of joining such a pack held some appeal for Roz. It wasn’t well known but was whispered about amongst female shifters. It was said that any woman who chose to could join them. They were welcome to stay for as long as they wanted.

  The pack was led by a Welsh expatriate who had proven herself a worthy alpha and warrior. The rumors were that one traditional male-dominated pack had come after their alpha’s mate and had their butts kicked for their trouble. It was also said that Skylar Owen, the all-female shifter pack’s alpha, had tracked down the humans who had murdered her life mate and taken their lives in return.

  Roz had taken to riding a Harley; it was quick and mobile and allowed her to go places a traditional vehicle wouldn’t. She located the island where the Bae Diogel pack made their home. There was only one bridge on or off the island. She suspected that was by design. Taking a deep breath, Roz headed to the house.

  As she rode up to the house, a tall, curvy redhead opened the massive front door and stepped out.

  Roz parked her bike, stepped off and removed her helmet. “You must be Skylar Owen. I’m Roz Kincanon. I’m looking for sanctuary.”

  Skylar smiled. “Then you are welcome, Roz Kincanon. I have to be Skylar Owen… no one else seems to want the job. You wouldn’t be interested, would you?”

  Roz grinned and shook her head. “I’m no alpha. I’m not wolf born. I got turned without my consent a couple of years ago. My sister is still with the pack that rescued us, but submission and obedience aren’t my strong suits.”

  Skylar returned the mischievous grin, liking Roz immediately and sensing a kindred spirit. “Me either! Come on in. You can leave your bike there and put it up later or take it around to the side and put it in the garage. We were just sitting down for lunch. Can you cook?”

  “Surprisingly, yes. I became my sister’s guardian when our parents died. We learned to fend for ourselves pretty quickly. It was cooking or laundry. I beat her two out of three rock-paper-scissors for cooking.”

  Skylar laughed and hugged Roz as she stepped up onto the porch. “Then you are more than welcome. I’m afraid the rest of us have trouble with boiling water.”

  Roz, not normally a hugging kind of girl, returned Skylar’s embrace, knowing she’d found her home.

  * * *

  Roz quickly became Skylar’s beta and right hand. She was well suited to the job. Like most betas she could easily enforce rules, although the Bae Diogel pack had few and the few that existed were rarely crossed. She was much more adept at settling disputes and worked hand in hand with the pack’s omega—first Susannah and then Lacey—to ensure the harmony and tranquility of the pack. Both Skylar and Roz had been sad to see Susannah leave when she found her fated mate.

  The one non-negotiable rule was no men at the house… ever. No sleepovers, no bonfires, nothing. Not ever letting a male—shifter or not—know the specifics of just how many of them there were or of what their defenses consisted of was part of the strategy for keeping them safe.

  The pack boasted one of the smartest black-hat hackers in existence. Anna was young, small, and pretty. She was also devious and protective of her pack. Between her and Roz and the latter’s expertise in explosives, the pack at Bae Diogel felt they could withstand a fairly good-sized attack if it consisted of only one pack, maybe two.

  Skylar was sitting on the back patio watching as her beta came through the French doors, cell phone in hand.

  “That is not a good face,” she said to Roz.

  Roz looked up. The face did not improve. “No, it’s not. Apparently that little run-in we had with that Serbian pack has put us on the Ruling Council’s radar.”

  “How bad?” Skylar said, leaning forward.

  “Bad. They’ve called a meeting of the Council to discuss the threat and opportunity we pose to the wolfen society as a whole. Liza says that her alpha, Oliver, has been called as have all the o
ther American and Canadian alphas to a meeting. All that is, of course, save you.”

  “Do we know when the meeting will take place?”

  “No date yet, but soon. The hyenas are licking their chops to get at us. She asked if I wanted her to ask Oliver to let us come there.”

  “Oliver Halsey? Powerful pack your sister is in. A good man, but male alpha all the way. The men rule and the women obey or else. We need to talk to the rest of the girls and see who might be interested.”

  “Sky? I’m not one of them. I love and miss Liza, but as kind as they were, I will never submit to any man.”

  Skylar put her arm around her friend’s shoulder. “Never say never, Roz. It’s bad luck.”

  “I though you always said we make our own luck.”

  “Do you know how much I hate it when you quote me back to me?” she said, laughing.

  “Yes. It’s part of my charm though and you love me for it.”

  “I do indeed.”

  * * *

  Oliver Halsey, the alpha of the powerful and wealthy Hamptons pack watched Dylan Grainger, alpha of Calon Gwyllt, argue masterfully to take care in how the Ruling Council dealt with the problem/potential of the all-female pack known as Bae Diogel. He watched across the room as the alpha of the New Orleans pack shook his head and smiled. Jean-Michel Gautier found most things in life amusing, but he could be a powerful and trusted ally.

  Oliver caught Jean-Michel’s eye and inclined his head toward Dylan. Jean-Michel smiled and nodded. Oliver then sought out other alphas at the meeting that might be inclined to back Dylan. Once he knew who was with them, he moved closer to Dylan and slipped him a note. The number was larger than expected but still too small to stop this fiasco from happening.

  Dylan turned the argument to one of how the women could be taken safely, pointing out that they had already proven themselves to be capable fighters. He was able to convince the Council to at least try to get them to disband voluntarily. While he accomplished that, the old guard wanted them placed, against their will if necessary, into separate packs.


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