Green Mountain Collection 1

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Green Mountain Collection 1 Page 92

by Marie Force

  “How can you sleep on a plane?”

  He opened his left eye to look at her. “How can you not sleep on a plane? What else is there to do?”

  “Fret and worry about every bump and dip and sound. How can you do that if you’re asleep?”

  He opened both eyes, smiled at her warmly and brought their joined hands to his lips. “Have I told you yet today how much I love you and how thrilled I am that you’re coming home with me for this special week with my family?”

  “You might’ve mentioned those things a time or two.”

  “Is it okay if I mention them again?”

  She nodded and fixated on the seat across the aisle as all sorts of thoughts spiraled through her overactive mind.

  “What’re you thinking about?”

  He was always so attuned to her, which was something she was slowly becoming accustomed to. “Nothing much.”

  “Don’t lie to me. I know that look. You’re overthinking something. All the signs are there.”

  “Quit knowing me so well. It’s unnerving.”

  “Get used to it, babe. You’re stuck with me.”

  His words filled her with longing so sharp and so powerful it nearly took her breath away. She wanted to be stuck with him forever. Lately, that want, that desire overrode everything else that had ever been important to her. From the very beginning, she’d been firm in her conviction that moving wasn’t an option for her. She hadn’t changed her mind, but with every day she spent with him it was becoming harder to imagine a day without him.

  Another week together wasn’t going to make anything easier. If anything, it was getting more complicated and confusing all the time. The one thing that remained blissfully uncomplicated was the way she loved him. It was the purest, simplest, most natural thing she’d ever felt for anyone.

  After the plane landed, he stood behind her in the aisle waiting for the people ahead of them to disembark. He slid his hand around her, laying it flat against her belly and keeping her close to him. “I brought the plug with me,” he whispered in her ear, making her shudder from his words as much as the heat against her ear.

  She turned her head to return his whisper. “Let me know when you’re ready to try it.”

  His low growl made her laugh out loud, causing the crowd of people around them to look at them curiously.

  Thirty minutes later, they’d collected their bags from baggage claim and ridden the shuttle to the long-term parking lot. Loaded into his truck, they set out for Butler.

  “I can’t wait to see Sarah and Elmer,” he said. “This is the longest I’ve ever been away from them.”

  “I’m sure Max took good care of them while you were gone.”

  “He better have or I’ll kick his ass.”

  “So what’s the plan for this bachelor party that’s going on tonight?”

  “The guys are all coming up to camp on the mountain for the night. Beer and poker and Jäger and maybe more beer.” He glanced over at her. “You’re sure you don’t mind spending the night with Cameron at their place?”

  “As long as there aren’t strippers coming to the mountain, I don’t mind.”

  Colton’s bark of laughter made her smile even though she was dead serious about the strippers. His laugh was that contagious. “Have you met my brother Hunter?”

  “Yes, a couple of times now.”

  “Then you ought to know that as Nolan’s best man, he’s the last guy on the planet who’d arrange for strippers at a bachelor party. With him in charge, we’re far more likely to end up with tenderloin and pâté than we are tits and pus—”

  She slammed her hand over his mouth. “If you finish that thought, I’ll kill you.”

  “What?” he asked, his voice muffled by her hand. He nibbled at her until she removed it. “You got a problem with pussycats or something?”

  Lucy rolled her eyes at him. “Like that’s what you were going to say.”

  “Now you’ll never know, will you?”

  Lucy watched the scenery go by, captivated once again by the pure, majestic beauty of Vermont. Even the highways were scenic. “Colton?”


  “I just want you to know that I have more fun with you than anyone I’ve ever known in my whole life.”

  He looked at her for a moment before returning his attention to the road. His hand came over the center console in search of hers.

  Lucy happily joined their hands.

  “That’s the nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten from anyone. And P.S., same to you. If I’m not dying laughing with you, I’m dying from wanting you. It’s a pretty amazing thing we’ve got here, and I hope you know I’m never going to let you go.”

  “I’m sort of counting on it.” Under normal circumstances, a statement like that would’ve made her feel wildly vulnerable and exposed. But saying it to Colton was different. She knew she was safe with him and could say what she really meant without fear or regret.

  He squeezed her hand. “Good.”

  The invasion of the Abbott men began around four o’clock. Cameron had driven Will and would be taking Lucy with her, but now that the hour was upon them, Colton resented the intrusion. They hadn’t spent a night apart in more than a week, and the thought of even one night without her was unbearable.

  He knew he was being ridiculous, but every minute with her was precious, and he didn’t want her to go.

  Lucas and Landon were fighting over how to put up a tent, and Max was right in the middle of it, refereeing. Wade was telling them all to shut the hell up while Elmer and Lincoln worked on building the bonfire in the yard. In summers past it would’ve been too dry to have a fire, but this year there’d been plenty of rain and thus there were no burn warnings keeping them from enjoying the fire.

  George, Ringo, Trevor, Tanner, Elmer and Sarah ran around in circles, adding to the chaos with their enthusiastic game of dog tag.

  Colton clung to Lucy from behind as she took in the scene unfolding around them. “Please take me with you.” Just an hour ago they’d had the mountain to themselves with only Sarah and Elmer for company, and now it had descended into chaos.

  “You need a night with the boys, and I need a night with Cameron. You’ll survive.”

  “Who’s bringing Nolan?” Lucas asked as he hammered a stake into the ground. He had his shirt off and was sweating profusely from the effort.

  “He’s coming with Skeeter and the racing team,” Hunter said.

  “Put a shirt on, will you?” Colton said to Lucas. “There’re women present.”

  “It’s fine,” Lucy said, patting Colton’s hand. “You don’t have to put a shirt on for me, Lucas.”

  “Me either,” Cameron said with a goofy grin.

  Will threw Lucas’s T-shirt at his head. “Put the shirt on.”

  “They’re just jealous,” Landon said to his twin. “Probably starting to sag around the middle. Happens to old dudes like them.”

  “He hasn’t started to sag—yet,” Lucy said, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a good man chest when I see it.”

  Lucas flexed his muscles dramatically, making the others groan.

  “Maybe it’s best if you get out of Dodge.” Colton kissed Lucy’s temple. “I can’t be responsible for what happens here.” He held her close to him for another minute. “I’m going to miss you tonight.”

  “Me, too. Have fun with the boys.”

  “Can I come with you guys?” Hunter asked Cameron and Lucy. His attempt to dress down for camping consisted of a T-shirt that looked like he’d ironed it, khaki shorts and fancy hiking boots.

  “This is your party, pal,” Colton said. “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “So what’s the verdict?” Cameron asked Will. “Are the boys coming home with me or staying with you?”

  Will whistled for Trevor and Tanner, who came rushing over to him. “You guys want to stay with me or go with Cam?”

  Both dogs jumped up on Cam, practically knocking her over.
r />   “I guess they answered the question,” Wade said with a laugh.

  “Good,” Will said. “They’ll take care of you while I’m not there.” He bent to give both dogs some love before he sent them to Cameron’s SUV. “I’ll see you in the morning, hon.” He kissed and hugged Cameron while Colton did the same with Lucy.

  Lucy patted his chest. “Don’t get into any trouble.”

  “I’ll try to behave.” He kissed her again. “Love you.”

  “Awwwwwww,” Lucas and Landon said together, holding and hugging each other while pretending to sob. Next to them, Max laughed his ass off.

  “Dad,” Will said. “Do something about them.”

  “Boys, leave your brothers alone.”

  “I don’t want to,” Lucas said.

  “Neither do I,” Landon added.

  “Me neither,” Max said.

  “They don’t want to, Will,” Lincoln said. “Sorry.”

  Elmer’s guffaw echoed through the yard.

  Will and Colton were saved by the arrival of Nolan and Skeeter in one truck and three other trucks behind them, presumably containing Nolan’s racing team.

  “Don’t block in the black SUV,” Will called to them. “They’re leaving.”

  “Let’s get out of here while we still can, Lucy.” Cameron stole one more kiss from Will and headed for the truck.

  “I’ll come get you in the morning,” Colton said before he released Lucy. “Early.”

  “If you end up having too much fun, you can get me later. Hannah’s shower isn’t until two.”

  “It’ll be early.” He kissed her soundly right there in front of his father, grandfather, brothers, future brother-in-law and a bunch of other guys he didn’t know. Even Lucas and Landon’s catcalls didn’t deter Colton from the kiss. “There,” he said when he was done. “Now I should be able to make it until tomorrow.”

  As expected, Lucy’s face was bright red, but she didn’t seem mad at him for kissing her in front of everyone. “Have fun.”

  “You, too. Text me later.”

  “You’ll be too busy partying to text.”

  “Text anyway.” He leaned in close to her. “Love you.”

  She smiled at him. “Me, too.”

  “Say it.”


  He raised his brows, issuing a dare. “Right here.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Lucas and Landon started up again, kissing and hugging and weeping dramatically—and loudly.

  “Dad!” Colton said.

  “Boys, knock it off.”

  “We don’t want to,” Landon said.

  “They don’t want to,” Lincoln said.

  Aggravated, Colton ignored the whole lot of them and walked Lucy to Cameron’s car and held the door for her. “I can’t wait until this happens to them. Payback is a big hairy bitch named Colton.”

  Lucy laughed and kissed him one more time. “Have fun, you big hairy bitch.”

  He let out a low growl. “That sounds so hot coming from you.”

  She pushed him back and got into Cameron’s car.

  Colton waited until she was belted in and then closed her door.

  With Will’s help, he directed Cameron to drive forward and then turn around so she was facing downhill.

  “Be careful going down,” Will said.

  “Believe me,” Cameron replied. “I remember what can happen on that hill.” She winked at him, and his face lit up in a big smile.

  Colton recalled when Will had nearly driven off the icy road the first time he brought Cameron up the mountain. Colton had suspected at the time that his brother had been distracted. Watching them now, he was sure of it.

  Colton stood with Will to watch them go.

  “How’d this happen to us?” Colton asked. “How’d we become the guys who’d rather be going with them than spending the night boozing with these douchebags?”

  “I have no idea, but at times like this, I blame Fred.”

  “I can blame him, too, right? If he hadn’t snagged Cameron for you, then I wouldn’t have met Lucy, and I wouldn’t be standing here feeling like I just got run over by a steamroller because I don’t get to sleep with her tonight.”

  “You can blame Fred, too.”

  “Good. Thanks. That helps.”

  “Let’s go do this so we can get to tomorrow faster.”

  With his hand on Will’s arm, Colton stopped his brother from walking away. “Nothing says we have to stay here all night.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “After everyone crashes, we could head down the hill and go find our girls.”

  “Not planning to drink?”

  “Not really in the mood. You?”

  “Not so much.”

  “So it’s a plan?”

  Will smiled at him. “If they ever find out, they’ll call us pussy-whipped assholes for the rest of our lives.”

  “I’m willing to risk it.”

  Will fist-bumped his brother. “Me, too.”


  Cords of wood burned: 32. Without the reverseosmosis machine, we would have needed five times as much wood. Granted, the reverseosmosis machine uses a lot of fuel, but the overall fuel and cost savings are high. Bags of oranges eaten while boiling: 26.

  —Colton Abbott’s sugaring journal, after the boil

  Surrounded by most of his favorite men, Nolan settled in to enjoy his last hurrah as a single guy. While he couldn’t wait to be married to Hannah in one short week, a night away from it all with the guys was no hardship. He’d thought everyone who was coming had already arrived when two huge SUVs came into the yard and almost all of the Sultans came pouring out of the two trucks.

  “What’s this we heard about a bachelor party?” Turk asked in the loud bellow that was his trademark. He had an unlit cigar hanging out of his mouth as he came toward them, followed by Jack, who had his guitar strung over his shoulder, then Austin, Ethan, Liam, Josh, Mark and Dylan—all of them Caleb Guthrie’s best friends. Over the years, Caleb’s friends from his years as an Army brat, college hockey star and later as an Army officer had merged with his childhood friends in Butler, including Nolan, Hunter and Will. No one had been more adept at blending all his friends into one big group he called the Sultans than Caleb.

  “Oh my God,” Nolan said to himself more than anyone else. The guys had come from all over the country. He hadn’t expected to see them here. As close friends of both his and Hannah’s, they’d been invited to the wedding, but to have them here now, too, was almost more than Nolan could process.

  He stood to receive their handshakes and man hugs. “What’re you guys doing here?”

  “We came for the week,” Turk said. “Our brother Nolan is getting married to our patron saint Hannah. Where else would we be?”

  Nolan shook his head in amazement. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “We wouldn’t be anywhere else,” Austin said with a squeeze for Nolan’s shoulder. “Now where’s the beer? We were promised beer!”

  “We brought the Jäger,” Liam said, proudly producing a bottle from behind his back.

  “Of course you did,” Nolan said, laughing. As the son of a drunk and a drug addict, he’d realized early on in life that it wasn’t in his best interest to drink the way a lot of his friends did. He enjoyed a beer or two. Sometimes, on nights like this, he might even have three. But you wouldn’t catch him anywhere near a bottle of Jägermeister.

  “Good surprise?” Hunter asked when he joined Nolan.

  “Amazing surprise. It’s very . . . humbling . . . to have Caleb’s crew here. I was wondering though . . . Is Gavin coming?” Nolan asked of Caleb’s brother, another of Nolan’s close friends from childhood.

  “He’s supposed to be bringing his dad. I hope they get here soon. It’s almost time to eat.”

  Hunter and the other Abbott brothers had been manning the grill for an hour now, cooking steaks and baked potatoes, the smell of which was apparently enough to
bring Fred strolling through their makeshift camp for a look-see.

  “Holy shit,” Turk said, the cigar falling from his mouth as he backpedaled out of the way of the moose, knocking over his chair as he went. “Why’re you guys just sitting there? Do something.”

  “That’s just Fred,” Landon said, taking a swig of his beer.

  “He’s harmless,” Wade added as he threw another log on the fire.

  “That thing is fucking huge,” Austin said, the other Sultans nodding in agreement while they kept a close watch on Fred.

  When he’d satisfied his curiosity, Fred continued on his way.

  “Jesus,” Turk said when he returned to his seat by the fire. “Took five freaking years off my life.”

  Laughing at the Sultans’ reaction to Fred, Nolan said, “This is a pretty fancy bachelor party, Hunter.” He gestured to the steak on the grill. “Thanks for going all out.”

  Hunter laughed. “Only you would think camping on the mountain was fancy.”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do or any guys I’d rather do it with.” He held his bottle up to Hunter. “Thank you.”

  Hunter touched his bottle to Nolan’s. “My pleasure. Enjoy yourself. It’s your big night.”

  His big night. As Nolan looked around at the men who’d come from near and far to celebrate his upcoming wedding, he felt blessed beyond measure. After growing up without much family to speak of, the family he’d chosen for himself and the one he was marrying into had more than filled the void left by his absent parents. Still, he couldn’t help but wish the people who’d brought him into this world would care enough to see him marry the love of his life.

  But that wasn’t going to happen, so he’d found contentment with what he had and didn’t spend much time wishing for things that would never be. His glass was way more than half full, especially now that he had a family of his own to look forward to with Hannah. On Monday they’d had an appointment to confirm what multiple pregnancy tests had already indicated—she was pregnant, and they were thrilled beyond measure.

  Only because he was keeping half an eye on the hill did he see the sweep of headlights that preceded the arrival of Gavin Guthrie and his father, Bob. Honored that Gavin and his father had come, Nolan held back, giving them a chance to see the others first. Each of the Sultans greeted the Guthries with warm hugs and lots of laughter.


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