Bonded Love

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Bonded Love Page 4

by Renee Roman

  She wasn’t about to argue. Trinity filled two cups halfway and she reached for the water.

  “Small sips, okay?”

  Blaze would do just about anything to get rid of the pain in her throat. It hurt when she swallowed, but it was cold and felt good at the same time. After she’d emptied the cup, she was ready to talk. “What time is it?”

  Trinity checked her watch. “A little after eight a.m. Why?”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be off duty by now?” She wasn’t sure, but she thought the overnight shift ended at seven.

  “I’m not on the clock.” Trinity looked at the floor, breaking their connection. She took a breath and glanced up. “I stayed to see how you’re doing.”

  Her father cleared his throat. “I’m going to find your mom and Josh. Let them know you’re awake.” He winked at her. He was giving her and Trinity a few minutes of privacy.

  “Okay, Pop.” Once he was gone, she turned her attention back to Trinity. “It was nice of you to stay. I’m okay.”

  Trinity straightened as though offended. “It’s my routine to check on patients who are admitted from the ED at the end of my shift.”

  Blaze’s heart sank a little. She was disappointed the only reason Trinity was there was her sense of duty. There was something about her, something sweet and intriguing. But she wasn’t about to cross a line. “I appreciate your concern, but there’s a team here to do that. I want to talk with Dr. Jonas. Do you know—”

  The door swung open and DJ stormed in. “For Christ’s sake, this place is like Fort Knox. Do you know what I had to go through to get in? And not a minute before eight o’clock.” It took her till then to realize Blaze wasn’t alone in the room. DJ looked between her and Trinity. At least she had the wherewithal to stop ranting. “Are you her nurse?”

  Trinity didn’t hesitate to respond. “All the medical staff here are responsible for Ms. Carter’s care. And yes, I’m a nurse.”

  DJ huffed. “Well, that’s great but someone needs to fix the visitor policy.”

  “Are you family?”

  DJ pursed her lips before she answered. “No, but I may as well be.”

  “You can lodge a complaint with the administration.” Trinity turned back to face Blaze, effectively dismissing DJ altogether, though DJ wasn’t someone who was easily dismissed.

  “I found out from your father you’ve been here since last night. I tried to reach you for hours, then the person who answered told me you couldn’t come to the phone.”

  “That was me.”

  DJ shot a hot glare in Trinity’s direction. “Useful. Thanks.”

  Blaze focused on Trinity, whose eyes softened when they connected with her. “It happened after you gave me your phone. I thought it might be your parents. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell her anything more. Hospital policy.”

  “It’s okay. I appreciate you answering the call.”

  Always the drama queen, she knew DJ wouldn’t let the subject drop and decided to play referee. “Would you mind giving us some time?”

  “Of course,” Trinity said, her tone curt but professional. “I’ll see if Dr. Jonas is making rounds.” She smiled sweetly at DJ, then refilled Blaze’s cup, before quietly shutting the door behind her.

  Blaze took another drink. Her throat was still scratchy but better. “Was that really necessary?”

  DJ sat in the chair next to her bed. “I don’t know what you mean. I don’t think she should be answering your phone.”

  She didn’t have the energy for DJ’s antics today. “Enough. Either you’re here to see me or to bitch about the staff. If it’s the latter, you can leave. I have enough on my mind without playing mediator.” This was DJ’s way of showing her support. She was well aware DJ’s demeanor could rub people the wrong way, but she was the one friend Blaze could always count on.

  DJ had the decency to look chagrined. “You’re right. How are you feeling?”

  “Considering I was airborne last night, pretty good.” She wanted her arm down, though she was grateful she still had one. She reached around on the bed, trying to find the call button. At least she could give DJ something to do. “Can you get me a nurse? I need to go to the restroom.”

  DJ reached beside her bed and held up a urine bag. “Go whenever you want. Instant bedpan.” She reclipped the bag to her rail.

  Maybe she didn’t have to go at all. Maybe it was just the irritation of a catheter that made her think she did. The thought of anything unnatural in her body made her cringe. She wanted out of here as soon as possible. “Great.” Her stomach growled, then she passed gas. Loudly.

  “My, my. All your orifices are awake this morning.”

  Her face heated. Of all the situations she’d been in, her current one was the most humiliating. “Sorry.”

  DJ waved her off. “Let’s do a recap. You had an accident, landed here, had surgery, and have someone willing to play secretary for you as well as a nursemaid. Does that sum it up?”

  “Apart from the flying through the air with the greatest of ease, pretty much. Except Trinity isn’t a floor nurse. She’s an ED nurse. She took care of me last night and then stayed after her shift to check on my post-op condition.”

  DJ’s expression softened. “That was nice of her, but I don’t think it’s standard policy. I just want to know you’re getting the care you need.” Her eyes glistened with tears, although she’d never let them fall in public.

  Even though Blaze was still annoyed with her, she was glad to see her. “Can we get back to me for a minute? I could use your help with a few things.” She didn’t want to sound ungrateful, but there were times during their friendship when DJ pushed her buttons.

  DJ pulled out her phone and stylus. “Ready.”

  “I need you to stop by my house and feed Baxter. I’m not sure what my folks have planned. If they’re hanging around for a few days, they can stay at my place and see to her, but one less thing for me to worry about is a blessing right now.”

  “That I can do. What else?” She looked around. “I can bring food, or smuggle in something you’re not supposed to have, so what will it be?”

  “Nothing until I know the game plan. It’s not like I can go anywhere. Put my porch light on and pick up some groceries for the fridge. Milk, bread, eggs. You know, the usual stuff.” She loved DJ, but her tolerance level for sitting still was almost nonexistent, just like Blaze’s recent love life. “You go ahead. Drop by the family room and say high to my folks. I know they’d love to see you.”

  Without protest, DJ kissed her cheek and left. The whirlwind of chaos that seemed to follow DJ went with her, and Blaze took a calming breath, wondering about her future and how fate had stepped in to derail any immediate plans.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Blaze picked at her food. It wasn’t horrible, but her appetite had waned after talking with Dr. Jonas. While he was optimistic about the repairs and praised her for having strong bones and well-developed muscles, her recovery would be a waiting game. Over the next few days, he would assess when she would start physical therapy, followed by occupational therapy, if needed. He wouldn’t give her odds on having a fully functional arm, professing it was just too soon and every person was different. She got that. It didn’t make her feel any better.

  The good news was she could have her arm lowered in twenty-four hours, giving her more mobility, then they would talk about her discharge. She was going to have a long road ahead of her and she had to get her head in the right frame of mind.

  Blaze had sent her family to her place for the night. She’d professed exhaustion to get her parents to agree, and to stop her mother from doting on her. Josh had spent his time trying to keep her spirits up, joking about childhood antics with phrases like “Remember when…” She loved him, but his high energy grated on her nerves at times and today was one.

  Blaze pushed the tray away. She wanted to be up and walking. She’d never been a person to be idle for long periods of time. The last twenty-four
hours had been the longest day she’d ever lain in a bed for a stretch, including the times she had a woman beside her, and since there wasn’t anyone to keep her company, Blaze was determined to be moving on her own. After studying the contraption that held her limb aloft, she was fairly confident she could unhook it and get up under her own power. Shit. She’d forgotten about the catheter still in place. The damn thing was irritating as hell, and just one more thing keeping her hostage. It needed to be gone. Maybe if I pull really slow it won’t hurt too bad.

  She flipped back her covers, tugged at the edge of the ridiculous hospital gown, and tried to see where the tube ran. She didn’t want her pee shooting all over when she got the damn thing out. She glanced around the tray and nightstand, hoping someone had inadvertently left a clamp lying around.

  “I would have thought you knew what you looked like down there by now.” Trinity stood with her hip cocked, arms crossed, and a smirk on her face.

  Her head snapped up at the same time she flicked the gown back down. She’d been caught…again, and it was going to be hard to talk her way out of this one, so she opted for the truth. “I want this out.” She pointed to the rubber tubing running along the inside of her leg.

  “And you were going to do what, exactly?” Trinity came to the side of her bed. When she spoke, her eyebrow rose as if she were trying to figure out the logistics.

  “Pull it out very slowly?”

  Trinity’s eyes hardened. “Wrong. You need someone with experience to remove it so that you don’t tear the urethra.” She went to the supply cabinet and gathered items, then brought them to the bed, placing them between Blaze’s knees on another pad. After yanking a pair of rubber gloves from the rack, she turned as she pulled them on. “Lucky for you I have a lot of experience.” Trinity snapped the cuff of a glove and sashayed back to where she lay.

  “Uh…” She glanced at her call button. Maybe she should get reinforcements. After all, DJ had been rude and Blaze imagined this would be the perfect opportunity to get back at her. Trinity could make the experience a lot more uncomfortable than it might be with someone neutral. She went for the less obvious reason for begging off. “Aren’t you usually in the ED?”

  “Yes, but I’ve got plenty of time.” Trinity shared a knowing smile. She wasn’t going to get rid of her that easily. “You want the catheter out, right?”

  She swallowed, admitting if only to herself, nothing should stay inside her for that long. “Yeah.” Her voice betrayed her lack of confidence.

  “Ms. Carter—”

  “It’s Blaze.” If this woman was going to be between her legs, she definitely didn’t want to be thinking of her mother.

  “Blaze, I’m not going to hurt you. It will be uncomfortable for a minute, but it will be over quick. Okay?”

  Knowing she didn’t have much choice, she nodded. If Trinity was offering, wouldn’t it be better to show she trusted her? She didn’t really have a good excuse not to, other than wishing the hot nurse was between her legs for a whole different reason. “Okay.”

  “Good. I’ll let you know everything I’m doing. Try to relax.” Trinity pulled the curtain around her bed before adjusting her gown.

  She focused on breathing and keeping her body from tensing. After the bed was adjusted, Trinity emptied her urine bag and changed her gloves again. She unclipped the part attached to her leg, then attached an empty syringe to the extra branch.

  “This is why you can’t remove it on your own,” Trinity said as she pulled back the plunger. “There’s a balloon near the tip that’s filled with saline to keep it in place. If you tried to pull it out without deflating it, you could rupture your urethra. That would have been extremely painful and a source for infection.” She looked up. “I’m going to remove the catheter now. There shouldn’t be any pain, only pressure, so tell me right away if it hurts. Try to relax your muscles and breathe deep. Ready?”

  Blaze concentrated on Trinity’s confident, soothing voice. She could do this. She closed her eyes when she felt gentle fingers spread her folds, then a little pressure.

  “All done.” Trinity removed the tape from her leg.

  “Already?” She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but now that it was over, she couldn’t wait to get out of bed.

  Trinity wrapped the tubing and other items in the pad and tossed them in the trash. “I told you I had a lot of experience.”

  Blaze was unsure if her choice of words were meant to be an innuendo. More than likely it was wishful thinking on her part. “So, I can get up now. How do we do this?”

  “You don’t. Traction stays in place until tomorrow, so it’s the bedpan until then.”

  Her groan was followed by Trinity’s stern expression. Maybe she should have left the damn thing in. She would have to use charm to get her way. “Can’t I just hold it up? I really want to move.”

  “No. Do you want the bedpan or not?” Trinity seemed to be losing her patience.

  She’d damn well hold it and wait for another staff member. Trinity was acting like she’d done her a favor. “Thanks, but no. I wanted to get up, so I may as well stay put.”

  Trinity’s face pinked. She was about to say something, but the whirling dervish blew into the room carrying a tray with two coffee cups. She stopped short.

  “Do you sleep here?” DJ asked.

  “DJ,” she said, her tone a warning.

  Trinity’s color darkened. “I was just leaving.” She stared hard at DJ before moving toward the door. “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” she said over her shoulder before disappearing.

  “Doesn’t Nurse Nightingale have other patients? Why is she always here?” DJ asked. She set the tray on her table and plopped into the chair, a canvas bag clutched on her lap. “Baxter screamed for twenty minutes yesterday. I stayed long enough to feed her and give her a few pets.” She removed the cups and dropped the tray into the trash. She went to flip back the sip opening and paused. “Please tell me you can have coffee.”

  Blaze nodded. “Yes.” Of course, if she had any more liquids, she was going to have to use the bedpan. The staff were used to helping people with their bodily needs. She’d get over any hesitation soon enough as long as she didn’t need to have the pretty, self-assured nurse doing it. She could do without being in that position with Trinity.

  “I brought you some things.” DJ held up her brush, deodorant, floss, and a small stack of boxers, T-shirts, and shorts. “And I picked this up off your nightstand, knowing you’re going stir crazy.” She held up the novel she’d been reading.

  As annoying as DJ could be, she had a heart of gold, and it was the main reason Blaze cherished her friendship. “Thanks, but I hope to hell I’m not here long enough to finish it.” She was only halfway through the speculative fiction romance written by one of her favorite authors.

  DJ perked up. “Oh, you getting sprung?” She glanced at the pulley system holding her arm aloft before noticing the missing urine bag. “Hey, they unhooked your pee bag,” she said, excitement evident in her voice.

  “That’s what Trinity had just finished doing when you whipped in. You almost got a show.”

  “As much as I love you, I’m glad I didn’t have to witness that. Wasn’t it strange having a woman between your legs for reasons other than sex? Was she rough? I certainly wouldn’t want her yanking anything from my insides.” DJ sat back and sipped her flavored coffee, totally unaware of her lack of sensitivity. It was so DJ to just blurt things out uncensored, and likely one of many reasons for her failed relationships. She hated to admit it, but DJ could be high-maintenance.

  She shrugged. “A little, but she was very professional, and it didn’t hurt at all.”

  DJ harrumphed. “So, when are you going home?”

  Blaze could tell she was becoming restless. Hospitals weren’t her thing, and visiting anyone for longer than half an hour would make her antsy. That, on top of her dislike for Trinity and the fact she happened to be with Blaze whenever DJ came around, was pro
ving too much. “The sooner the better, but I think I have to go to rehab first, so you don’t have to come by again. My folks are staying until I’m out of here, and Josh is going to check on my bike and see what the damage is.”

  “Don’t be silly. You can’t drive left-handed. I’ll take you wherever you need to go until you get the okay to get behind the wheel.” She finished off her coffee and tossed the cup. “The sooner you get away from that nurse, the better. She’s stalkerish.” DJ picked at a thread on her pants, then checked her nails.

  Blaze rolled her eyes. It was going to be a long morning if DJ insisted on staying and knowing Trinity likely wouldn’t return while she was there left her sad. Blaze enjoyed her visits, even though they were only as a professional courtesy, and she hoped she got to see her again.

  Chapter Six

  Trinity almost laughed out loud when she’d walked in on Blaze looking between her legs. Her confession of what she wanted to do and how she was going to do it, made her temper flare. Doing something as stupid as pulling out the Foley catheter would have resulted in pain Blaze couldn’t have imagined. It was a good thing she’d shown up when she did, and it was part of the reason she felt the need to check on Blaze—she was headstrong, and that was never the good kind of patient.

  She’d wondered if Blaze had a girlfriend, but if so, surely she would have been there already, and since Blaze called her parents first it probably meant there wasn’t one. She’d wanted to find out more, but DJ had shown up and disrupted her plans. That, coupled with Blaze barely saying anything when DJ had been so rude, made Trinity decide to curb her curiosity. Just as well. She didn’t have the time or desire for a situation that might turn out badly. Especially not with a woman she didn’t even know.

  “There you are.” Kelly glanced at the clock. “Where have you been? I thought maybe you had car trouble. You left before I did.”

  Trinity sanitized her hands before reaching for her coffee mug. “I stopped to visit a couple of patients.” She rinsed out the dregs from goodness knows when and dried it with a paper towel.


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