Army Ranger with Benefits_the Men of At-Ease Ranch

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Army Ranger with Benefits_the Men of At-Ease Ranch Page 14

by Donna Michaels

  So with a control born from years in the military, he broke the kiss and held her back at arm’s length. “Emma, we need to stop.”

  She blinked up at him, confusion and desire clouding her blue eyes. “Why? Don’t you want me?”

  Swallowing a curse, he released her arms to cup her face in both hands. “Yes, with every last breath in my body.”

  A smile curved her lips and her palms returned to his chest. “Good. Then let’s go to my room.”

  Damn. Sometimes doing the right thing sucked.

  Letting go of her, he closed his eyes and blew out a breath, trying really hard to resist temptation. “I can’t,” he said, opening them again. “I don’t want to hurt you, Emma. So, this is a bad idea. Besides, I’m not sure if it’s you or the wine talking.”

  Her brow creased, then cleared as she glided a hand down his body. “The wine has nothing to do with wanting you.”

  Christ, she really was making it hard for him…and making him hard. Grabbing her wandering hand, he brought it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. “But, since I’m not looking for a relationship, and you are looking for one with Stephan, it’s better if we don’t act on that.” He released her hand to slip a finger under her chin and tip her face until their gazes met. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I think so.” She yawned.

  Smiling, he let her go and stepped back. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you after work tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “Okay. Maybe then we can have sex.”

  To say his heart stopped was an understatement, because it stopped, dropped to the floor, then bounced back up into his chest. It took him a full second to find his voice.

  “Sure,” he finally said, stepping back because he was teetering on the brink and it was obvious not everything he said got through to her. “I’ll see myself out. Good night, Emma.”

  She yawned again. “Good night, Vince. See you tomorrow.”

  With a nod, he pivoted around and left her house, locking her door behind him. Inhaling the sweet night air, he breathed easier.

  Now, she was safe from him making a mistake.


  Returning home from work the next day, Emma tried to sneak into her house without the guys seeing her. The gate was open to Dom’s backyard again, and she could hear them talking and laughing. She hadn’t seen any of them since getting blitzed the night before, although, she highly doubted it fazed them.

  Then there was Vince.

  Lordy, how did she face the guy after propositioning him in her kitchen?

  “Emma,” Dom called. “Come on over.”


  Short of appearing rude, she couldn’t ignore him. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe she hadn’t really said and done the things she vaguely remembered from last night.

  Right, and pigs could fly.

  Hell froze over.

  And Macy became an introvert.

  “Coming.” Forcing her feet to change direction, she turned and headed for the open gate.

  Once again, it was time to face the music. She was so tired of screwing up lately. Something had to give. Yes, she did crazy things around Vince. And yes, they were out of character, but, if Emma was honest, she kind of liked it. She liked having fun around him and with him.

  Shame he was leaving next week. Her chest actually tightened at the thought.

  Maybe she should take Macy’s advice and enjoy spending time with him while he was here. Lord knew she wanted to. There. She admitted it to herself. Then took it a step further.

  She liked Vince and wanted to date him for real.

  Expelling a breath, she smiled. The world didn’t end. Sky didn’t fall. And it definitely felt good to be honest with herself. And while she was at it, she admitted to wanting to sleep with the sexy former Army Ranger, too. Even more weight lifted from her shoulders with that confession.

  She’d never been more attracted to a man in her life. It would be foolish, wouldn’t it…to let him go home without allowing herself to have fun with him in and out of bed?

  Surely knowing ahead of time that he was leaving would keep her heart safe. They could only ever be casual, just like they were already pretending to be. That’d certainly be different than investing herself in a guy she planned a future with, only to have him leave without warning.

  Maybe it was time to be in control of the “it’s been fun” part.

  And once he left, things should be okay for her and Stephan. She’d already started to catch his attention. And she’d still want to date him once Vince left.


  Damn. She was confused. She had no idea what the right thing was anymore.

  Reaching the yard, she screwed up the courage to step inside and found all three men sitting at the table in their bathing suits, their broad chests bared for her viewing pleasure. Heat rushed into her face and her throat dried, but she didn’t look away. Heck, she didn’t even blink. Though each were perfect lust-worthy specimens, it was the sight of Vince’s toned body that threatened her ability to breathe.

  He sent her a sexy, lopsided grin. “Hey, Emma, come on over and have a seat.”

  Warmth spread through her body, leaving a tingling in its wake.

  Returning his smile, she urged her shaky legs not to buckle. “Thanks,” she said, a little breathless as she sat down. “I should probably apologize and explain about last night. Your brother—”

  “Yeah, I know,” her neighbor cut her off. “He thinks you’re adorable.”

  Leo smiled from across the table. “And you think he’s hot.”

  Shoot. “I’d hoped I’d imagined all of that stuff.”

  Vince’s deep chuckle rumbled through her as he slid her a glass of iced tea.

  “Thanks,” she said and immediately took a sip, unable to look at him. Lifting her drink, she set it against her burning face. “Aside from acting like a fool, I had a good time last night.” She turned to the man responsible. “I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun. Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me,” Vince said. “I had fun, too.”

  Her heart skipped a beat, giving her the courage to take a walk on the wild side.

  “Want to have more?”

  That seemed to surprise him because his brows rose, then knit together as uncertainty clouded his eyes. “Uh…where?”

  Where, indeed? Where she really wanted him was stretched out naked in her bed, but his hesitancy gave her pause. Did he sense she was starting to like him for real and wasn’t a fan of the idea?

  “Dinner cruise,” she blurted out, not willing to risk it. “Macy said she overheard Stephan mentioning he was going on a Boatwright Cruise tonight at seven.”

  Rising to his feet, he held his hand out to help her up. “Then we better get ready. I’ll be over in twenty minutes.”

  Disappointment rippled through her. He didn’t hesitate once she mentioned Stephan. Seemed she had her answer.

  So much for a walk on the wild side.

  He glanced at Leo. “Mind keeping an eye on my stubborn brother?”

  “No problem.”

  “Your stubborn brother can keep an eye on himself.” Dom scoffed.

  “Are you okay on a boat?” Vince asked her. “Do you get sick?”

  “I don’t get sick.” She shook her head and decided to make the best of it. There were several boats and riverboats that cruised the Chattahoochee, and yet she’d never been on one with a date, even a pretend one. “I used to fish with my grandfather on his boat all the time. Even piloted it when I got older.”

  “You fish?” Leo asked, brows disappearing under his hair.

  Emma nodded. “Yes, although, it’s been a while. Too long.” She hadn’t gone much after her grandfather had passed.

  Leo leaned closer to the table. “Do you have a sister?”

  She laughed. “Nope. I’m an only child.”

  “How about a cousin?” Amusement flickered in his dark-blue eyes.

  “Sorry.” Still smi
ling, she lifted a shoulder. “He’s married with two children.”

  Dom snickered. “Looks like you’re shit out of luck, Leo.”

  He shook his head. “Figures.”

  “Cheer up, buddy,” Vince said, devilment lighting his eyes. “I’m sure there’s a woman out there just waiting to hit you with a door.”

  “Hey!” She smacked his arm with her free hand, her mood lifting under his teasing. “That wasn’t my fault. It was an accident. I don’t know why those doors open into the hall like that.” She turned to face Leo. “What time do you leave tomorrow?”

  Surprise raised his brow. “I’m going to head to the airport around three o’clock.”

  “Which means I probably won’t see you, so have a safe trip.” She walked around the table and held out her hand. “It was nice meeting you.”

  It was her turn to be surprised because he rose to his feet and pulled her in for a hug. “Nice meeting you, too,” he said, then lowered his voice for only her to hear, “You’ll never find a better guy than Vince.”

  She suspected it to be true. But he said that as if she and Vince were entering a real relationship, not a fake one. That wasn’t in the cards, though she wouldn’t mind a temporary one. Still, she nodded so Leo knew she’d heard him.

  He drew back and released her. “Thanks for my pie.”

  “I’m glad you actually got a piece.” She grinned, transferring her gaze to her neighbor. “No thanks to you.”

  Dom shrugged. “Pie whore, remember? I make no excuses.”

  No, he didn’t. And that was one of the things she loved most about Dom.

  “Well, if we’re going on that cruise, I’d better get ready,” she said, walking past Vince.

  They didn’t have a lot of time to get across town and board. She just hoped she didn’t make another fool of herself tonight, because for her, the line between fake and real was definitely blurring.


  The sun was setting, and a warm breeze blew through the open dining deck. Emma sat across from Vince while they finished their meal. He was sweet, and looked hot—real hot—dressed in jeans and a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Her heart hadn’t beat normal since he’d knocked on her door over an hour ago. Thank God she’d opted to wear a backless halter dress to combat the humidity, because her date sent her temperature into the stratosphere.

  Tables covered in white tablecloths lined each side of the boat and overlooked the water, with larger tables scattered throughout the middle of the deck. A lit candle sat in the center of each, with a hurricane glass surrounding it to protect the flame from the wind.

  She could relate. Unable to keep her traitorous body from dropping her guard, she had nothing to protect her from the heat in Vince’s gaze. It had steadily warmed throughout the evening. Had she read too much into his hesitancy earlier? Because the vibe she was getting off him said he was happy they hadn’t run into Stephan.

  And she liked it. A lot.

  As always, he was easy to talk to, and he listened to her with genuine interest in his eyes. They hadn’t glazed over. Not once.

  He got two points for that.

  “You wanted to be a nurse, didn’t you?” he asked out of the blue, perception ruling his gaze.

  Emma widened her eyes. “How did you know?”

  She’d never told anyone. Not even her mother.

  A smile tugged his lips as he lifted a shoulder. “You have a caring nature.”

  “Ah, thanks.” She returned his smile as the server freshened their iced tea. “Nursing was definitely something I’d wanted to do. But it’s not for someone who can’t stand needles.”

  He chuckled. “No, I guess not. I have a buddy who feels the same. Brick is a bear of a guy, and a big baby when it comes to needles.”

  “I can relate.” She laughed. “I didn’t know I had that issue until I cut myself on some glass when I was eighteen. Several stitches later, all my secret aspirations of nursing disappeared for good.”

  “Do you like what you do now?”

  “Yes, I do,” she said honestly. “I still get to work with doctors and help patients without dealing with wounds or blood or needles.” Just talking about it made her a little queasy. She reached for her drink and changed the subject. “What about you? Do you miss active duty? The adrenaline rush? Helping people to safety?”

  “At first, I did,” he admitted, sitting back in his chair. “It was tough transitioning into a life without gunshots, constantly looking over your shoulder, or being relied upon to keep people safe. But the hardest part was retiring one man down.”

  Her heart squeezed. “Drew.”

  Sorrow darkened his gaze as he nodded.

  Reaching across the table, she set her hand over his and squeezed. “I’m so sorry.”

  Living in Columbus and working on base, Emma had witnessed the toll it took on units when they came back from missions with casualties and deaths. They were scarred. Haunted. Walked around like there was a hole in their collective. It always broke her heart.

  Having gotten close to Dom and his unit, Emma knew she’d take it harder should something ever happen to any of them. This past week proved it. Seeing Dom so bruised and banged up was tough.

  “Thanks.” Vince covered her hand with his free one as the small orchestra on the deck above them began to play. He smiled. “Shall we go up top and see if we can find Stephan?”

  She nodded and rose to her feet. “I’m beginning to suspect we’ve been duped.”

  There hadn’t been one sign of the guy since they’d boarded.

  Vince chuckled. “Yeah. I think you received some bad intel.”

  “Don’t worry. Killing Macy is top of my list of things to do at work tomorrow.”

  Or maybe thank her and promise to bake her a pie.

  The delicious scrape of calluses from his hand on her bare back as they headed for the top deck made her warm all over. Since entertaining thoughts of giving in to her attraction to Vince, Emma noticed several things. The attraction felt stronger, and he made her feel good about herself. That was a first.

  When they reached the dance floor, the band began to play some kind of folk song. Vince glanced around, then turned to face her. “I still don’t see him.” A devilish gleam entered his eyes and tripped her pulse. “But there’s no reason to let a good band go to waste. You game?”

  “Sure,” she replied, happier than she should be in the knowledge he wanted to dance with her even though he knew he didn’t have to.

  Taking her hand, he guided her around the floor, with an ease that made her smile. Other’s joined in, and soon the whole deck was full of laughing, dancing people of all ages, urging the band for more. Happy to comply, they played several similar songs in a row, and the fun continued. And after the last one, Vince pulled her in for a kiss, which perfectly embodied the dance—robust and pulse pounding, yet lighthearted.

  Something Emma would never forget.

  But when the songs eventually slowed down, she discovered that was when unforgettable happened.

  Vince held her close, his hands caressing her bare back, up and down in delicious swirls while they swayed, cheek to cheek under the stars. And as the band continued to play, even after they docked, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to their incredible, pulsing connection.

  Something between them shifted.

  “Ready to go?” he asked near her ear when the song ended.

  “Yes,” she replied in a breathless voice, then nodded in case he didn’t hear.

  Within minutes they were in his car. All the way home, he held her hand, resting it on his leg as if he didn’t want to let her go. The brush of his thumb inside her palm drove her wild and completely dried her throat, making conversation impossible.

  After he parked in Dom’s driveway, he got out and came around to her side and opened her door. She smiled at him as he helped her to her feet.

  “I had such a great time tonight.” Sounded lame, but it was the truth.r />
  He smiled. “So did I,” he said and shut the door.

  Together they walked to her house in silence. A heated silence that held an unspoken promise of an unforgettable night.

  Emma’s heart dipped to her belly. She’d never done anything like this before. Never hooked up with a guy she knew wasn’t staying around. But, years ago, she’d let another great guy leave without taking a chance, then mooned over him for over a decade, wondering how it might’ve been.

  Not this time.

  Not with Vince.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When they reached her house, and he pulled her in for a deliciously sensual kiss that made her whole body tingle, Emma let go of control and gave in to the need pulsating through her veins. For several heart-pounding seconds, the mind-blowing kiss heated and consumed, until the need to breathe eventually took over and forced them to break for air.

  His taste, his touch, were intoxicating and heaven help her, she wanted more. This was the tipping point. So she tipped in favor of fierce awareness, aching need, of Vince and the desire he induced.

  With a shaky hand, she unlocked and opened her door, anticipation and excitement tripping her pulse as she grasped his hand to pull him inside.

  He refused to budge.

  “Not a good idea.” Regret filled his heated gaze. “You deserve forever.”

  Still holding his hand, she squeezed. “What if I just want right now?”

  His gaze narrowed as he searched her face. “Emma, you need to be sure.”

  She smiled. “I’m sure. And don’t worry. I know you’re going back to Texas soon.” She tugged him inside, closed the door, then slid her hands up around his neck. “No regrets.”

  Instead of zapping her strength with one of his delicious kisses, he continued to study her, teetering on the edge. Before she could think twice, Emma leaned forward and brushed him with her curves, hoping to sway him to her side.

  A groan rumbled deep in his chest, and the doubt and uncertainty disappeared from his eyes as he used that sexy, rock-hard body of his to press her against the door. “Oh, I can promise you, Emma, regret is the last thing you’re going to feel tonight.” Then he was kissing her, slow and tantalizingly deep, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth, as if staking a claim.


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