Come, go with me

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by Belinda McBride

  Final Cut Miami: Come, Go With Me

  Belinda McBride

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2011 Belinda McBride

  ISBN: 978-1-60521-696-6

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

  Editor: Vicki S. Burklund

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Final Cut Miami: Come, Go With Me

  Belinda McBride

  One impossible night, two young men made love in a magical Caribbean bay, only to be separated by a violent storm. Decades later Dave Riley still remembers and grieves for a love long lost. Forever drawn to the ocean, he never stops looking for the boy named Kai.

  Kai is the descendant of a powerful Polynesian deity. His nomadic life was disrupted when he became infatuated by a young human… one who slipped through his fingers and into the darkness of a tropical storm. He should have been able to move on, but Kai’s heart is no longer free.

  A good deed and some well-intentioned magic reunite the couple. After so many years apart, can an aging surfer and an immortal demi-god find anything other than heartbreak?


  Riley lay on the mesh sundeck that stretched between the pontoons, staring down into the water of Stardust Bay. His father had already retired for the night, heading off to bed with a can of beer and Hemingway in hand. It was off-season, summer, and the end of Riley’s year of freedom before college. He’d spent a lifetime on the water with his dad, and true to form, the old man had saved this amazing trip for last.

  The bay had been beautiful in the daylight, but as it grew dark, the water became alive around them. Billions of tiny, photoluminescent plankton lit the water with the slightest touch. Fish glided along in eerie schools and the edges of the Melody’s pontoons glowed. Riley slipped his hand down into the gap between the deck and pontoon, grinning as his fingers made a bluish-green trail in the water.

  Deep down, a shape began to form. It glowed, leaving a line that lit briefly, and then went dark. He swallowed. It had to be something big… a dolphin or a large fish of some sort. As the light approached, it went deep, vanishing under the boat. Riley scrambled to his feet, crossing to port, but the light didn’t emerge from that side. He heard water slapping against the pontoons and slowly, reluctantly, turned back to the sundeck. Nothing was there, but still, his heart didn’t slow. He stepped from the slick deck of the boat to the nylon netting and knelt, peering over the edge. At first, there was nothing. He pillowed his head on his arms and slowly relaxed. It had simply been a fish.

  The lapping of the water against the pontoons began to carry him off, and deliberately, Riley thought of Sasha, the pretty blonde girl he’d met back on St. Thomas. She’d been on vacation with her family, and before they’d set off for Miami, he and the girl had snuck off to a sheltered beach, having sex under the full moon.

  His cock grew hard with the memory, and Riley ground his hips into the flexible netting, enjoying the memory of that night. With his eyes closed, he replayed the evening: the taste of beer on her breath, the taste of her pussy against his mouth. They’d spent hours doing everything in their limited repertoire, and had ended up sweaty and sticky, swimming away the sand in the warm, gentle water.

  He rolled onto his back and opened his board shorts, clasping himself, lazily stroking, fueling his arousal. There’d be girls like her in college, girls who were willing and as curious as he. He stared up at the stars in the sky and imagined her face, but he couldn’t remember it that well. Instead, he saw sea green eyes and tumbling dark hair.

  It was Kai, the young man he’d run into dozens of times over the past year. He was a bit older than Riley, handsome, and the best surfer he’d ever met. They’d talked for hours about the waves in Hawaii, California and Tahiti. He’d taught Riley to windsurf, and Riley’d taught him about classic surfer music. Riley had learned something else about himself. His cock didn’t discriminate. It liked the idea of Kai just as much as Sasha. Maybe more. Oddly, it didn’t freak him out. So his fantasy shifted from a blonde girl to a dark haired boy, and his dick didn’t mind at all.

  Beneath him there was a slight splash and Riley went still. He should be afraid, he knew that. Out here in the middle of nowhere, it could be a pirate. Even in this day and age, they were still about, stealing everything from cameras and jewelry to yachts. Or it could be… no. He should get off the mesh deck and up to safety, but maybe safe wasn’t what he wanted. His throat went dry and oddly enough, his cock stayed hard.

  “Riley.” The voice was odd, accented. He’d met people from every corner of the world, but he still didn’t recognize the accent. “Riley.” Tenor… young, but not a child. A man -- a youth. His heart started pumping, and he didn’t bother to fasten his shorts. The stars above grew blurry past the tears in his eyes. Kai had finally come to him. It was crazy as hell, but here he was. Riley had never wanted a guy before, and now… he was scared.


  Third time was always the charm. He dragged a deep breath into his lungs and tucked his erection back into his pants, sealing the Velcro closure. Slowly, carefully, he rolled back to his belly, peering into the water.

  The water glowed around the young man’s form. The moon shone down on his face. There was just enough light to tell Riley that Kai was even more beautiful… too oddly lovely to be human, yet he had a face, hair, and arms like anyone else. Granted, his eyes were large and languid, the face almost fey in its beauty. His wet hair waved into spirals down his neck and shoulders, drifting out to halo around his body. He’d never before noticed it was that long.

  Kai was naked, and Riley continued to look, following the lithe, muscular torso to where his hips and legs faded into darkness. The young man smiled and hooked his fingers into the rope that lashed the net deck to the pontoons. He kicked and rose higher, lighting the water around his… tail. Riley pressed his eyes closed and opened them again. The boy was almost to the deck, and Riley drew back, torn between fear and fascination. When Kai smiled, he smiled back.

  “Riley, come go with me.” Kai reached out, and his hand lightly brushed Riley’s cheek.

  Her touch was electric. The arousal that had waned surged back. Unable to think, to balance the risk, he rose to his knees, drawing closer to the edge of the deck. Now the young man was out of the water, his elbows propped on the boat. Riley blinked… no t
ail, just naked brown skin. Wet hair lay plastered down his back, partially hiding his lean, muscular ass. His front was hidden, but he wondered if Kai was as aroused as he was.

  He remained there on his knees, watching as a dark hand reached toward him again. Cool, wet fingers trailed down his belly. Goose bumps rose on his skin. He shivered as Kai traced a wet trail down to the waistband of his shorts, finding his rigid cock and cupping it. He gazed up at Riley, a crooked smile on his face. The question was there in his face, and Riley knew what he had to do. He moved to the edge of the deck as the other boy slipped back into the water. Riley dangled his feet over the edge, jumping in as silently as possible.

  Immediately warm, buoyant water enveloped his body, swirling and glowing around him. He kicked away from the catamaran, swimming toward the dark-haired boy. In seconds, they were face to face, just inches from one another. The long, brown legs were gone and in their place was a shimmering tail.

  Mermen really did exist. Riley was most likely crazy, but when strong arms enveloped him and he felt the press of a hard cock against his, he didn’t care. He didn’t care that he was crazy or gay or whatever; he just had to feel more. He reached up, letting Kai’s powerful body keep them afloat. He fumbled for their cocks, clasping them in one hand, using the other to explore Kai, feeling where his shaft emerged from the junction of torso and tail. The merman rolled onto his back, carrying them. Riley came down for a deep, rough kiss. Powerful hands held him in place, one on the back of his head, digging into his still dry hair. The other clasped Riley’s hip, controlling their movements as their cocks stroked and rubbed, held tight in Riley’s hand.

  “I’ve been waiting for you so long.” The merman’s voice was a husky whisper. Their hips slowed to a languid, sensual rhythm. Riley looked down into that impossibly beautiful face in wonder.

  “I knew you weren’t… like other people. I’ve seen you in the water. Sometimes with the dolphins.” His breath was coming fast. Between the water and the rush of his arousal, he could barely think, could barely speak. The hand on his head pressed him closer, till their mouths joined again. The merman’s lips were soft and salty-sweet. His tongue slipped into Riley’s mouth, following the tempo of their hips. Their movement was limited, lacking friction, yet it was the most perfect sex he’d ever experienced. Riley lay cradled in warmth, rocked in the gentle embrace of the sea.

  “You are mine, little human,” Kai murmured into his ear. “And I am yours.”

  Their hips thrust faster, harder, and Riley had trouble clasping their shafts together, but somehow, holding on seemed incredibly important. They panted, the salty water foamed around their bodies, but they never slipped under the surface. Riley pressed his forehead against Kai’s, feeling sweat mingle with seawater. He was in the cradle of life… the womb of the Earth. As his climax seized every muscle in his body, Riley groaned, feeling Kai’s fingers digging hard into his hip. They strained and thrust, and with a final push, they both came, the milky seed of their release mingling and floating through the water. It drifted around their bodies like a glowing cloud.

  They groaned and panted, and Riley pumped their shafts rapidly, milking the last bit of seed from their bodies. Kai’s hand released his hip and he now stroked Riley’s ass, gently slipping down into his crack. They floated like that endlessly, carried by the ocean. Above them, the sky grew dark, and heavy clouds obscured the stars.

  Chapter One

  The sun might set in the west, but it rose in the east. Dave Riley straddled his surfboard, waiting for that inimitable moment when the sun kisses the sky and another day is born.

  He wasn’t alone in the surf. There were a handful of other early morning sun worshipers, but this was when the beaches of Miami were most peaceful. This was when the old guys like him could come out, catch a few waves and then get on with the day. He watched as a slender young woman paddled and then stood on her board, still a bit shaky and off balance. Riley watched in appreciation. She’d rented her board in his shop the day before. She was probably getting ready to fly back to Des Moines or Wichita or wherever she came from, grabbing a final memory of her vacation in Miami. She’d have bragging rights when she got home. She was pretty good for a beginner.

  Riley didn’t try to surf; he simply floated, bobbing over the smallish waves as they rolled in toward the shore. He looked to the east, out toward the Caribbean. Someday he’d go back. He’d sell his little surf shop, buy a boat like the one his dad had owned and just sail into the sunset. Or the sunrise.

  When the first rays of the morning bathed his skin and lit the turquoise depths of the ocean, he gazed into the water, searching… searching… he laughed, shook his head in disgust and turned his board in toward shore.

  Another day waited.

  * * *

  “Riley… Riiiilllleeeeyyyyy…”

  “What?” He frowned, annoyed at the singsong tone of Kimber’s voice. She was a good employee, but sometimes rode his last nerve. He looked up from his messy little desk. She was cute, which wasn’t why he’d hired her. She was also a good salesman and honest as the day was long. That wasn’t why he’d hired her either. Kimber was tall and brown, with more than a little Asian in her background. Maybe even Polynesian. She had vivid green eyes that glowed against her tanned skin. That’s probably the real reason he’d hired her. She was familiar. And she had that spark, that little bright flame that had urged him to take in Coco the street girl and let her live in the boathouse. It was the same spark he occasionally spotted on the street, leading him to the Final Cut, a bar which was in no phone book or advertisement, and sometimes didn’t even seem to be on the street he’d last encountered it.

  He had no clue what Kimber really was, but he wanted her close, even if she occasionally drove him crazy.

  “The music.”

  “What about it?” He ran a hand through his longish hair, fingers tangling in the waves. He hadn’t bothered with a shower after the morning’s swim, and the residue of salt made the texture rough. He needed a haircut.

  Kimber leaned in the doorway, wearing a short tee-shirt dress, sandals, and a long draping scarf thing. She wore her brown curls cut short to her head, playing up the impression of someone not quite human.

  “Beach Boys? Please. Can I change it?”

  “This is a surf shop, Kimber. Besides, I like them.” He tilted his head, listening to the lush harmonies of the group. Yeah, they were California, but brought back memories of hours at sea with his father. “You can put on Jan and Dean if you like.”

  She made a gagging sound.

  “Fine. Just keep it PG. No heavy metal.”

  “Gloria Estefan?” She looked only mildly hopeful. Before he could answer, the Miami Sound Machine took the place of the Beach Boys. He shivered at the sudden change in music, and then reminded himself that the somewhat obsolete player had a disk changer. Kimber began dancing to the tunes, and headed back out to the sales floor.

  “Couple people here to see you.”

  Annoyance shot through him. Why the hell had she just left them outside? “Send them back, Kimber.” He shuffled through invoices and tried to remember if he owed money to anyone.


  He glanced up, grinned, and stood.

  “Coco. Oh, sweetie…” She looked good. The matted dreadlocks had given way to silken blonde tresses. She was wearing the Ray Bans he’d talked her boyfriend into buying for her. She smiled mischievously as he took in the changes. The big Brazilian fellow had been good for her. The former model probably did her clothes shopping. He opened his arms, hugging her tightly. “Well darn it all, Coco, where’ve you been? Last I saw you, Antonio was whisking you out of here! I was worried I’d never see you again.” He stepped back and another woman edged into the room.

  Where Coco was all sun-kissed and casual, the stranger was smooth, chic and exotic. Her hair was red… and so dark it looked like fine wine. Her milky skin was untouched by the Miami sun. The cast of her features suggested someone of Mi
ddle Eastern heritage. She wore a suit so well made it had to have come from someplace much higher end than his section of Miami Beach.

  “Riley, this is Genie. She’s the significant other of my cousin Luka and his partner Quentin. She’s visiting me from Canada.” The woman met his gaze steadily, reaching out to shake his hand. Her skin was cool, but a frisson of… something ran between them. He rubbed his fingers together as though he’d been shocked.

  Her lips turned up in a slight smile. Like Coco, she had that spark. No, it was more like a blaze. His hair stood up on the back of his neck; even if he wasn’t a borderline believer in the supernatural, this woman would convince him. He swallowed hard and turned his attention back to Coco.

  “So I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” She sat down and Genie closed the office door before taking a chair for herself. She sat quietly, her attention riveted on Riley. It was strange but not uncomfortable.

  Riley retreated behind the desk and dropped into his creaky chair. He glanced from one woman to the other, thinking that if he was a normal, warm-blooded man, he’d be majorly turned on right now. And in a way he was. They were beautiful; he was healthy and able. But they were just kids -- and he wasn’t. Hiding a smile, he glanced down at the creased, weathered skin of his hands, absently noting that among the golden hairs that stood out against his tan, quite a few silver hairs gleamed as well.

  He gazed back up at Coco. “Catch me up, Coco. Where have you been? And I know I probably shouldn’t ask. You don’t have to answer -- but what the hell happened to you?”

  Her smile faded and she glanced at Genie. “I can’t go too much into why I was the way I was.” She shrugged and her cheeks went slightly pink. “Just… I was a lawyer. I had a big case and maybe it was stress or something, but I had a meltdown. My brother hired Antonio to find me. Anyhow, he did find me and managed to get help for me. We’ve been together since I recovered, and we’re opening an investigative agency in Ft. Lauderdale. We’re talking marriage now.”


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