Devil's Night Dawning: The First Book of the Broken Stone Series

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Devil's Night Dawning: The First Book of the Broken Stone Series Page 84

by Damien Black

  The four knights of the White Valravyn who would be their honour guard were clad exactly as they had been when Adelko first met them on the road to Strongholm. Their dappled Farovian destriers snorted impatiently; the novice caught Braxus glancing at these with an envious glint in his eye.

  Next to him Horskram sat unmoving in the saddle. Ever the same, he looked as if he might have been carved of granite, painted grey and fleshy brown to resemble a well-travelled monk of the Order.

  The two of them had spoken little since the feast. Horskram had briefed him curtly on the next stage of their mission but hadn’t said much else to him besides. Adelko did not need his sixth sense to tell him that relations between mentor and novice were not at their best. It must have been apparent – Horskram’s nephew Sir Manfry had done his best to reassure him when they’d said their goodbyes yesterday. Old Horskram, bark worse than bite, nothing to worry about, a good fellow really deep down…

  But even the jovial knight’s usual cheer hadn’t been enough to put his mind at rest. Where they were going, he sensed, even good men might fall to blows with one another – literally or otherwise.

  He banished the thought from his mind. It was the 1st of Rodmonath: the start of summer and an auspicious day to begin their new mission. Now wasn’t the time for gloomy thoughts. He would find a way to make peace with his estranged mentor – after everything they had been through, surely that wouldn’t prove impossible.

  The guards on the gate raised the portcullis and they nudged their horses into a canter. No one was there to see them off – that way fewer questions would be asked about their departure. They crossed the moat and turned up the east road towards the highway that would take them over the River Thule and all the way to the Argael Forest.

  As they joined it and turned south, Adelko mulled over the next episode of his real-life adventure. They went to seek an uncertain ally, against an enemy whose whereabouts were still undetermined. Both were warlocks – the very kind of people his Order had sworn to oppose.

  Set a thief to catch a thief, the young monk reflected philosophically.

  All the same, it did seem a strange turn of events – but then what hadn’t been strange about the past two months?

  He thought of his brother, to whom he had bid a tearful farewell the previous night. He had been unable even then to tell him the true nature of their dangerous business. That made him sad, but it sustained him too: he supposed that people like him had to keep horrible secrets, so people like his brother wouldn’t have to.

  As the company rode down the rutted highway he clung to the thought, which brought him a strange yet lonely comfort. The road stretched ahead, pulling him through quiet fields and hedgerows towards his destiny.


  Here follows an overview of some of the more common names relating to legends, geography, history, religion, magic and supernatural entities that feature in this book. It is not intended to be exhaustive but may be used as a reference to guide the reader.

  Abaddon Foremost among demonkind; led the revolt against Reus and the loyal angels and archangels during the Battle for Heaven and Earth at the Dawn of Time. Was condemned to languish in the Kingdom of Gehenna on the Other Side, but has been influential in the affairs of mortalkind ever since. Corrupted Ma’amun, foremost among the Elder Wizards of Varya, by teaching him the Left Hand Path of sorcery. Also known as the Fallen One, the Dark Angel, the Author of Evil, and the King of Gehenna in Urovia; known as Sha’itan, Loth and the Cloven Hoofed God in other cultures.

  Acolytes Palomedes’ seven closest advisers and disciples who afterwards were instrumental in spreading the Creed – a religion based on his teachings and life examples – throughout Urovia. Generally heralded as bringing spiritual salvation to benighted peoples, though dissenters argue that their teachings were flawed interpretations of the Redeemer’s beliefs and practices.

  Ancient Thalamy Also known as the Thalamian Empire, a Golden Age hegemony that straddled the Sundering Sea and incorporated the modern kingdoms of Thalamy, Pangonia, Mercadia, the southern reaches of the Urovian New Empire and northern Sassania, lasting for several centuries until its destruction by Wulfric of Gothia.

  Antaeus Legendary mariner and adventurer belonging to the Golden Age, said by some to have been the son of the archangel Aqualcus, worshipped as a god in pagan times before the coming of the Faith and the Creed. Hailed from Ancient Thalamy in the Era of Warring City-States before the empire was consolidated. His exploits against Gygants, Ifriti, Seakindred, Wyrms, Wadwos, warlocks and other supernatural foes are celebrated in song and poetry throughout Urovia.

  Anti-angels Demonkind or evil spirits; angels who sided with Abaddon in the Battle for Heaven and Earth at the Dawn of Time.

  Archangels Most powerful of the angels who stayed loyal to Reus; foremost among them are the Seven Seraphim.

  Archdemons Most powerful of demonkind along with Abaddon himself; foremost among them are the seven Princes of Perfidy.

  Argael A large stretch of primaeval forest straddling the border between Northalde and Vorstlund. Long the haunt of Wadwos, it was formerly much bigger until the rise of the Free Kingdoms saw much of it pared back. Its centremost part is rumoured to be the enchanted lair of the Earth Witch, a right-hand sorceress of fearsome repute.

  Argolian Order Founded by St Argo five hundred years ago, this learned order of monks and friars is tasked with fighting evil spirits and hunting down witches and warlocks throughout the Free Kingdoms and Pilgrim Kingdoms. It is also celebrated for its learning.

  Ashokainan A legendary left-hand wizard who reputedly lived for hundreds of years until Søren slew him seven centuries ago. One of the most powerful warlocks to walk the Known World since the demise of the Priest-Kings of Varya.

  Avatar A collective name intended to summarise a complex terminology that covers all supernatural entities regarded as a manifestation of Reus Almighty (i.e. a direct extension of His being). This includes archangels, angels and their demonic opposites; the word is also commonly used to describe such entities sent to earth in mortal form to guide mankind for good or ill. The term can also be used to describe a saint who is rewarded for a virtuous life by being exalted to the ranks of the Unseen upon death. Most religious scholars across the Faith and Creed agree that the Two Prophets fall into the former category of avatar (i.e. that they were angels or archangels sent to earth to help mortalkind), though some cleave to the second interpretation (that they were mortals rewarded in the Afterlife for their service to mankind).

  Azrael The Angel of Death, tasked by Reus with judging the souls of the dead, determining whether they go to Gehenna or the Heavenly Halls. Known by many different names across cultures throughout history, including Orcus, Osirian, Mortis, Mahatsu and Imraan.

  Battle of Aumric Fields Decisive battle in the Wars of the Southern Secession fought fifteen years ago in Northalde. Brought the southron rebel uprising to an end, when King Freidheim II slew its leader Jarl Kanga.

  Battle of Corne Hill Decisive battle of the northerly Border Wars that saw Thraxia and its Vorstlending mercenary allies crushed by the Northlendings half a century ago; this cemented the young King Freidheim II’s reputation as the greatest ruler of Northalde since the Hero King Thorsvald, and paved the way for an era of peace and prosperity in the kingdom.

  Border Wars Series of internecine conflicts between Pangonia, Thraxia and Northalde that lasted for a couple of centuries. The wars between the latter two kingdoms culminated in the Battle of Corne Hill.

  Breaking of the World Cataclysm visited on the Known World by Reus and the Archangels five thousand years ago as punishment for Ma’amun’s attempt to open the gates of Gehenna at the behest of his master Abaddon. Resulted in the destruction of the Varyan civilisation and substantially altered the geography of the Urovian and Sassanian continents. Ushered in the First Age of Darkness, during which nearly all the vast learning of the Varyan Empire was lost.

  Brenning Wold Stretc
h of gently rolling hill-lands lying between the Highlands and Efrilund in the Kingdom of Northalde. Ruled over by half a dozen petty barons (known collectively as the Wolding Barons). Fiercely independent, these pay only lip service to the King, whom they appease by paying taxes whilst scorning to apply his laws, each one ruling his petty fiefdom as a despot.

  Cael A learned youth from the Island Realms tasked with taking the fourth fragment of the Headstone of Ma’amun to Sassania after it was broken by Søren. Disappeared with the fragment centuries ago, though since rumoured to have become one of the undead, wandering the deserts of the hot southlands.

  Creed Monotheistic religion founded by the acolytes of Palomedes, one of the Two Prophets, who opposed the tyranny of the Thalamian Empire. It falls into two mainstream churches: the Orthodox Temple in the Urovian New Empire and the True Temple in Western Urovia and the Pilgrim Kingdoms.

  Dulsinor Lands in northern Vorstlund ruled by the House of Markward, current incumbent Eorl Wilhelm Stonefist. The Eorldom is one of nine principal states that compose the Vorstlending realm.

  Efrilund Stretch of the kingdom of Northalde comprising lands lying between the King’s Dominions in the south and the Wold and Highlands to the north. Ruled over by three jarls: Lord Vymar of Harrang, Lord Fenrig of Hroghar, and Lord Asgeir of Sjórvard. These are loyal provinces and though not directly ruled by the King generally apply most of his laws.

  Elder Wizards Ancient race of warlocks who ruled over the Known World from their island homeland of Varya for a thousand years until the Breaking of the World. Foremost among them was Ma’amun, who became corrupted by Abaddon after he learned the Left-Hand Path of black magic at his feet. Also known as the Priest-Kings of Varya and the Magi.

  Elementi Race of spirits belonging to the Other Side corresponding to the four elements: Terrus (earth), Aethi (air), Saraphi (fire) and Lymphi (water).

  Faith Principal and monotheistic religion of Sassania based on the teachings of the Prophet Sha’abat, who preceded the coming of Palomedes by several generations. Unlike Palomedes, Sha’abat was never a warrior and always counselled peaceful resolution of conflict wherever possible. However, this has not prevented adherents of the Faith from making war in his name.

  Fay Folk Race of malicious spirits who cross over from the Other Side to dwell in earthly haunts such as forests and mountains. Though not strictly demonkind they are generally feared and shunned by mortals, upon whom they often prey for sport. Also known as pixies, elves, sprites, will ‘o’ wisps, vylivigs and the Faerie Kindred.

  First Age of Darkness A thousand-year period of backwardness and strife directly succeeding the Breaking of the World; few civilisations if any flourished during this bleak era.

  First Clarion Marked the Dawn of Time and the creation of the Universe by Reus Almighty, who set his angels to work creating the galaxies, solar systems and planets thereafter. Scholars dispute over what timeframe this occurred, with estimates varying between a few hundred years to aeons in mortal reckoning.

  Free Kingdoms Collective name given to the six principal realms of Western Urovia: Northalde, Thraxia, Pangonia, Vorstlund, Mercadia and Thalamy. The epithet ‘free’ comes from the fact that slavery was abolished throughout these realms with the coming of the Creed – although serfdom and other types of feudal bondage still persist.

  Frozen Principalities Name given to a string of petty kingdoms belonging to the Northlanders, barbarian tribes who still worship angels and demons as gods and cling to their age-old customs. Also known as the Frozen Wastes, these lands are ruled over by the Ice Thegns and their seacarls and housecarls – fierce warriors who pledge fealty to their liegelords.

  Gaellentir Stretch of lands in northern Thraxia ruled over by Clan Fitzrow, the present head of house being Lord Braun of Gaellen. The Ward of Gaellentir has been hard pressed by highland rebels for some time, who threaten its very existence.

  Gaunt A malignant ghost that dwells half in the Other Side and half in the mortal vale. Seeks to drag unsuspecting mortals into its own ghastly half-world through terror and trickery.

  Gehenna The island prison on the Other Side to which Abaddon and his demonic followers were banished by Reus after the Battle for Heaven and Earth was lost. At its heart lies the City of Burning Brass, divided into Five Tiers – the first and highest of these is reserved for Abaddon himself, the Seven Princes of Perfidy and other archdemons.

  Golden Age New era of civilisation that flourished after the end of the First Age of Darkness some four thousand years ago and lasted for three millennia. During this time the civilisations of Sendhé and Ancient Thalamy flourished; much lore was relearned or rediscovered, though the glory of mortalkind never attained that achieved during the apogee of the preceding Platinum Age.

  Great World Serpent The first of Reus Almighty’s sentient creations along with Aurgelmir the Titan. Fathered the race of Wyrms with Hydrae the Many Headed (whom Søren slew on his Seventh and final Deed). According to legend, the Great World Serpent’s body was used to create the world when Reus crushed him and Aurgelmir together to stop them destroying the Universe with their constant fighting. The same legend states that the World Serpent lies coiled at the centre of the earth, surrounded by the flesh of Aurgelmir; should he ever be woken from his slumber the Known World will fall apart and be destroyed. As such, the Great World Serpent is also referred to as He Who Must Not Be Disturbed, particularly among the Northlanders of the Frozen Principalities.

  Gygant A race of giants, believed to be Reus’ first attempts to fashion mortalkind from the rock and clay of the earth (itself created from Aurgelmir the Titan, who is thus also known as the Father of Giants). Many times larger than their human descendants, though extremely violent and stupid, Gygants terrorised early human settlements until the Elder Wizards slew most of them and enslaved the rest. Today there are only believed to be a handful left alive, mostly in remote mountain retreats far away from mortalkind.

  Hag An evil spirit that kills its victims by entering their dreams and frightening them to death, feeding off their life-force. A very rare apparition, it is not known whether it is kindred to demonkind or belongs to an altogether different race of spirit.

  Hamlyn One of the oldest and richest noble houses in Northalde, which rules a strip of fine coastal land that constitutes an enclave within the King’s Dominions. As well as deriving much of its wealth from the trading privileges this grants, the House of Hamlyn also benefits from an abundance of silver mines on its lands.

  Headstone of Ma’amun Tablet of incalculable power wrought by Ma’amun five thousand years ago; inscribed with hieroglyphic writing said to represent additions he made to the Sorcerer’s Script under the tutelage of Abaddon. It is said to contain the power to break the hold placed on the Fallen One by Reus and summon him and his followers back to the mortal vale. It is not clear whether Ma’amun sought to control Abaddon or serve him, and as such whether the Headstone will enable its user to bind him to his or her will.

  Heavenly Halls The Kingdom of Reus, where the Seven Seraphim sit at his side and the rest of the archangels and angels dwell. The most splendid of the island realms of the Other Side, where the souls of those judged fit by Azrael are sent to reside until the Hour of All’s Ending and Judgment Day.

  Highlands Informal name given to craggy stretch of lands lying north of the Brenning Wold and east of the Hyrkrainian Mountains that divide Northalde from Thraxia; its inhabitants are mixed Northlending and native stock, the latter being descended from the same clans who fled the Island Realms and settled Thraxia two millennia ago.

  Ingwin Ruling royal house of the Kingdom of Northalde; current incumbent is Freidheim II. Coat of arms is two rearing white unicorns facing each other on a purple background.

  Island Realms Series of islands, the two principal ones being Kaluryn and Skulla, ruled over by the Marcher Lords and Druids, lying in the Great Western Ocean. The most westerly known civilisation, the Island Realms cling steadfastly to their ancient belie
fs, having been visited by Kaia the Moon Goddess during the First Age of Darkness and taught the Right Hand Path of magick lost to man when the Varyan Empire was destroyed at the Breaking of the World. Also known as the Western Isles, Druidsbourne, and the Islands of World’s Ending.

  King’s Dominions Stretch of rich lands between Efrilund to the north and the Southern Provinces ruled directly by the Northlending King. Here royal law is strongest; consequently this is the wealthiest and most stable part of Northalde.

  Left Hand Path Black magic, derived from the teachings of Abaddon to Ma’amun more than five thousand years ago. Comprises Necromancy and Demonology, the two Schools of Magick most closely aligned to the Left Hand Path. However, some sorcerers who practise left-hand magic claim it is not necessarily wholly evil of itself, for instance those who use it to ask the dead for advice.

  Ma’amun Most powerful of the Elder Wizards, became corrupted by Abaddon, who taught him the Left Hand Path and encouraged him to extend his powers. Ma’amun was slain along with all the other Magi at the Breaking of the World, when the Unseen punished him for perverting the Gift of Magick and daring to challenge the Laws of Reus. His shade is believed to be trapped in Gehenna, where he languishes in the City of Burning Brass ruled by his erstwhile teacher along with all the other souls of the damned.

  Maegellin Thraxian bard who lived three centuries ago; widely held to be the greatest poet and songsmith of the Silver Age, surpassing even the classical poets of the Golden Age. Most noted works include The Tales of Antaeus the Mariner and The Seven Deeds of Søren.

  Morwena Beloved of Søren; a sorceress of fearsome repute who hailed from the Island Realms. Ensorcelled the great hero and sent him on his Seven Deeds, which were ultimately purposed to recover the Headstone of Ma’amun from the Forbidden City on the Island of Varya. Slain by Søren after she spurned him on completion of his Final Deed, in which he brought the Headstone from Varya to the Island Realms.


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