The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1)

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The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1) Page 2

by Finian Blake

  “But he slipped into a coma! He needs our help!”

  “He may never come out of the coma if we disturb him now. Hang tough and keep busy.” For the next few hours Jane fumed about the lack of help that they were giving Edward. Shortly after noon all of the EEG signals returned to normal, and he started to show signs of movement. When Edward sat up in the tank, Jane composed herself, not wanting to betray her concern. She cautiously tips toed into the room. Edward jumped up soaking wet and hugged her. He swung her around in a circle. He slipped on the wet floor and they fell to the floor together.

  “I came back! All of this time, I was always afraid that if I left I would never make it back. I can do it!” Jane’s clothes were soaked with the brine solution. The doctor came rushing in the room and hugged Edward.

  “Ed I knew that you could do it. Can I talk you into making another trip right away?”


  “If we can reinforce it now, it will be easier in the future.”

  Edward agreed, “I don’t have any plans for the afternoon. Let’s do it.”

  Doctor Swift excitedly issued his instructions, “Ed, take a shower and we will do it dry this time. The tank was just a prop.” After Jane removed the electrodes, Edward went to shower. “I want a fresh set of electrodes on Ed when he comes out of the shower. I have to make a few calls. Do you have any dry clothes? I want you at the console again. He has a connection to you. I would not like to try it again without you here and there will be some specific requests.”

  “I will have to get some dry clothes from home.”

  “Could you just use one of the robes? We need to do this quickly, to reinforce the event.” Jane didn’t mind the thought of sitting around in robes with Alex, but this was the wrong setting. Bonnie, entered the room, with a message for Doctor Swift.

  “The Agency called saying that they wanted an immediate call back. They said to use the secure line.” Doctor Swift looked at the surprised look on Jane’s face. He gave Bonnie a stern look.

  “Next time just hand me the note.” He stormed off to his office. Jane made no comment. Edward walked out of the shower refreshed minus the adhesive gel. The little dots from the marker normally lasted a few days and were still visible. Jane had to ask the big question.

  “Edward when you leave your body where do you go?”

  “Anywhere I want to.”

  Jane pursued her question. “Where did you go?”

  “I went around the world. I covered all of the continents.”

  “You covered the whole world!”

  Edward folded his arms over his chest, “Alright ask me about the weather.”

  “Tell me about the storms. Where did you see rain?” Jane thought that weather would be quickly verifiable. Edward obliged giving her a list of all of the storms that he encountered and a brief idea of the intensity. She wrote down all of the information. Jane wrote down a list of countries and brought them out to Bonnie, before reattaching the electrodes.

  “Bonnie, get me a weather forecast for these countries. A crude forecast will be good enough we can do an exact forecast later. I am only looking for storms.”

  “Where can I find the weather forecast for these places?”

  “You’re a college graduate figure it out.” Jane snapped returning to Edward. “Could you see?”

  “I didn’t have eyes, as such, but I could see as clearly as I can see you now.”

  Jane was curious, “How did you know where to return to.”

  “I was always afraid that if I lost sight of my body that I would never make it back. After I started to believe that I could make it back, there was no problem. My body is like a homing signal. You can move it and I will be able to find it. I passed through the ceiling to get out of here. I can even pass through solid objects! When I left it was through the ceiling. I passed through as if it were nothing. I saw the rain, but never felt it. I could sense the lightening but it was only a tingle.”

  “What happens if something happens to your body while you are out?”

  “I am not sure, but I think the same thing that happens when I am in it. The only thing is that I can’t defend it, so I must start from a safe place.” Jane did not like that answer.

  Doctor Swift burst in the room. “Why are you having Bonnie check the weather in all of those countries?”

  “Edward said that while he was gone he went around the world, and gave me a weather report. I wanted proof that he saw something. This is science isn’t it? We will need proof.”

  Doctor Swift started pointing wildly at Jane, “That’s great, good thinking that will give us something solid that we can verify.”

  Jane continued, “Bonnie was able to come up with the weather in six of the locations, within ten minutes. What did you ask for?”

  “I asked for the areas where it was raining and the intensity of the storms. Here are my notes.” The doctor took the list from Jane comparing the list with Bonnie’s notes. He matched the information with Edwards claims finding it to be a perfect match.

  Doctor Swift’s voice was several octaves higher. “We have a perfect score including the weather in Samoa. Bonnie called NOAA since no channel broadcasted the weather for Samoa.”

  Doctor Swift called an associate in Washington D.C., while Jane set Edward up for another run. After a few minutes he walked back in the room with the task that that was requested by his contact. “There is a late meeting in the Pentagon on the fourth floor of 'A' ring in room A-4-029. Tell me what is in the room and give me the items on the table. Let’s go.” Jane walked Edward back in the sleeping room where they did the dream test. She plugged in the leads to the monitor turning on the back ground music dimming the lights. Edward took several minutes to reach his meditative state. They were about to give up when the signal from the EEG dropped by fifty percent, and within five minutes the signal returned to full strength.

  The doctor was disappointed, “I knew that we would need more work to repeat the experiment. Edward was not out long enough. He could not hold the state.” Edward stood up and walked into the room with the monitors. “Edward, I am sorry for pushing you too hard. It’s a lot of work we will try again in a few days.”

  “The meeting was over.” Edward smiled at Doctor Swift. “There were ten water glasses and a pitcher half full of water on the table. Nobody was in the room, but there was an open briefcase on a chair. The top document read TOP SECRET EYES ONLY. There was no name on the case, all that it had was a tag, with a number 781.” Edward sat down heavily. “You were right we do need to call it a day. I am completely blown out. Can I sleep here?”

  “Why don’t you shower up? I will have Jane drive you home. It is starting to rain.” The doctor ran to the phone and called Washington. Edward had nailed it down to the cover letter in the brief case. The recipient of the call was panicked. Someone came into a meeting room and read the documents in a briefcase with two guards standing at the door. This was a dangerous situation that would have to be watched closely. Doctor Swift had no idea of what was about to happen. A call went out for a sweeper team. This project had to be terminated with no evidence.

  Edward insisted on driving himself home not wanting to leave his car in the parking lot. Jane was always busy when Edward left so she did not know what kind of car he drove. She was surprised to see him climb into a new Porsche nine eleven. His paperwork at the clinic listed him as a martial arts instructor. After some argument it was agreed that Jane would follow behind and blow her horn if he started to drift. He was totally exhausted, but not willing to leave his new car behind. He fell asleep at a stop light and she rode the horn. His address was listed as an apartment in Huntington Beach not far from the Marina. He passed his street and kept driving down to the Marina. Edward drove down a line of town houses parking in front of one that was situated on the water. He had Jane, park in the guest parking.

  “You drove past your apartment!”

  “My parents insist on me keeping that place as a cr
ash pad and a mail drop. When I have a date I take my girlfriends there. Nobody understands when I say that I still live with my parents. I have scared off many a prospect when they find out that a twenty-five-year-old still lives with his parents. They are both very special to me. Come in and say hello. I need you to back up my story when I tell them what I did today.”

  “I need to go Edward. You lied to us.”

  “I did what the doctor needed me to do. I did no harm. He can publish his paper and I can keep my folks happy.” Jane was worried about her position. Meeting the folks would be farther than Doctor Swift would allow. Edward gently pulled her in the front door. Anna and Alex were out on the patio enjoying the late afternoon with a couple of drinks. Alex was in his mid-sixties and Anna was now pushing seventy but they both looked several years younger than their age.

  “Mom and dad this is Jane the woman that I have been going to the clinic in hopes of getting a date with. Jane, this is my mother Anna and my father Alex.” Anna looked up at her. There was no surprise in her eyes. Jane was expecting them to make some comment that she was black.

  “Did Edward tell you that I was black?”

  Anna did not hesitate, “No he said that you were beautiful and smart. Eyesight is not one of my problems. I can tell that you are black actually more of a light chocolate brown. Sit down and have a drink,” she said lightly. “Alex, please make this young lady at home.” Jane was suddenly aware of the condition of her clothes. They had dried during the ride over but they were dry clean only having suffered considerably from the brine solution of the tank. Anna took Jane by the hand leading her to the master suite, not accepting any of her arguments. You need a shower.” Anna tossed her a thin silk robe that clung to every curve of Jane’s body, “Put this robe on and come in the closet. I have a few dresses from my thinner days that should work.” Jane slipped into the robe and handed her clothes over. Anna walked to the balcony and threw her clothes out the door.

  “Are you crazy…?”

  Anna laughed, “That has been decided a long time ago. I am completely off my rocker. Now if you don’t want to have your first date, wearing a robe come to the closet with me.” Anna walked to the end of the closet with Jane.

  “All of these have shrunk in my closet. Since you are slightly smaller than me, I believe something will make do.” Jane was taken by the quality of the clothing. She looked in the collar finding no labels.

  “Who is the designer?”

  “They were made for me. Alex spoils the shit out of me, and I love it.” They selected a bright purple cotton summer dress and a pair of sandals that matched the dress. “These are all new panties and bras. I keep them in case of unexpected company in distress. Help yourself you can keep what you select. I will help the boys to start dinner enjoy your shower.”

  Edward and Alex were talking about Jane when her blouse floated down out of the window landing on Edward’s head.

  Alex pulled the garment from his head, “That was no accident. Your mother has an unerring aim. I believe we are being told that Jane will be staying for dinner.” Alex held the garment up in the air loudly declaring, “Jane will be dining with us even if she dines naked. I will start the grill. Why don’t you pull the steaks and shrimp out of the fridge? Start some appetizers, salad and pick out a nice wine. I will help in the kitchen when I am finished out here.” Anna came bouncing down the stairs with a smile on her face.

  “That is a sensible young woman. She found a nice dress and is in the shower now.”

  Alex laughed, “When I saw those clothes come out the window I thought that you might be eating now, and we would eat later.”

  Anna pounded Alex on the chest, “That is Edward’s girl. I wouldn’t want to scare her off. She is a respectable young lady, and he worked so hard to get her here. You can work your magic out here on the grill and I will supervise Edward in the kitchen.”

  Jane slowly walked down the stairs admiring the house as she went. It was professionally decorated and all of the furnishings were obviously well made. The prints on the wall were not numbered, but marked AP for artist’s proof. Alex and Anna had serious money. She thought that Edward was the typical suburban boy. He never put on airs as if he was special. His folks were nice and made her feel instantly at home. They were truly special people. Anna greeted her at the bottom of the stairs handing Jane a matching pink coral necklace and bracelet which worked perfectly with her light brown skin. Anna pulled out some hair picks to match the other jewelry and slipped them in her hair.

  “I have had these forever. Alex bought these in Barbados the first time that we went there. It really annoyed my husband.” Jane raised an eyebrow in question as Anna continued. “We were married to other spouses at the time. They both died on the same day. Alex and I were married just before Edward was born.” Jane pecked Edward on the cheek as she walked in the kitchen.

  “I just love your mother. She’s a real killer.”

  Edward blanched and turned to Anna, “What stories have you been telling my girl?” Edward had a seriously worried expression on his face, “This is our first date.” Jane just laughed at his sarcasm.

  Anna just shrugged the comment off. “It was only an expression.” Jane picked up a knife and started to work on the Avocados for the salad. By five they were ready for dinner. The steaks were cooked and dinner was on the table. When they were half way done Jane whispered in Edward’s ear getting permission to break the news.

  “Edward had his first out of body experience today. He stunned everybody. Edward claimed that he circled the globe while he was out of body. Doctor Swift gave him a test, and he completed that in only five minutes. He told everybody what was in a meeting room in the A ring at the Pentagon. Edward even read a top secret document from a brief case on the table and Doctor Swift called confirming it. They were totally excited. The doctor is a genius. He…” Alex interrupted Jane’s praise.

  “Doctor Swift actually had you read documents from the Pentagon and told them you did it?”

  Edward was excited too. “They call it remote viewing, dad. I am the only one of Doctor Swift’s patients that can do it.”

  “That is because the others are dead, since one side or the other kills them.”

  Jane broke in the conversation. “Doctor Swift is working for the CIA they know what he is doing he has been sending them reports. They recruited Doctor Swift, Bonnie and me. They are working late to finish the formal report.” Alex’s look of concern was evident.

  “Doctor Swift only cared about his work. He did not ask what they planned to do with it. We need to get to the clinic right now. I hope that we are in time.” Alex went to his personal closet and grabbed four Mac ten machine pistols and silencers throwing them in two black duffel bags.

  The sweeper team was just arriving at the clinic, as Alex was going in the panic mode at the townhouse. They walked in the door and immobilized Bonnie as she started to greet them. The crew caught Doctor Swift at his desk. After a few minutes of brutal interrogation, they had all of the records plus the addresses for Jane and Edward. They were to bring Edward in alive and Jane could go the way of the buffalo. They had to search all the residences for any miscellaneous records. Bonnie and the Doctor gave up their keys quickly. After injecting both of them with a poison the sweeper team rigged the building to burn and torched the cars too. They were barely out of site when both cars and the building went up in a ball of fire. Alex pulled around the corner in time to see the office building fully involved.

  Alex decided to go for Jane’s place first knowing that they would find nothing at Edward’s apartment. She lived with her parents and they were at risk too. The best odds were that they would go for Edwards place first since it was close by. Alex pushed hard to get to Jane’s place first. Jane called them on the cell phone while Alex was driving.

  “Dad something bad is going to happen. They killed Doctor Swift and Bonnie. I believe that they are going there to kill me. Don’t answer the door. We will be there in
twenty minutes I will call you on the cell when we get there.” As Alex pulled around the corner, Jane called her father again so that he would allow them in the house without shooting them. Anna stopped at the corner before moving down the block to her house. Alex took a duffel bag in the house with him, and Anna went into the duffel bag that was left in the car. She attached a short scope to a nine millimeter Mac 10 doing the same for the other Mac 10. Alex skipped the scope in the house because all of the shooting would be done at close range. Jane’s father, Bill Baxter had served time in the Marine Corps and was familiar with fire arms. His wife Samantha moved to a bedroom with Jane. Alex kept an eye on the back of the house from the kitchen and Bill had a clear view of the front door from the living room. Edward and Anna parked in the next block with a clear view of the front of the house. She talked to Alex on the phone. Anna saw a white van round the corner and pull in the drive way.

  “I have a white van with four intruders inside. It looks like all four are heading for the front door. No, two have broken off and are moving around back. I have a second van parked around the corner. There are at least two people in the back up van. I am going to switch one of the guns to armor piercing rounds and the other one has fragmentary rounds.” The fragmentary rounds were illegal in every country of the world. The slug would break into pieces when it entered the target and shred anything that it hit without exiting. The only treatment for a wound from one of these slugs would be amputation. Edward was at the wheel. The car was parked in the next block where it had a clear view of the backup van.

  Two of the men kicked in the front door pushing in hard without hesitation not expecting any resistance. Bill, Jane’s father fired four short bursts at a range of ten feet. There was very little sound. The two men dropped like stones. Not one un-silenced shot was fired. The two men at the back did the same thing a second later and were greeted by four short bursts from Alex. They were dead before they hit the floor. The backup van pulled away from the curb and drove slowly down the street when there was no word from the point crew. They drove up the street at five miles per hour trying to spot what the problem was. They pulled across the drive way in back of the other van. After a few minutes three men got out of the second van with the driver staying behind the wheel. Edward started down the street. Anna made the call, “You have three men at the front door it looks like they will try to enter before we get there. We definitely have three men approaching the front door.” Anna switched to the gun with the Armor piercing rounds. When the three men forced the door, they tripped over their dead comrades. Alex and Bill both let loose with six short alternating bursts. The first two men in line were dead before they hit the floor. The third man staggered back toward the van.


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