So Worthy My Love

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So Worthy My Love Page 42

by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

  Taking her with him to the bunk, Maxim sat down and tugged off his boots. Rising to his feet again, he freed the final cords that held the breeches in place and dropped the full-skirted garment to the floor. Surprise halted Elise’s breath for barely a pause, and a sudden timidity made her raise her gaze to the slight, questioning curve that traced the handsome lips.

  “Are you frightened?”

  Thoughtful for a moment, Elise considered him with more boldness, plucking at the gutstrings of his awareness. It was as if rivulets of excitement pulsed through his body as she stared at him. Meeting his gaze again, she murmured through a soft, challenging smile, “Curious perhaps.”

  Since their first meeting Maxim had never ceased to be amazed and fascinated by the enticing blend of innocence and boldness he had seen in this young maid. Each trait was wonderfully intriguing, and he was never more aware of his infatuation than at this present moment, when they were about to enter the realm of conjugal intimacy.

  Slipping a hand admiringly over her bare shoulder to the back of her nape, Maxim pulled her close and, lifting her chin with a knuckle of his freehand, pressed light kisses upon her lips as he gave her words back to her. “ ‘Tis all for the sharing, love. If you have a curiosity, then by all means satisfy it. I’m quite sturdy and most eager. Nor will I bruise easily.”

  Elise stretched upward to her toes and folded her arms around his neck. Maxim took her full against him, and holding her thus, he lowered himself to the edge of the bunk, at the same time settling her boldly onto his lap. His mouth blended with hers as his hands moved leisurely over her body. The sensations he aroused with his kisses and caresses, combined with the subtle pressure of his manliness, stumbled the evenness of Elise’s breathing and set her heart beating to a new, frantic rhythm that suffused her with an expanding warmth. No chill could touch her, not when her husband roused her so completely.

  A strange frenzy seized her, and the pain of penetration was but a brief discomfort that she forced back as she became aware of a driving need to appease a burgeoning, insatiable hunger. Maxim leaned back into the pillows and as she touched her lips lightly, almost reverently, to his chest, his hands settled to her hips. A whispered word brought eager compliance, and she began to move. Amazement etched her countenance as he met her strokes with vigor, and the budding, blossoming pleasure in her loins intensified and swept her on with the promise of still greater heights to reach. His hands stretched up to seize her breasts, and she flung her head back, spilling her long hair down her back and over his thighs as she arched her spine and made love to him with all of her heart, mind, and body. In the stillness of the cabin she could hear his hoarse, ragged breathing as his hands seemed to touch her everywhere. Then her world reeled out of control as a ravishing, rapturous splendor burst upon her. It seemed a thousand, twinkling lights flared through her body, touching off myriad scintillating flashes of ecstasy. She was woman; he was man. She was lady; he was lord. She was wife; he was husband. She was Elise; he was Maxim. Forever joined as one, they were, fused by the heat of their loins, joined by the love in their hearts.

  A long sigh slipped from Elise’s lips as she slowly collapsed upon the chest of her husband. For a long, blissful moment he held her close, kissing her brow, stroking her hair, and whispering words of love, then her body began to cool, and a small, shivering tremor shook her as the cold air settled on her back. Catching a corner of the fur throw, Maxim clasped her to him and rolled until he lay on top of her. A smile teased the corners of his mouth as his eyes gleamed down into hers. Though recently sated, he could feel again an awakening deep within his loins.

  “Is your curiosity appeased, madam?”

  Feeling the returning heat, Elise wiggled under him, deliberately arousing him as she slid her arms around his neck and breathed dreamily, “You’ve more to teach me, my lord?”

  “You’re not bruised overmuch?” he whispered with a brow raised questioningly.

  Elise smiled up at him with sweet seduction as she teasingly decried, “My lord, I’m completely at your mercy.”

  Another flight was shared to the stars, and an eternity passed before Maxim grudgingly left the bunk. Pouring steaming water from the small kettle into a basin, he reached his arms toward the ceiling and stretched under the close, admiring attention of his bride, then he began to wash himself, removing the brown stain from his face and the flecks of blood from his body. Lastly he rinsed the black from his hair and then came to the bunk as he toweled himself dry. Abruptly Elise covered her head, giggling in delight as he shook out the wet strands above her, sending a shower of small droplets flying down upon her. Feeling his weight come upon the mattress, she lowered the fur to inquire, “Did you save some water for me?”

  Maxim grinned askance at her. “Of course, my lady. I would not miss the pleasure of your bath.”

  Holding the furs over her breasts, she sat up and leaned back into several pillows that were propped against the wall of the bunk. “My lord, I would reason with you a while . . .”

  “Aye, my dear . . . ?” His overeager tone readily conveyed a number of conclusions that he might draw upon.

  “I cannot bathe in your presence,” she stated timidly. “ ‘Twould be unseemly.”

  “Ah, but I’ve enjoyed your bath before,” he bantered. “Would you deny me a husband’s right to admire his wife?”

  “Nay, my lord,” Elise answered sweetly. “I would enjoy the sharing . . . after I’ve become more acquainted with . . . everything.”

  Maxim chuckled and leaned forward to lay a kiss upon her warm, responsive lips. “The fire needs be fed, my sweet. I’ll be back when you’ve attended your needs.”

  He donned his breeches and shirt, then left the cabin. Elise wasted no time making use of the water he set out for her. Afterward, she wrapped a fur robe about herself and began rifling through the drawers of the desk in search of a comb. Suddenly, her eyes caught and held on a small leather pouch lying in a rear compartment of the drawer. The initials RR were scrolled across the front of the bag, the very same as her own father’s purse. Lifting the pouch, she hefted it and thoughtfully felt at the bulge within. It had not the feel of coins, but . . .

  Eagerly Elise shook the contents out into her palm and stared in awe as a prickling crawled up her spine. It was a large, ornate ring with an onyx stone cleverly wrought with gold. Trembling now, she took it closer to the lantern to examine it better. There could be no mistake. It was her father’s ring!

  A light rap sounded, and the door opened behind her. Elise swung around to face her husband. “Maxim, look! My father’s ring! It must’ve been my father Sheffield saw that day after all. But why? Why would Hilliard kidnap my father? For what purpose?” She shook her head in confusion. “Was it only for the gold my father had put away? Surely Hilliard has enough of his own.”

  “The man has no ken of the word ‘enough,’ my sweet. He is greedy beyond measure.”

  “This truly gives evidence that my father is being kept here somewhere.”

  Maxim shook his head as he drew her to the bunk. “Nay, my love, I think he has been returned to England.”

  “You mean set free? Is he there safe while I’m here worrying about him?” She clasped her hands before her and leaned her head back as if she prayed intensely for such a possibility. “Oh, if it could only be, Maxim.”

  “I fear ‘tis not that way, Elise.”

  Maxim’s heart went out to her as he saw crumpling hope replaced by disappointment. Through gathering tears she stared at him, waiting expectantly for an explanation. He sighed and, gathering her across his lap like a small child, slowly rocked her as she sobbed and spilled her tears against the side of his throat.

  “If you tell me he is dead . . . by God’s truth, Maxim, I’ll not accept it. I cannot accept it until I see his body myself.”

  “Truly, Elise, I do believe he is still alive,” he cajoled, “but I don’t think he’s been released. Should Ramsey make the mistake of telling his captors
where the treasure is hidden, it may mean his end. His continued silence is his only protection.”

  “He’ll never tell,” Elise stated with conviction as she gulped back her tears. “He’ll never break. They may torture and torment him, but he’s strong and wise.”

  “Then let us hope we reach England in time to gain his release.”

  Elise raised her head and searched her husband’s face in wonder. “Do you dare return, my love?”

  “I dare not stay here beyond the first advent of spring. Justin is right. Hilliard will learn who killed Gustave, if he hasn’t already, and he’ll come after us with an army of men.”

  “Perhaps it isn’t safe to return to Faulder Castle.”

  “There’s no place else where we can go, but rest assured I have made provisions to defend the castle, at least to a degree. Hilliard will not find vengeance easy, and, God willing, we’ll turn the tables on him.”

  Elise nestled her head upon his shoulder again. “I trust you with my life, Maxim, and though I never thought I’d ever say it, I’ll be glad to get back to Faulder Castle.”

  Maxim touched a kiss to her lips as he rose with her in his arms. Sweeping aside the upper layer of furs, he laid her within its warmth. In a moment he had doffed his clothes and slid in beside her. Wrapped in each other’s arms, they did not care at the moment what transpired in the world beyond the Grau Falke.

  A sense of wonder stirred within Elise’s subconscious mind, rousing her to a comfortable awareness of Maxim’s presence. A delicious warmth encompassed her, radiating from his strong male body that pressed close against her back. Long, lean, muscular thighs were tucked beneath her own, and an arm held her close as a large hand cupped her breast. She could feel his chest against her back, and the slow, warm tickle of his breath against her nape. All was very right in her world.

  She nestled closer to her husband with a contented sigh, and a peaceful slumber suffused her again until she became aware of the slow, gentle stroking of his fingers over the soft peak of her breast. Light as thistledown his lips touched a spot on her neck and then dropped a kiss on her shoulder. Twisting around to face him, Elise luxuriated in the radiant warmth of the green eyes. No word was spoken between them, but in the meager glow of the firelight their eyes melded in unspoken words of love, gently searching and probing to the innermost thoughts of the other. Bracing on an elbow, Maxim rose above her and lowered his lips upon her waiting mouth to drink deeply, of the sweet nectar of her response. Her senses awakened beneath the slow onslaught of his kiss, and she became aware of the boldness of his caresses and the fiery heat of his naked body. His lips moved across her cheek, and he brushed aside the curling auburn strands, freeing a path for his kisses to wander unhindered along her pale throat and on downward over her breast.

  A distant sound echoed like a drumbeat in the stillness of the cabin, and Maxim raised his head to listen as his manner took on an instant alertness. The hollow sound came again, much like the slow, ponderous tread of someone walking on the icy deck. Throwing back the furs, Maxim grabbed his breeches and thrust his legs through them. Aware of the rapidly advancing footsteps entering the companionway, he leapt to his feet and quickly secured the garment over his hips. Snatching up his sword, he crossed to the portal just as a loud knock beat upon its planks.

  “Be you friend or foe?” Maxim challenged.

  “ ‘Tis Nicholas,” the familiar voice answered. “Justin is vaiting vith the horses. I’ve come to fetch yu.”

  Flipping the latch, Maxim lowered his sword and swung open the door, but cautiously retreated as the captain came striding boldly in. Abruptly Nicholas’s face hardened when his gaze found Elise sitting in the bunk, clutching a fur throw over her naked bosom. Her hair was tumbled wildly about her bare shoulders, and though his glance searched the cabin, he could find no other place where Maxim could have slept. Indeed, the rosy blush of love still stained the creamy skin.

  “Yu bastard!” Nicholas snarled, facing Maxim. Doubling his fist, he gave the other no chance to explain, but took a long step forward as he came around with all of his strength behind the blow. His knuckles met the solid jaw of the other, sending Maxim stumbling backward across the cabin. Elise’s scream shattered the silence as the crumpled form came to rest on the floor beside the bunk. A-rage in dark, bitter jealousy, Nicholas watched her scramble forth, heedless of what she gave the fallen man as she adjusted the fur robe to settle it evenly over her shoulders. It was all too obvious to Nicholas as the maid knelt beside the dazed man that her singular concern with her state of undress was to ensure her modesty be preserved only with him. Maxim braced himself up on an elbow and tried to shake the fog from his head, and Nicholas’s conclusions were reaffirmed as he crossed the cabin to stand over the fallen man and Elise made haste to cover herself with the fur throw.

  “Get up,” he growled down at Maxim. “I vant to give yu more of vhat yu deserve.”

  Straightening, Elise swung her arm with a snarled cry of unleashed fury, catching Nicholas low in the belly. He stumbled back, somewhat amazed at the forceful blow this slight maid could deliver. As Maxim propped himself against the wall and gingerly tested his jaw, she gathered the robe up high around her and faced Nicholas with a feral gleam in her eye.

  “How dare you barge in here like some rutting stag, snorting and blowing hot! You interfere where you’ve no concern, Nicholas. ‘Twas my intent to tell you more gently, but your boorish actions have abused my good temper. Yestermorn, Maxim and I were married.” She ignored his sharp intake of breath as she continued to deliver her words crisply. “We meant no hurt to you, nor did we intend at the fore to fall in love, but it . . . it just happened. And if you think that Maxim has taken advantage of me, then let me assure you, sir, I know my own mind and what I want. I’m well-pleased to have Maxim as my husband, and I shall seek all ends to make him a good wife . . . as I would have with you, had we taken vows together.” She paused a moment to gather her thoughts and continued in a calmer vein. “I owe you many apologies for my delay in telling you that my interest had turned elsewhere. Maxim bade me to give you the news some time ago, but I decried the hurting of you. I see that this was awry, for I’ve indeed brought you deeper pain, and for that I am sorry. To the very depth of my heart, Nicholas, I am sorry.”

  A long, heavy sigh seemed to deflate Nicholas’s good posture. “I could have guessed this vould happen,” he muttered. “Yu vere ever together, but I thought to overcome it.”

  He raised his hand in a lame gesture toward the door. “Justin has brought some clothes for yu both. I’ll fetch them, then ve must be on our vay. I’ll ride vith yu as far as the city limit, and there say my farevell. I must be assured of the velfare of my mother and Katarina ere I leave for Hamburg. Justin has convinced me of yur need to leave the country at the first possible chance. I vill make arrangements to leave as soon as the ice allows us to sail. Vhen I am ready, I vill send a messenger to bid yu come.”

  “Will you truly help us to escape, Nicholas?” Elise queried worriedly. At his nod, she contemplated him closely. “And your loyalty to the Hansa?”

  “Perhaps, my dear Elise, there needs be a change in the hearts of the masters.” He voiced his musings carefully. “Long ago, the league banded together to protect themselves from pirates and other harpies. Now it seems to protect a pirate in our midst. It vill take some time to think it all through. Perhaps in my concern for my own comfort, I deliberately turned a blind eye to vhat Hilliard vas doing. It vas easier not to interfere.”

  With a grimace Maxim came to his feet and carefully straightened to his full height behind the maid who gave herself to tending his bruised face with a cold cloth. Maxim winced as she found an especially tender spot and, over her head, tossed his friend a disgruntled frown. “You nearly broke my jaw.”

  “I intended to,” Nicholas retorted with an amused smirk. “Now ve are even. I never could best yu vhen ve pitted our skills against each other. Gustave vas a fool to think he could defeat yu.
I knew vell enough vhat yu vere doing, and I saw no need to interfere.”

  “I noticed! Once you knew who I was, you didn’t burden yourself at all,” Maxim needled. “I was beginning to suspect that you had turned against us completely.”

  “Be damned!” Nicholas snorted in contempt. “If not for me getting yur clabber-headed companions out, yu vould still be there trying to herd them through the door.”

  “Who are you calling clabber-headed?” Feigning offense, Elise snapped the question over her shoulder and gave him a dressing-down. “Watch your tongue, knave, or I shall give you a good lashing with my own.”

  Nicholas chuckled as he stepped through the portal, leaving them both with the assurance that all good humor had been restored.

  The captain returned apace with a large bundle which he tossed to Maxim, then he left again advising them that he would wait outside until they were ready. Elise welcomed the sight of feminine apparel and silently blessed Katarina and Therese for having had the presence of mind to send along all the necessary stays, farthingales, stockings, and garters to make her toilette complete. By the time she managed to don the intimate garments, with Maxim pausing at intervals to answer her distressed pleas for assistance, he was fully dressed.


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