Mine Forever

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Mine Forever Page 60

by Mia Ford

  Angela opened it, looking surprised.

  “Is June here?” I barged in, pushing her to the side. “June,” I yelled loudly. “June, it’s me! We need to talk! June!”

  “She’s not here,” Angela said suspiciously. She crossed her arms over her chest and eyed me. “What’s going on?”

  “I fucked up.” I started pacing back and forth in June’s living room, tangling my hands in my hair and pulling until my scalp ached. “I fucked up so badly, I scared her off. I really hurt her, Angela!”

  Angela gave me a sour look. “Well, she’s not here,” she said firmly. “And I’m not lying – although if June had asked me to lie to you for her, I would.”

  “You’re a big help,” I said sarcastically. “Thanks for nothing.”

  “No, wait,” Angela said. “What happened?”

  I told her the whole story, groaning at my juvenile, shitty behavior. When I was finished, Angela looked sick.

  “You treated her like shit and now you’re surprised that she ran out on you?” Angela clicked her tongue against her teeth. “Look, I don’t even think you deserve another chance.”

  “It’s not that,” I said quickly. “I was a huge asshole, but she didn’t understand. I couldn’t tell her why – at least, not in public.”

  “What happened?”

  I sighed. “I’m a fucking moron,” I said. “I ran a background check on Hannah, because I’m sure that she’s trying to get to me through my son,” I added.


  “Long story short, she’s not who she says she is,” I said quickly. “There isn’t really time to explain it now, but she’s incredibly dangerous and I’m really worried about June’s safety.”

  For the first time since I’d arrived, Angela looked scared.

  “What are you gonna do,” Angela asked nervously. “If June left…” She glanced down at her watch. “Thomas, that was almost two hours ago! What if something happened to her?”

  “Is there anywhere you can think of where June could have gone?” I stared at Angela. I could feel the desperation leaking out of my body, like sweat, and drying up in the air.

  “No,” Angela said. She bit her lip. “June’s a real homebody, you know. She’s really introverted. She doesn’t really like going out. She normally just takes a long bath.”

  “And you’re absolutely sure she’s not here?”

  Angela nodded. Her face looked pale and frightened. “I know,” she said. “I tried calling her a bunch of times when I got home – she didn’t leave a note, but I wasn’t that worried because I figured she was with you.”

  I groaned. “Fucking hell,” I said under my breath. “We have to find her, Angela. We have to find her before someone else does.”

  Angela licked her lips and looked up at me. “Someone like…Hannah?”

  I nodded. My heart sank in my chest. “Yes,” I said. “Someone like Hannah.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  God, what a horrible dream, I thought. I can’t believe I thought I was kidnapped! I mean, it was a terrible night, but wow.

  “Hey,” a familiar voice said. “You up?”

  My head was aching and there was something making a lot of noise in the background – whining, whirring noise, like the kind of thing you’d hear on a construction site. As I struggled to open my eyes, I realized that I couldn’t move. Suddenly, my heart began to pound and a cold sweat broke out all over my body. Oh, crap, I thought. Someone really DID kidnap me!

  As I opened my eyes, the memory of the previous night came rushing back. The two men in the car, who had grabbed me and given me something to make me pass out. What had they done? And where were they now?

  “She’s awake,” Hannah’s voice said quietly. “You really knocked her out!”

  “The bitch wouldn’t stop moving,” Andy replied. “I didn’t want to hit her, but she didn’t really give me a choice.” I winced – he didn’t sound like he was sorry at all.

  “Well, what are we gonna do now?”

  “This is the fun part,” Andy said.

  My mouth felt like it was full of cotton and I felt dizzy. Even after I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the semi-darkness, I still felt like I was spinning around in crazy circles. My head ached and my wrists were bound so tightly that my fingers and hands were numb. I was sitting on a hard wooden chair. My ankles were bound to the chair legs, and my hands were tied snugly behind me with what felt like zip ties.

  “Andy?” I whimpered. “What are you doing? Please let me go,” I said softly. “I don’t know why you’re doing this, but please, just let me go and I won’t tell anyone.”

  Hannah burst out laughing. She walked closer and my heart sank when I realized that she was made up to look fancy, like she was going out for a night on the town.

  “You were out for a few hours,” Hannah said softly. She licked her lips. “I was starting to think that you wouldn’t wake up.”

  “My head is killing me,” I mumbled. My heart was thudding slowly in my chest. “Can I have some water?”

  “Can I have some water?” Hannah simpered, mimicking my tired, grumpy voice. “Andy, she thinks we’re actually going to help her,” she said. “Isn’t that sweet?”

  Andy chuckled. “It’s something, all right,” he said. He stepped forward and I saw that he was sneering. “June, shut up,” he added.

  I closed my eyes. The pain in my head was so bad that even closing my eyes didn’t help. My world was a vibrating void of red and black pain, so sharp that I felt like I was going to throw up. Moving hurt. Breathing hurt. Everything on my body hurt – even my hair hurt.

  “She woke up too soon,” Andy grumbled. “How much of that shit did have those guys give her, anyway?”

  Hannah smirked. “I wasn’t counting,” she said. “I just splashed it on a rag and handed off the bottle.” She shrugged. “I think they were probably a little rough.” She laughed – it was a musical sound, like the tinkling of bells. “I mean, they were hired bodyguards.”

  “What?” My voice came out as weak and unsteady as a newborn kitten. “What are you talking about?”

  Hannah stepped closer and grinned. “Well, June, I couldn’t exactly grab you myself.” She made a little pouty face. “I’m not very strong, I certainly couldn’t have wrangled a big girl like you down to the pavement alone.”

  My eyes stung with tears. “You…you paid someone to kidnap me?”

  Hannah ignored me. She turned to Andy, looking annoyed. “She’s stupid,” Hannah said. “I can’t figure out why you like her so much.”

  Andy chuckled. “Thanks for getting her,” he said. “Now I just have to wait for that shit to wear off and we can start to play.”

  Panic cut through me like a knife through tender meat. I let out a scream. Screaming made my head ache even more than it was already hurting, and I whimpered and whined, closing my eyes as a torrential downpour of red-hot pain washed over me.

  “Shut up, June,” Andy said in disgust. “We weren’t talking to you.”

  I opened my eyes and tried to stare at him. He was moving around, swaying. That was when I realized that Andy wasn’t moving at all – somehow the drugs were making me think that there was more than one of him.

  “You’re gonna be fine, June,” Andy said. “Trust me. I’m used to dealing with little bitches like you.”

  I swallowed. My throat ached, too. There was a raw pain between my legs that was telling me that I had to pee, and I shifted uncomfortably on the chair.

  “Can I use the bathroom, please?”

  Hannah snickered. “Can you walk there?”

  I stared at her. “What?”

  “Bitch, I asked if you could fucking walk!” Hannah came closer. She shook her head and glared down at me. “You really are stupid,” she said. “I can’t believe Thomas fell for someone like you.” She tossed her blonde hair. “Normally he only goes for smart women.” She paused, laughing. “Although normally, smart women don’t care to
o much about Thomas. Most girls only like him because he’s so hot.”

  Andy laughed. “Yeah, I know.” He eyed Hannah. “You girls are a bunch of right cunts when it comes down to it, aren’t you?”

  She snickered. “We can be,” Hannah said. She cocked her head to the side. “What do you think we should do with her first?”

  I watched in horror as they studied each other. I still wasn’t sure what the hell I was doing tied up in Hannah’s apartment. Did they want me as some kind of prop for some sick sex game? Or did Hannah have darker plans, plans with Thomas? I shuddered. I should’ve known better than to trust her, but I couldn’t help it. My naivete and trusting personality had gotten me into trouble before.

  Unfortunately, this time it didn’t seem like I’d be able to get myself out of trouble.

  “June’s a little slut,” Hannah said. She stamped her foot on the ground in anger, her blonde hair swinging. “I can’t believe Thomas actually wanted her instead of me!”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that now,” Andy replied. “June’s not going to be the apple of any man’s eye for a long time. Except mine, of course.”

  My stomach twisted into a thousand knots at the sound of sick satisfaction in Andy’s voice.

  “Please,” I whimpered. “What are you going to do with me? Why are you doing this?”

  “You’re an ungrateful little slut,” Andy said. He stepped closer, until I could feel his hot breath on my face. “You know that? I wanted to date you, June. I really liked you – I thought you were cool.”

  I whimpered. “Andy, please don’t do this,” I said softly. “It’s not my fault that we didn’t work out.” I blushed hotly. My sinuses were still filled with snot from my earlier crying jag and even though I couldn’t reach to touch my face, I somehow knew that my skin was red and sticky.

  “Oh yeah?” Andy raised his eyebrow. “Then what was it, June?”

  Andy and Hannah threw their heads back and laughed.

  “It’s because you’re not rich, Andy,” Hannah said, pretending to pout. “June here only likes wealthy men. Isn’t that right, June?”

  Andy frowned. “Yeah, god knows I probably don’t make much more than she does,” he said. Then he shrugged. “At least, I did.” Andy grinned at me and my stomach curdled. “Now I guess it doesn’t really matter who makes the bucks, does it, June?”

  Andy looked wounded. For a moment, I thought he was going to cry. Then his lips curled up at the corners into a cruel smile and he threw his head back, laughing loudly.

  “You’re an idiot,” Andy said. “And if you keep making so much noise…” He trailed off, grinning nastily. “We’re just gonna have to give you some more of that wine you like so much. In fact, Hannah?”

  Hannah stepped forward. She was holding a plastic tumbler in her hands and she grinned as she pushed it towards my face. The smell of wine was enough to make me gag, but Hannah didn’t take it away.

  “Please,” I moaned softly. “Please don’t make me drink any more. I feel like I’m gonna be sick.”

  “That is a side effect of being a drunken slut,” Hannah said softly. Her eyes twinkled demonically as she pushed the cup towards my lip. I smelled the sickly sweet wine and gagged, pulling my head back and staring at the ceiling as the bile rose in my throat.

  “Drink some, June,” Andy ordered. He grinned. “It’s gonna keep you quiet,” he added. “And god knows we need a little quiet around here. Hannah and I have to finish planning.”

  “Shit,” Hannah mumbled. “This fucking sucks, Andy.” I thought she was going to put the cup down but in a flash, her free hand was pinching my nose. My lungs burned but I struggled and twisted against her grip. Hannah was stronger, and finally I opened my mouth, sucking in air. As quickly as lightning, Hannah tipped the cup down my throat, sending even more of the drugged wine into my stomach. Tears dripped down my cheeks as the wine burned in my throat.

  “That should shut her up,” Andy muttered. “So, is he coming over here?”

  “I haven’t called him yet,” Hannah said delicately. “But you fucked everything up! She was with Thomas tonight, and she stormed out!” Hannah laughed. “I bet he’s so upset now that we have his little pet.” Hannah rolled her eyes.

  “He seems like an emotional little prick,” Andy said. “Is that true?”

  Hannah licked her lips and walked closer. “Oh, yeah,” she said. She glared at me. “He cried every night when Marlene first left. He cried. On my shoulder,” she added. “And I don’t know why, but then he decided to fall for this stupid little cunt instead of me.”

  My head was swimming. I felt myself fading in and out of consciousness, like someone was lowering a dark blanket over my face until I couldn’t see. Hannah’s voice buzzed in my ears like a gnat, and I moaned softly as Andy stepped closer.

  “Hey, June, give me a kiss,” Andy said. He puckered his lips and leaned down, pressing them to my cheek. I groaned. As Andy moved closer to my mouth, I spat in his face. Outraged, he slapped my cheek hard.

  “She’s feisty,” Hannah said. She smirked. “You sure you can handle her, boss?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Andy said. He wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. “I can handle her,” he said. He turned away from Hannah and faced me, squatting down until we were at eye-level. “I know everything about your little boyfriend,” Andy said. “Hannah told me everything.”

  My head was swimming and I was still reeling from the pain of Andy’s slap, but my confusion went deeper than that.

  “I don’t understand,” I mumbled. “What’s going on?”

  Andy grinned. “You don’t need to worry about that,” he said. “Hannah here did her job well. She handed you over to me with no questions asked. Unlike you,” Andy added, cocking his head to the side and looking down at me. “You can’t do anything well, June.” He grinned. “But I bet I can teach you.”

  I let out a loud scream as Andy began to advance on me.

  Thump! Thump! Thump!

  Andy paused, mere inches from where I sat tethered to the chair.

  “What the fuck was that?” Andy cocked his head to the side and turned to Hannah. The satisfied, smug look had vanished from her face. Now she looked pale and frightened.

  “I don’t know,” Hannah said. She bit her lip. “Just get it over with,” she added, gesturing to me.

  My heart skipped a nervous beat and fresh tears welled up in my eyes. The combination of the drugs and the alcohol was making me feel like I wouldn’t be able to stay conscious for much longer, but sheer panic and terror were the only things keeping me away.

  Thump! Thump! Thump!

  “Someone’s coming,” Andy said nervously. His forehead glistened with a fine layer of sweat and he bit his lip until blood trickled down his chin.

  “Well, I don’t give a shit,” Hannah snarled. “After all, this isn’t my apartment!”

  A loud thudding on the door made Andy jump.

  “Fuck,” Andy muttered under his breath. His glance darted nervously around the room. “Hide her,” he snapped, pointing to me.

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “She’s too heavy,” she said. “I wouldn’t be able to carry her and the chair by myself!”

  “Open the goddamned door!”

  The sound of Thomas’s voice filled me with hope. Oh my god, I thought. Somehow, he found me. He’s coming here to save me! I’m going to be fine!

  “No,” Andy said nervously. He leaned against the door, his thin frame straining to keep it closed as Thomas beat on the other side.


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