Mine Forever

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Mine Forever Page 77

by Mia Ford

  I was in the middle of yet another orgasmic moment, losing my energy and having my arms collapse from underneath me. I went face first into the mattress as he continued to pummel me with his loving embrace.

  “Gillian… Gillian… GILLIAN.” There is no better sound than having your name screamed in the throes of passion. It signified that we were connected body and soul and there was nobody that was going to rip us asunder.

  He buried all of his inches, held still and pulsated with a fire from his hose that came in long streaks of heated bliss. The fuse had been lit and the dynamite had gone off unexpectedly. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

  He was still inside me, but his strength and virility had diminished slightly. He finally emerged with an audible wet pop. I fell forward with him on top of me, biting my earlobes and causing tingles and shivers of excitement to run up and down my spine.

  “I have to say that you were worth waiting for. That was something that words do not do it justice. I hope that each and every time is like that and even more so. A man like you is hard to come by.” I had five more days and I had some ideas to keep him coming back for more.

  “What makes you think that I’m done with you? I just need to get my second wind and then we can try a position that is called the wheelbarrow. I think you know exactly what I’m talking about and I do hope that you enjoy having the blood run to your head.” He was depleted, but it was not down for the 10 count. It only took a flick of my fingers to make it jerk back to life.

  “I don’t know how long it has been since I had a man that didn’t feel that it was over after they got their just desserts. I have to say that you make me look at all the guys that I have been with and I shudder to think that I gave them even a moment of my time.” He was tracing figure eights on my back and was blowing warm air onto the back of my neck.

  “It’s nice of you to say that, but I think it’s the company that makes a world of difference. I’ve given you my best and I have never said that about any other woman. There’s always something that I leave in reserve, but this time it’s different. I can’t believe that I’m even contemplating doing it again. The way that you touch me ignites that ember into a full-blown blaze.” He was watching me with those eyes and loving me with that physique that didn’t know the meaning of the word quit.

  “I’m certainly not going to stop you from rising from the ashes. I think the feel of my hand wrapped around you is giving a certain part of you something to think about.” I was squeezing rhythmically, feeling it grow and become what I remembered it to be. He finally grabbed me by the wrist and pried my fingers off of him one at a time.

  “I’m not sure about this position, but I’m willing to give it the old college try.” He pushed me to the edge of the bed and then I went over with my hands keeping me from banging my head against the floor. I was practically upside down with him leaning forward and driving into me like a jackhammer. It was an awkward position, but it did touch me in a different way. I didn’t know that it was possible to get this kind of penetration. My brain was sending signals of pleasure throughout my body like a wave that I couldn’t control.

  I could tell from my vantage point that this position was making him feel that fatigue in his legs. That didn’t stop him and I think that it even pushed him to go beyond what he was thinking that he was capable of.

  “Yes…just like that…keep doing that and don’t stop even if I tell you to. This is a fun night to remember and I want to leave you with something more than a memory.” I was grunting with replies of animalistic lust in my heart.

  “I can’t believe that I haven’t found a woman like you. It seems unlikely with all those that have accompanied me to bed. In all that time, I never once found a woman that was going to spend more than a weekend with me. I see the way that you have swallowed me whole and I can’t help to think that maybe you are too much for any man.” I let him have his way, completely at the mercy of his manhood and loving every minute of it.

  “Oh, yeah…that’s what I’m talking about…FASTER…HARDER…DEEPER…YESSS.” I screamed again, a piercing wail that sounded like somebody was being killed in here. He lost his balance, stumbled forward and landed still connected to me. It was that distraction that drew from him a moan of complete satisfaction. He didn’t have all that much left in reserve. It didn’t matter.

  We lay on the floor looking at the ceiling and then at each other before bursting out into laughter at the absurdity of it all. I slapped him playfully on his chest and he returned the favor by biting one of my nipples and causing me to punch him in the arm.

  “I don’t know if you noticed, but we’ve been going at it for almost 3-hours. You make me nervous that I’m not going to be able to keep up with you, Marshall. You have a real insatiable quality that I find lacking in most men. They usually turn over after the first time and are snoring before I even have a chance to tell them that they didn’t get the job done.” I could remember on one hand how many men were able to make me reach for the stars.

  “It just goes to show you that we have both been with the wrong people. We were right underneath each other’s noses and didn’t even know it. I remember you when I came in to buy a car about a year ago. You were still getting your sea legs, but I could see something of potential. Your boss was almost close to firing you, but I told him to give you a chance. Every Christmas that I spend with his family, he always tells me that you were the best thing that ever happened to him. I think that I would like to repeat that from the top of my lungs to anybody that is willing to listen.” I didn’t know any of this, but I did sense that my boss really didn’t feel that I had a place in his company. I thought for sure that he was going to give me my walking papers on that first week, but he sat me down and told me that he thought that I had something. That fire of encouragement made me turn to my sexuality as my weapon of choice.

  “You might have saved my job, but I was the one that finally took my head out of the sand. I realized that I had the tools and I just had to learn to use them in the right way. I’m sure that you do remember me and you have to admit that I’m pretty damn memorable. I’m afraid to tell you that I don’t remember you, but you have certainly made up for that in spades.” I touched his lips and then we kissed with a delicate touch that had me feeling like I was safe and secure in his arms.

  “We have five days to continue to have a bit of fun and also come up with a good way to ambush Lillian at her own game. I have been working behind the scenes to place the players on the board. You are going to need to get yourself a wig. I suggest going redhead and I’ve always been a sucker for a carrot top. I’ve taken the liberty of getting you a job where you’re going to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” He told me his plan and it meant that I was going to have to be in a disguise.

  He produced a bunch of textbooks concerning accounting and I was going to have to get up to speed in five days. Once I could figure out what these numbers meant, then I would have a fighting chance to bring some of Lillian’s dirty dealings into the light. I was looking forward to the look on her face when she realized that I was her undoing. I knew that it wasn’t going to be as easy as that, but I was willing to put in the work to make sure that her claws did not have a reason to rip into me.

  I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and knowing that we were not only lovers, but we were now partners in crime.


  Two hearts beating

  Gillian West had seen her life take a dramatic turn when she met Marshall. It was supposed to be an operation where she would seduce and make him fall in love with her. It worked too well and not only did he fall in love, but so did she. The person responsible for bringing this campaign of humiliation to Marshall’s door was Lillian. This was a girl that did not take rejection well. They managed to hide out in a chalet for a time, but now they needed to work together to give Lillian a reason to back down. Gillian is going to have to do what she has never done before
…hide her sexuality. She was going to be that fly on the wall to gather the Intel that they could use against Lillian. Can it really be that simple or will Lillian be one step ahead of them the entire way?

  Chapter one

  I can’t believe that I’m standing here no more than a few feet away from her and she has no idea. We sat across from one another with her glaring daggers and showing just what kind of intimidation tactics she had underneath her sleeve. It was almost like I was mocking her by being there in a place that she felt comfortable. Her husband was not the main source of income. It didn’t take Marshall and me very long to figure out that she was the brains behind the operation.

  I looked back at how I got here and the man that had changed everything for me. I knew that Lillian was on a rampage and nobody was safe from her wild accusations. She was screaming and pushing her finger into the chest of just about everyone. Those that hadn’t felt her wrath had made a hasty exit. They wanted nothing to do with her when she was in this state of mind.

  “Shelly, I know that you’re new here, but there are a few fundamental facts that you should be aware of. Lillian needs everything done her way or it’s the highway. You might be safe. You don’t exactly scream anything more than wallpaper. I would say that’s sad, but in this case, it’s better that you don’t stand out from the crowd.” My trainer, Tina Wells was the backbone of the organization and knew where the skeletons were buried. She made sure that everything was going according to schedule without any deviation.

  “I’m just grateful that I have a job and that I have the skills that pay the bills. This is not exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life, but it’s a good place to start. I don’t know what I was thinking when I got a degree in the arts. It’s not worth the paper that it’s printed on. I have thought about teaching, but I’m not sure that I can handle kids screaming in my ear 8-hours a day.” I was playing the part of Shelly Kincaid a meek and mild young woman with dark hair. On closer inspection, it would be revealed that the roots were not exactly as advertised.

  “You have come highly recommended for the position and it’s not like I had much of a choice. I was in a bind and like a godsend, you were sent to me. You’ve been working here for the past week and you’ve done exactly as I’ve told you to do. You have stayed out of the way and completed your tasks in a timely manner without having me to dictate or guide you by the hand.” She was a studious young woman, but underneath the ponytail and the glasses was this sexual creature waiting to be unleashed on the world.

  Marshall had made a preemptive strike by reaching out to a colleague to get me into this position. It was fortuitous that they were looking for somebody and that my resume pretty much was catered to their needs. It was fabricated, completely a lie perpetrated by Marshall and myself to get me close enough to destroy Lillian from the inside.

  “I have no interest in making waves for anybody.” To anybody that knew me, they would shake their head in disbelief by the transformation from a sexual kitten on the prowl to something of a woman that had lost sight of herself. I showed no confidence, kept my head down and did not show my obvious attributes by using some strategic tape to keep things in place.

  No guy was giving me a second look and looking flat did not afford me the leering gazes of the male populous. I wore baggy clothes; nothing of a brand name and everything that I was wearing was off the rack of a surplus discount store. I wanted to shed these layers, slip into a Chanel original, but there was no way that I could without exposing myself as a fraud.

  I’d noticed in the first week that I was working that Lillian was not predictable. Her hours would always change like she didn’t want anybody to really know when she was coming and going. It made my job a little harder, but it was a matter of waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

  “That’s what I like about you, Shelly. You have no interest in the corporate ladder or the backstabbing that is needed to make those necessary steps. I’ve learned in my five years being here that it’s better not to do anything that is going to get you noticed unless it benefits you in some way. Lillian is a hard taskmaster, completely in her element and her husband stays away letting her deal with the day to day business. Don’t let her hear me say this, but I think that she’s a scary bitch. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that her husband wants to be around her as little as possible.” Tina was standing with her back toward Lillian, giving me a bird’s eye view over her shoulder how she was interacting with the rest of the staff.

  There were many departments, some that I had no idea what they were about and others that I had to do some research to find out. Marshall was waiting for me to report in. It was agreed that we would not see each other for that whole week in case Lillian was using her vast resources to watch out for any kind of a spy in her mist. It was hard not to touch him and to feel him taking great pleasure from my body. I wanted to howl in that obvious enjoyment. They say that abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. To me, it was more that I was getting hotter by the second and I was going to attack him upon the first sight of his body in a nicely form-fitting suit.

  “I look around and I see people that have lost their will to live. I don’t want to be like that. They walk around in a daze, moving like little puppets that she has attached to strings to keep them in line.” I wanted to be accepted and that meant that I was going to have to ingratiate myself into the underlings that she stepped on every day.

  She had given me the impression that she was a socialite, but her main interest was making people jump whenever she demanded it. Her assistant, Jeremy Young was an organized young man with close-cropped brown hair and green eyes that made a lot of girls look in his direction without his knowledge. He was oblivious to their interest. He claimed to have a girlfriend, but nobody had seen her, leading people to believe that he swung from the other side of the fence.

  Jeremy was a good-looking man, but I don’t think that he really understood the effect that he had on those that were fanning themselves when he walked by their desk. I was a little surprised that there was no office tramp, but I think that Lillian had gotten rid of any bad influence. She wanted the guys to want her and nobody else.

  “She has the ability to break your will. She grinds a person down and the only ones that seem to rise above it are in her inner circle. They surround her like her own personal posse. There’s one in particular that I find to have cold water running through her veins. Susan Niles is head of her security and she does nothing but watch everybody like a hawk. There is absolutely nothing anybody can get away with without her finding out about it. This place is locked down better than Fort Knox or any kind of prison that you can think of. We even need an authorized card key to use the bathroom around here.” I had been assigned one of those and I had already used it a couple of times.

  “It appears that she never sleeps. She’s already hard at work by the time that I get here at 8:00 AM and she’s still here when I leave at five. I know that you said that her marriage to her husband hasn’t been good. I think that she’s using work to keep herself busy. I think that it would be good for her to get out of the office. A drink away from here would help her to unwind and forget about the day. Has anybody even included her in after work drinks across the street? I’m sure that she’s approachable, but somebody needs to have the guts to invite her. I would, but I’m not exactly someone that she knows. This has to come from somebody that she works with and respects enough to take them up on their offer.” I was laying the groundwork, giving her food for thought and all she needed was the right nudge in the right direction. “You never know, when she loosens up and realizes that somebody was responsible for helping to let her hair down that they might find themselves with a hefty pay raise or a big promotion. It could be that she’s waiting for somebody to stand up and not be one of her minions that say yes to everything that she says.” I could see that Tina was thinking and that little voice inside her head was mine playing a psychological game that could come back and b
ite me.

  Chapter two

  At the end of the day, I could see that Tina was gearing up for a conversation with Lillian. I spied her in the bathroom giving herself a pep talk and slapping her face like she was about to go into battle.

  I wasn’t wearing a wig and this color had come from a bottle. It was the first time that I had ever changed my natural hair color. I wore very little makeup, feeling naked without it, but finding that it was a necessity to hide in plain sight. I could tell that one person in the building had been keeping a watchful eye on me. Susan had that air of authority that made those around her walk on eggshells.

  There were times that I thought that she was going out of her way to confront me, but she never said one word. She just kept looking, staring and most likely hoping that I was going to falter and show some kind of crack in my demeanor.

  “I can’t believe that I’m even thinking about doing this. I’m going to take your advice and I’m going to offer to bring her into our little group. I don’t know what her response is going to be. I’m half expecting her to laugh in my face. I’ll try to make a good case for joining us. The best way to do that is to convince her that looking more human will lull these people into a false sense of security. If they are thinking about doing something, then they might feel more inclined. That way Susan can catch them before they escalate. I might even get a promotion. Wouldn’t that be a novel idea after five years of crawling and scraping in the sludge?” She was talking to me like I was her best friend. I wanted her to believe that and I don’t think that she really thought that I was a threat in any way.


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