Mine Forever

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Mine Forever Page 80

by Mia Ford

  “I know exactly what she’s going to do and we can talk about that later. Having a discussion about her is throwing cold water where you don’t want it.” I was pushing up against him and his meaty hot dog was nestled in my buns. It had lost a bit of its stiffness, but it didn’t stay that way for long.

  It was soon replaced with his hot breath. I was bending with my hands on either side of the shower. I did feel him slither along the lips of my sex. The steam was making this into a wet dream come true. I positioned myself with my legs spread as far as I could make them go in this enclosed space. That didn’t stop him from pushing past the resistance over and over again.

  “I thought that I was…that I was going to have to attack you. I have been a short fuse this whole week. I can’t stand to be without my man. It doesn’t hurt that you know exactly how to please me in just the right…WAY.” I slammed up against the glass with one hand and gripped the ledge of the window with the other. I could hear my fingernail scraping against it and then my mouth parted and delicious words of encouragement came spilling forth. “FUCK…FUCK…that’s it…you have it in me…DEEP.” It didn’t take more than a couple of minutes to give me a reason to beg for that unfurling flag between his legs.

  It was a good thing that the window wasn’t open or the neighbors would’ve heard an interesting sound coming from a woman’s house that was old enough to be everybody’s grandmother.

  He stayed connected to my body, pulling out with a wet pop and then sliding that same tongue up along the contours of my back. He reached my shoulder and nipped lightly. His cock entered in on long stroke that had me gasping with surprise.

  I turned in his arms, releasing him from my sexual grip and seeing that he was covered in me. I dropped to my knees; grabbing him by the base and vibrating him with my fingers to see more of that stuff clinging to my fingertips. That dollop of cream was soon encased in my hot mouth. I let him feel the recess of my hot oral cavity. I was drawing him further in until he was balls deep.

  “I think that I would walk 500 miles to be with you. I’ve never been able to think of anybody that even came close to you. When you set your mind to something there’s no stopping you. The way that your mouth feels is a little more than I deserve. It’s taking every effort not to stand here.” My mouth was currently sliding up and down the hot and slippery surface of his shaft.

  I had him pressed up against the wall, his ass touching the tile and my head moving with the quickness of a cat. My tongue was playing with his libido, teasing him and bringing about these whimpers of delight that I found exceptionally satisfying. I kept stopping and holding him back. I was looking at the discoloration and knowing that he was going to go over the edge. There was no way that he could supply me with what I needed with that in the chamber. I had to release some of that burden and I had a feeling that he wasn’t going to object.

  “I think you know exactly what is going to happen. I’m sure in some small way you’re looking down at me like I am a stranger. Maybe there is an appeal to being with the one that you care about and seeing my change of hair color and no makeup.” He looked beside himself and I was slowly manhandling his business, but not going far enough to make him blow his top.

  “Now that you mention it, it does feel like I’m doing your twin sister.” I gave him the full effect of my mouth, as I put him through his paces like a thoroughbred about to run a marathon race. “Jesus, you have no idea how much I have missed this.” He was slapping at the tile and letting me perform an act of sweet release that he was never going to forget.

  I was driving him out of his mind and knowing that the pressure was getting too much for him to bear. His balls were overflowing and I could tell from the size of them that they were about to unleash more than a drizzle.

  I felt the first spurt as he bellowed from the top of his lungs and pressed on the back of my head to make me take all of him. He thrust with insistence. His seed was streaming with its essence over the surface of my tongue. I struggled, but I wasn’t going to let him have the satisfaction of making me feel that I wasn’t up to the task. He continued to fire off one shot after the other. I wasn’t sure that there was any end to the delicious nectar that was flowing freely.

  I wasn’t letting him go. I stayed in this position so that I would be able to keep him in a constant state of readiness. I worked him through the climax and then I gave him his freedom by taking my lips off of his magnificent tool. It was slick with my spit and what he had given me. I stood up, wrapped my leg around his waist and reached down to give him a reason to take things to the next level.

  “I can feel the heat and I want this in the worst way possible.” He showed me by lifting me and letting my legs curl around him like a boa constrictor. I’d been thinking about this for some time. Every time that we talked on the phone ended with my fingers not exactly subtle about their intentions. It was a pale comparison to what I was feeling nudging against me.

  The resurgence of energy was giving his libido an electric charge of encouragement. He gave one lurch and half of him was now feeling the rippling evidence of my excitement.

  “There’s no way that you’re going to get away with just giving me half of it.” I proved that to him by using my body to consume him down to where there was nothing left. He was grunting his approval and holding onto my ass with my body bouncing up and down for both of our sexual amusement and pleasure.

  It was a bit frantic, but being away from him for this length of time had given us a reason to jump each other’s bones. I’m sure that Lillian was in the process of giving that young man a reason to smile. After she was done, she was going to send him back like a hound dog to be scolded by his fiancée. She would see right through him. The lipstick marks on his body that he didn’t know about was going to be his downfall. That had been the rumor that had been circulating and one that was spoken in hushed tones around the water cooler. This wasn’t the first time that she had left her mark.

  Marshall had turned me around with my back against the tile and his healthy appendage diving in and out of my slippery hole. “Yes… don’t stop…keep going for as long as you can… YESSSS.” I felt my hold on reality slipping and then I fell forward into a free-floating abyss of pleasure. My legs trembled and my toes shot straight out with my nipples so hard that they could cut through glass.

  “Not so fast…not without me…without…ahh…MEEEEEE.” He hammered hard and fast, smacking me off the wall repeatedly with my head banging back with no concern for a concussion. His knob exploded. It wasn’t as much as the first time, but I only wanted to feel him getting off. I wanted to hear him with exclamations of love and devotion pulled from his lips by the obvious affection that I had shown him.

  Chapter six

  “I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve gone over all of these files twice and there’s nothing here that pinpoints to any wrongdoing on her part, I thought that it was going to be easy pickings. She may be ruthless, but she’s doing everything above board.” I was sitting at the computer with a towel around me and tucked into my bosom. There were droplets of water still clinging to my skin and hair. I couldn’t get the idea that she could be innocent out of my head.

  “Marshall, I know what you said and I had to see it for myself to believe it.” I’d gone over everything, hoping that an unbiased eye would see something that he missed. I’m not sure that he took offense by that, but I wasn’t going to take any chances without turning over every rock.

  “I don’t know what you’re going to find, but I’m hoping that I did miss something. I don’t think that I did and I’m usually pretty damn thorough when I go through contracts with a fine-toothed comb. I always worry that those that I entrusted to do my business are not looking out for my best interest. I can’t be everywhere and I have to depend on those that I pay significant sums to look after things.” It was his words that made me take a look at the innocuous files of those that she depended on.

  It didn’t take long to find out that the enem
ies that she had to worry about were in house. There were three in particular that were skimming funds. She was oblivious and it was very subtle in increments of dollars instead of thousands. That wasn’t going to attract the kind of attention that would warrant an in-house audit.

  I used the back door that Jeffrey had made to go searching each of their files in a more in-depth way. I was good at finding discrepancies and these three individuals had been working together to undermine her. They were looked past every time that there was a promotion to be had. How they came together was a mystery, but it wasn’t very important in the grand scheme of things.

  “I don’t see what you are seeing, but I get the feeling that I should be.” I walked him through it. At first, he was blind to what was right in front of his face, but then he started to recognize that these three had been taking a little bit at a time. It wasn’t substantial amounts, but it was enough over a span of 10-years to give them all a sizable parachute for retirement.

  “We may not have the smoking gun to go after her, but we have the next best thing. All three of those guys have been subjected to the ridicule in the bar leaving them without their clothes and dignity. I think they are stealing from her to get their pound of flesh.” I could tell that tonight that they got a little greedy. That was reckless, but they weren’t thinking straight. The one that was mysteriously absent was Derek. He was most likely still enjoying being with the boss in the Biblical sense.

  “I don’t see how these guys taking money is going to help us.” I wasn’t sure either, but then it dawned on me that this was exactly the ammunition that he needed to go into that meeting in the next two days. I would need to make hard copies so that he would have something tangible in his hands to throw in her face.

  “Her reputation is the only thing that matters to her. You make it perfectly clear that this will get out publicly and I think that you’ll see that she’ll do anything to make sure that her dirty business does not make it that far. She won’t want people to know that she was blind to what was going on underneath her nose. This should be enough to get her to make a deal that will benefit the both of you. You go in there with this and she will have no choice but to play by your rules.” His hands were massaging my shoulders and I was in a desperate state to have my feet rubbed.

  “No… I’m not going to do this.” I was a little confused and worried that he had decided to chicken out at the last minute. “We are going to do this together. I want to see the look on her face when you walk in there. I’m sure that she’ll feel a need to sick Susan on you, but we can stop her in her tracks by dumping this in her lap.” That would’ve made for a priceless moment and I was going to be damned if I wasn’t going to be a part of this.

  “If this gets out, then she will be the laughingstock of the business world. Nobody will take her seriously thinking that she couldn’t even handle her own business. Money is the only thing that she understands.” In two days, I was going to walk in with Marshall on my arm. I doubted that anybody would recognize me, but it was possible that Tina might be able to see through with her woman’s intuition and instinct.

  “It’s going to be interesting to see how she tries to backpedal out of this mess. Her natural instinct will be to deny everything. When she gets the proof in front of her face, then there will be no chance for her to deny. I’ll have my hand on the send button for an e-mail bomb to every journalist worth their salt. Not only that, but several executives that I know personally will find this interesting.” This would be a huge black eye and one that she might recover from, but it would take some time to rebuild what was obviously her legacy and empire.

  “Let’s say for argument’s sake that she does have Susan and her overwhelming security force drag us from the room. She may feel that it’s worth it, in the end, to make sure that we don’t interfere in her business again. I think that I might have an idea about shocking her into speechlessness. This won’t do that, but what I have in mind might just be the ticket.” I told him what it was that I was going to do and he was quite shocked by my ingenuity. He said that he could make it happen, but it would take a day to get everything in order.

  “You really don’t want to take any chances. I can’t blame you and give her an inch and she will certainly take a mile. She will want to kill you for letting me slip through her fingers. That woman is insatiable, but there was always something more that I couldn’t put my finger on. She’s resourceful, tenacious and when she gets something stuck in her head there’s nobody that’s going to make her think differently.” Marshall was not telling me anything that I didn’t already know. I did like the way that he looked at me. I think that he was surprised that I would have those kinds of grapefruits to give Lillian more than she bargained for.

  I felt something touching the back of my neck and I turned to see that this talk of secrets had done him a world of good. I got up, sighed and decided to poke fun at him a little bit. “I see that a girl’s work is never done. I’m going to have to take one for the team.” I made it sound like it was a chore, but I was looking forward to seeing what other positions we could get into before morning break.

  He lifted me immediately from the chair and sat down. He stripped off the towel and let me see the monument that was ready to be mounted. I slid effortlessly down his pole, using gravity that had me landing heavily in his lap with my arms around his shoulders and neck. I was massaging with my inner muscles along the length of him and feeling that he was definitely up for another round and maybe more. I had created the perfect love machine.

  My feet were on the floor and I pushed myself up and then back down with a resounding gasp from both of our lips. Marshall grabbed my breasts and was pulling the nipples to his mouth so that he could take both of them at the same time.

  My hole was like an elastic band around his girth. I could see the lips kissing each inch as they went in and out of me with both of us climbing that mountain and ready to jump off the cliff.

  Each time that I came down, he would lift his ass off the chair to meet me in the middle. The resounding crack of our bodies coming in contact was like a gunshot going off in the room. The echo of each thrust and moan from our lips gave us a new understanding of how our bodies seemed to be in perfect synchronicity.

  “I thought that I was done for the evening, but hearing you speak of revenge really got me going again. I can see that it had the same effect on you. We need to play this cool and wait for her to be relaxed and unprepared for what is about to happen.” Marshall had a hold of my waist and I could tell that he was looking at me with that same hunger that a salivating dog does when it sees a bone.

  “I get so damn hot thinking about what she is going to look like when we come through those doors. I can’t help but squeeze down on you, using those muscles that you have become intimately acquainted with.” I was feeling stronger, ready to go the distance, but then a shriek of terror interrupted our pleasure.

  I turned and standing at the door was his mother looking faint and staring at us like she couldn’t quite believe that we were there. Embarrassed by how we had let ourselves get carried away, Marshall pulled me off of him and put on his pants without his underwear.

  I probably should’ve been mortified, but I was more amused than anything else. I knew that she didn’t approve of us being together. She had witnessed what I was going to do to him when I barged into his house looking for a way to get rid of that pent-up frustration after having that meeting with Lillian.

  I didn’t follow and I could hear him pleading his case with his mother sobbing saying that she was going to go blind. She said that it wasn’t natural for us to be together without a ring on my finger. I’m sure that she would have had a heart attack had we told you that we were secretly married. It wasn’t true, but it was fun to think about nonetheless. I had no ill will toward her, except that her backward thinking was only going to stand in our way.

  It didn’t seem like a good idea to stay there. It would’ve been a reminder to his mother
that I was not going to go away. She didn’t have to approve or even accept that we were together. I didn’t care one way or the other, but I got this feeling that her opinion meant more to Marshall than he was letting on.

  I found myself going home to the sparse apartment that had only a bed and a few utensils to call my own. I could hear something scurrying in the walls, but as long as it didn’t make its way out, then we were going to be perfectly fine with one another. I turned up my music, drowning out any other sounds that might startle me awake. I found that sleep was not easy to come by. His mother had interrupted us and I had no chance to reach that feeling that was threatening to tear me apart.

  I reached for the lone black bag by the bed, pulling out this long and menacing looking contraption. I pressed the button and it came to life with this loud buzz. I had to bring it under the covers. I moaned as it entered, pretending that it was Marshall, but knowing that this was no substitute. I had a pillow over my face to mute my screams. I tore into the pillowcase until feathers were flying everywhere. I became slowly enraptured, going from one climax to another and wishing that Marshall was able to hear and see my body respond in that way.

  It took only about 15 minutes for me to feel completely satiated. I lay there in a pool of my own sweat, my skin glistening and the only word that came out of my mouth was a whispered… “Marshall”.

  Chapter seven

  I looked into the mirror in the bathroom and I was back to my old self again. The leather blue skirt accentuated my body in just the right way to show guys that there was no substitute for curves. The white blouse with a man’s blood red tie gave my breasts the freedom that they needed to breathe. I could see the nipples and I wasn’t going to be the only one.


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