For the Love of a Marine

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For the Love of a Marine Page 25

by Sharon Kimbra Walsh

  The two women walked slowly away from the CTH, making their way toward the tents.

  “Do you want something to eat?” Wanda asked as they approached the Mess.

  “No, I’m not hungry,” Katie answered. She hesitated then, glancing at the other woman said, “Wanda, I’ll be staying out tonight.”

  Wanda’s step never faltered at Katie’s sudden announcement, but she did raise an eyebrow and issue a whistle. “Are you sure you should?” she asked slowly.

  “I’m sure,” Katie answered.

  “Is it with your staff sergeant?”

  “Yes, with my staff sergeant. He has keys to a friend’s room and we’re going to stay there. He’s coming for me at the tent at 2000 hours. I had to tell you so you would know where I was.”

  “Okay,” Wanda replied slowly then continued, “I hope you know what you’re doing, sweetie.”

  “No lectures please, Wanda. I just want to be alone with him—not for sex—but since we’ve met, our time together has always ended abruptly and we’re both sick of it. An opportunity has presented itself, and we’ve decided to take it.”

  “Good for you, Katie,” Wanda replied.

  The two women remained silent as they continued on with the walk back to the tent. Once inside, Katie was welcomed back as though she had been absent for longer than twenty-four hours. Nobody asked her what had happened. Everyone on the base was well aware that a CTF had gone down and personnel killed. The British camp’s Union Flag was at half-mast and the whole of the base’s communications were restricted to emergencies only until families back in the UK had been informed.

  “I’m going to lie down for a bit,” Katie advised her friend, once the noise in the tent had subsided. “I’ll take some pills first. Can you wake me at 1930 hours if I fall asleep, please?”

  “Will do,” Wanda answered. “I got you some bottles of water and they’re in your bergen.”

  Katie looked at her friend gratefully, took out the pills the doctor had prescribed and swallowed them with some bottled water. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. Her head was thumping and aching and her muscles were protesting. She sighed. In a few short hours she would be with Joe and she could immerse herself in him, even if she did look as though she had gone ten rounds with a Samurai warrior.

  As the strong painkillers did their work, Katie closed her eyes and, feeling relaxed for the first time in two days, she drifted off to sleep.

  It seemed only minutes later that someone was shaking her arm. Groggy and feeling hungover from the painkillers, Katie opened her eyes.

  Wanda was bending over her. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” she urged gently.

  Katie groaned and sat up. “Oh my God,” she moaned. “I feel like death warmed up.” She rubbed her face and swung her legs over the side of her bed.

  At that moment, somebody came into the tent, stopped just inside and said, “There’s a rather attractive staff sergeant waiting outside for some lucky lady. Who does he belong to?” And she looked pointedly at Katie.

  Katie laughed, all grogginess and tiredness vanishing instantly. “He’s mine,” she replied and stood up.

  “Katie, you dark horse,” one of the women called across the tent.

  “Yes, and I’m going to stay that way. Now, I need to go.” Grabbing her combat jacket, she slowly put it on. “I’ll say goodnight, ladies, and don’t wait up,” Katie announced, and the there was laughter and ribald comments.

  Katie waved to them all and left the tent. It had grown dark but lights shone out of the openings in the tents and there was the usual music playing and the sound of laughter.

  Joe was standing on the beaten-down path, and when she appeared, he immediately straightened and came toward her. Katie met him halfway and went hastily into his arms. She winced as Joe’s arms squeezed her bruises and the sore parts of her body, but she sighed as she snuggled her body against his and peace overcame her. “Joe,” she murmured and felt the icy lump in the pit of her stomach begin to dissolve slightly.

  “Hey,” she heard him whisper gently, “how you doing?”

  Katie glanced up at him. “I’m okay now you’re here,” she replied softly.

  “Let’s go,” he said. He took her hand and led her away from the tents. On reaching the road leading to Camp Roosevelt, they crossed it and continued walking until Joe turned right onto a well-worn path. At the end was a two-story prefabricated building. Night was coming on quickly and there were one or two lights on in the building, but otherwise the rest of the rooms were in darkness.

  As they paused at the end of the path, Joe turned to Katie. “Are you sure—?” he began.

  Katie didn’t let him finish. She placed a gentle finger on his lips to prevent any further talk. “I’m sure,” she answered. “I’ve never been surer about anything in my life.”

  Joe smiled and heaved a sigh, “Okay, let’s get inside the room quick. Follow me as quietly as you can.”

  He led her toward the building and stopped at the back of the first room. Keys were already in his hand and he swiftly unlocked the door, pushed it open and urged Katie through into the room beyond. He followed after her and quietly closed the door, locking it behind them.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Nervously, Katie stepped a few paces inside the room and glanced around. Compared to her tent it appeared large and luxurious. There were two windows, making it appear light and airy, one facing out onto the grounds at the front of the building the other to the left, facing the footpath. It was furnished with a sink, chair, bedside locker with lamp, and a camp bed covered with a sleeping bag. It was quiet and vastly different from being in her tent. How was she ever going to get used to a room, let alone a house again, if this was her reaction to one small, prefabricated room?

  Joe dropped his bergen to the rubber floor then quietly went to each of the windows to pull down blinds, shielding them from anyone walking past the building. He then placed a lit torch on the locker beside the bed. The room now dimly lit, he turned and stood watching her, waiting patiently.

  Katie turned to him slowly, becoming aware that he was watching and waiting for her reaction at them finally being alone. For brief seconds they stood regarding each other, observing each other’s expressions, searching for any doubt, and then Katie hurried toward him almost throwing herself into his arms, desperate to be close to him, to feel his arms around her and to feel his body against her own. Joe uttered a small moan then he was kissing her passionately and she was kissing him back, their bodies pressed against each other, realizing that they were now alone with nobody to disturb them and nothing to separate them for the whole night.

  Without any hesitation, Katie fumbled with the front of Joe’s jacket, ripping apart the Velcro fastenings, trying to push the sleeves down over his arms before the jacket was fully off his shoulders. Realizing that she was struggling, Joe laughed gently and shrugged out of the jacket, letting it drop to the floor. Katie gently traced the rippling muscles up his arms with her fingertips, causing him to shiver slightly. Reaching his shoulders, she put her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his short hair, pulling his head down so that his hot mouth was crushed against hers. Joe tugged her T-shirt out from the waistband of her combat trousers and thrust his hands up inside it, resting the warm palms of his hands against her skin, the muscles in her stomach quivering and contracting at his touch. She winced as his fingers came into contact with some of the bruises and grazes but was not about to let him know. She had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like forever and was not about to call a stop to it now.

  Dropping her arms from around his neck, she shrugged off her jacket, allowing it to fall at her feet then, pulling Joe’s T-shirt free, put her own hands up inside it, drawing her palms against smooth, warm skin, feeling firm stomach muscles and a well-muscled back. Their breathing was loud in the quiet room but it didn’t matter to Katie. It meant that she and Joe were somewhere private and could remain oblivious to everything other
than both their arousal.

  Joe took his mouth away from Katie’s soft moist lips and began to trail warm kisses along her neck and down to her shoulder. Blood sizzled in her veins and she arched her neck so he could gain easier access while grasping the waistband of his trousers and tugging him closer. She could feel how hard he was and she gently moved her hips in small circles, rubbing her own pelvis against his. He moaned softly and one of his hands traveled up her stomach and came to rest on one of her breasts. There he paused, as though he thought that he may have gone too far, but Katie pressed her hand on top of his, a signal that urged him to continue.

  Joe quickly grasped the bottom of Katie’s T-shirt and tugged it upward over her head. It joined the increasing pile of clothes on the floor. He paused, breathing raggedly, and stared at her, her white lace bra dazzling white against her tanned skin. “My God, you are so beautiful,” he exclaimed huskily.

  “Take off your T-shirt,” Katie ordered breathlessly, and without hesitation, Joe obeyed. Katie immediately saw the black elaborate tattoo of an eagle on the left side of his chest. Its lower body covered half his ribcage, the upper body and head the upper part of his chest with the wings flowing up to his shoulder and down the upper part of his left arm. The bird flexed and rippled as though alive when Joe moved.

  Katie placed the palms of her hands on Joe’s chest, marveling at the ripple of muscles. Sensuously she ran her hands down his sides and curved in along his stomach, eliciting a strong contraction of his stomach muscles. He went to reach for her again but she looked at him, smiled slowly, and shook her head. “Wait,” she whispered. Tenderly, sensuously, she trailed her fingers down to the waistband of his combats and slowly, taking her time, she undid the fastening then grasped the zip. Joe caught her hands in his and shook his head quickly.

  “Wait,” he said, smiling slightly, teasingly, then he lifted her in his arms and was walking hurriedly toward the bed. He laid her down on top of the sleeping bag then slid over her to lie down beside her. Immediately she went into his arms. Joe brought his hand to her breast again, but struggled to get his fingers inside the cup of her bra. Eventually he said sheepishly and with frustration, “How do you get this damned thing off?”

  Giggling softly, Katie reached her arms up behind her, and in a moment, the bra was falling away from her breasts.

  Joe felt the air leave his lungs as though he had been holding it in, then he was pulling her toward him so that their skin was touching and his mouth was on hers again, hot and eager. His hand clasped one of her breasts and his thumb gently circled her erect nipple, causing Katie to gasp and press against him, but he pushed her gently onto her back, and leaning over her, he licked at her nipple, leaving a glistening trail. Katie arched her back, her hands thrusting into his hair. Joe’s tongue circled her nipple then he took it into his mouth, his tongue teasing the hard bud. He moved away from the firm mound, leaving gentle kisses on the way, licking a swirling trail down her stomach.

  Exquisite sensations coursed through her body at his touch. Wanting him so much, Katie writhed and arched her back. Reaching down, she grabbed the waistband of his combats and urged him with small tugs to move over on top of her.

  She heard Joe laugh softly. “In a hurry?” he asked against her mouth.

  “Yes,” Katie answered without any hint of shyness, her voice husky with arousal. “I want you, Joe.”

  Joe groaned and quickly moved over to lie between her legs. They both lay still for a moment then he began to move against her, the friction of their combat trousers making the sensations more intense. He rubbed himself against her for some time, until Katie was moaning softly, trying to muffle the sounds against Joe’s bare shoulder.

  Joe suddenly didn’t wait any longer. Raising himself on his elbows and lifting his pelvis slightly, he reached down and began to undo her combat trousers. Katie suddenly put a hand on his, arresting his movement.

  “What?” Joe asked distractedly.

  Katie giggled softly. “My boots,” she whispered.

  Joe regarded her as though she was talking a foreign language, “Boots? What do you mean, boots?” Then realization dawned and he grinned. “Crap,” he exclaimed. Getting to his knees, he shuffled backward to the end of the cot and began to undo the laces of her boots. His hands were shaking slightly but eventually he managed to undo them and tug them from her feet, tossing them haphazardly onto the floor. Then he reached back up, finished undoing her trousers, and slowly pulled them down her legs, throwing them over his shoulder. He then moved back up to lie between her legs.

  Katie put both of her hands between them, causing him to raise his hips slightly, supporting himself on his elbows. All the time he was watching her.

  Katie carefully pulled the zip down of his combat trousers and ran her finger down inside, moving it teasingly back and forth, her fingertip caressing the tip of his penis. Joe flinched and moaned then, foregoing any further foreplay, she grasped the waistband of his trousers and pushed them down, followed by his underwear, releasing him from confinement. She grasped the full hot length of him, gently and tenderly.

  Joe groaned, “Wait, Katie. Be careful.”

  Katie released him and pulled his hips downward so he was pressed against her. Joe fumbled with her panties, trying to pull them down until there was a sudden ripping sound and the delicate material came away in his hands. He tossed them aside and Katie opened her legs to allow him entry. He was suddenly and smoothly inside her hot, moist warmth, thrusting into her, moving slowly at first, almost teasingly, and Katie arched her back, almost unable to bear the exquisite sensations that were beginning to explode inside her. She could feel his hard erection, gently thrusting in and out, his mouth against hers, hot and burning. Katie matched his movements then raised her legs to place them around his hips, pulling him in deeper. Their movements became faster and more frantic. Joe grasped both of Katie’s wrists and held them above her head. He slowed his movements, gritting his teeth, slowly pushing in and out, teasing her, trying to control the feeling that was growing in intensity.

  “Tell me you want me,” he whispered, his voice husky and thick with arousal.

  Katie moaned and raised her hips, wanting him to go back to thrusting harder.

  Instead, he almost fully withdrew himself from her and stopped. “Tell me you want me, Katie.”

  “I want you,” she gasped. “I want you, Joe, for God’s sake.” Pulling her wrists from his grasp, she clutched his back, her fingernails digging into his skin, and she flexed her internal muscles until they were clenching around him in little sensual movements.

  Joe groaned again and this time he thrust into her roughly. A few seconds later, Katie felt the onrush of her orgasm. She bucked her hips, tossing her head from side to side, uttering small whimpers.

  Katie suddenly gasped and uttered a long, drawn-out moan, and that sound of release sent Joe soaring on his way to his own climax. He thrust in and out rhythmically, harder, faster, and deeper until—for what seemed like an eternity—both hung at the peak of ultimate pleasure, then both began to sink back to reality. Joe rested on top of her, supporting himself on his elbows, the fingers of his hands playing with her damp hair, taking deep slow breaths in an attempt to slow his rapid breathing. Katie lay with her eyes closed, feeling his heart pounding against her chest, her own heart hammering, and feeling a sense of pure satisfaction and contentment that she had never felt before in her life. Happiness filled her and wrapped her in its warm embrace. When she finally opened her eyes, she felt a tear trickle down from the outer corner of one eye.

  “Hey,” Joe said softly, gently wiping it away. “Why the tears?”

  “Oh, just happy,” Katie whispered, giving him a tremulous smile.

  “I’ll never understand women,” Joe rejoined, offering a grin, “but I love you so very much.” He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly on the mouth.

  Katie gazed at Joe’s face, taking in every detail. “I love you, Joe,” she responded. “I don’
t ever want to leave you.”

  “You won’t have to,” Joe replied. “We finish our tours in a little over three weeks and then we’ll be together. I promise.”

  Katie nodded, and then to her embarrassment, she suddenly yawned. “Sorry,” she murmured.

  “Boring you, am I?” Joe asked a chuckle in his voice.

  “Never,” Katie answered. “Being with you makes me feel safe and protected. I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  Joe slid off her onto his side and took her into his arms, pulling up the rumpled sleeping bag to cover them both.

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart,” he said gently and kissed her on her forehead. “Go to sleep.”

  Placing a hand on the warm, firm muscles of his chest, Katie snuggled against him and allowed her eyes to close. “Love you so much,” she murmured and slipped into sleep.

  Joe lay gazing down at her, feeling tired himself but not wanting to close his eyes in case he missed a change in her expression or she woke up again. He wanted to remember everything about tonight. He watched Katie sleep until exhaustion eventually overcame him and his head slumped back on the pillow and he too slept.

  The alarm on Joe’s wristwatch went off at 0500 hours and he instantly awoke and switched it off, glancing quickly at Katie to see if the noise had wakened her. At some point in the night, she had moved slightly away from him. She now slept with one fist tucked under her chin. He wanted to touch her, to feel her smooth skin, to wake her up and make love to her again, but she needed to sleep. Sleep was healing and she had been through so much over the last few days. Instead, he rested his head on the palm of a hand and watched her.

  This woman lying beside him had irrevocably changed his life forever. He had never loved anyone as he loved her. He couldn’t begin to put into words how he felt, how deep his emotions went. Their lovemaking had just been a small part of it because what he felt for her went much deeper than that. He wanted to protect her, keep her safe, and love her always.


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