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Reunion Page 7


  Grant tugged at RJ's arm and pulled him to sit on the bench next to him, then reached for Patti to do likewise, so she took a seat on his other side.

  “Hey, back, RJ,” Grant said softly. “And I really didn't bite much, but Patti's right. You did like it.”

  “You want to talk about what happened?” RJ asked. He pulled his arm from Grant's grip, but shifted slightly so he was facing the other man—not pulling away so much as focusing his attention. To give RJ credit, he wasn't just trying to change the subject. Grant had been very close to a meltdown, but Patti’s brief conversational diversion had distracted him long enough to regain his composure.

  Patti’s breath hitched as the two men leaned close together. There was just something so damned beautiful about these two men who always seemed to be struggling to find their way together. RJ's black hair seemed to absorb the night, his eyes dark with emotion. With his bronze skin and high cheekbones, his mixed heritage added an exotic touch in the starlit night. She scooted closer to Grant, as he brushed the heavy black hair from RJ’s eyes.

  “I don’t think I want to talk about it right now, RJ. It’s been…what? Three days? Do you think it’s too late to have our reunion? I don’t want us all to go back to our everyday lives and miss—” He shook his head.

  It was RJ’s turn to suck in a shuddering breath. Before he had a chance to say something stupid—like no—Patti dragged her nails over Grant’s denim-clad thigh, the scraping sound surprisingly loud. When Grant turned his head and smiled at her, she nodded. “It’s been a long three days, that’s for sure. I think some time for us, for our reunion, is exactly in order. Where do you want to start, sweetie?”

  Grant gave a harsh little laugh. “I think you both know a lot about what’s new in my life. Obviously, I’m still single. So, enough about me, please. Tonight, let’s make this all about you. What’s going on in your lives? Are you both still single? Ever get serious about someone? Got any big plans?”

  Everyone laughed, then Patti said, “Ahh…the old what-I-did-on-my-summer-vacation oral essay. You’re such a teacher, Grant.”

  Grant shuddered. “I’m glad the school district put me on leave through the end of the year. I don’t know if I could go back. I don’t know if I ever—”

  “Hey, I thought you wanted to hear about us,” RJ said with a small smile. It was as if he wasn’t sure he should try to keep to what Grant had asked for, but thought he should try.

  Jumping in, she said, “I’ll go first. Hi, my name is Patti and I’m a loser at love.”

  “Hi, Patti,” the men obediently intoned. Both men grinned, but she noticed Grant’s hand now rested on RJ’s leg. She hid the smile that threatened. This was almost like starting over between the two of them. Grant obviously wanted RJ, and RJ was back to feeling shy about his desire for Grant.

  “After we all went our own ways, I went north and worked—took some more classes at NAU, and kept working my way through the career ladder. I don’t remember what I’ve shared with either of you, but basically, to move up, you have to move on. So, in addition to the Canyon, I’ve worked at Rocky Mountain National Park, a short stint in DC, and my favorite job at the Flagstaff Monuments.”

  When she paused, Grant prodded her to keep going. “How about any relationships? Anyone serious?” Grant asked. “You seemed damned chummy with the doctor who was here—Gabe, right?”

  “Yeah, Dr. Richard Gabriel. Oh my God…is he hot or what?” She laughed softly. “He’s been a very good friend for a lot of years. He helped fill the void that you two left. He’s into poly—you know, multiple partners. I admit, we did try. We even went so far as to talk about finding a third person, just to see—but we discovered we were better friends than lovers. It was like being with my brother.” She shuddered. “He’s the only one I ever got emotionally close to. No one else ever really fit, if that makes sense. And honestly, I did a lot of moving, a lot of temporary assignments to fires or other events. Not exactly conducive to building anything long term. How about you, RJ?”

  RJ lowered his chin, hiding his eyes beneath a heavy black curtain of hair. He always used to do that whenever she or Grant got too personal. “Marker hired me as an intern when I was still at MIT. I stayed with them. They paid for me to keep going to school, you know?”

  “Wait…did you get your PhD?” Grant asked.

  RJ nodded then shifted his position again, so he and Grant were more hip-to-hip than facing each other. “Yeah. Between that and work…well, there wasn’t much time for dating. I went out with a few women from work. Always tried to bring someone to the Christmas party…that sort of thing.”

  Grant covered RJ’s hand with his own and threaded their fingers together. “What about men, RJ?”

  “Yeah…a few.” He looked up, his gaze lingered on Grant for a moment before drifting over to Patti. “Sorry, there’s not a lot to tell. I had dates and I had hook ups. Men were on the down low, as they say.”

  “But what if you wanted to bring a man to the Christmas party?” Patti asked.

  RJ’s laugh was tinged with bitterness. “Bringing a man to the parties would have been out of the question—and don’t talk to me about discrimination. You both have the security of government jobs. In private industry, the owner can do just about anything he likes, if he’s careful.”

  “Why did you work for him, then?” Patti asked. She’d been lucky, the Park Service was more liberal than most workplaces; it was hard to imagine putting up with that type of bullshit from an employer.

  “I didn’t realize Marker’s politics and religion played so heavily into his work practices until after I graduated, and by then, I had a contractual obligation for a certain number of years in exchange for the tuition. It’s subtle enough from the outside, but he’s getting more deeply involved in the far right conservative movement.” RJ looked down to where his hand was linked with Grant’s and frowned.

  “About six years ago, he made the decision to start using two shifts during the week so he could close all operations on Sundays. The memo said it was so all of his employees could attend church and be with their families. There was some fuss, but not too much press. Mostly because the right wing was politically powerful at the time and the political pendulum was still on the right.” RJ looked back up, his mouth a tight line.

  “That was enough to start me on the path to do some private R and D at my house. I wanted to move on, but with a nice big project that would make me more attractive to a company like Enwright. I guess that was the real start of my thinking about moving back to Phoenix.”

  That was her perfect opening. She needed to move the men inside, bring them all to a place they could start over on some common ground.

  Jumping up from the bench, Patti reached a hand out to each man. “Okay—I can’t tell you how excited I am that you’re thinking about moving back to the valley, RJ, but do you men think we could move this inside? It’s getting a little too cool out here and I don’t really want to put on a sweater. I was sort of hoping we could go for less clothes, not more.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Grant knew this was a moment he’d both been waiting for and dreading. Not because he didn’t want to be with both of them, but because he feared RJ would turn them down. Their former lover’s admission he’d been with a few men over the years actually encouraged him, even though a burning jealousy flared in his stomach. He tightened his grip on RJ’s hand and took Patti’s with the other.

  “Yes, let’s take this into the living room…unless…” He stood next to Patti, so that they both looked down at RJ, who’d remained seated on the bench. “I don’t know how you managed to rent this place again, RJ, but one of my most special memories of us was made in that bedroom over there.” He tilted his head in the direction of the French doors. “You found this place for us, because of that last special weekend. There doesn’t seem to be any reason we can’t be together tonight. Come inside. I want to make love with both of you…”

  RJ sighed dra
matically, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I never could win when both of you put your minds to something.” He pushed to his feet, dropped Patti’s hand, and wrapped an arm around her instead. Grant did the same and pulled the two of them into an embrace. He needed to taste them, to remember the warmth of their kisses, the caresses, the greedy hunger that always seemed to surround the three of them. For him, it had always been equal parts lust and love.

  Praying this was the second chance he’d dreamed of, Grant bent his head to capture Patti’s mouth in a long-awaited kiss. Pulling RJ close, he dug his fingers into the other man’s side in a silent invitation.

  RJ’s eyes closed as he leaned in, and he hummed softly. Grant raised his hands, one to each of his lovers, threading his fingers into silky hair, encouraging them to move closer. He rubbed his lips gently against Patti’s mouth then moved to brush against RJ’s. They lazily moved back and forth, soft, slow kisses that spun out. Each tantalizing taste, sweeping away their years apart, like cobwebs from a once treasured room.

  “Inside,” he murmured against RJ’s kiss. They’d pressed so close together, there was no missing the shudder that coursed through the other man’s body. Grant thought he might be remembering the last time they were together—when he’d said that same word as he pressed through RJ’s last barrier.

  The bedroom was dark, except for faint hint of starlight filtering in through the windows. Sweet, beautiful Patti went straight to the bed and folded back the covers, then looked back at RJ. Grant moved to stand behind him and wrapped him in his arms.

  “Undress for us, Patti, sweetheart. Let us watch,” Grant said.

  A moan spilled over into the night, and he felt the desire vibrate through RJ’s heavy frame as he kicked off his shoes, apparently ready to jump onto the bed.

  “God. You have no idea how many nights I’ve dreamed of seeing her naked again,” RJ whispered, leaning forward.

  Grant held him in place and pressed closer against the hot, smooth back, cupping RJ’s thick cock through the heavy weight of denim. “Oh, I think I might have some idea.”

  Patti smiled, her face alight with mischief. “I will, if you will. Grant, you undress RJ. A one for one trade.”

  She crossed her arms and lifted her shirt oh-so-slowly, partially revealing a flat, smooth stomach, with—

  “Holy fuck, Patti. Is your naval pierced?” Grant managed to squeeze out, despite the sudden lack of oxygen to his brain.

  With a move to make a belly dancer proud, she swiveled her hips, then raised the shirt even higher. A lacy lavender bra peeked out under the hem of her tee.

  “That’s not all I have pierced,” she teased.

  “Oh fuck,” RJ said and pushed his pelvis toward Grant’s hands, a silent encouragement to hurry-the-fuck-up.

  Grant fumbled with the buttons of RJ’s 501 Levi’s, his fingers clumsy with a need to hurry. RJ’s erection strained against the button-fly, slowing the process even further. As soon as the last button slipped free, he pushed at the denim, and RJ’s cock sprang free. Thick, proud, and leaking.

  “Oh fuck me,” Grant barely recognized his own voice. “You went commando? Jesus Christ, RJ. You two are killing me here…Patti, come on. That’s gotta be worth two pieces of clothing.”

  With a flourish, she tugged her shirt over her head, then tossed her hair so that it fell free, the red waves spilling around her shoulders, brushing against her breasts. With a quick flick, she unfastened her bra at the front and shrugged, so it landed in a lacy heap. Not that he noticed much, because Patti cupped her breasts, and started squeezing and pulling on her nipples. Her pierced nipples. Oh my fucking God.

  His hips jerked against RJ’s ass and he moaned at the friction. In a total frenzy, he gripped the hem of RJ’s shirt and jerked it over his head, before starting on his own clothes. “Shit. Slow later. I’ve waited too long to have you both back in my bed.”


  Patti hid her smile as she fell back onto the mattress and wiggled her way out of her jeans. The men nearly fell over in a race to pounce on the bed, all reserve gone, only a raw hunger to reconnect, to touch, to feel. For the moment, their attention was directed at her, but she knew the hunger for each other was there, simmering under the surface.

  They’d been apart for so long. These men had once been her best friends, knew her better that anyone else ever had—at least when she’d been ten years younger. The only person she’d even come close to in that time was Gabe, but even he’d never held her heart like RJ and Grant. Grant and RJ. They had so much to learn about each other, so far to go before they could talk about the real meaning behind their reunion promise. There wasn’t going to be any shortcut—they had a hell of a lot of work to do if they had a chance at forever. But Grant was right—talk and slow would wait. Tonight, they needed the comfort of each other.

  She reached for RJ first, only because he’d landed closest to her mouth. In a tight motion, she curled up, pushing his chest until he collapsed against the pillows. She licked the underside of his cock, working the tip, rolling her tongue over the heavy ridge, pressing into his slit. She loved the feel of him, the taste of his salty pre-cum. He was thick and hard, and oh…

  Grant collapsed on the other side of RJ, his hand slid over the tight muscles, nails scraping through the thick patch of hair that covered RJ’s pecs. Cupping RJ’s jaw, he turned their lover’s head and captured his lips in a raw, hungry kiss.

  RJ moaned, and Grant changed the angle of the kiss, leaving one hand splayed over RJ’s chest while the other shifted to lift RJ’s head, taking possession, feasting on the other man’s mouth. She met Grant’s heavy-lidded gaze, opened her throat and took RJ deep, hard, and fast. Twin moans spilled out of the men, then RJ’s hips bucked as he started to fuck her mouth. She hummed in pleasure, and RJ pulled back slightly from Grant’s kiss.

  “Shit, Patti! Going to make me come.” RJ’s voice came out raw, a strangled cry that let her know just how close he already was. He threaded his fingers into her hair, holding on in great fistfuls that stung so good. God, she loved that wild abandon on the edge of pain.

  With her lips stretched wide, Patti took RJ even deeper, swallowing and moaning around his cock, letting him feel the vibrations. His heels dug in to the mattress and the rhythm of his thrusts faltered.

  One hand released her hair, and she moaned again as RJ grabbed a handful of Grant’s hair instead and used it like a handle to pull Grant away from the kisses—dragging him lower so that the two of them were held in place, taking turns at swallowing RJ’s cock.

  Patti pushed RJ’s knees toward his chest and Grant held them in place, while he continued to lave their lover. She lapped at RJ’s balls, so tight and full, she knew he was only hanging on by a thread. Moving lower, she scraped her teeth along the smooth skin of his perineum.

  “Oh God,” RJ gasped. He rocked his hips, gaining momentum between the two mouths. Capturing Grant’s gaze, Patti swiped at RJ’s tight pucker, then she fucked him with her tongue, and Grant swallowed RJ’s cock to the thick base. When Patti pushed her thumbs through the tight ring of muscles, their lover went right over the edge.

  Grant’s throat worked as he swallowed and swallowed, continuing to milk RJ’s cock. Then with a sexy wink, he pulled off and coated his lips with cum, his easy smile an invitation she had no intention of turning down.


  Lord have mercy, Patti and Grant had sucked the life right out of him. He lay nestled between his two lovers, willing his body to move, even as they continued to stroke and caress him, murmuring words of comfort and love. He had a very unmanly thought that this must be what it felt like to be…cherished.

  He tried to focus on his original intention to let Patti and Grant be a couple, to maintain a safe emotional distance, but then someone moaned and his tired dick twitched, and he surrendered. His good intentions could live to fight another day, tonight was about need and now. About affirming their connections, about taking their lives of
f hold.

  For years, the memory of their last night had sustained him through the loneliness of moving across the country, leaving everything he’d known behind. Shit, he’d jerked off so many times to the mental image, he figured he’d spilled enough cum to populate a planet. If he was completely honest with himself, the chance to have Grant and Patti—

  “Take me, Grant. Want you inside me…”

  “Oh, fuck,” Grant whispered. He shifted his long, lean body so he could look at RJ. “Are you sure, baby? We really don’t need—”

  “Please…Patti has me ready. I’ve dreamed—”

  RJ reached to pull Patti closer, but she sat back on her haunches and reached for a bottle of lube and a condom on the nightstand.

  “Stay just like that, RJ. Let me glove Grant and lube you,” Patti said.

  “Wait, I need you under me, lover. Like last time.” RJ struggled to put words together as their hands continued to caress, to stroke, to love.

  “Not this time, RJ. Just you and Grant. Stay just the way you are so you can face him. I want to watch the two of you make love.” Patti’s lid were heavy, her chest rose and fell rapidly, the thought of watching seeming to excite her. He understood that feeling well, nodded once, and turned to meet Grant’s gaze.

  With quick movements, Grant pushed off the bed and pulled RJ’s hips until he was at the edge of the mattress. “Show me, Patti. Make him ready.” Grant’s hoarse whisper slid across RJ’s skin like a fine grain sand paper.

  The cool of slick sliding over his ass made him gasp, but her tongue and thumbs had already relaxed him. Her fingers slid in and out, spreading the lube, making both men moan.

  “Ready for me?” Grant asked as Patti’s fingers slipped from RJ’s ass.

  Patti lubed Grant’s cock, then after a few strokes she said, “Let me…”

  The feel of Grant’s dick sliding along his crease made him shiver, but Grant’s focus was intense as he stared down to where Patti teased them both. Then she shifted her grip and the broad tip of Grant’s cock split him open as his lover pressed inside.


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