Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10 Page 2

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Jesus.” She heard Blaze sigh, but ignored him.

  “Waiting for us at the airport was a man I’d never seen before with an older boy who looked a lot like me waiting. He turned out to be my brother. My father wasn’t what I pictured. His hair was long, his beard longer, but all I really saw was a big man who could make my stepfather pay for what he’d done like some hero.” Katrina laughed, shaking her head. “But even at seven I knew something wasn’t right when my mother walked up to him. The hug he gave her wasn’t loving like I’d imagined it would be, not even friendly. Now I know what it was, what we’d walked back into. Now I know the hell my mother went through just to keep me safe. Except what she really did was leave one bastard to go back to another who was even worse.”

  Katrina glanced at Becky who looked confused. Even Jill looked at her with a narrowed look.

  “You wondering why?” she asked Becky, then looked at Jill again. “Don’t waste your time because I’ve asked that question myself over and over again. I even asked my mother, but the only thing she could say was that she had no choice. I guess my mom knew she couldn’t just start over in California without my stepfather’s money. Before meeting him, we were living hand to mouth. We had nothing. She made the choice of calling my father who was now Iron Drakes’ president. Traded a bastard for the devil. Makes no sense, and believe me I’ve tried to make sense of it. Maybe in her own right, she loved Samuel Drake.”

  “Why didn’t she take your brother?” Slade asked, his eyes tight with distrust.

  “I’m not really sure except for the fact that my mom knew that Samuel Drake was close to becoming president of the club and my brother was being groomed for a position next to our father. It’s a different lifestyle, hell, world, that’s the only explanation I was ever given,” Katrina replied, not knowing what else to say.

  “And your stepfather didn’t try to stop any of this?” Jill asked, her eyes sad as they stared at her.

  “Not that I know of. And honestly it wouldn’t have mattered. Once my mom called Samuel Drake, our lives were set in motion. Even though Mom deserted the MC, she wanted to return. My father, now president, allowed it. I can’t even imagine what she had to go through, and it was never spoken about, but I heard whispers of what she endured to be accepted back into the MC, back into my father’s life.”

  Katrina really tried not to cry, but dammit, what her mother had done was for her and that knowledge killed her. Aware of the horrors her mother endured by leaving the MC and then begging to go back was something she wished would leave her memory forever, but she knew that would never happen because she had to remember what a monster her father was; it was the only thing keeping her alive.

  “The day I really opened my eyes was about three weeks later when my father came into my room and slammed a newspaper on my bed.” Katrina bit the inside of her cheek to keep control of her emotions before continuing. “It was a Californian newspaper reporting that a man by the name of Justin Donnely was found brutally murdered.”

  “Your stepfather,” Sloan said matter-of-factly.

  “My stepfather.” Katrina nodded. “He then picked up the paper, read the article proudly before patting me on the head and telling me that I would never have to worry about him again. He left me the paper, then walked out the door. I guess in some fucked up way that was how my dad took care of me. Showed me he cared.”

  “In all honestly, Katrina, I believe you and yet, I know outlaw MCs and for your mom to be allowed back just doesn’t add up,” Sid said, then threw his hands up before Blaze could say anything. “I’m not saying she’s lying. I’m just saying it doesn’t add up.”

  “Samuel Drake likes to make examples of people. My mother was no exception.” Katrina didn’t even flinch at Sid’s words. She expected it. “She once held a position over the women in the club and my father was not even president then, but that all changed. She was treated like a whore, a deserter, but she tried to hide all that from me. Her life was forever chained to the MC because of me. I now understand a little better why she finally came back to the life.” Katrina shrugged and gave a heavy sigh. “Waiting for the MC life to catch up with you is exhausting and… scary,” she admitted.

  “Is there anything else?” Sloan asked, his eyes searching hers as if trying to see if she was lying or holding back information.

  “No, that’s pretty much it.” Katrina glanced at Adam again. “Ask Adam if you don’t believe me.”

  “It’s all true.” Adam added, “But she did hold something back.”

  Katrina frowned. “No, I didn’t.”

  “Yes, you did.” Adam glared at her, anger dripping from his tone. “You held back that your father will go to the ends of the earth to find you and bring you to MC justice, because no one deserts the Iron Drakes once, let alone twice.”

  Katrina didn’t want to show her fear because she did know the consequences, saw it first hand. It had been scarred into her soul. Adam was right and had managed to push past all the other crap swarming her mind. Then again, the thought of getting caught rarely left her thoughts.

  Chapter 2

  Blaze knew he looked as shocked as everyone else. Even though he wasn’t from this area, he knew exactly who the Iron Drakes were; it was the Warriors’ business to know about gang activity in the area, whether vampire or human. What he didn’t know was why Katrina had been lying to them about who she was. Seeing the undeniable fear on her face clued him in on part of why she had lied. Once you were part of most motorcycle gangs, you never left unless in a body bag or you just plain disappeared. She was born into the outlaw club, which indicated not only to him but everyone else that she belonged to that club, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. At least to the Iron Drakes way of thinking. His way of thinking was way different, and he’d be damned if she ever went back there.

  Cursing filled the air as everyone let what she’d just said sink in.

  “And you felt it was in your best interest to lie to us?” Sloan cocked his eyebrow.

  Katrina’s head snapped up. “I never lied to anyone because no one ever asked who I was.”

  “Your last name is not Beach,” Sloan pointed out, his glare softening slightly.

  “And that is not a lie,” Katrina countered. “My last name is Beach. I took my mother’s last name, which is what most outlaw MC presidents do with their kids, so another competing MC doesn’t use them as pawns.”

  “Motorcycle club.” Steve leaned toward Becky, who wore a confused look.

  “I know,” Becky whispered back to Steve, then gave Katrina a sad smile.

  “Wait outside.” Sloan dismissed her with a nod of his head. “Becky, go with her.”

  “I know what you’re thinking, and you’re wrong.” Katrina headed for the door. “I’m not a plant.”

  Blaze watched her go and knew she was avoiding looking at him. As soon as the door shut, he looked at Adam. “Is what she said true?”

  “What, about not being a plant?” Adam asked, sitting down after Katrina left. “Yeah, it’s true. She’s been on the run since after she was turned. She has no loyalty to them.”

  “Son of a bitch, this is a fucked-up mess.” Sloan rubbed his hand over his face. “I mean, can we seriously not get a fucking break?”

  “Actually”—Adam wore a lopsided grin—“she just may be the break we needed.”

  “And how the fuck is that?” Sloan dropped his hand from the bridge of his nose to glare at Adam. “Other than minor gun running and small-time drugs, which are local police issues, the Iron Drakes have been no problem to us. They keep to themselves and stay the fuck out of our way. Now we have the president’s daughter, who’s a runaway even if she is of age. We all know it’s different rules in the MC. I don’t have fucking time for a damn war with a local club that’s going to be a pain in my fucking ass.”

  “Yeah, well it seems they’ve been flying real low on the radar, because they’ve gone from small crime to our crime. Meaning Crimson Rush, trafficking, as in h
umans, and the list goes on.” Adam nodded toward the door Katrina disappeared through. “And that girl knows everything.”

  Blaze cursed, but held his ground waiting to see what Sloan’s reaction was going to be. He needed to keep his cool, this time literally. He felt his protective rage rearing its ugly head, but held it back, for now.

  Adam stood and walked out of the room. Blaze saw from his vantage point Adam walk up to Katrina before turning around and coming back into the room, shutting the door behind him. Before the door shut completely, Blaze’s gaze met Katrina’s terrified golden stare.

  “Sorry, had to make sure.” Adam sat back down with a sigh. “This damn power is confusing as hell sometimes, but father dearest knows exactly who his daughter is playing with because as I said before, it was her father’s guys who attacked her.”

  “Get her back in here, now!” Sloan cursed. Blaze reacted first.

  Opening the door, he gave her and Becky a nod and then stepped back as they came back in. This time Blaze stood closer to Katrina, the damn dog wedging itself between them. Blaze glanced down at the dog, who was gazing up at him. With a nod from him, he stood his ground beside Katrina.

  “I want to know every fucking thing about the Iron Drakes. I don’t give a shit if it takes a week, I want every detail. I want to know what Samuel Drake eats, what he drinks, and even when he takes a piss.” Sloan growled the words, towering over her. “And you are going to tell me. You understand?”

  Katrina nodded without saying a word. Sloan didn’t move.

  Focusing on Katrina, Blaze noticed she had started to shake. “She understands, Sloan.” He kept his tone level, but not his attitude. “Now back the fuck off.”

  Sloan’s head snapped toward Blaze, his eyes narrowing, but before he could say anything, his phone rang. With one last glare at Blaze, he checked his phone. “Slade, go ahead and ask her whatever you need. I have to take this call.”

  Blaze watched Sloan head toward the door, reaching out to squeeze Becky’s hand before he left. Becky’s worried eyes went back to Katrina, and Blaze was glad that Katrina seemed to have a friend in Sloan’s mate.

  “Katrina, what do you know about what was given to you?” Slade began, his voice calm but his eyes intense, indicating this was serious business.

  Even though Blaze was not touching her, he felt her tremors as if she were in his arms. That connection to her worried him, but he pushed it aside. He’d deal with that shit later; for now, he was just as anxious to hear what she had to say as everyone else.

  “Bones is the go-to guy for injuries. He’s not a real doctor, but he knows enough to set broken bones and stuff.” Katrina began slowly, as if searching for the right words. “I don’t know how it started, but I know my father always wanted to be the biggest and best MC in the area.”

  “What does that have to do with half-breeds?” Sid broke in with a shake of his head. “We know every fucking MC around wants to be the biggest and the baddest. That’s nothing new.”

  She flinched at Sid’s remark, which pissed Blaze off. “Shut the fuck up and let her finish,” Blaze shot at Sid.

  “But none of them went to the extremes as Samuel Drake.” Katrina frowned at Sid. “He found a way to change all his patched members into half-breeds, making them the most powerful MC not only in the tristate, but the surrounding areas, and he controlled it all. When I took off, he was making deals with other MCs to change them.”

  “But you just said he wanted to be the biggest and baddest around. How is changing other clubs going to accomplish that?” Damon, who had been silent until then, asked.

  “Samuel Drake will do anything for money.” Katrina’s voice was low, to the point she sounded weak. “Money in the MC world is power. They also pledged their allegiance.”

  It wasn’t until that very moment Blaze realized what kind of world this young, beautiful woman had been subjected to. His mind reeled, his anger soaring to a new level.

  Sloan had come in hearing this, his frown deepening. “I have our source at the police station sending me the files on the Iron Drakes.”

  “And that is how you were changed?” Slade asked, his focus still intense.

  “Yes.” Katrina nodded, her hands fidgeting until Sager put his head against Katrina’s leg, giving Katrina something to touch. “Bones, from what I understood, started injecting prospects with something. A lot of them died at first, but then it started to work. I don’t know what it was, but I know Bones had a setup that he made the stuff in. Soon the whole club was changed and then….”

  Blaze stepped a little closer to Katrina, the turmoil in her voice pulling him in. He knew his eyes were swirling red fire because Sloan kept looking at him, giving him a warning glare.

  “Then what?” Sloan asked, his eyes going back to Katrina. “You are safe here, Katrina. Nothing is going to happen to you, but we have to know.”

  Katrina swallowed and nodded. “Bones, under my father’s order, started to inject the women. My mom tried to escape, but she was caught. She wanted me and my brother to go with her. My brother told our father what she was up to. Once Samuel Drake found out my mother planned on leaving him again, her fate was sealed.””

  “How old is your brother and where is he?” Sloan looked away from his computer to look at her, waiting for her answer.

  “He’s twenty-seven, and he’s still there,” Katrina replied, anger curling her lip in disgust.

  Blaze watched as a lone red tear leaked from the corner of her eye, but she wiped it away angrily. Almost everyone in the room knew exactly what they did with snitches, but what they heard next confirmed to them exactly what they were dealing with.

  “After my mother was passed around to every patched member as well as prospects, she was tortured and then murdered. I was made to watch what they did to her. The bastard kept her alive long enough to watch me turn, to prove to her and everyone else he was the one with the power.” With another angry swipe, Katrina smeared the blood tear across her cheek, into her hair. “I have no loyalty to any of them, especially Samuel Drake or my brother. I didn’t know my mother’s plans until she was caught. She had went to my brother for help to get us out, which was a grave mistake. Before she died Samuel Drake made sure that my mother knew I would live and that I would belong to Breaker, his second in-in-command?”

  “Who the fuck is, Breaker?” Blaze didn’t catch himself in time, and the dangerous growl escaped his throat. Fuck if that would ever happen. Not in this lifetime and not while he walked the earth. Motherfucker was good as dead. No way in hell would Katrina belong to anyone.

  “As soon as I could, I escaped, which wasn’t easy because every prospect was in charge of watching me.” Katrina ignored Blaze’s question.

  “What’s a prospect?” Becky asked, staring at Katrina, a sadness shadowing her face.

  “A prospect in the MC is someone who wants to be a patched member. They’re at the mercy of all patched members and will do anything they are told—kill, rape, you name it. A patched member is the only one who can wear the colors of the club,” Katrina replied, then frowned at Becky. “Don’t feel sorry for me.”

  “I don’t feel sorry for you,” Becky quickly replied. “I feel sorry for your circumstance, which was out of your control. There’s a big difference. I think you’re a very strong woman.”

  Katrina only nodded but didn’t say anything else. Blaze agreed 100 percent with Becky. They probably hadn’t even scraped the surface of what Katrina had been through, living the life of a daughter to the president of a fucking outlaw motorcycle club. There were legit MCs that did wonderful work for children, veterans, etcetera, but not the Iron Drakes.

  Sloan turned his monitor around so everyone could see. “This is your father?”

  “That’s Samuel Drake.” Katrina nodded, and Blaze saw hatred darken her eyes.

  Within an hour, Katrina had gone through all the file pictures of each member of the Iron Drakes, naming who they were and what purpose they served in the
club. Each member that passed the monitor, the more she seemed to wither away. Blaze stood close to her, waiting, but she stood strong until the last picture was shown.

  “That’s Breaker.” Katrina’s voice shook. “His first name is Isaac, but I don’t know his last name.”

  “Why do they call him Breaker?” Steve asked, staring at the picture.

  “He’s good at breaking things” was all Katrina said, her voice shaking slightly.

  Standing directly behind her, Blaze noticed the crooked pinky finger on her left hand, which held her weight as she leaned on the desk to see the computer screen. She curled it up under her hand as she spoke. Blaze mumbled a curse as he returned his glare to the picture on the monitor, burning the image into his brain. He knew without a doubt he was staring at a dead motherfucker.

  The room was silent for only a second. Sloan turned the monitor back and stood. “Suit up.” He looked around, his gaze skipping Becky and Katrina. “We ride in half an hour.”

  Blaze waited back with Katrina who just stood with her head down before looking up. “I can draw you a map of their clubhouse and where everything is.” Her voice shook. “It’s big with a lot of hidden areas. I know where their spotters are and where they hide during their watch.”

  “That would be of great help, Katrina.” Sloan slid her paper and a pen. He reached out and lifted her face to his. “I know what happens to people who go against MCs and I promise you, you are under our protection. Nothing will happen to you.”

  A sudden urge to break Sloan’s arm flashed through Blaze’s mind, but was gone when Sloan pulled it away from Katrina’s face. Jesus, he needed to get a grip and fucking fast.

  Once she was done, she handed Sloan the papers. Blaze had watched her draw them with notes. It was a precise map that anyone getting ready to raid would love to have.


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