Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10 Page 4

by Teresa Gabelman

  Walking over, she hit the button to open one of the garage doors, then went on the hunt. Seeing a Harley Sportster ready to go, she hurried that way. She’d ridden many bikes in her life and never found one fit for her size, but she made do. There was nothing better than the freedom of riding. Excitement to finally ride overrode the fear and guilt of what she was doing. Pushing the bike out of the garage, down the drive of the compound and onto the street, she wasted no time hopping on and starting it up.

  The power from sitting with the energy of the bike between her legs had her smiling, the guilt and fear of what she was doing disappearing for a split second. With no thought other than taking off, she did just that, and had never felt freer in her life, even though she was heading toward the hell she had tried so hard to run away from.

  Enjoying the ride more than she should, she began to focus on what was to come. Knowing she couldn’t just show up without backup, because honestly, she didn’t know the Warriors’ plans—she hadn’t been involved in that—she called out to friends, confident that they would show for her.

  The closer she got, the more focused she became. The mind games, the evil intentions were about to start, and she had to not only be mentally ready, but physically prepared. Samuel Drake may be her father, but she was nothing to him but a pawn he had used and would continue to use if she fell into the madness of the Iron Drakes again.

  Sensing her call to friends had been answered, she slowed as she rode up to the Iron Drakes’ clubhouse. The gate was open, so with a deep breath, she rode right through them. Six large, mean-looking coyotes stood in the shadows waiting for her, their eyes glowing briefly in the darkness. She didn’t have to see them to know they were there; she felt them. What she did look for was the activity that was always going on at the Drakes’ clubhouse, yet she found none. Instantly she knew that her father had deserted and moved to a different location, which he only did when he felt any kind of heat. And she also knew without a doubt the Warriors were the heat he was worried about.

  Pride swirled through her body, but just as fast as it arrived, it disappeared, replaced by dread of what she had done. It was as if he still had power over her life. Break this law, disengage with these people, do as I say and ask no questions because I am the law here. It was as if he were standing over her shoulder directing her like a puppet.

  Climbing off the bike, her hands shook, and her knees felt weak, making her stumble. She knew without a doubt that after what she’d just pulled, she would never be trusted. Leaning her head back, she sighed as she looked at the sky and wondered if she would ever get a fair break in life. Yeah, she deserved a moment of self-pity, but that soon came to an end.

  Her body became alert as she heard a noise to her left. Snapping her head down, she looked that way. She figured the Warriors had been there and gone by now, seeing that no one was there, but maybe that wasn’t the case. She cast a look toward the coyotes; they fell in step with her, and as one, they headed toward the main house, which was covered with overgrown bushes. Once she was around the front, she saw light, heard cursing, and her stomach cramped. She knew that voice, and she absolutely hated this house. The memories threatened to overtake her, but she pushed them back. She was stronger than the memories. She had to be stronger.

  Slowly, she climbed the stairs and stood in the open doorway unnoticed. Her eyes went from the bastard Pollard, one of her father’s prospects and one of the men who had beaten her weeks ago, to the unmoving figure completely naked with her legs hanging over the arm of the nasty couch. Anger so strong hit her, making her hands ball into fists. Before she could act, she watched, amazed, as a stained throw blanket floated from one end of the couch, traveled up in the air and slowly floated down to cover the naked female. Instantly she knew that she wasn’t alone. Steve was with her as well as the low growling companions who surrounded her.

  Pollard screamed at the sight of the blanket floating in midair, making Katrina smile, no humor involved, only satisfaction that the bastard felt some of the fear he bestowed on others.

  The coyotes grew restless, their nails clipping on the hardwood floor as they pranced in place. Katrina glanced to the other two in the room, who she didn’t know. One was looking straight at her.

  “Who the fuck are you?” He stood, his eyes going from her to the coyotes.

  She didn’t answer, just swung her gaze back to Pollard, who had turned toward her. His eyes narrowed. Reaching deep for the confidence she needed, she took a step into the room and then another, the coyotes in step with her. Her eyes went from Pollard’s thin, ugly face to see Jenny lying unconscious. Her stomach rolled as disgust, thick and hot, rose to her throat, but she pushed the bile back.

  “Only way you can get a girl, Pollard?” Katrina snapped, not knowing where Steve was, but knew he was there. That and the coyotes gave her courage; it was exactly what she needed. The Iron Drakes could sniff out weakness, and once they did, it was pretty much over for the one who dared show anything other than confidence in their presence.

  “Well, Kat, I never thought you were stupid enough to show up here.” Pollard sneered, one corner of his lips curving up into a cruel smile.

  God, she hated to be called that, but she didn’t even flinch.

  “But your father did.” Pollard sniffed, then wiped his nose, a clear habit of a coke addict. He snorted more coke than anyone she had ever seen. It was all he cared about and all he worked for, the next snort of white powder.

  “That’s her?” The man who remained standing stared at her, his eyes roaming up and down, making her sick to her stomach. “Damn, man. I thought she’d be… ugly as fuck. I mean, Drake is an ugly son of a bitch.”

  “I’ll make sure he knows you think that. But her momma was a beautiful piece of ass.” Pollard laughed, his eyes also raking down her body before his evil stare met hers. “And a good fuck.”

  His words hit her and anger exploded throughout her body. Her lips pulled back, exposing her fangs as the pounding in her ears beat a raging tempo. The coyotes reacted to her emotions and lowered their heads, ready to pounce, but Pollard was quick. He pulled a gun, aiming it at the closest coyote.

  “You call that fucker back, or I’ll blow its head off,” he ordered, his eyes shifting to her then back to the threat.

  Her only answer was to step in front of the coyote. “Go ahead and shoot.” When he quickly looked away from her, she laughed. “But that’s not your orders, is it? Drake wants me alive, and you don’t have the balls to go against him, do you?”

  “Fuck you, Kat,” he spat, the gun still raised.

  “Don’t call me that,” Katrina hissed, her eyes narrowing in hatred for him and the name.

  “So it’s true.” Pollard nodded toward the coyotes. “You can control them. That’s how you got away from us. That’s why all those fucking birds attacked us. I told Drake that, but he didn’t believe me. He’s going to shit, and if you think he wanted you back before, oh man, he’s going to come after you himself.”

  Katrina didn’t say a word. No way would she give them any information. If they were too stupid to figure it out, so be it. Steve had reappeared behind the other two men, his eyes on her. She gave him a warning look; she needed to find out where Drake was.

  “Where’s Drake’s new clubhouse?” Katrina asked calmly.

  “I can take you to him.” Pollard gave her an empty smile.

  “How nice of you, but I think I’ll just show up on my own,” Katrina replied with fake politeness, her smile just as empty.

  “Still a smartass, I see.” Pollard started to lower the gun, but one of the coyotes took a step, making him raise it again. “So what happens to you if I shoot one of those ugly bastards?”

  “Nothing.” Katrina took another step to shield the dog. “It’s what will happen to you.”

  “Oh, and what’s that?” Pollard cocked his head with an arrogant twist.

  “I will kill you,” Katrina replied, taking a step forward. “Go ahead, Pollard, or a
re you scared of what Drake will do to you?”

  “Don’t tempt me, Kat.” Pollard sneered, the gun rising straight toward her forehead. “It’s almost worth seeing your brains splatter for what Drake did to me when you got away.”

  “Oh, sorry.” She tilted her head. “Did I get you in trouble?”

  The gun clicked. “I told you not to tempt me.”

  A flash of brightness passed close to Katrina’s head, and she felt a wave of heat. Her eyes widened as a ball of fire smashed into Pollard’s hand, catching his sleeve on fire. The gun dropped to the floor. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her back as Blaze stormed past her, heading straight for Pollard.

  Chapter 5

  Blaze was disappointed to hear from Adam, who was reading Steve, that the place was deserted except for three members of the gang. He itched to get his hands on someone and dammit, the odds of that happening were slim since he wasn’t the only one with those feelings. The rest of the Warriors were strung tight, wanting to get their hands on someone also.

  “We got a problem,” Adam said with a frown.

  “What?” Sloan growled as the Warriors all made eye contact with each other.

  “Steve just punched a dude in the face while still invisible.” Adam chuckled then stopped immediately when Sloan growled. “It’s okay. He’s just fucking with him. It’s actually working. Wait a minute. What the hell?”

  “What?” Sloan demanded as Damon’s phone went off.

  “Somebody else is there.” Adam put his hand to his temple before his eyes widened. “Holy shit!” His eyes shot to Blaze.

  “That was Nicole.” Damon also glanced at Blaze. “Katrina disappeared. When Nicole checked the cameras, she saw that Katrina broke into the garage and took one of the bikes. She doesn’t know where she went.”

  “I do.” Adam jumped on his bike. “She’s there. At the Iron Drakes.”

  Blaze was already heading out. He somehow knew without hearing Adam’s words. He knew where Katrina had gone. Within minutes, he pulled through the open gate, spotting the bike Katrina had ridden, actually impressed that such a small woman could handle a bike like that.

  “Hey, what the hell!” Sid stopped next to the bike. “That’s my fucking bike she stole.”

  “Where?” Blaze asked the one-word question, ignoring Sid’s outburst, his eyes scanning the area before landing on Adam.

  “The house, over there.” Adam pointed as they all spread out while Sloan gave orders as he ran alongside Blaze.

  He didn’t even look at the steps as he jumped them, landing on the porch. All he focused on was Katrina surrounded by coyotes and the motherfucker who pointed a gun at her. With no thought other than getting rid of the threat directed at her, he pulled his power and slung a ball of fire from his hand toward the bastard. Pulling Katrina behind him, he rushed toward the son of a bitch who dared threaten her.

  Blaze felt a rage he had never felt before consuming his body as his large hand wrapped around the man’s neck. Picking him up, Blaze punched him repeatedly in the face before slamming him on the floor. The bastard’s arm was still on fire, his terrified eyes wide open as he frantically slammed his hand on the floor, trying to put out the fire. Undeterred, Blaze stepped on his wrist, hand still around his throat, letting his arm continue to burn.

  “Blaze!” Sloan’s voice broke through his heightened killing instinct. He wanted this bastard dead once he’d suffered. “We need him alive.”

  “Fuck that!” Blaze squeezed his throat tighter as his blazing eyes glared down into the man’s soul. “He’s going to hell tonight.”

  “Goddammit, Blaze.” Sloan tried to push Blaze away from the man, but Blaze refused to be moved. “I order you to let him go. Now!”

  Blaze cursed as he squeezed even tighter before finally releasing him. The man wheezed and gasped then rolled to his side, throwing up. Sloan actually pushed Blaze out of the way and off the man’s wrist before he used his own foot to stomp out the fire, ignoring the man’s screams of pain before he passed out.

  Trying to calm his rage, Blaze turned to find Katrina gone. Son of a bitch! His eyes scanned until he found her bent over the unconscious girl on the couch. Her head lifted, meeting his gaze. “She needs help.”

  Looking down at the girl, Blaze frowned. “Slade,” he called, nodding toward the girl.

  Slade walked away from the two men who had been sitting at the table, but were now in custody and in handcuffs. He immediately rushed to the girl, lifting her eyelids. “What’s she on, do you know?” he growled at the men. They refused to answer.

  “Heroin.” Katrina didn’t hesitate as she picked up the girl’s arm, showing the track marks.

  Blaze watched as Katrina gave the girl one last glance before slowly backing away. She headed toward the coyotes, who then sat inches from her, their eyes never leaving her. It was really a sight to see. She stared at them for a few moments, then as one, they stood and calmly trotted out of the house into the darkness. She stared after them for a second before her eyes found his and then once again, they lowered to the floor.

  Blaze walked up to her and used his knuckles to raise her face to his. “Breaking into the Warriors’ garage, stealing a Warrior’s bike, and facing down members of a motorcycle gang.” Blaze didn’t smile as he said those words, his voice even as he stared into her golden eyes. “I’m not falling for the shy girl routine.”

  When she didn’t respond but continued to stare up at him, he felt a connection to her that made him drop his hand away from her smooth skin.

  “I hope you’re ready for the shitstorm heading your way.” He frowned as he leaned closer to her, his mouth close to her ear. “And if you ever pull a stunt like this again, you will regret it dearly.”

  “What in the hell were you thinking?” Sloan had walked over, glaring down at Katrina.

  Blaze reluctantly backed away but gave her a told-you-so look. As angry as he was at her, he wasn’t happy to hear that same anger in Sloan’s tone. Actually, it fucking pissed him off to the point he had to warn himself to keep his mouth closed and his thoughts to himself.

  Katrina didn’t answer right away as Damon, Duncan, and Jared led the three men out the door. “I didn’t tell you everything and felt I needed to be here.”

  “So you decided to break into the garage and steal a motorcycle?” Sloan growled, his eyes narrowing.

  “Yeah, about that,” Sid, who was standing back, piped in. “If there is one scratch on my bike—”

  “I can ride a bike better than I can drive a car,” Katrina cut in. “Your bike is fine.”

  “You shouldn’t be here.” Sloan ignored Sid.

  “You’re right, I shouldn’t.” She shivered at the thought of what could have happened if Drake, her father, had been there. “But since I am, I can show you the layout and see if anything was left behind that could clue us in to where they might have gone.”

  Sloan and Blaze both glared at her without saying a word.

  Jax walked in, looking annoyed; his frown grew seeing her. “Guess you being here explains the coyotes.”

  Katrina remained silent.

  “Hey, she was trying to get that asshole to say where they went.” Steve stepped in, and when everyone turned their glare to him, it was certain he should have kept his mouth shut.

  “What in the fuck do you think you were doing?” Sloan rounded on Steve.

  “Protecting a female,” Steve replied without hesitation. “And I’d do it again.”

  “Do you have a read on them?” Blaze asked Adam, nodding toward the door the three men were taken out of.

  “Yeah, and they have no idea where Drake and the club are,” Adam replied, then frowned when Sloan and Blaze looked at him with disbelief. “Seriously, they don’t know.”

  “And they wouldn’t,” Katrina responded, backing up Adam. “Drake isn’t stupid, and when he feels a threat, he will pick up and move. No one knows until the move is being carried out. He always leaves two or three prospects
behind if they have left something of value.”

  “Or waiting for something of value to come back.” Blaze eyed her with a growl. He knew she would ignore him, but he had a feeling that her father wasn’t going to just let her go so easily. If she weren’t the daughter of the MC president that may have been a different story, but she was the property of the club, and MCs took their property seriously.

  Chapter 6

  Katrina acted like she didn’t even hear Blaze because he was absolutely right. Drake wouldn’t stop tracking her down, and the only thing that would stop that hunt was his death. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Jenny sitting up with Slade talking to her.

  “Looks like everything has been cleaned out,” Jax was telling Sloan.

  She needed to find out how long ago Drake evacuated the property; that would tell her what was left, if anything. She moved toward Jenny, who sat looking confused and still under the power of the drug. Yet, their eyes met and Jenny’s gaze cleared.

  “You’re back!” Jenny cried out with a happy squeal, but then quickly looked around. “But you can’t be here. You need to leave before he gets here.” Jenny tried to stand, her frightened eyes searching around as she attempted to get to Katrina. Slade stopped her, but Jenny fought him.

  “No!” Jenny screamed. “Let me go. She has to get out of here. This is what he wanted.”

  “It’s okay, Jenny.” Katrina grabbed her gently, edging her back down to the couch. The last thing Katrina wanted to do was sit on the couch, but she swallowed back her disgust and held Jenny as she cried. “Drake isn’t here.”

  “You should have stayed gone.” Jenny sniffed, her head resting on Katrina’s shoulder. “It’s gotten worse since you left. You’re all he talked about, and then I heard them talking. He thinks you can control animals.”

  Katrina’s eyes met Slade’s then Blaze’s. “Jenny, how long have they been gone?”


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