Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10 Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Go with them.” Blaze nodded toward Sloan. “I’ll be right there.”

  “Kat, don’t you dare leave,” Drake ordered. “I’m not finished with you.”

  Katrina stopped, and Blaze allowed her to take power by going in front of the box this one time because he knew for the moment she was safe. “I’m finished with you, and this is the last time I will ever answer to the name Kat.”

  Pride washed over Blaze as he witnessed her straightening her shoulders as she exited the room. Once she was gone, he turned his attention back to the black box, the fireball still dancing in his hand.

  “Since you’re too much of a pussy to face me, it’s time for this to be over.” A wicked gleam ravaged his face. “Be seeing you… real soon.”

  “What are you doing with—”

  With a flick of his wrist, Blaze sent the fireball toward the box and watched as it exploded. Soon the fire took control. He calmly walked out of the room, and continued to set fire to the house as he exited. Once outside, he glanced at Sloan, who gave him another definite nod. With ease, he set every building on the property alight and gloried in the heat. The Iron Drakes would never be using this property again.

  He turned to see Katrina looking a little lost as she stared at what used to be her home. He moved closer to her. “Are you sorry?” he asked, watching the flames reflected in her eyes. He found it wildly erotic and wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and make her his.

  She finally looked away from the fire to look up at him. “No.” Her voice was firm and confident; he could tell she wasn’t lying.

  Sirens in the distance had them heading for their bikes. He chuckled as Katrina jumped on Sid’s bike like it was nothing. “You sure you can handle that?” Blaze climbed on his, giving her a sideways stare.

  “If you only knew,” she replied, a smile breaking across her face. Once the engine started, she took one last look at the buildings then took off, leaving him with a half grin on his face.

  He pulled out after her with a new purpose in his life. That one instant of someone trying to claim her had changed his whole perspective. No harm would come to her in any way as long as he lived, and even then, he would make a deal with the devil to make sure she was protected. Breaker was wrong. Katrina was his and no one fucked with what was his, ever.

  Chapter 8

  Katrina followed the Warriors into the garage she had broken into and carefully parked. The van continued to a different, smaller garage. With reluctance, she climbed off the bike. Everyone had exited quickly, except for Blaze and Sloan.

  “Soon as we get everything out of the van locked up, stop by my office and then you guys are done for the night. First thing in the morning we’ll start interrogations,” Sloan called after them. Then his eyes fell on the alarm by the door before landing on her. “You owe me a new alarm.”

  “Yes, sir.” Katrina nodded, averting her eyes from the smashed alarm.

  “Go on.” Sloan nodded toward the door, dismissing her.

  She didn’t really know exactly where to go. Was she supposed to help unload the van or was she to go to her room? Feeling she needed to help, she headed toward the small garage, where she heard the Warriors talking.

  “Do you think Katrina ever had that happen to her?” Steve said as she stopped just outside the door.

  “What?” Sid asked, moving an armful of guns from the van.

  “What the bastard was doing to, what was her name? Jenny?” Steve said, a look of anger and disgust on his face as he handed out more guns.

  “I don’t think Katrina is a drug head,” Sid answered, then shrugged. “But who knows. Growing up around that shit all her life, she’d have to be a strong person to turn out different.”

  Okay, that hurt. It hurt badly. She straightened her shoulders and was about to step inside to defend herself, but just as quick, her shoulders slumped, and she turned to walk away. Let them believe whatever they wanted. What did it matter anyway? Sid was right. Was she that different from those in the MC?

  “I am different,” she mumbled, then repeated it as if convincing herself. “I am different.” She had only taken two steps before her eyes, which were looking at the ground, spotted black boots. Slowly, her gaze traveled up a firm pair of thighs in faded jeans, slowing at the juncture of those tight thighs before shooting up to Blaze’s narrowed golden eyes.

  “Is there something you need to say?” Blaze asked, glancing over her head before looking back down at her.

  Mortified that he had witnessed her humiliation, she shook her head. “No, what does it matter anyway?” she replied, tilting her head slightly, not wanting to sound like she was fishing for pity, because she wasn’t. “They’re going to believe what they want, no matter what I say. I either prove them wrong or will prove them right. Time will tell.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to say it.” He cocked his eyebrow at her before moving around her.

  “What?” Katrina asked with a frown, then realized exactly what he intended to do. “No! Please don’t say anything.” She grabbed his arm, knowing he stopped because he wanted to and not because of her trying to stop his huge body.

  “You are not like them, Katrina.” Blaze glared down at her.

  “And how would you know that?” Katrina dropped her hand from his forearm. “You know nothing about me.”

  “I know.” Blaze’s tone held no doubt.

  “Please… don’t.” Katrina once again reached out, but her hand stopped before touching him as she realized what she was doing.

  “You or me,” Blaze stated, ignoring her plea. “This thinking will be stopped tonight either by you or me.”

  “Why?” Katrina asked, really wanting to know why he was so concerned.

  “Why what?” His eyes shifted slightly, and she had no doubt he knew exactly what she meant.

  “Why do you care what anyone thinks of me?” She had seriously thought about not asking that question, but her curiosity won out. She really wanted to know the answer.

  He hesitated, but his gaze didn’t look away this time. “Because I do.”

  Realizing that was all she was going to get, she sighed. She didn’t want to cause problems, so it was probably best she did this instead of Blaze, since they were his friends. Finally pulling her eyes away from him, she looked into the large opening of the garage.

  “I am different,” she announced inside the open doorway, her eyes lifting from the ground to land on Sid and then the rest of the Warriors, who had stopped what they were doing to look at her.

  Sid sighed. “Listen—”

  Katrina cut him off. If she didn’t say what she needed to say now, she wouldn’t say it at all.

  “I’m not a druggie. Every day it was in my face, and I was even encouraged, but I never gave in. I was a straight A student in school and never missed a day. It was my escape from the chaos of the club. My mom fought to make sure no matter what was going on in the MC, I was allowed to go to school.” Katrina’s eyes roamed the group. She felt Blaze behind her, which in some small manner gave her the strength to keep talking. “I’ve always been judged because of who my father is. I understand it, but I refuse to tolerate it. It’s not fair to me.”

  “I didn’t really mean the drugs.” Steve looked sheepish. “I meant, you know… what that asshole was doing to that girl while she was passed out.”

  Katrina cocked her eyebrow as she looked around at the rest of the Warriors who wore different stages of angry expressions while waiting for her to answer.

  “No,” she finally said, embarrassed that they would think that. “And I did everything I could to make sure it didn’t happen to any of the other girls when I was there, and so did my mom. But most of those girls knew exactly what they were walking into when they came into the club. We helped the ones who wanted and needed help when we could.”

  Mistrust lingered in the air. They didn’t trust her and she expected that. Seriously, what was new? As soon as anyone discovered she was part of t
he Iron Drakes, she was automatically labeled. When they found out she was the president’s daughter, it was worse. Then again, how could she blame them? Didn’t she just break into their garage and steal a bike?

  She walked toward Steve, who had jumped down from the back of the van, and gave him a hug.

  “Thank you for what you did for Jenny.” She pulled away and stepped back before looking at all of them. “I know you don’t trust me and I understand, but if I’m given the chance, I will prove where my loyalty lies and that is with the VC.”

  “We’re not a trusting group,” Jared remarked, then added, “Nothing against you personally.”

  Katrina nodded her understanding. “I get it, and I’m not going to lie. I have the MC in my blood, literally. As you’ve seen, I can pick a lock within seconds, I can disarm most alarms, I can ride any motorcycle you put in front of me no matter its size, I can lie without blinking an eye, I play a mean game of poker”—she held up a wallet with a tiny smile—“and I can pick anyone’s pocket.”

  Steve stared at the wallet in amazement until he realized it was his. He quickly patted himself down then snatched the wallet out of her hand. “Holy shit, I didn’t even know.” Steve stuck it back in his pocket. “You’re good. Real good.”

  After giving a bitter laugh, Katrina shrugged. “I had no choice but to be good, being the daughter of Samuel Drake.” Katrina’s frown deepened. “Failure was not an option.”

  No one spoke for a second, as if letting everything she’d said sink in. “Yeah, well I definitely want you to teach me how to pick a lock.” Adam winked at her as he passed her. “That’s pretty badass.”

  Katrina wanted to hug him so badly but held back. She couldn’t help the grateful smile that crossed her face as she nodded at him.

  “I seriously doubt it was seconds, and later tonight, we’ll see just how good at poker you are.” Sid gave her a sideways look as if sizing her up. “Be there with plenty of money.”

  The small amount of excitement she felt at the fraction of acceptance Sid tossed her way was dashed in seconds. “I don’t have any money.”

  Sid gave her a smile then looked over her head. “Blaze will ante up for you.”

  Katrina glanced over her shoulder at Blaze, who just stood with arms crossed watching the back-and-forth. “I’ll pay you back double.”

  “Oh!” Sid laughed along with the other Warriors. “That confident, are we?”

  Actually she was, but didn’t say it. Instead she turned serious. “We do have one thing in common.” When no one said anything but all glanced her way, she looked them each in the eye. “Taking down the Iron Drakes.”


  To say he was pretty impressed by Katrina would be an understatement. In fact, Blaze was in awe of her, and that was honestly a first for him. He’d never been in awe of any-fucking-thing in his life. But the feelings from watching her stand up for herself among the Warriors was nothing short of awe. Jesus, he was a fucking idiot. One minute his total focus was to stay away from her, and the next he was following her around like a goddamn dog.

  He had to physically make himself stay rooted when, after helping to empty the rest of the van, she walked away saying something about meeting up with them for the poker game after a shower. Just the thought of her body naked with water and soap made him groan.

  “Shower got ya, huh?” Sid said as he shut the van doors. “Yeah, been there, done that. Actually, still there and doing that. Just the word shower from Lana’s lips has me moaning and—”

  “You know, Sid.” Jared glanced from Blaze to Sid. “I think you better shut the fuck up before you find out how Blaze got his name.”

  “Shit.” Sid snorted, shaking his head. “Just speaking the truth. No reason to get hot under the collar.”

  “Dude.” Steve gave Blaze a sideways glance. “I’ve seen the shit he can do. Believe me, you don’t want to piss him off.”

  Blaze knew Sid liked to push buttons and Jared loved to goad everybody, especially Sid. He really didn’t give two fucks what they thought, but one disrespectful word about Katrina and they would definitely get a taste of exactly what he could do.

  The Warriors made their way inside the compound, but before they could go their separate ways, Sloan’s voice blasted out from his office, “Get in here.”

  Blaze followed, and the first thing he saw was Katrina’s image frozen on the computer screen on Sloan’s desk.

  “This girl knows what the fuck she is doing,” Sloan said as they gathered around. He backed the tape up, then hit Play. “I’m fucking impressed, and I don’t impress easily.”

  “Ain’t that the damn truth.” Steve snorted under his breath, then shook his head when Sid looked back at him with a grin, begging Sid not to say anything.

  The cameras tracked Katrina until she reached the garage. For a split second, she looked up at the camera, and it was evident there was remorse in her eyes. She quickly knelt and went to work. In seconds, she had unlocked the door and was inside. The internal camera picked her up, and with another look of remorse, she smashed the alarm with her fist.

  Sloan stopped the camera, turning to look at the Warriors. “Again, I’ll fucking say I’m impressed.” Sloan looked toward Blaze. “I see this as an asset as long as she is on our side. I want everyone to know how to pick a lock just as fast as her.”

  “Why the fuck do we have to learn that?” Damon scowled. “My foot does the same fucking thing, but faster.”

  “He has a point.” Jared shrugged. “Never needed it before.”

  “Yeah, well I want it now,” Sloan replied. “This is a good way to get in without anyone even knowing we were there. So shut the fuck up and learn it.”

  Blaze didn’t say anything as one by one, the Warriors left with their order from Sloan. His eyes were glued to the computer screen where Sloan had paused the video. After Katrina had smashed the alarm system, her eyes had automatically gone to the camera she had known was there. Her beautiful eyes told him everything he needed to know about this woman. She was not a criminal, but a lost woman who had no choice but to learn that way of life.

  “You need something?” Sloan asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

  With one last look at Katrina, Blaze lied, “No.” He headed out of the office knowing exactly what he needed, and what he needed only the woman frozen on Sloan’s computer screen could provide.

  Chapter 9

  Katrina stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and clean. Walking back into that house had made her feel dirty, even though she had grown up inside those walls. The drinking, drugs, and sex had gone on no matter who was there or at what age. She had been the only kid to grow up at the MC, other than her brother. Her mom had tried her best to shield them both from everything, but being a curious little girl, not much had gotten past Katrina. She’d learned life at a very early age. Sometimes she was amazed by her own strength of staying on the straight and narrow. It would have been much easier to succumb to the life she was born into.

  Wiping the mirror free of condensation, Katrina stared at her foggy reflection. She looked the same, but she knew she was different or at least she felt different. The freedom of being away from the MC was new and exciting. It was also a little scary, as if the free feeling would be snatched away from her at any moment, and if her father or his club found her, she had no doubt that was exactly what would happen. Pulling her lips back, she stared at her fangs and then back into her golden eyes. She was a vampire who communicated with animals. Actually, the vampire part was still more unreal to her than being able to understand animals. She had always had a special connection with them.

  Running her fingers through her hair, she allowed the mirror to fog up again. After Becky and Sloan became a couple she had moved back into the compound. She had felt like a third wheel whenever Sloan was there, not to mention he made her nervous. Noise from her small room had her smiling and wondering what Sager was getting into. Without thought, she opened the door and walke
d out of the bathroom naked.

  “Sager, what are you…?”

  Sager lay on the bed, curled up, his eyes on the door. Katrina looked that way to find Blaze standing inside her room, his eyes, black as night, roaming her body. Her first thought was to cover herself, but her limbs wouldn’t cooperate. The look he gave her was foreign, and she liked it, a lot, and so did her body; it was responding in ways that shocked her. Breaker had never been easy with her; in fact, he’d always hurt her. It had never been pleasant. So if Blaze could make her body feel this good without a touch, she couldn’t even begin to imagine how he could make her feel in his arms.

  “Out!” Blaze ordered Sager as he, without taking his eyes off her, stepped in front of the door so anyone passing couldn’t see inside.

  When Sager hesitated, Katrina sent him a silent message, adding not to blow this for her. As if knowing exactly what he was doing, Sager slowly stood, stretched, then jumped off the bed and creeped out the door.

  Blaze closed the door and locked it. Not once did his eyes leave her. She wanted to say something, but her mouth was dry, and she had no idea what she could say. Okay, she was starting to feel a little uncomfortable and a lot turned on. Maybe she should grab a towel. As she turned to act on her thought, he stopped her.


  His voice was low, deep, and firm. It was a command that made her body shiver in an excited frenzy of nerves. His eyes once again raked over her body, and she knew without looking that her nipples were hard and pointing directly at him, as if waiting for his touch.

  Finally he moved, taking a step, then stopped. Her frustrated moan escaped, snapping his head in a tilt.

  “You want me?”

  His question confused her. Wasn’t it obvious? She stood before him completely naked; she wasn’t screaming or running to cover up. She was exposed to his mercy, yet he asked if she wanted him.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Her voice finally showed up and spoke what was in her heart. She had never told a man she wanted him. Breaker—and why in the hell did she keep thinking of him?—was the only man to see her naked, the only man to touch her sexually. And if thinking of that bastard ruined this for her, she would kill him herself.


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