Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10 Page 20

by Teresa Gabelman

  “But you just had a large shake and jumbo fries.” Blaze laughed, following her toward the kitchen.

  “I’m hungry.” She smirked at him over her shoulder.

  Katrina pushed open the door to find the kitchen packed. Everyone was there, even Sloan.

  “What’s going on?” Katrina asked Steve, who was standing next to the door with a bowl.

  “Chili cook-off.” Steve grinned, then pointed with his spoon. “Cowboy Ro there challenged Sid to an old-fashioned chili cook-off.”

  “It smells delish.” Katrina took a big whiff.

  “Okay, come and get it,” Sid called out, his gaze then shifting to Ronan. “Let the best cook win.”

  Katrina enjoyed everyone’s banter as she stood in line to get a taste of chili. She grabbed a small bowl and dipped from Ronan’s pot. She glanced up at him and grinned. “You ever take that hat off?”

  “A cowboy only takes his hat off for one thing.” He winked at her.

  “Watch it,” Blaze warned with a glare.

  “Sorry,” Ronan replied, not sounding sorry at all.

  She tasted the chili and moaned. “Holy crap that’s good.”

  “No, it’s not.” Sid frowned at her and pointed to his pot. “This is the good stuff.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it is.” She quickly got another bowl and dipped a little out and took a taste. “Oh wow, this is awesome. I mean absolutely awe inspiring. I’ve never—”

  Sid glared at her over the pot. “When did you become such a smartass?”

  “Since coming and hanging out with you guys,” she shot back.

  Thinking about that for a second, Sid nodded. “Sounds about right.”

  Once everyone had tasted the chilies, Sid tossed out paper and pens. “This is pot A, which stands for tastes like ass, and this is pot B”—he pointed to his pot—“which stands for the most beautiful chili you’ve ever tasted.”

  Once everyone voted, Sid handed the votes to Jill. “Would you please count the votes?” Sid leaned down toward her. “Count them twice so I don’t have to call for a recount.”

  “I will,” Jill replied, then began the count. It only took her a few minutes to finish. “The winner, after counting the votes twice by Sid’s orders because he trusts no one, is… pot B!”

  Everyone cheered as Sid beamed. He reached over and shook Ronan’s hand. “This is still my kitchen, still my rules.”

  “Read it, learn it, and by God, do it!” everyone shouted at the same time.

  “Fuck you, guys,” Sid growled, his scowl turning into a grin. “Assholes.”

  Katrina went back for seconds and sat on Blaze’s lap. Even though everyone was having a great time, there was a heaviness in the air. Slade was asked repeatedly about Tessa, his answer the usual, “she’s recovering slowly.” Every time Katrina heard him say it, she rolled her eyes; it still pissed her off even knowing that Tessa was okay.

  “So is Ronan staying on here with you guys?” Katrina leaned back asking Blaze.

  “Why? You like cowboys?” Blaze growled against her ear. “Careful with your answer. A man’s life depends on it.”

  “No, I don’t like cowboys.” Katrina sighed. With a grin, she then said, “I obviously like overbearing Warriors who like to growl a lot.”

  “Then yes, he’s staying on,” Blaze said after a minute of thought.

  “That’s nice.” Katrina stood up from his lap and looked over her shoulder at him. “Maybe he could show you how to use that whip.”

  Katrina laughed at the shocked look on his face as she walked away. How she loved baiting that man just to see that sexy “wait until I get you alone” look in his eyes.

  Chapter 31

  Katrina brushed paint on the wall, trying to decide if she liked the color or not. She’d thought Blaze was going to kill her at the hardware store, but she hadn’t been able to make up her mind. Now seeing it on the wall, she was again second-guessing it. Glancing at Blaze, she figured he was in a foul mood and decided to just keep painting.

  Before going to the hardware store, they had stopped for her appointment with Slade. He still didn’t know why she had human traits and all he could tell them was to be careful. Well, that helped! She didn’t blame Slade. Katrina knew it was whatever Bones had concocted. Jesus, she was lucky to be alive. She could live with the human trait stuff, well the periods sucked, but it was whatever. Blaze seemed to be taking it harder than she was.

  Taking another peek at him, she watched as he rolled the paint on so hard it was defeating the purpose of painting because he was taking it right back off. After putting her paintbrush down, she stood and walked over to him.

  “Why don’t we take a break?” She took the roller from him and put it in the pan.

  “You don’t like this color either.” Blaze didn’t ask; it was a statement.

  How in the hell did he read her so easily? “Well, ah… that’s not the point, but I don’t know if I do or not.”

  “Damn, woman.” Blaze sighed, shaking his head.

  “I know. I know.” Katrina bit her lip and glanced at the wall. “I mean, I like it and then I don’t. But it doesn’t matter since you’re just rolling it off with all that Warrior power.”

  Blaze looked at the wall and frowned, seeing she was right. Where he had painted, the old color showed through.

  “What’s wrong?” Katrina asked, taking his hand in hers. “And don’t tell me nothing because ever since we left Slade’s, you’ve been grouchy.”

  “I don’t get grouchy,” he grouched, then narrowed his eyes. “I get—”

  “Grouchy.” Katrina cocked her eyebrow.

  “I don’t like not having control,” Blaze finally said.

  “Shocker.” She grinned, then swiftly wiped it from her face when he gave her a look. “Sorry.”

  “You should be a full blood, without any human traits. I think that something I did when I changed you—”

  “Stop.” Katrina wrapped her arms around him. “Nothing you did is the reason, and you know that. It’s whatever I was given, and it is what it is. We will deal with it and I promise to not be such a bitch when it’s my time of the month. Deal? Because we both know that’s what this is all about,” she teased, but her smile faded at the seriousness of his face.

  Blaze was silent for a long time as he stared down at her. “I love you.” He broke his silence with those three words Katrina had hoped to hear from him. “And I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

  “I love you, Blaze. So much. And I’m going to be fine because you won’t let anything happen to me.” She reached up and kissed him softly.

  Blaze took her in his arms and returned her kiss possessively. The painting forgotten, they stood in their unfinished living room enjoying being in each other’s arms. Nothing else mattered at that moment.


  The phone ringing on the kitchen table was being ignored. Blaze heard it but knew whoever it was would leave a message or call back. He was busy. It stopped only to start again. Pulling his mouth away from hers was not easy when he wanted to continue tasting her.

  “Dammit,” Blaze cursed.

  “Tell them to go away,” Katrina whispered, trying to take his mouth again.

  “I better get it.” He kissed her quickly as the phone stopped, then started again. “Shit!”

  “The life of a Warrior.” She sighed dramatically.

  Blaze laughed as he headed for the phone, but his eyes caught something outside. A strange feeling came over him as his eyes adjusted to the person in front of his house. Breaker sat on his motorcycle across the street. That couldn’t fucking be. Blaze quickened his pace to get a hold of the motherfucker until he watched him raise his hand.

  Stopping Blaze saw the phone, and then Breaker smiled with a wave. Blaze turned, and with a speed that was unseen by the human eye, he ran and grabbed Katrina who screamed in surprise. He had almost made it out the back of the house before the explosion hit. He used his body to shi
eld Katrina the best he could.

  Fire surrounded them, but the only thing that touched Blaze was the debris. They had hit the ground hard, the power of the explosion knocking them flat. He got to his feet with Katrina in his arms taking a second to glance at her. She was quiet with her eyes closed.

  “Fuck!” He moved further away from the heat. His eyes searching behind him for any sign of the bastard, but he couldn’t see through the fire.

  Finding a safe place, he laid Katrina down to check for any wounds. “Katrina.” A few burns littered her arms, but other than that, there was no obvious damage to her body. Once again, he scanned the area for danger. The sound of sirens was coming close. With the fire department down the road, he was sure they’d heard that fucking blast. His ears were ringing like a motherfucker. “Katrina! Goddammit! Please wake up.”

  He checked his pocket for his phone and then remembered he’d never picked it up. “Fuck!” He tried again to get her to wake up, but still, her eyes remained closed. The burns on her arms were blistering, and he didn’t know what in the fuck to do. The rage and helplessness building inside him was too much. Leaning his head back, he roared his pain.

  Feeling a hand on his arm, he snapped his head back down, his chest heaving, to see Katrina looking at him.

  “I’m okay.” She touched her head before her eyes focused on her arm. “I think.”

  “I’m going to get you to Slade.” He started to pick her up but heard motorcycles roaring toward them. He stood, putting himself between any danger and Katrina. Those motherfuckers wanted to dance, he was ready. His relief was swift when he saw that it wasn’t the Iron Drakes, but his brothers.

  They rode straight past the burning house toward him and Katrina. Slade was off his bike first, running toward them and sliding down next to Katrina.

  “Where are you hurt?” Slade looked at her arms and frowned, then glanced toward Duncan. “We’re going to put her in your car and get her back to the compound. I have nothing with me for these burns.”

  Picking her up carefully, Blaze followed Duncan toward the car. “She also got knocked out. It must have been when we fell.”

  “Why the hell aren’t you answering your fucking phone?” Sloan bitched, his eyes black with anger. “An informant called saying the Drakes were out, and we knew they were going to strike before we had a chance to come after them. When you didn’t answer, we figured the worst and headed this way.”

  “I didn’t have a fucking chance to answer my fucking phone. I saw that bastard Breaker sitting out in front of our goddamn house holding his fucking phone and knew if I didn’t get her out of there, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.” Blaze glanced down to make sure he wasn’t jarring Katrina too much as he moved closer to Duncan’s car. “Why in the fuck is he out? And how in the hell did he know where I lived?”

  “The DA cut them a deal.” Sloan sneered. “Motherfucker cut them a deal, which I warned the mayor could possibly happen. And if I could guess, Nico, who I’m sure knows when and where every Warrior takes a shit, gave him your address.”

  “I told you,” Katrina whispered against his chest, but they all heard her.

  Blaze didn’t say anything; his rage was too deep. The police as well as the fire trucks and paramedics were pulling in. He ignored the cops’ questions as well as the paramedics offering help. He didn’t even look at his smoldering house. No, he looked straight ahead, planning deaths, a lot of deaths.

  Once inside the car, Blaze held her tightly against him. He knew she was in pain and it was killing him.

  “Are you hurt?” Katrina asked, her eyes searching his.

  Blaze took a minute to answer; he actually had to glance away from her and look out the window. There she was with burns, possibly a concussion, yet she was asking him if he was hurt. “I’m fine,” he finally got control enough to say. “Let’s worry about you.”

  Once at the compound, Blaze rushed inside with Katrina and followed Slade to his office. Jill was already there waiting, a worried frown on her face. Slade gave instructions on what he needed, and Jill got busy. Blaze hated it, but he laid her on the table.

  He stood by her side as Slade and Jill cleaned her burns. Katrina tried to be brave, but it was too much. Tears ran down her cheeks, but she didn’t cry out. She even looked at him repeatedly to assure him she was okay.

  The longer her pain went on, the more the rage built inside him. His control was close to snapping. Once she was wrapped up, he sat next to her. “Better?”

  “Yes.” Katrina nodded. “I’m just really tired.”

  His concerned gaze shot to Slade, who immediately examined Katrina’s eyes and started questioning her.

  “Do you have a headache or pain in your neck?” He gently felt her head and then moved to her neck.


  “Does any of this hurt?” He pushed and poked. “Do you have double vision?”

  “Nope and nope,” Katrina replied, sleepily.

  “I don’t think she has a concussion, but I’d like to keep her here for a few hours to keep an eye on her if that’s okay.” Slade glanced at Blaze.

  “Absolutely.” Blaze didn’t even look at Slade but continued to stare down at the now sleeping Katrina.

  “She’s going to be fine,” Slade reassured him. “She may have some scarring, but not too bad.”

  A red haze fell over his eyes as he looked at her bandaged arms. “Listen, I need to talk to Sloan for a minute.”

  “No problem.” Slade nodded, busy cleaning up with Jill. “We’re going to stay here with her.”

  Blaze leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead, then stared for a second longer before turning and walking out of the room. He headed down the hallway opposite Sloan’s office and out the door. Taking off in a run, he rounded the corner to see Sid’s bike. With quick strides, he jumped on and took off, not even looking to see if traffic was coming.

  Today this ended. Today people would die, and she would be safe.

  Chapter 32

  Katrina woke in a panic. Her eyes searched frantically before she sat straight up then felt the pain in her arms. With a hiss, she slowed her movements.

  “Hey, easy.” Jill stood from Slade’s desk.

  “Where’s Blaze?” Katrina glanced around, not seeing him anywhere.

  “He went to see Sloan,” Jill replied, trying to get her to lie back down. “Come on, Katrina. Slade doesn’t want you up yet.”

  Katrina was off the table and heading out the door. She knew Blaze wouldn’t have left her to see Sloan. She knew exactly what he was doing: going after Breaker and her father. As she rushed down the hallway, with Jill following close behind cursing, she called upon help.

  Checking the kitchen, she only saw Steve, who jumped when the door flew open. “Hey, how you…?”

  She rushed back out and continued her search. Adam and Angelina were coming down the stairs.

  “Where’s Blaze?” Katrina met them at the bottom.

  “What’s going on?” Steve popped the last piece of his sandwich in his mouth.

  “She’s looking for Blaze, who said he was going to meet with Sloan.” Jill frowned. “And she’s supposed to be lying down.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” Adam glanced away from Jill to Katrina.

  “He’s going after my father and I seriously doubt anyone’s with him.” She was proven right when the Warriors started to file out of Sloan’s office. The only one missing was Blaze. She turned pleading eyes to Adam. “Please.”

  Adam thought for a minute, his eyes searching hers. “He just left with the DA, heading to six-fifty Melbourne Street.”

  “What in the hell are you doing up?” Slade called out after her, but she continued out the door and down the steps.

  “Dammit, Katrina.” Sloan’s voice was next. “Wait a fucking minute.”

  She knew even a minute was too much. She didn’t have a minute and knowing her father, neither did Blaze.

  Aware she was bei
ng rushed, she called out. Within seconds, she was cut off from the Warriors by hundreds of birds. She turned to make sure her barrier was effective.

  “Neat trick.” Ronan’s twang came from behind her.

  Katrina ignored him, hearing Sloan shouting for her. “Are you going to stop me from going?” She knew Adam had filled them in on what was going on. “If you promise not to stop me, I will disperse the birds.”

  When Sloan was silent, she cursed. She knew it was better for them to come, but not necessary. Her father wanted her; she could use herself to get Blaze away and then hopefully he could save her. What a fucking mess.

  “I know them, Sloan. I’ve been right when you’ve been wrong about the Drakes,” Katrina shouted in frustration.

  “Don’t think that’s going to swing him your way.” Ronan was still staring at the birds.

  “Shut it,” Katrina growled, waiting for Sloan’s answer.

  “How do you know he’s there, Katrina?” Sloan finally responded with a question.

  “I just know, dammit.” She didn’t care if they believed her; she just needed him to agree to help and let her go. Men could be such a pain in the ass. Warriors were insufferable.


  Blaze easily left the compound with no one the wiser. Shit was going to go down, and he didn’t want to bring his brothers in. Fear of the past rode him hard, that and maybe he just wanted the sweet taste of revenge to be his own.

  He pulled up to the courthouse and waited. He didn’t have to wait long before the piece-of-shit Nico exited, heading for his car. With the ease of a panther, Blaze walked up and slid into the passenger seat at the same time Nico slid into the driver seat.

  Blaze relished the fear pulsating from Nico at the intrusion.

  “This is exactly what you’re going to do.” Blaze knew his eyes were flame-red. He also knew how fucking evil he looked, but he didn’t give a shit. “You’re going to drive out of this parking lot like we are old friends.”

  “What do you want?” Nico’s hands shook as he started the car.

  “Now why do dumb fucks who piss me off ask me that?” Blaze hissed. “Drive.”


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