Crazy Stupid Perfection (Crazy Love, #3)

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Crazy Stupid Perfection (Crazy Love, #3) Page 3

by Melissa Toppen

  “Char.” I hear Gavin call behind me, but I pretend like I don’t hear him. “What’s got her in such a rush?” He grumbles to Paxton before I hear him slam the tailgate and arm the truck alarm.

  I immediately quicken my strides. I know I can’t escape Paxton but I just need a few minutes to collect myself. Thank God the airport is only a few minutes from my mom’s house. I don’t think I could have sat in that truck for another second. Not with Paxton so close, his leg touching mine, his smell invading my senses. I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin the entire time.

  I spot Kimber just moments after I enter the airport. She’s sitting in one of the chairs that line the side wall, nervously fidgeting with the label on her suitcase.

  “Hey.” I smile, stopping directly in front of her.

  “Charlie, hey.” She stands, pulling me into a brief hug. “I’m so glad you could make it. I know how much it means to Decklan that you all be with us for this.” She gives me a forced smile, her expression tight.

  “Nervous?” I question, taking a seat next to her when she sits back down.

  “That obvious?” She laughs, twisting a chunk of her long, blonde, wavy hair around her finger.

  “Maybe just a little.” I give her the most reassuring smile I can muster. “It’s gonna be fine you know. Decklan is probably the best guy I’ve ever known.”

  “It’s not marrying him that I’m nervous about.” She admits. “It’s him marrying me.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, titling my head to side.

  “What if he wakes up one day and realizes this has all been one epic mistake and now he’s stuck with me. I mean, we’ve only known each other a few months. Hell, we don’t even live together yet. What if he hates the way I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle or that I always leave wet towels on the floor after I shower?” She chews lightly on her bottom lip.

  “Um. I’m pretty sure these are things he’s already noticed.” I point out, knowing that she spends most of her time at Decklan’s as is.

  “Noticed what?” I hear Gavin’s voice which pulls both of our attention to where he and Paxton have stopped directly in front of us.

  “Nothing. Girl stuff.” I swipe my hand through the air.

  “Where’s Deck?” Paxton speaks next.

  “He had to make a phone call.” She points across the room where we all turn to see Decklan pacing back and forth along the opposite wall, his cell phone pressed to his ear.

  He’s sporting his usual ratty jeans and fitted v-neck, his two length, sandy blonde hair pushed back away from his face haphazardly as he runs a hand through it three different times in the short period of time he holds my attention.

  Decklan is, well I hate to admit it, but he’s hot. Like really hot. But unlike Paxton, I’ve never been able to look at him as anything other than a brother. Maybe it’s because he’s always treated me like a sister, or maybe it’s because he’s been part of my family for so long I could never see him more as anything that just that; family.

  He catches us all looking in his direction and holds a finger, indicating to give him a minute. It isn’t until that moment that I catch sight of Harlee and Angel making their way towards us, pulling a full luggage cart behind them.

  “Are you kidding me?” I hear Kimber laugh, pulling my attention toward her. “I’m the one getting married and yet those two have more luggage than all of us combined.” She shakes her head on a laugh as she pushes into a stand.

  She greets Harlee first, embracing her in a tight hug before moving on to Angel. I have no time to say hello to Harlee before Gavin has her swooped up in his arms and is kissing her like his very life depends on it.

  “Get a room.” Angel whines, verbalizing what we are all probably thinking.

  Harlee holds up her middle finger towards the group without breaking away from Gavin’s kiss, making sure we all know how little shit she actually gives over what we think.

  As much as it grosses me out to see my brother with his tongue down a girl’s throat, I have to admit, it makes my heart swell to see him so incredibly happy. I would even go as far as to say I’m jealous. Who doesn’t want to find that?

  I flick my gaze to Paxton but then immediately look away when I meet his intense green eyes. Why is he watching me? Better yet, why did I even look his way to begin with. Even with the thought still fresh in my mind, I look back again.

  His gaze is still locked firmly on me and I squirm slightly in my seat, feeling the effects of his piercing stare. Just knowing he’s watching me makes me all sorts of giddy inside even though I wish it didn’t.

  I avert my eyes once more and focus back on Kimber who is giving Angel shit for bringing so much luggage. Angel moves her hands back and forth as she explains to Kimber that she is finally back on the market, though I didn’t know she was seeing anyone to begin with.

  I have only been around Angel a couple of times. All I know is she is Harlee’s best friend and that she goes to school with her and Kimber. She seems nice enough, though she’s a bit more outgoing and loud than I’m used to.

  With her black shoulder length hair streaked with bright blue, her lips fire engine red, and her dress so tight that it hugs every single one of her incredible curves, it’s clear that Angel loves being the center of attention. I wonder if Paxton notices how sexy she is. Of course he does. Who wouldn’t? She’s forward, beautiful, and full of spunk.

  For a brief moment I dislike Angel, but then quickly shake the thought away. She’s never been anything but nice to me, I can’t fault her for being a sexy.

  Now that look around, every single one of these women are drop dead gorgeous. Kimber, petite and slender with incredible long blonde curves and the most incredible blue eyes. And then Harlee, well it’s clear to see why Gavin is so into her. She’s everything a man could want in a woman. Long blonde hair, an incredible smile, and let’s not forget out her legs for days. Seriously, one look at any one of these three and any girl would be stupid not to run off and hide in the corner out of fear of being compared to them.

  I really have a way of making myself feel even worse about an already less than ideal situation.

  “Char.” I vaguely register my name when I look up and see that everyone around me is now standing and Decklan has joined the group. “You coming or what?” Gavin laughs.

  “Yeah, sorry.” I scramble to my feet.

  “Let me help you with that.” I hear Paxton say just as I reach for my suitcase.

  “I got it.” I insist. “You have your own bag to carry.” I gesture to the duffle bag draped over his shoulder.

  “Char.” He says my name so soft it nearly takes my breath away. I look up to find his green eyes studying me intensely. “Let me get it.” He insists, his hand lightly brushing against mine as he takes the handle of my suitcase from me.

  “Okay.” I mutter quietly, averting his gaze.

  Why, oh why does he have to do this to me? Why can’t he just leave me alone?

  I attempt to walk ahead of him but his long legs make it impossible for me to gain any ground. Standing a good foot taller than me, it takes me two steps to match his one.

  We get split up as we go through security and I’m thankful for the small reprieve. Unfortunately my nerves have not settled in the slightest as our party regroups just outside the terminal.

  At least I will have the two hour flight to gather my bearings and get my shit together before we land in Vegas. Or at least that’s what I thought, until I feel someone settle into the seat on my left and look over to see Paxton next to me.

  “What are you doing?” I question, my tone a bit harsher than I meant for it to be.

  “Sitting in my seat.” He says it like it should be obvious.

  “This isn’t your seat.” I object, having been told by Gavin that Angel would be sitting next to me.

  “Afraid it is.” A slow smile spreads across his face.

  “No, it’s Angel’s seat.” I object.

ction, it was Angel’s seat.” He chuckles lightly at my expression. “She wanted to sit closer to Harlee so I offered her my seat directly behind her and Gavin.”

  “Why would you do that?” I wish I could just shut up but for whatever reason, I can’t.

  “Because I’m a nice guy.” He phrases it almost as a question. “Char, I’ve know you since you were in grade school. Since when have you ever had a problem with me sitting next to you?”

  I immediately pick up on what he’s doing. He’s turning the tables on me, pretending like nothing is or has ever happened between us.

  “You know what, you’re right.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Sit where you want Paxton. I couldn’t care less.” I smile, shifting towards the window.

  “Okay I will.” He chuckles again, clearly finding humor in my juvenile response to him.

  I know it’s ridiculous. I shouldn’t let him get to me the way he does. He’s just so damn infuriating. First, he makes me feel like I’m going out of my mind for years growing up; laying subtle hints or finding every excuse he could to be near me only to turn around and pretend like the growing feelings between us were all one sided.

  Now, hell, now I have no idea what his game is. It’s like he enjoys winding me up and letting me go, watching me spin in circles before falling off the ledge.

  Five minutes bleed into sixty and then ninety. The silence between us is heavy. There are so many things I want to say, so many things I want to know. We are near the back of the plane while the others are all toward the front, now would be the perfect time for us to hash this shit out but per usual, everything is left unsaid.

  Paxton doesn’t acknowledge me even once throughout the entire flight. Hell, he doesn’t even take off his headphones until the pilot comes over the intercom announcing that we’re getting ready to land.

  Even then he doesn’t even look my way, let alone speak. I don’t know why it pisses me off so much. Aren’t I the one that asked for this?

  As we start are decent downward, I have accepted that this is just how things are going to be. I am fully prepared to exit the plane without so much as one more word spoken between us. That is, until I hear Paxton shift next to me and then feel his breath hot on the back of my neck as I stare down at the city below me.

  “Incredible isn’t it?” He purrs, causing my skin to prickle. “I love how alive the city looks from up here.”

  “Yeah.” Is all I can manage, my breath catching when I feel his hand settle on my thigh as he leans over me to share in my view of the city.

  “I know you’re angry with me Charlie.” I keep my eyes locked on the window, knowing if I turn my head that his face would be just inches from mine. “I know I have a habit of fucking things up no matter how hard I try not to,” he continues. “Just know that this—” His index finger touches my jaw just seconds before he’s turning my face toward him. “This is not a game to me. You. You’re not a game.”

  “I...” My words stick in my throat and I can’t seem to get a single one of them out.

  “Let me finish.” He presses his finger gently against my lips, silencing my struggle to speak. “I don’t know what this is between us Char. I’ve been trying to shake you for years and I just can’t do it. I can’t promise you the stars and the moon. I can’t tell you that everything is going to work out in the end. All I know is that right now, I want you.” He drops his hand away but his face still lingers so close to mine that I find it difficult to breathe properly.

  His confession has sent my heart galloping so hard against my ribcage that I swear it’s going to beat straight out of my chest at any moment.

  “And I think you want me too,” he adds.

  “I... I don’t know what I want.” I stutter out, finding it impossible to think clearly with our close proximity.

  “I think you do.” He inches closer toward me. “I told you the other night, I’m done fighting this,” he says, for the first time addressing the text message he sent and never explained. “I meant that. I want to know what this is Char. This feeling. I have to know.”

  “And Gavin?” I address the elephant in the room.

  “He doesn’t need to know, at least not yet. No one does. This can be our little secret.” He slowly closes the small amount of distance between us, his lips touching mine for the briefest moment before he pulls away.

  “Okay.” I breathe the word without a second thought.

  My brain screams in protest but right now my heart is in control. I can’t fight this. I never could.

  Paxton’s smile spreads across his entire face. Just the sight of it causes a flurry of butterflies to explode in my stomach.

  Just when I feel like the world might allow me to simply float away, the plane jolts slightly, the wheels connecting with the runway as it lands. The sudden movement jars me out of the moment and I look around, for the first time in several moments really acknowledging where I am.

  I shake my head, trying to pull myself back to reality. It isn’t until I catch Paxton’s gaze, his incredible smile still spread across his face, that I realize none of this is a dream. Paxton really did say all of those things and I really did just agree to what—a secret relationship with my brother’s best friend?

  My eyes dart to where Gavin is now standing, preparing to exit the plan, back to Paxton who squeezes my hand and winks before also standing. Back and forth my focus switches between the two men, the reality of the situation really taking hold.

  At the end of the day Paxton can only have one of us. If he chooses Gavin, he will lose me forever. If he chooses me, he risks losing Gavin forever. I just can’t help but wonder if I am really worth that risk.

  Chapter Five


  It’s been hours since we landed in Vegas early this afternoon. Hours and yet I’ve only seen Charlie about sixty minutes of that time, and that was during lunch where everyone in our group was present. Not an ideal time or place to talk about what I said on the plane or what that really means for us.

  She left directly after lunch to go dress shopping with the other girls and has been gone for the entire afternoon and now into the early hours of the evening.

  I honestly don’t know what got into me on the plane. Even now I find myself second guessing my actions. I swore to myself when I was packing this morning that I wouldn’t pursue Charlie any further. But after sitting next to her in such close proximity for the entire morning, my resolve just seemed to melt away.

  My actions at Gavin’s a few nights ago, and the text messages that followed, I had convinced myself were a product of too much alcohol and the severe lack of companionship I have been suffering from over the last few weeks. Of course, I know that’s not the truth. And I also know that the lack of companionship is by my own doing.

  Ever since Charlie came home, no other woman has really sparked my interest. Deep down I know it’s because I have placed Charlie on this untouchable pedestal and now that she’s back in my life, no one else can hold a candle to her.

  She’s all I want. Hell, she’s all I have wanted for about five years now. The last three years were at least tolerable without having her around. I didn’t have to see her every day. I didn’t have to look at her full, pink lips without being able to kiss them. I didn’t have to stare at her perfect skin without being able to touch it. I didn’t have to watch a loose piece of brown hair blow across her face and not be able to reach out and tuck it behind her ear. Life was just—well, easier.

  “Paxton.” I hear Decklan’s voice just as he knocks on the door of my hotel. “Hey, open up.” He knocks again.

  I push myself off of the too firm mattress and cross the space of the room. I’ve never stayed at the Palazzo before and I have to admit, it’s pretty fucking sweet. I’m the only one of our group that has my own room. Of course Decklan and Kimber are rooming together, as are Gavin and Harlee. And to save money Charlie and Angel got booked together, though I know for a fact it has nothing to do with money and more to do with G
avin wanting someone present to keep an eye on Charlie. He would never admit to that but I know how he operates. He worries about her a hell of a lot more than he would ever lead on.

  Pulling open the door, Decklan steps inside the moment he has enough room.

  “You get settled?” He asks, stepping into the foyer before letting the door close behind him.

  “Yeah.” I cross toward the couch on the far side of the room and pick up my fitted black t-shirt that’s flung over the side of it. “What’s the game plan for tonight?” I ask, glancing at the clock before sliding the shirt over my head.

  “The girls just got back.” He runs a hand through his messy hair before squatting down in front of the mini fridge. “We’re gonna head downstairs and grab some dinner if you want to join.”

  “Sure.” I shrug nonchalantly, watching him pull out two individual bottles of Jack Daniels from the fridge before standing.

  He tosses one to me before twisting the cap off of his. He holds his bottle up for a brief moment before draining the contents in one long gulp. Following his lead, I do the same, wiping away the traces of whiskey left on my lips with the back of my hand.

  “Sorry, I just needed that.” He laughs, tossing the bottle into the trashcan next to him.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fucking perfect man.” He shakes his head, his hand reaching around to squeeze the back of his neck. “I’m just nervous as shit.” He admits on a gruff laugh.

  “Why?” I can’t help but ask the question.

  “What if she wakes up one day and realizes she made a mistake?”

  “That’s not gonna happen dude. That girl is crazy about you.” I reassure him, sitting down on the couch to slide on my shoes.

  “I don’t know. I’m just in my fucking head right now. Kimber is—fuck, she’s everything that’s fucking good in this world man. I just can’t wrap my mind around what she’s doing with a guy like me. Hell, I’ve never understood it.”


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