Be My Bride: BWWM Romance (Brother From Money Book 19)

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Be My Bride: BWWM Romance (Brother From Money Book 19) Page 17

by Shanade White

  “I am not one for abiding by rules,” he admitted. “Let’s get out of here.”

  He took her to his office, reluctant to end the evening because he wanted to be with her.

  “This place is impressive!” she exclaimed, craning her neck to look up at the tower glass and chrome building. The lights were on in the lobby and a guard at the desk jumped to attention as soon as he saw who was entering through the revolving doors. “Mr. Makeida, I was not expecting you sir,” he said respectfully moving from his post.

  “It’s all right Bob; I am just going to go up to my office for a few minutes.” He reassured the elderly man.

  The man nodded and smiled at Kimone as they made their way towards the elevator.

  “Want to neck in the elevator?” she asked him mischievously as soon as the doors closed.

  He looked at her startled; his expression intense. Kimone felt the laughter dying on her lips as he stared at her.

  The doors opened just then and he ushered her ahead of him. His offices were on the top floor and their feet sank deep into the beige carpeting on the floor. There was a reception area that held a dozen telephones and computers and the name of the company: ‘Makeida’s Import & Export’ in big gold letters above.

  He led her towards his suite of offices and pushed open the door to his office. To her surprise she discovered it was far from being luxurious. It was a simple room and although large with a massive desk and a large chair around it. The only concession to luxury was the ultra thin desk top computer and a massive oak armoire in the corner of the room. Instead of carpeting on the floor there were beautiful handmade throw rugs on the ceramic floor.

  “I am more utilitarian when it comes to my working space,” he explained. “What was it you were saying about necking in the elevator?” he asked her softly, pulling her inside his arms.

  “You knew I was just kidding right?” she braced her arms against his chest, her heart tripping inside her breasts.

  “I am not,” he whispered softly, bending his head to align it with hers. Her hair had somehow escaped the ruthless coil she had made and was bouncing against her cheek. He moved one arm from around her waist and cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing her skin. “Your skin is so soft.” He murmured. He reached for her lips and with a sigh of surrender she slide her arms around his neck and met his mouth with hers, opening under his.

  Peter drank hungrily from her, his skin on fire as his hand tightened against her cheek and his control slipped precariously. All night in the restaurant, even when he was talking to her about some nonsensical topic, all he wanted to do was make love to her, to taste her and hold her in his arms for the entire time. He hated that he had to pretend it was just an attraction between them; he wanted to let her know how he really felt, but he had to wait and the waiting was killing him.

  Kimone shivered as his tongue entered her mouth. She wanted more from him but she preferred to wait, even though she was not a prude she wanted to do it properly. She moved restlessly inside the circle of his arms and Peter groaned as his erection hardened even more. He needed her.

  “Kimone,” he whispered dragging his mouth away from hers. “I want you in my bed.”

  “I know,” she told him softly. “I have never done this before and I need a little time.”

  He held her away from him a little bit, astonished at her revelation. She was a virgin. He lifted her chin and stared down at her. “I will be gentle,” he promised her.

  Chapter 5

  She coached him. He had expressed his desire to attend the Christmas concert and dinner at the residential home with her and she had told him what to say to her mother. They had met several months ago.

  “Six months and three weeks.” He had interjected, causing Kimone to stare at him with a slight frown.

  “I am very good with dates,” he had hastened to assure her, silently cursing himself for the slip of tongue.

  “Okay,” she had nodded. “My mother and Dawn are going to drill you with questions as to why you were a secret. We are not going to tell them about our arrangement.”

  “Don’t worry,” he had told her with a smile. “I am going to make it look real.”

  “Right,” she had looked at him curiously for a minute before they left.

  Ever since that night at the office when he had told her he would be gentle with her; things had changed between them. There was a charged atmosphere when they were around each other as if they were waiting for the time when they would be in each other’s arms. Kimone had gone home that night and had a hard time falling asleep; thinking about how she had felt in his arms and what to expect when it happened. She knew it would; it was just a matter of when.

  They got to the home at seven thirty because the concert was starting early. She had bought an outfit for the occasion; one she had seen inside the small boutique near her store. It was a black all in one pant suit and she had put a black and gold scarf around her neck; the effect was stunning and she was glad she had made the effort when she saw the admiring look on Peter’s face. He was dressed in black pants and a green dress shirt with a black sweater vest. She was glad he was going to be her date; he was achingly handsome.

  “All the elderly women are going to fight over you tonight,” she teased him as they headed towards the building. The night was clear and cold, there was still no sign of snow even though it had been predicted that they were in for a white Christmas.

  “There is only one woman for me,” he answered softly, looking down at her, his eyes like liquid pool.

  Kimone stared up at him for a moment, lost in his eyes. It was the sound of her mother’s voice at the doorway that interrupted the moment and they went towards her.

  She had told her mother and Dawn that she was bringing someone and they had been giving her the third degree ever since.

  “Hi Mrs. Bailey, lovely to finally meet you,” Peter held out his hand as soon as they reached the doorway. Kimberly Bailey was resplendent in a rose colored silk blouse and billowing purple pants.

  “And I have not heard enough about you Peter,” she sent her daughter a telling glance and Kimone knew she was in for a long conversation. “Apart from knowing that you own practically the whole state.” She beamed at him and pulled him for a hug. “My daughter has kept you a secret for the last time. Come in to our humble abode, I am sure it is something that you have not experienced before.”

  Kimone was left to fend for herself as her mother took Peter around to make the introductions to the various outsiders and residents milling around and drinking punch. Dawn was already there with Gregory and she saw her best friend bearing down on her; a determined expression on her face. She had chosen to wear red and black with little green dots on the blouse. She saw that Gregory was standing by the fireplace and talking to Peter.

  “You are dating a billionaire and we are just meeting him?” she asked suspiciously, coming to stand right in front of Kimone.

  “Hello to you too! And how are you this fine night Kimone? Oh why thank you for asking Dawn, I am doing fine.” Kimone mocked.

  “Cut the foolishness Kimone,” the girl said impatiently, visibly upset. “I am your best friend and you kept this from me, why?”

  “Okay, fine,” Kimone sighed, linking her hand inside the girl’s even though she stiffened at the touch. “We met at the coffee shop some months ago and we were just friends, I never knew it would have gone anywhere,” she said truthfully. “You know how I am Dawn, I was not looking for a relationship, it just happened.”

  “So it’s serious?”


  The music had started playing and Kimone smiled as she heard one of her favorites: 'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire’. The concert would be staring in the next half an hour and they were told to find seats and get ready to be ‘thrilled’ her mother’s words. “We are thinking of getting engaged.”

  Dawn stopped abruptly, forcing Kimone to stop as well.

  “A few weeks ago you had no man and
now you are practically engaged? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” she protested, pulling the other girl with her towards the seats laid out for them. “We want to do this and he proposed to me and I said yes.”

  “He asked you to marry him and you neither told your best friend nor your mother?” Dawn was very skeptical.

  “Because I did not want to jinx it,” she improvised. “I wanted to keep it to myself for a while.”

  “Thanks for sharing,” Dawn whispered as the men came over to them.

  Peter sat beside her and took her hand in his even though Kimone tried pulling away, he held on. Dawn kept staring at them so Kimone decided to let it go and after a while it felt natural with her hand in his.

  There were a variety of poetry and songs and several couples danced to songs of the fifties. There was a moment of hilarity as old Mrs. Bainbridge stopped half way into her poetry and started dancing a jig.

  The meal was well done and the Christmas tree sparkled with the different lights and various decorations. “Dawn wants to know why you have been hiding me,” Peter murmured as they sat on one of the faded sofas. The concert and dinner had finished and as much as she wanted to leave, Kimone knew her mother and Dawn would never forgive her.

  “What did you tell her?” Kimone sipped the nutmeg, savoring the taste of the creamy liquid. Her mother had made the concoction herself and she remembered years when she was a child and had watched her mother in the kitchen preparing it.

  “I told her to blame me; I wanted you all to myself before everything was announced.” Peter answered in amusement.

  “You didn’t have to do that Peter,” Kimone looked at him, noticing the lock of hair falling on his forehead. He looked good; so damn good!

  “I had to,” he objected. “She is your best friend and it’s better she is mad at me than at you and I am too charming a person for her to stay mad at me.”

  “What are we doing Peter?” she asked him, refusing to smile at his attempt at humor. “We barely know each other and we are planning to take this big step together. What if we discover we don’t really want to be together? What if you hate the way I step out of my shoes and leave them in the middle of the room? Or the way I leave my coffee cup beside the sink instead of in the sink?”

  “What if we ended up falling in love with each other?” he countered. His heart had started the pounding inside his chest as he heard her words. He could not bear the thought of her backing out, it would destroy him.

  She stared at him, lost for words.

  “What if that happened?” he continued, wanting to touch her but not daring to. He could see that her friend was watching them from across the room, probably wondering what they were talking about. “What if we discover that this is the best thing that ever happened to us? I take risks Kimone, that’s why I am such a successful business man and I am asking you to take the risk with me.”

  “I am not backing out Peter, if that’s what you’re thinking,” she told him with a sigh, staring off into the fire, her expression pensive. “I was just thinking out loud.”

  “Come home with me tonight,” he said urgently. “I need you with me, I have been thinking of making love to you for a long time and I think tonight is the night.”

  She stared at him, at the intense expression on his golden brown face, the lock of hair on his forehead, his eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. This was Peter, the same guy from the coffee shop that she had thought of objectively as being very handsome but had not given him a second thought because she had not been looking for a relationship. The same guy she wanted her first time to be with.

  They said their goodbyes with her mother inviting them over for Christmas dinner the next day and Dawn and Gregory as well. Dawn had been somewhat mollified at what Peter had told her and had even said she thought it was so romantic, telling Peter that he must not keep her best friend away from her. So now they were friends again.


  They got to his place at eleven o’clock. Even though the party had finished for some time; they had stayed and talked with some of the residents who had been too excited to go to bed. Since the next day was Christmas the head nurse allowed them to stay up a little longer than usual. Kimberley had talked to Peter about donating some things to the home and he had told her he would.

  “I like your mother,” Peter told her as he held the door for her to go in ahead of him. They had been silent on the way to his apartment, both busy with their own thoughts.

  “I think the feeling is mutual,” she told him with a smile. For some reason she felt nervous and she had to keep telling herself that this was Peter; he was no stranger but still her heart continued to trip inside her chest.

  He hung up their coats on the coat hanger and went to kindle the fire. Very soon there was a blaze going on and he spread a blanket in front of the massive fireplace.

  “No marshmallows?” Kimone asked in amusement as she sat on the soft blanket. She was trying desperately to go back to the way things were before; this way was too confusing and she could not think straight.

  “I have somewhere, do you want some?” he asked her, getting ready to rise and go for it. He had taken off his sweater vest and his dress shirt and was in a white undershirt.

  “I am just kidding Peter,” she laughed putting a hand on his arm to stop him from leaving.

  “What do you want?” he asked her, his voice soft and hypnotic, his eyes holding hers captive.

  “I want world peace and the end of child abuse,” she tried to joke but it came out as a whisper.

  “Ask me what I want.”

  She could not answer, her throat clogged up as she tried to breathe.

  “Ask me,” he insisted.

  “What do you want?” she finally spoke.

  “I want you,” he told her huskily. “I want to make love to you for the entire night and I want you to fall asleep in my arms and when you wake up I want to start all over again.”

  Her hand was still on his arm and she could not move it; she was held immobile as she stared into his eyes.

  ”Tell me you want that too,” he murmured, pulling her towards him.

  She nodded, still lost for words. With a sigh he lifted her chin and looked at her for a second, his eyes moving her exquisite face. The glow of the fire was very flattering, softening her features further and giving her an ethereal light that seemed to reflect from within.

  He kissed her; his mouth meeting hers with a slowness that was deliberate. His tongue invaded her mouth giving her a jolt that went straight through her. Her arms came up and wrapped themselves around his neck and he gently lowered her to the blanket, never releasing her lips as he deepened the kiss. Peter felt his erection growing and he knew the control was slipping away from him.

  With a groan he broke the kiss, pushing aside the flimsy straps that held her outfit together. She was not wearing a bra and her breasts were revealed as he pushed away the material, his hand going over her shoulders and drifting further down to touch her small breast gently, feathering over the already pebble like nipple. He bent his head and took the nipple inside his mouth causing Kimone to gasp at the shock of his mouth on her. She buried her fingers into his thick dark hair as his tongue flicked over the tight bud. The sensation was unbelievable.

  “Peter,” she moaned softly, digging her fingers in his scalp. He released her nipple and undressed her slowly, gazing at her curvaceous body. She was perfect. He thought as his hands wandered down her body, removing her clothes, leaving her only in soft pink lace panties that barely covered her mound.

  “So beautiful,” he said thickly. He was almost bursting at the crotch and he pulled down her underwear. He wanted to taste her so bad that he could taste her inside his mouth. He kneeled down and pulled his shirt over his head. He was well muscled with a smattering of dark hair on his chest. He unbuckled his pants and pulled them off, leaving his underwear on before climbing on top of her.

  “I don’t want to hurt y
ou,” he whispered against her mouth.

  “I don’t care,” she whispered back, moving restlessly underneath him; her hands coming up to cup his face. “I want to feel you.”

  With a groan he took her lips with his. He wanted to taste every inch of her body, to taste and to savor but he wondered if he could hold out. He loved the feel of her mouth, the taste of it, he was drunk on her and he did not want to stop but she was not allowing him. Kimone felt her nipples grazing his chest and she felt her nipples hardened to painful proportions; she needed more and her body was telling her so. She dragged her mouth from his and gasped: “Peter now please,”

  He complied, reaching between them to take his erection from his underwear, already hardened considerably. She had shimmied out of her panties and he entered her gently, his body tensing as he met the resistance, his eyes on hers as if afraid that the penetration would hurt her.

  “Please,” she whispered, already closing around him. He pushed inside her, swallowing her small cry of pain as he breached her, staying still while she became accustomed to the length and breadth of him, only moving when she started to move beneath him. She closed her arms around his neck and lifted her hips to bring him closer, drawing him into her, meeting his thrusts with hers, their bodies moving in sync as they began the age old dance of love; their bodies molding and blending with each other.

  Kimone felt the pain disappear and the intense pleasure rose inside her body as she moved against him. She had never felt anything like it before, this feeling of utter helplessness and vulnerability; the intense need that went further and further until she felt as if she was climbing a mountain and reaching for the clouds. Then she was falling and she was taking him with her. With a cry she let go and fell, clinging to him. Vaguely through the cloud wrapping her in its airiness she heard him calling out her name and gripped her hips as he plunged inside her over and over again, spilling his seed; his body shaking spasmodically on top of hers.


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