Nature's Tribe

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Nature's Tribe Page 82

by Jacky Gray

  “Now you mention it, I do not believe I’ve heard any other creaking since the twins were born.” Jarl sipped the golden liquid, wrinkling his nose. “If I thought about it at all, I reasoned that the women were recovering from birthing. I heard it can take a while.”

  “A few moons at the most. Maybe a little longer after twins. Certainly not this long.” Quinn repeated the sip and wrinkle. “We could not be sure, but the tensions in the house did not speak of the loving affection which comes from a happy marriage bed.”

  “So you think Lyran and Eanje are not happy?”

  “I would be concerned if you thought they were. Have you not wanted to defend her when he nags at her for some accidental thing?”

  “Often. But it is not my place to interfere in another man’s business. Especially not my cousin’s. I doubt he would pay attention to my objections.”

  Quinn nodded. “I can see how you would be used to following his rule. He is like an older brother to you.”

  With a snort, Jarl refilled their tiny goblets. “If I thought he would cause her harm, that would never stop me.”

  “The damage he’s been doing may go deeper than physical hurt. I have nearly intervened on several occasions, but when I mentioned the subject at lehren, she told me in no uncertain terms that I must not interfere.”

  “Really? What reason did she give?”

  “Something to do with Gaia’s plans. She remains adamant that it will become good in the end.”

  Jarl frowned, wanting to delve deeper, but afraid of what he might hear. He already knew a little of what she had coped with in her early life, but had naught but sketchy impressions of what had happened to her after that. Some from things Ranly had told him, and a little more from snatches of overheard conversations with various people. Now he thought about it, whenever her name had come up in conversation, he had listened in, seeking more information about the woman who seemed to evoke such strong reactions in so many people.

  “I said, what are you going to do next?”

  “About what?”

  “You and Senna. You and Eanje.”

  “There is no me and Eanje.”

  “And never will be until you face up to something the rest of us have known for years.”

  “There never will be because she is a lying, cheat …”

  “Stop right there. When did she lie to you?”

  “Where to begin?” He outlined the story of Coline. “Even before that, she cheated her way onto the ship dressed as a boy.”

  “Were you not cheating every time you took on a disguise? Were you not Danton to her Coline?”

  “True, but the story of the governess …”

  “All true. Ranly had the family identified and has made them pay in many ways.”

  “Good.” Jarl emptied his goblet. “I really wanted that part not to be true.”

  “Is that all of it?”

  “She lied when I met her in the Waggoners.”

  “What about?”

  “She did not tell me we had met before.”

  “Did you tell her?”

  “How could I? I did not recognise her.”

  “Is it not possible she did not connect the smart gentleman in Frankia with a beer-swilling quarryman?”

  Shaking his head, Jarl sought some defence for the last remnants of his anger. “I took care of her, gave her employment when all the while she was …”

  “Saving Senna’s life.”

  Closing his eyes, Jarl pictured the two women, surprised by how his image of Senna blurred, as though she were fading into spirit. The image of Eanje glowed crisp and bright, surrounded by a golden light. He breathed out, heavily. “She really is the hero everyone says she is.”

  “We cannot even guess at how she suffered in the search for her father. If you have any feeling for her …”

  “What about Lyran?”

  “You have to ask? He knows the truth, but refuses to admit it. And he is not sure how you will react.”

  “Me? What about Senna and Eanje? How can you be so sure of their reactions?”

  “Were you not listening? Neither woman is happy.”

  17 – Snow Moon – February

  Snow moon: Helping others and initiations. Drama/ exhibitionism. Success, personal power. Astral travel


  As he stoked the fire, Senna glanced nervously at her former husband; a little niggle in the back of her mind wondering if he had somehow arranged this.

  “Am I such a monster that you are afraid to be alone with me? I know I have not been myself recently, but ...”

  “You know very well what happened the last time we were alone together. I do not fear the act, only the consequences.”

  “Nothing happened but a few kisses. Wonderful kisses, admittedly, but my stance is the same now as it was then: I would not do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.”

  “I think, although you are no longer my husband, you are, and always will be, my very best friend in the world.”

  “And on this Feast of Friends, would it not be appropriate for you to give your very best friend a hug?”

  “Very appropriate indeed. And we are not alone.” She gestured toward the nursery where the snuffles and snores of the four babes could be heard.

  With a grin, Lyran opened his arms and she snuggled against him, her body a perfect fit for his. Wrapping his arms around her, he buried his face into her hair, breathing in deeply. “My love, my life. Will you be my wife?”

  She sprang back, searching his face. “How? What about …?”

  “I will ask Jarl if he will release you.”

  “No. What about poor Eanje? And all the babes? However would we manage?”

  “I think Eanje has known for a while that my love for her is different to what I feel for you. And I’m sure Jarl knows the same about you. If I had known Gaia’s plans, I never would have insisted you wed him …”

  “What do you mean? What plans?”

  He sighed. “I have not been at liberty to say anything, but I can only see this final part working if everyone knows everything.”

  She frowned. “Final part?”

  “In order to progress with this community, she wants people with strong healing energies, like you and me. But the leaders will also need to have courage and honour like Jarl and Eanje.”

  Lyran shrugged. “Mixing those qualities will give a different combination, allowing a wider spread of these elements.”

  “So now she wants us to swap so we get another combination.”


  “And you agreed to this?”

  “I had no choice in the matter. My part was merely to facilitate the transfers.”

  “Which you did admirably. My mind is screaming to know all the details, but I think that may be a conversation for another day. Does Eanje know about this swap?”

  “No. I wanted to make sure you would welcome the idea first.” He seemed to think this was a foregone conclusion.


  “Truly?” His whole body tensed as though her next answer was the most important thing in the world.

  Senna considered her words carefully. “Obviously I still love you every bit as much as I did when we were wed.”

  “You do? Then I cannot see a problem.”

  “The old Lyran would have done.” She shook her head. “You have changed so much. Although I love you, I’m not sure if I like you anymore.”

  As he shrivelled, she realised that, despite her best efforts, the words had not come out right. “No, that is not true. I do like the Lyran who plays happily with Alex and Alysen, and cheerfully helps with tasks like the ridiculous amount of linens needing daily washing and drying.”

  His hands supplicated. “That is the real me. That is who I am.”

  She stayed out of reach. “I want to believe that, truly I do. But far too often I see a Lyran I do not care for. An arrogant Lyran who ignores the advice of his friends in favour of people who seek to disrupt
in their quest for power.”

  “You mean …”

  Stilling his lips with a finger, she continued. “An angry Lyran who berates and belittles people trying to do their best to cope in these extraordinary circumstances. And most especially, a mistrustful Lyran who accuses people of repugnant deeds. Activities the old Lyran would never associate with his enemies, let alone his friends and supposed loved ones.”

  Bitterness hardened his tone. “Arrogant, angry and mistrustful. That is who I am to you?”

  Senna shook her head, sorrow at his reaction escaping in a sigh as she moved to sit at the table. He sat opposite and, as she tried to capture words which might heal his broken soul, his body slumped forward.

  Covering his face with his hands, he croaked out. “You are right. That is who I have been for many moons. So caught up in trying to follow her edicts, I have been blinded to what should be most important in my life. Blind to who I should be loving and trusting and listening to.” He raised his head, clearing his throat. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  It was a step in the right direction. “I have nothing to forgive. You have always behaved perfectly well to me and Shayla and Quinn. You know who deserves your apology.”

  “Jarl?” He frowned. “I supposed I have been jealous of him. It was so hard at the start, watching the two of you together. I know he had every right, but the sight of him stealing hugs and kisses that used to be mine …” He sighed and she did not interrupt his musing. “I think I must have become accustomed; it has not rankled for a while.”

  “Because he has stopped doing it in front of you.” She did not add that he had stopped doing it altogether because of her. “We both saw how much it upset you.”

  “Truly? I never meant for that to happen. I’m sorry, Senna. It seems my actions have spoilt many people’s chance for happiness.”

  “Tasker never deserved any of your anger. He has never done anything but help and care for Eanje and me like a perfect gentleman.”

  “Do you think I do not know this? I have no idea how I can ever make it up to him – or Eanje – for the awful things I said to them.” He hung his head. “Especially Eanje. That poor girl has been abused by every man she has ever met.”

  “Except Tasker.”

  He groaned. “Do not make it worse.”

  “And Quinn. Alfun has always treated her tenderly.”

  “Alfun always treats everyone with respect. I wish I could be more like him.”

  She gentled her voice. “The old Lyran was.”

  His lips tightened. “Thank you for that.”

  With a frown, she voiced a new concern. “Until recently I would have included Jarl, but he has lately aimed a number of dark thoughts in her direction.”

  Lyran nodded. “I thought so too. Particularly since Shayla told me a few truths and I have been kinder to her. You don’t think he could have feelings for Eanje, do you?”

  “That would suit your purpose, but it’s merely wishful thinking.”

  He took her hands. “My love, it is the only type of thinking I can have. If, by some miracle, both Eanje and Jarl found love elsewhere, would you consent to thinking about returning to me?”

  She had known for a while this question would be coming, and had thought about it long and hard. The answer would cause him pain, but it was no more than he deserved. Schooling her features into a neutral face, she matched it with a bland tone. “No.”



  That one word, repeating her earlier rejections, confirmed what, in his heart, he already knew. The woman he loved more than everything in the world was so disgusted by the man he’d become, she could not love him. Tearing his hands away, he prepared to sink back to the dark place which lately seemed his only friend.

  Somehow, unbelievably, the fates were on his side.

  She took back his hands. “No, Lyran. I will not consent to think about it. If, and only if, both Eanje and Jarl find love elsewhere, I will be your wife.”

  The next few moments took on echoes of the most outrageous mummer’s play he had ever seen, fraught with silliness and farce.

  He dashed round the table, pulling Senna into the sort of kiss which had filled his dreams for many moons, and she responded with tender, familiar passion.

  An angry shout from the door had them pulling apart in terror. “Unhand her, you caitiff. That is my wife!”

  Jarl actually lifted him off the floor as Eanje dashed in, her expression distraught. “Senna, how could you? And on the Feast of Friends, too.” She collapsed, weeping as Shayla and Quinn entered, wearing expressions of identical outrage.

  Shayla rushed over to console Eanje as Quinn strode toward Jarl, his voice sharp. “Put him down, man. You’ll kill him.”

  As he exchanged a stricken look with Senna, Jarl let him go and turned on her. “And as for you – that is no kind of behaviour for a wife of mine.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jarl. I never meant …”

  “No, I’m sure you didn’t. Senna, I release you.” He took her hand and put it in Lyran’s then knelt on the floor in front of Eanje.

  “Dearest, sweetest lady. If you are willing to be parted from my cousin, I would be the happiest man alive if you would consent to marry me.”

  Lyran stared in astonishment as she bent down and pressed a demure little kiss on his lips. “It would be my honour to be your wife.”

  With an exultant shout, he kissed her properly to applause from Shayla and Quinn. Somehow, they were all in on it and, as they drew breath, they all started laughing.

  “What on earth is going on?” As Lyran glared at his cousins, they both became even more helpless.

  Finally, Quinn put him out of his misery. “Shayla and I have known for a while that you four were in the wrong pairings, and today we helped Eanje and Jarl to see a few things about each other.”

  Shayla sobered enough to add more. “We hadn’t planned it, but we have both been concerned about the awful tensions between you all.”

  Quinn smiled. “We met on the way to the house and these two have been unable to take their eyes off each other. When we reached the house, you two were obviously having an important conversation, so we waited outside. I’m afraid this lot decided to have a little fun.”

  Lyran smiled. “Fun is exactly what has been missing from this house for so long. Eanje, I have no legal hold over you, but I release you from any bond and wish you and Jarl every happiness. And I would like to apologise to everyone in this room for the monster I turned into. I hope you can all forgive me?” He looked hopeful.

  As though pre-arranged, the others all chorused simultaneously. “Never.”



  Eanje smiled as strong hands covered her eyes, blacking out her daylight. He no longer bothered to say, “Guess who?” It could only be one person, her husband-to-be, Jarl.

  “It cannot be that time already. I feel like we have only just finished lunch.” She giggled as he pulled her into a bear hug and kiss, his normal greeting.

  “I sent the classes home a little early. Those dark clouds are threatening rain, and they shorten the day even more.”

  “It’s cold enough to snow. You are right; we should close early and get home.”

  “All closed. Fires doused, shutters shut. We are the last ones here. Shayla finished early, too and she and Quinn are picking up the babes.”

  “Really? We have the place to ourselves?” She flashed a glance full of sultry promise.

  His voice rasped as he asked what she had in mind.

  Taking his hand, she pulled him through to nearest room, throwing a fleece on the floor next to the still smouldering fire. Now they had found each other again, they took every opportunity to rediscover the passion Coline and Danton had shared.

  Fate had other ideas as a loud hammering at the door had them scrambling back into discarded clothes.

  “Jarl. Are you there? Senna is missing.”

  “Hie, man. I’m here.” He flung o
pen the door and Sawyer dashed in, bringing with him a flurry of snow.

  “Bryce sent me. He sounded the alert and Aleksi and Dennon are leading search teams.” As he spoke, they heard the hue and cry being picked up by all the tithings.

  Jarl grabbed Eanje’s hand, pulling her with him as he raced the short distance to their house where chaos reigned as Lyran shouted at Quinn to let him go while Shayla tried to calm three crying babes.

  “Jarl, man. Grab a torch. Alex is missing, too.”

  Eanje dashed to the double carriage which Shayla was rocking with her foot as she cuddled Quilla.

  “Alex is here. With Alysen. But where’s Tryslan?”

  “What? Are you sure?” Shayla looked again. “Someone has swapped their clothes. Why would they do that?”

  As Lyran rushed to pick up his daughter, Eanje tried to comfort Alex.

  Jarl stared at the two babes. “Tryslan is the same size as Alex, even though he’s younger. I think someone may have done it deliberately so Senna would take the wrong babe. Who was the last to see her?”

  Shayla shook her head. “She wasn’t with Lareeta and Cedany when we got there.”

  Bryce walked in. “Paulina says she and Senna picked up their babes at the same time and walked together till they reached my house. Senna headed back here.”

  “When was this?”

  “Less than a half hour, she reckons.”

  Granger, one of the farmers, pulled his weeping daughter through the door. “Tell them what you told me.”

  Fabia’s sobs prevented her from talking.

  Eanje handed the babe to Jarl and led the girl to the table, speaking gently. “Fabia, you are not in any trouble. Senna is missing and we need to find out any information we can.”

  “I-I heard Zane and Wilona talking in the caves. A-a few days ago. They didn’t know I was there.”

  “Good girl. What were they saying?”

  “They were asking about when the veil is thinnest.”

  “Who were they asking?”

  “I’m not sure, but it was a man. An old man. He said something about new moons and full moons and at conjunct-somethings.”


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