Screams in the Darkness (Dark Screams Book 1)

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Screams in the Darkness (Dark Screams Book 1) Page 3

by Sabrina Samples

  “What the hell?” Brandon leaned closer to the TV.

  “Don’t deny you want her. To feel her legs wrapped around you as you bury yourself deep into her slick pussy.” His reflection continued to speak to him, “And you know she wants it too. Take it!” Brandon sat staring at his reflection in confusion. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about her. I bet she is laying in her bed right now thinking of it too. Moaning your name as she rubs her clit.” His reflection egged him on. “If you were to go to her room right now, I bet she would let you touch her. I bet she would even beg for your cock.”

  A familiar sound interrupted the voice. “Hey Brandon, they want the new girl to go down and see doctor Torres. Could you take her down? I have my hands full over in group.” A short balding man walked into the room. He paused taking in the scene before him. Brandon was just staring into the darkened TV.

  “Sure, I can take her James,” Brandon answered.

  “Is everything okay? You look a little pale,” James asked as he surveyed him, walking toward the door.

  “Yeah, just a little tired. I have done so many back to backs it’s ridiculous. Gotta pay the bills though.”

  With a quick smile and a nod, James headed back out of the room and down the hall.

  Brandon followed him out of the room as he headed in the opposite direction toward Alex’s room.

  On the walk to her room, Brandon could not help but think of what the voice said to him. “If you were to go to her room right now, I bet she would let you touch her. I bet she would even beg for your cock.” Brandon couldn’t help but think of that as he knocked on Alex’s door

  “Parker, you are wanted for therapy with Doctor Torres,” he spoke as he opened the door.

  Alex was lying on her bed staring at the ceiling. Her hand was resting on her lower stomach. “I bet right now she is laying in her bed thinking of it too.” Brandon shook his head as he walked completely into the room. As he did, she slowly sat up and stretched.

  “Let me guess, this is because of group,” Alex said with a devilish grin.

  “I’m not sure what it is about, but we need to head over.” Brandon tried looking away from Alex, but her bright blue eyes kept pulling him back.

  “Are they going to spank me for being a bad girl?” Alex stood from her bed and walked toward Brandon at the door. “Or is that something you would do?” She bit her bottom lip and looked up at Brandon before moving passed him and out into the hallway. As she walked, Brandon couldn’t help but watch the sway of her ass.

  “I told you she wants it just as bad as you do,” the voice echoed in his head. “Just look at those icy fuck me eyes she is giving you. Give her what she wants. What she needs.”

  “Let’s go, Parker.” Brandon stayed stern.

  “Yes, Sir.” Alex’s eyes lit up with excitement in response to his tone. The two of them began walking toward the doctor’s office in silence. About halfway down the hall, Brandon broke the silence.

  “I can’t figure you out.”

  “What do you mean?” Alex questioned with a knowing grin.

  “You go from hot too cold with me,” he said.

  “Does that surprise you? If you haven’t noticed, I’m a crazy person.”

  At Alex’s words, Brandon pushed her up against the wall next to her.

  “That’s bullshit. Don’t use that as an excuse for anything.”

  “What do you want me to say then?” Alex asked.

  “How about the damn truth,” he growled.

  “Do you want to hear that I’m attracted to you? Yes, I am. But that doesn’t mean anything. I am a patient, and you are an orderly. Isn’t there some bullshit rule about us not being able to do anything?”

  Brandon quickly pulled away from Alex as another orderly stepped out of a room down the hall.

  “Let’s get you to Doctor Torres’ office now.” Brandon’s voice was deep, his face contorted in anger. He began walking down the hall with Alex following in silence.

  Chapter 6

  “Hello Alex, my name is Doctor Marc Torres,” the doctor spoke as Alex walked into the room. He was an elderly man with cropped gray hair. His face was covered with wrinkles and his faded green eyes were focused on Alex. He wore a light blue button down shirt under his white medical jacket. “Please sit down, we have a lot to discuss.”

  Alex walked over to the chair that sat opposite of Doctor Torres’ desk. Everything in the room seemed out of place from the rest of the hospital. The room was warm and welcoming, a stark contrast to the cold sterile feeling throughout the rest of the facility. The leather chairs that sat in front of the mahogany desk looked more comfortable than any of the other chairs that were scattered throughout the hospital. The windows were decorated with sheer brown curtains that made the room feel like it belonged in someone’s house.

  “Discuss away. I mean it’s not like I have a say in what happens, so whatever we ‘discuss’ isn’t going to be a two-way conversation. You will tell me how things are going to happen, and I have to smile and agree. Because even if I don’t, you are still going to do whatever you want.” Alex sat down and crossed her arms. She propped her feet up on the desk. Doctor Torres poignantly ignored her.

  “How has your time been here so far?” the doctor asked.

  “It’s been great! I have made so many new friends, and I feel like I am already getting better. Doctor, we can start the release papers to send me home.” Her phony excitement was soaked in sarcasm, as she rolled her eyes. “How do you think it’s been? I got thrown in here against my will. I am cut off from anyone outside of you, the orderlies, and the other crazies. I even have my every move being monitored.”

  “You understand that you are here for a reason, Alexandra,” he said.

  “If you say so.” Alex disregarded him as she turned to look out the window. She noticed the entrance, and the multitude of cars coming and going.

  “Alex, can you tell me why you attacked Doctor Fischer in group?”

  “He made me feel uncomfortable,” Alex said matter-of-factly without looking away from the window.

  “Because he put you on the spot, or because he asked about your parents?”

  Alex became agitated at the mention of her parents and pulled her attention back into the room. She leaned forward in her chair with a scowl on her face.

  “Listen here, Marc. Like I told your pal, Frank, those people dumped me in this god forsaken nut house. I am stuck here while they are out at their ‘elite’ parties. Poor sick Alexandra can’t handle the real world, and now, I’m stuck here for no damn reason.”

  “Alex, you and I both know that is not true.” Doctor Torres paused for a second as he looked directly at her. “You were sent here after you attempted to kill yourself.”

  “Is that what they put in my file? That I tried to kill myself? I can’t fucking believe it! Smh. Typical Doris. She always had a flair for the dramatics.” Alex pretended to be her mother as she flipped her hair, and then faked passing out back into her chair.

  “Is that not what happened? Maybe you could help me to correct the files. If I know what really happened, I will be able to help you better.” The doctor grabbed a pen and his notebook.

  Alex sat up in her chair. “How much longer am I stuck in this room? You bore me with all your ‘I only want to help’ bullshit. We don’t seem to be discussing much anyway.”

  “You are free to go back to your room after we discuss a few more things.” The doctor flipped open the notepad. “We understand there is an adjustment period with situations like yours, and we have been lenient thus far, but starting tomorrow you will not only start attending every therapy session, but you will be asked to contribute as well. If you do not, you will begin to lose your extra privileges, such as TV time and time outside.” He looked up at Alex after a few seconds. “Also, we do not tolerate violence here. If you attack another member of the staff or if you attack any of the patients, you will be put in isolation. That is not a situation we like to
have with any of our patients, but we will not hesitate to do what is needed to keep the staff and the other patients safe. Do you understand both of these rules?”

  “Yeah whatever. Can I go now?” Alex went to stand up, but the doctor held his hand up to stop her.

  “One last thing. You will begin a new medication tomorrow morning called Zyprexa. This will be added to the medications you have been taking.”

  “Oh joy, another pill that is going to make me feel like shit all the time. Just what I wanted!”

  “What is wrong with your medications?” Doctor Torres asked as he flipped back through his notebook.

  “What is wrong with them? I don’t want to take them. That’s what is wrong with them. If I wanted to sleep all the time, I could have done that at home. Doris had quite the pharmacy in her room.”

  “Alex, self-medicating is harmful. We only want to help you to find a balance between your issues and day-to-day activities.” Doctor Torres jotted something down in his notebook. “If you really feel the medications are causing you to have issues, I can make adjustments starting tomorrow.”

  “Are we done now? I have a pressing schedule of watching TV and staring at the ceiling.”

  “Yes, we are done.” The doctor sounded exasperated. He stood, walked to the door, and spoke to someone else, “She can go back to her room now, Mr. Harris.”

  Alex walked out into the hall and saw Brandon standing up from a chair that sat against the opposite wall. The doctor turned back into his office, and closed the door behind him.

  “Were you waiting out here the whole time?” Alex asked defensively.

  “Part of my job is waiting for patients while they are in therapy sessions.” Brandon was amused by her question.

  “I was not in ‘therapy’. I was being talked at about medications that I don’t want.” She paused for a second. “Were you listening to what we were saying?” Alex said accusingly.

  “Listening? Not purposely. I would make a suggestion to keep your voice down for next time though. Sound travels in this hallway,” Brandon said with an apologetic smile. Alex opened her mouth to argue with him, but he cut her off. “You have about two hours until dinner, where am I taking you?” Brandon sounded distant as he spoke. He tried to avoid eye contact with her.

  “Somewhere that is empty and quiet.” Alex’s attitude instantly shifted as she seductively moved into him. Brandon’s eyes immediately shot toward her, then he looked up and down the corridor around them. He was worried someone was going to see them. After finding no one was around, he grabbed Alex’s arm and pulled her with him.

  “Follow me,” he demanded as he headed down an empty hall with Alex following close behind him. The excitement flowed from her with each passing office and bedroom.

  Chapter 7

  Brandon turned down an empty hallway with Alex following closely behind. She was practically running to keep up with him.

  “Where are we going?” Alex asked, her eyes alight with excitement. Brandon did not answer, but instead, he simply looked back at Alex with a darkened expression. The silence that fell between them was discernible. As they passed closed doors, Alex could not help but wonder where Brandon was leading her.

  Finally, they stopped at the farthest door down an isolated hall. Brandon’s hand hesitated on the handle before he opened the door. The room looked exactly like Alex’s. The walls were painted white, and the bed had a set of white sheets. The silver table and dresser were pushed against the far wall. Alex looked around the room. Alex’s eyes fell on the bed. Her eyes grew wide as she thought of her and Brandon on that bed. Her breathing grew heavier as she let her mind wander.

  “They stopped using this part of the hospital because they lowered the number of patients they had. No one has been to this wing for a few months now.” As Brandon began talking, it pulled Alex out of her thoughts. “So, this is the closest thing to isolation we will get.”

  “Good. Now come sit down with me,” Alex demanded as she sat down on the bed. Brandon’s eyes narrowed. He closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed, but instead of sitting down, he stood in front of Alex. Alex looked up at him with a look of anticipation. She wanted him to touch her.

  “I don’t do well with people telling me what to do.” Brandon’s voice was low. He lifted his hand and lightly brushed Alex’s cheek. She let out a soft moan as he did. “Why did we come here, Alex?” Brandon whispered his question.

  “I think you already know.” Alex locked eyes with him as she lifted her hand to his waistline. She slowly ran her fingers along the waist of his jeans, her fingers slipping inside of the waistband. She could hear him start to breathe a little heavier as she began to unfasten his pants.

  “You better be sure of what you are doing, Parker.” Brandon let out a growl, and Alex gripped his growing cock. Brandon couldn’t help but shake. Worried he was going to let lose something that Alex was not ready for, he closed his eyes trying to better control himself. All of his self-control disappeared though, as she wrapped her mouth around him slowly. “OH fuck yes!”

  He groaned as he laced his fingers in her hair. She slowly took him deeper, and her tongue played across his shaft. Brandon’s grip on her hair was now rough as she struggled with each thick inch until he finally touched the back of her throat.

  Brandon tightened his grip on her hair and thrust into her mouth. The growing need to be inside of her overwhelmed him. He began pumping faster as Alex continued to struggle with the size of his cock. He loved the feel of her throat fighting to relax each time he pushed deeper. Alex kept her eyes locked on Brandon until he could not take it any longer. A deep growl erupted from within his chest as he pushed into her throat one final time before exploding, and Alex quickly swallowed every drop. Brandon stepped back from her, his cock still rock hard and standing at attention before her. She leaned back onto the bed, propping herself up with her elbows. Her face was flush, and her eyes were bloodshot.

  “Feel better now?” she asked with a smile dancing on her lips.

  “Not in the slightest.” Brandon looked strained as he leaned against the wall across from the bed. He situated himself as he zipped his pants back up. “I should get you

  back to your room before anyone notices we are both gone.”

  “What the hell is your damage?” Alex grew angry. She sat up on the bed and glared at him.

  “Alex, just let it go.” His voice was strained as he pushed off the wall and began to open the door.

  “I just gave you what you wanted, and now you are telling me to let it go?” She shouted as she jumped up from the bed. She began to storm over to him, but Brandon held a hand up.

  “Alex.” He growled a warning at her as he stepped into the hall. His back was to her, and his fists were clenched tightly. Alex ignored him and grabbed his wrist making him turn to face her. As he did, his emerald eyes locked with hers and sent a chill down her spine. He clenched his jaw tighter, his hands began aching to touch her again. His cock began to grow harder as he watched her standing before him getting angrier.

  “So what is the issue? You got what you wanted from me, and now I’m supposed to leave you alone?” Alex asked.

  Brandon couldn’t control himself any longer. He pinned her to the wall with one hand around her throat. His other hand grabbed her wrist.

  “Does this feel like I want you to leave me alone?” he asked as he put her hand on his throbbing cock. “Understand something. I would love nothing more than to bury my cock deep in that wet pussy, but I have a job to do, and you have to get back to your room.” He let go of her and took a deep breath trying to control himself.

  Alex looked shocked as she tried to gather her composure. “I, um,” she said and then stopped. “When will I get to…”

  Brandon cut her off as he gently put his finger against her lips. “Soon. Now we need to get you back to your room before anyone comes looking for either of us.”

  The two walked back to Alex’s room in silence. Brandon
was aching to touch her the entire time, their hands brushing. He could see her breath was heavy in her chest as he caught her eye. He flashed her a smile which caught her breath in her chest. Alex instantly looked away as her face flushed crimson. Once they arrived at her door, she opened it with shaking hands. Brandon couldn’t help but smile knowing how flustered she was.

  “Until next time,” she said as she walked into the room.

  “Until next time, princess.” Brandon smiled before closing the door.

  Chapter 8

  “Mister Rodriguez, I am Detective Roy Brown. Thank you for coming down to the station. We have a few questions to ask you about your co-worker, Mr. Harris. Now if you could please bear with me. Could you state your full name and your association to Mr. Harris?” Roy asked as he adjusted the microphone, so it would record this session. The bald man shifted in his chair before leaning onto the steel table separating him and the detective. The table held the microphone that was now recording his answers, along with two glasses of water.

  “My name is James Rodriguez. I am an orderly at Kingsbury Asylum with Brandon Harris.”

  “What can you tell me about Mister Harris?”

  “He is a good guy. I have never had any issues with him. He keeps to himself but is completely dedicated to his job. He is always willing to come in on his days off to help out where he can.”

  “Have you ever seen Mister Harris acting inappropriately with any of the female patients?” the detective asked.

  “Never! We have a strict policy against having any sort of relationships with the patients,” James answered.

  “What can you tell me of Alexandra Parker?”

  “She is one of our more troubled patients. She was admitted after she tried to kill herself. She was violent from the beginning. She attacked multiple staff members within the first few months of her time at Kingsbury. Soon, she began to get aggressive toward the other patients. The attacks were increasingly worse as time went on.”


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