Screams in the Darkness (Dark Screams Book 1)

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Screams in the Darkness (Dark Screams Book 1) Page 6

by Sabrina Samples

  “Open your mouth,” he commanded. Alex shut her eyes and opened her mouth. “Open your eyes. I want you to watch me fuck your pretty little mouth.” Alex opened her eyes just as Brandon began to slide his cock into her mouth. She struggled to take it all in because of its size. He hit the back of her throat and began to pull out a little. Alex relaxed her throat, and he slammed all the way into her mouth. “Take all of me,” Brandon said in a gravelly voice. As he pushed all the way into her mouth, he held still for a second before he began to pull out. Alex swirled her tongue along his shaft as he pulled out. He continued his forceful strokes into Alex’s throat Alex simply laid there and took all of him as she watched his movements.

  Brandon then looked her in the eyes. “Spread your legs for me,” he said.

  Alex did as she was told and spread her legs. He leaned forward still thrusting deep into her mouth, and he began to tease her clit with one of his hands. The other hand pulled a small blade from the same pocket that held the rope. He opened the blade and lightly dragged it along her torso. Alex couldn’t help but let out a muffled moan around his cock. “Oh god baby, do that again,” Brandon said as he began to move his fingers faster on her clit. He pushed the blade a little deeper into her skin and blood began to bead up around it. His thrusts began to quicken as Alex continued to moan around his cock sending the vibrations through him. He was going to cum in her mouth soon. Alex began to squirm as she got closer to cuming. Brandon sped up his fingers as he slid the blade down her stomach again. He pushed into her throat one last time spilling his seed. “Swallow every drop of my cum, as I make you cum for me again.”

  After a few more strokes on her clit, and two more bloody lines carved into her stomach, Alex was cuming for Brandon again. Brandon pulled out of her throat, and Alex sat up on the table again. Her face was beat red, her eyes bloodshot.

  “Can you hand me the towel?” Alex asked in a shaky voice. “I need to clean up this blood.” As she spoke she purposely looked away from him. Tears began to well up in her eyes, but she kept them from falling.

  Brandon silently grabbed the towel and handed it to her as he noticed that she was on the verge of crying. “What’s wrong?” he asked roughly.

  “What’s wrong? First, you make me feel like shit because I like to cut myself, and then you turn around and do it for me!” she shouted. “How am I supposed to stop doing it when you make it feel so good?” Tears were flowing freely down her face.

  “Good job, genius. You fucked up this time,” the voice echoed in Brandon’s head.

  Brandon shook his head to get rid of that voice. Brandon looked at Alex as she sat on her bed with tears streaking her face.

  “I know this isn’t the best time, but I planned on giving you something.” Alex looked up at Brandon in confusion as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a choker. He placed it around Alex’s neck.

  “What is this?” Alex asked.

  “This is to show that you are mine.” He fastened the chain and stepped back. Alex didn’t know what to say, so she just looked at him. He picked up the blade from the table and placed it in Alex’s hand. “Every time you think of my cock, I want you to cut yourself. That way I will see next time how much you thought of me.” With a nod, Alex sat the blade next to her. “I have to go for now, but I will be back tomorrow.” Brandon turned and left Alex alone in her room.

  Alex laid down in the bed and ran her fingers along the cuts on her stomach. She picked up the blade, placed it to the skin on her thigh, and pushed down. The blood formed quick as she dragged the blade halfway down her thigh. With a deep breath, Alex closed her eyes.

  Chapter 13

  “Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Doctor Torres. We understand that with everything going on you are having some funding issues,” Roy said. Both he and Detective Carlos sat in two brown leather chairs across from Doctor Torres at his desk.

  “Yes, it’s a shame. With the attack, some of the agencies are questioning how we run things here. But I assume you are not here to discuss my government funding.”

  “You would be right, doctor. We have a few questions about both Mister Harris and Miss Parker.” Roy flipped open the notebook he pulled from the pocket of his suit. “How long was Alexandra Parker a patient here before the attack?”

  “I would not be able to give you an exact duration without looking at her file, but I would say close to 4 months.”

  “Before Alexandra came to Kingsbury, how was Mister Harris’ work ethic?”

  “Brandon has always been a solid worker. He has always come in when we needed him, and he never complained about any of the jobs he was given.”

  “What can you tell me about Mister Harris’ emotional state?”

  “I noticed Brandon had some personal issues a few months before Alexandra arrived at the facility, but I do not believe the two events were connected.”

  “How can you be sure?” Carlos chimed in.

  “Because when Alexandra Parker was admitted to the facility, her parents toured the grounds with myself and Mister Harris, and they made no inclination that they had ever had any contact with him before that day.

  “Okay. What can you say to his mental state after Miss Parker came here?”

  “I did notice a slight shift in his mental state. He was more distant with the staff members. He seemed very focused on making sure Alexandra was okay.”

  “Okay, how?” Roy questioned.

  “We had an incident not long before the attack where Alexandra tried to take her own life. Brandon was the one who found her right after she did it. In the days following the incident, Brandon could be found at her bedside most of the time. I didn’t think much of it until after the attack, but I guess it could be considered strange. He had never done that with any of the other patients.”

  “Were there any other situations that you might consider out of character for Mister Harris?”

  “There was one incident that was dropped right after Alexandra was admitted. The incident didn’t directly involve Alexandra though. Brandon got into fight with one of the other orderlies.”

  “Which orderly?” Roy asked as he continued to scribble in his notebook.

  “James Rodriguez. They were arguing over the care of Alexandra, and James was supposed to be the one to escort her to her treatments, but Brandon kept demanding that he was the one that had to do it.”

  “Why do you think that is?”

  “One can speculate on the reasoning for anything, but we will never know the exact reasoning unless Mister Harris tells us,” the doctor answered.

  “Yes, I guess that is true. What is your policy on employees having relations with patients?”

  “It is strictly forbidden,” Doctor Torres said matter-of-factly.

  “Have you ever had any incidents with employees breaking that policy?”

  “Not in six years. The last person to break that policy was not only fired, but charges were brought against them by the family of the patient.”

  “How can you know for a fact that your current employees are not breaking that policy? You are severely understaffed from what I understand.”

  “Are you accusing one of my staff of having relations with a patient?” Doctor Torres sounded offended by this fact.

  “Why did you leave complete care of Alexandra Parker in the hands of Mister Harris? Is it normal for male patients to escort female patients to the bathing area?”

  “I had no other choice but to make that decision. Alexandra was attacking all of the orderlies. Brandon was the only one I could think of that would be able to handle her when she got out of control. I know that it is not normal procedure, but none of the other orderlies were willing to take the risk of being injured, especially after the incident with Kate.”

  “Was that the last orderly that Alexandra Parker attacked?”

  “Yes, but that was also because she was the last orderly to escort Alexandra anywhere here, aside from Brandon.”

  “I thought
that Mr. Rodriguez took care of Alexandra after her attempted suicide,” Roy said as he flipped back through the pages of his notebook.

  “Ah, yes, that slipped my mind. James took care of Alexandra the few days that Brandon was out of our hospital due to being ill.”

  “Did Alexandra attack Mister Rodriguez during those few days?”


  “When you would treat Alexandra Parker, did she ever complain about unwanted advances from Mister Harris?”

  “No, never!” Doctor Torres seemed highly offended by this question. “Are you accusing Brandon of some type of misconduct?”

  “While Alexandra Parker was in the hospital, there was a rape kit done because of the nature of her wounds and the incident itself. The results came back with fluids in her body, along with signs of recent sexual activity. We then ran the fluids against Mister Harris’ DNA, and they were a match.”

  “That is not possible. I would have caught this!”

  “Doctor, the results do not lie.” Roy closed his notebook and placed it back inside his suit pocket. “There will be an official investigation opened against the facility because of this. The detectives will be here tomorrow with more information for you.”

  Roy and Carlos stood and walked out of Doctor Torres’ office.

  Chapter 14

  Alex was awoken the next morning to the sound of knocking at her door.

  “Go away!” she shouted as she rolled over. The unwanted guest ignored her request though because next Alex heard the door unlock and open.

  “Alexandra, it’s time to get up, your breakfast is here.” As soon as Alex heard Brandon’s velvet voice she sat up.

  “Morning, Brandon.” She purred at him as she stretched her arms above her head.

  She appraised Brandon as he walked in. He was not wearing his normal white scrubs, but instead, he wore a set of black ones which hugged his muscles deliciously as he moved. Alex’s heart then picked up an extra beat as her eyes traveled lower to find him already semi-hard. Jesus. Her mouth

  watered at the sight of him in front of her. Brandon was naturally intimidating when he was soft, but when aroused, the man was a force to be reckoned with.

  “Today we have scrambled eggs, home fries and toast. I hope you are hungry.” Brandon sat the tray on the table without even looking at Alex, but his voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “The doctors have decided you can take your medication under my watch today since they are both tied up at the moment.”

  Brandon finally looked at Alex as he picked up a paper cup containing two pills from the tray. He was taken back for a second as he saw the look of pure lust in her eyes. He could feel himself harden even more. He needed to learn to control his cock around her, but how could he when she would look at him like she was right now.

  Alex walked over to Brandon and took the cup as her eyes stayed locked on his. She dumped the pills into her mouth and grabbed the glass of water from the tray and took a drink. She opened her mouth to show

  Brandon that she had swallowed the pills. Brandon couldn’t help but think how he wished his cock were in that luscious mouth right.

  “Now that I took my pills like a good crazy, can we have some fun?” Alex asked as she ran her hand up Brandon’s arm to his chest.

  He took a step back from her as anger flashed across his face. He had to regain control over himself, but how could he with her touching him like this.

  “I have another patient I have to deal with today. Since you are in isolation still, I have to take care of her too. The doctors would have questions if I didn’t take another patient right now. Plus, your breakfast is going to get cold if you don’t eat it soon.” Brandon turned to leave the room. Before he closed the door behind him, he stopped. “I will be back with your lunch later.” Then he closed the door leaving Alex alone with her thoughts, and the feeling of being rejected.

  Alex listened as Brandon’s footsteps faded. “Another patient?” She pouted as she threw her pillow at the door. “I wonder if he is going to touch her like he touches me. Will he enjoy how she tastes?” Alex continued to pout as she sat down at the table. Her stomach began to rumble with hunger, the smell of the food hitting her.

  Alex quickly ate her food before she returned to her bed. She sat with her back against the wall, and her hand absentmindedly found the blade Brandon gave her yesterday under her blanket. She played with it as she replayed the events from yesterday in her mind. Soon, Alex began tracing the cut on her thigh with her thumb.

  After daydreaming for a while, Alex was pulled from her thoughts by a loud commotion outside of her room. She snuck over to the door and placed her ear to it, so she could hear what was all the fuss was about. She heard a woman screaming, and then the sound of shoes scuffing across the floor.

  “Bianca, you need to do as we say.” Brandon’s voice boomed from directly in front of her room. Alex’s heart began to beat faster as she thought of him. “I got her. Give her the shot, James.”

  Afterward, Alex could hear some movement, then she heard footsteps as someone walked back down the hall and away from her room. She returned to her bed and sat down, still thinking of Brandon. She hadn’t minded him holding her down, and would like for him to do it again, commanding her to do everything he said. Her mind wandered to the other patient he was caring for.

  “He wouldn’t do that to me. Not the day after what he did with me. Not after he gave me this,” she said aloud. Alex’s hand immediately went to the choker around her neck. “Would he? I mean what do I really know about him? He could be sleeping with half the females in this place, and I wouldn’t know. They could all be walking around with a damn choker, just like this one.” Alex ripped off the choker at the thought, and threw it at the wall above the table as she let out a scream of frustration. It fell onto the table with a soft thud. “How could I be such an idiot? Of course, I’d fall for the guy who is fucking everyone here.” A tear glided down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away as her eyes fell to the blade on the bed by her.

  As if it were magnet, she immediately picked it up, and her breathing accelerated. She flipped open the blade, and her thoughts drifted back to how it used to feel when she would cut herself. The pain and pleasure it would give her leading up to the release of her anger. The release would give her such a high that she felt as if nothing could hurt her. She looked back to the choker on the table, and then without hesitation placed the blade to her wrist and dragged it down her forearm. The blood came quickly, and soon it began dripping from her arm onto her and the bed. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. The sounds from the birds outside her window slowly began to fade. That is when she heard what she knew was the sound of her door opening.

  “Fuck, Alex!” She faintly heard a voice shout, and then she felt her body being lifted by a pair of rough hands. A pair of hands she knew all too well. “Stay with me baby, I will get you to the infirmary.” Alex gave a faint smile as she knew it was Brandon carrying her out of her room. She laid her head against his chest. She felt her arms growing heavy, falling limp on her. “Stay awake, Alex,” Brandon demanded.

  His voice started to sound muffled as he continued to speak to her, and soon, his voice had disappeared completely. Then, in an instant, everything went black.

  Chapter 15

  Brandon paced inside the small infirmary room, his eyes never leaving Alex. The soft beeps from the monitor on the wall showed that she was breathing fine, as well as still had a strong heartbeat. It was a welcome sound after the chaos that filled this very room, and only hours before. Brandon was willing to sit and listen to the beeping while he waited for any sign that she was awake. After he found her in her room covered in blood, he thought he had arrived too late.

  He ran Alex straight to the infirmary where they tried stitching up her arm. The way in which she had made the cut on her arm risked the potential of permanent damage, and the doctors took longer to stitch the vein because of the risks. After two hours of surgery,
they began to worry about the risks of her falling into a coma because she had lost so much blood beforehand. Once they were able to get her stitched up, she then had to have a massive blood transfusion. They come in every hour to check on her after that. Finally, they were able to get Alex stabilized around 2 am. She began showing stable and functioning brain waves, along with her oxygen levels staying up on their own. Brandon sat in a computer chair which he he had taken from the admissions area. He leaned back with his head against the wall and with his eyes closed.

  “Brandon, here is some paperwork that you have to fill out about the incident. Also, Doctor Torres needs to speak with you as soon as you can.” Brandon opened his eyes as a beautiful nurse handed him a file as she walked in. The nurse was tall and thin, and her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a blue set of scrubs.

  “Thank you Lucy. I will fill these out now.” Brandon sat upright in his chair and flipped open the file. He pulled a pen from his pocket and began filling out the incident report for when he found Alex. Doctor Torres walked in to check on her as Brandon finished up the paperwork.

  “Ah Brandon, I was about to come find you. I need you to answer a few questions about Alexandra and the incident. Could you please step out into the hall with me?”

  Brandon put the file on the table next to him, stood, and walked out of the room with the doctor. He gave one last look at Alex who was lying on the bed before closing the door.

  “What can I answer for you, doctor?” Brandon asked.

  “After Miss Parker’s incident yesterday, I had her room searched, and we found a necklace and the blade she used. Have you seen either of these in her possession leading up to this incident?”

  Doctor Torres held out the blade and necklace. Brandon knew exactly where they came from.

  “Hmm, those seem to be the toys you gave her.” The voice was now audible in Brandon’s head. “Think he knows that?”


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