Screams in the Darkness (Dark Screams Book 1)

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Screams in the Darkness (Dark Screams Book 1) Page 8

by Sabrina Samples

  “He heard us. He was outside the door when I walked out.”

  “What is going to happen?” Alex became worried.

  “You don’t need to worry about anything. I know what I have to do,” Brandon said.

  “What is going to happen if he tells someone about us?”

  “I am going to go talk to him now and work this all out. He won’t say anything to anyone. You don’t need to worry about any of this. What you need to do is rest that arm for now. It needs to heal up. No more popping stitches.” Brandon broke his cold demeanor as he winked at Alex.

  “Will you come back today?” Alex asked, hopeful for more time with him.

  “Not today. I shouldn’t be here as it is. I hope no one else sees me today. That will be something I don’t want to try to explain.” Brandon gave Alex an appraising look. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I wasn’t okay when I got here. What makes you think I’m going to be okay now?” She tried to joke but failed miserably.

  “I don’t want to have to worry about you hurting yourself again tonight when I’m at home,” Brandon admitted.

  “You don’t need to worry about that. The only thing I want running through your head tonight while you’re at home is me.” Alex stood up and walked over to him. He was still standing at the door. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a deep kiss. After she finally pulled away, she couldn’t help but smile at how hard he had gotten just from a kiss.

  After Brandon regained his composure, he turned and left the room in his search for James.

  Chapter 19

  “James, can we talk now?” Brandon caught up to James as he went into the breakroom. They were the only two there, and James was sitting at a nearby table drinking a cup of coffee.

  “We don’t have anything to talk about, Brandon,” James said as he stood from the table and grabbed his coffee.

  “Please, just listen to me for a second,” Brandon pleaded.

  “I need to get going.” James walked to the trashcan and threw his empty cup away.

  “Two seconds, James. Please.” Brandon was grasping for his attention.

  “Look, I get it. She is a very attractive girl. You did what you did. I can’t judge you. It’s against policy, but I am willing to look the other way this one time. Everyone makes mistakes,” James said as he leaned against the counter next to the trashcan.

  “Is that what you think this is? A mistake? James let me clue you in on something. That girl is pure insanity, and she is willing to do just about anything.”

  “That means nothing to me. I don’t want to hear about your relationship,” James said.

  “Just go with me right now. Imagine how her pussy would feel as you took her from behind.”

  “What are you saying, Brandon?” James looked confused.

  “I am telling you that I bet she would enjoy you taking her just once.”

  James now appeared shocked at Brandon’s words. “You want me to have sex with one of the patients?” he asked.

  “Dude, she isn’t just a patient. She is a gorgeous woman who knows what the fuck she is doing. You can’t tell me being around her doesn’t get you hard. That tight little body. Those beautiful breasts. Those lips that would be great around your cock.” Brandon grew hard just thinking about her.

  “I’m not saying I haven’t thought about it. You would have to be blind or dead not to want her. But policy is policy. I can’t.”

  “Just trust me this once. I will make sure no one but us knows about this. I will serve her up to you on a silver fucking platter! Just tell me how you want her.”

  “I can’t.” James began to walk away.

  “She said she wanted to feel your cock, just one time.” Brandon tried to grab his attention.

  James stopped in his tracks and turned back to Brandon. “Really?” James asked skeptically.

  “Yes. She asked me about you a while back, and she said she would love to know what you felt like.” Brandon lied, but James was sparking an interest he hadn’t shown before. “What if I told you I could have her tied up in the shower room, and you could do whatever you wanted to her?”

  “I would say that is so fucking hot.” James gave in slightly as he thought about Alex.

  “Just say the word, and I will make it happen.”

  “Argh. I can’t. This is so against policy. What if someone found out?” James struggled with coming to terms with the Brandon’s proposal. His morals were battling with his cock.

  “Dude, I have been fucking her for a while now.”

  “What?” James was shocked.

  “Think about it. Why do you think she doesn’t fight me?” Brandon asked.

  “I never thought about why,” James said as he reflected on the question.

  “It’s because she’s mine. She wouldn’t do anything to upset me.” Brandon paused for a second as he let James think on it. “No one but you, me, and Alex will know. Just once.”

  “One time. Then we forget about this whole situation. If you get caught again, it’s on you.” James was stern, but Brandon could see the excitement in his eyes.

  “Come to the shower area tomorrow during her scheduled time. I will have everything ready for you.”

  “Okay.” James turned to walk out of the room.

  “Oh, when you come in tomorrow, be sure to stay quiet. She will be blindfolded, so just come in, and you can fuck her as you please. She likes the element of danger that comes with not knowing who is touching her.”

  “Erm. Okay.” James shifted again before he walked out of the room.

  Brandon sat down at one of the tables and put his head in his hands with a deep sigh. Not a minute later, Brandon heard a noise.

  “Harris, why are you here today? Isn’t it your day off?” Doctor Torres walked in the break room.

  “Huh?” Brandon looked up at the doctor. “Oh yeah, I came in to check on how Alexandra was doing.”

  “I was just going to do the same thing. Have you seen her yet?”

  “Yeah. I just left her room a few minutes ago.”

  “You are one of the good ones, you know,” he said as he walked over to the counter with the coffee maker.

  “I’m sorry, sir?”

  “You have taken the time to get to know Alexandra. You actually care about her well-being. Not everyone here is like that. I am glad to have you in this hospital. You have gotten through to the patient that cuts everyone out. I don’t know how you’ve done it, but keep it up!” The doctor finished pouring a cup of coffee and walked back out of the room.

  “If only the good doctor knew how you got through to her.” The voice taunted Brandon. “Would he still appreciate you if he knew you were fucking a patient?”

  Brandon stood from the table and quickly walked out of the room. As he headed toward the exit, he passed James who smiled at him.

  “Look at that guy. I bet he is chomping at the bit to get his grubby hands on our girl.” The voice baited Brandon. Brandon tried his best to contain his emotions as a wave of anger and jealousy washed over him. His hands balled into fists as his body screamed in a sudden urge to punch James in the face. Anything to get that smile off his face. “I bet he has a hardon right now thinking about that sweet pussy.” The voice pushed.

  Brandon put his head down and rushed out of the building as quickly as possible.

  Chapter 20

  “Good afternoon, Kate. My name is Detective Roy Brown, and this is my partner, Detective Carlos Mendes. Thank you for taking the time to come down to the station to talk with us.” Roy shifted his chair, so he was looking at Kate. She was sitting next to his desk. The room was large and filled with close to 20 desks, all separate, so each desk had room for someone to sit next to the desks. “We have a few questions about the incident at Kingsbury Asylum.”

  “I will help in any way I can, but I was not working the night of the attack.”

  “That is fine. We are more interested in the events leading up to th
e attack. I understand Alexandra Parker attacked you, is that correct?”

  “Yes.” Kate shifted uncomfortably in her wooden chair.

  “May I ask what lead to the attack?”

  “She did not seem very happy that day, and I might have made it worse. I said some things that I shouldn’t have said. After she attacked me, I just wanted to stay away from her. To be honest, she is completely terrifying. As she attacked me, there was a rage inside of her. She just wouldn’t stop until someone pulled her off of me. I was told it was Brandon.”

  “Brandon always seemed to be around at the right time when it came to Alex, didn’t he?”

  “Well, yah. I mean, I guess I never realized it. But he was usually around when any incident broke out. He was fast and strong, so I can understand why he would be there before most other people. He was one of the few who could physically break up a fight.”

  “Did you ever notice Mister Harris getting too friendly with any of the patients?”

  “Brandon’s a friendly guy. He’s naturally charismatic. Guys want to be his friend and women want to… well, you know.”

  “Did he ever indulge with anyone?”

  “Not that I know of. I know he broke the hearts of every female orderly that walked through that door. He never gave anyone the time of day.”

  “Did he have a girlfriend outside of the hospital?”

  “I doubt it. He was always working. I can’t think of any woman that would be okay with that.”

  “What kind of interactions did Alexandra Parker have with Mister Harris?”

  “She seemed uninterested with him. I always thought it was weird because of how attractive he is.”

  “Do you know why that was?”

  “Why she wasn’t attracted to him? Maybe she was too busy with her own issues to notice,” Kate said with a shrug.

  “Maybe. Is there anything else you can think of when it comes to either Mister Harris or Miss Parker?”

  “Brandon seemed to become isolated over the past few months. He pulled back from everyone at the facility. I just thought it was because he was having troubles at home again, but then I noticed that he seemed to be working more. His assignment was to take care of Alexandra, so he was with her all the time. I wasn’t sure at the time, but the way he looked at her made me think he was being possessive of her.

  “Why do you think that?”

  “It was just a vibe. I might have been looking too much into it though. Maybe I was slightly jealous of the fact that Alexandra had the attention of a man like Brandon and ignored it.”

  “So you never saw her return the attraction?”

  “Never. She always seemed angry with everything. Whenever Brandon came in the room, it always looked as if Alexandra actually became tense. I just always brushed it off as me overthinking things, but since the attack, I wish I would have said something.”

  “It is not your fault, Kate,” Roy said softly as he smiled at Kate who seemed upset.

  “Mrs. Delgado, when you observed the interactions between Brandon and Alexandra, was there ever physical contact between the two of them?” Carlos asked.

  “Come to think of it, Brandon always had his hand on the small of Alexandra’s back as if he were leading her. I never thought anything of the interactions. I should have though. Maybe Alexandra wouldn’t have been attacked.” Kate looked to Roy and Carlos. “I should have been able to help her. Why did he do this? How could he do this? He had everyone thinking he was an amazing guy, but the whole time he held a darkness inside of him that was capable of almost killing someone!” Kate’s eyes began to water as she spoke, but she was able to fight the tears that only threatened to fall. “He had everyone fooled,” she whispered.

  “I think we have everything we need for the moment, Mrs. Delgado. If you think of anything else, please give us a call.

  Kate stood and grabbed her purse from the desk next to her. She quickly left the room without looking either of the detectives in the eye.

  Chapter 21

  The next morning, Brandon walked into the building confident in the plan he had worked out the night before. He carried a black duffel bag filled with toys for later. The plan played and replayed in his mind as he walked over to the orderly station and checked the schedule for the day. He was watching Alex fulltime again, and she was allowed to resume normal activities for today. Brandon went into the lounge, put his duffle bag into his locker, and then headed off to find Alex.

  Alex was sitting in the general area with a few other residents when Brandon finally found her. The TV was playing Doctor Who, and Alex was sitting in a large black recliner. She saw Brandon outside of the room as he was talking to James. She pretended to watch as the 10th doctor and Donna walked through the streets of Pompeii, but she kept watching Brandon through the window. She couldn’t stop thinking about how gorgeous he was. After a few minutes, Brandon walked away from James with a confidence that wasn’t there before. Brandon walked to the doorway of the common with a smile on his face.

  “Alexandra Parker, I need you to come with me.” Brandon lost the smile as he spoke in a neutral voice. Alex could hear the need in his voice that he was trying to hide. She stood and seductively walked over to him as she kept eye contact with him.

  “Is everything okay, Sir?” Her voice was husky.

  Brandon ushered Alex into the hall with his hand on the small of her back without another word, his other hand held a black duffle bag. He led her to an empty hallway, and once they were completely alone, Brandon stopped walking and turned to her.

  “I want those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.” Alex bit her bottom lip as she looked at him with excitement.

  “Right here?”

  “On your knees now, my dirty little slut.” Brandon unzipped his pants, and Alex dropped to her knees.

  She looked up at Brandon as she wrapped her mouth around his cock. Brandon let out a moan, leaning back against the wall. His hands laced through Alex’s hair, as he watched her take every inch of him into her mouth.

  “So fucking sexy,” he growled. “Is your pussy wet?” Alex nodded as she continued taking him into her mouth. “I want to do something different this time.”

  Alex began to slow down. “I didn’t tell you to stop.” Brandon waited for Alex to continue before he spoke again. “Now I have something different planned for today. You will do it like the good little slut that you are, and you will thank me after. Is that understood?”

  Alex nodded, yes.

  “Good. Now, get up, and let’s go get your surprise,” Brandon said as he grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled her to her feet. He situated his hard cock back into his pants as Alex stood watching him with lust-filled eyes. The two of them continued toward the bathroom.

  They made it to the door, and Brandon quickly unlocked it before placing his hand on Alex’s back, ushering her into the room. Once inside, Brandon closed the door but didn’t lock it like he normally would.

  “Over to the table, and take your clothes off,” Brandon commanded as he moved over to the chair near the table. He placed the duffel bag on the chair as Alex walked to the table where she began to strip. “Good. Now, see those straps at the bottom of the table?”

  Alex looked. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Strap your ankles into them and then bend over the table.”

  Alex did as she was told without hesitation. Once she was bent over the table, Brandon grabbed a few things from the duffle bag and moved toward her. He was sure to keep everything out of sight from Alex. He pressed himself against her ass as he leaned forward, so he was right by her ear. Alex was able to feel his rock hard cock pressed against her bare ass as it was being restrained by his jeans.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m going to blindfold and gag you.” Alex whipped her head around in horror.

  “Why?” she asked.

  Brandon said nothing as he moved away from her. Where his body was pressed against h
er was suddenly cold from a lack of contact. Alex went to turn around to see where Brandon was, but her neck was immediately pinned down by a rough hand.

  “I didn’t tell you to move, slut.” Brandon’s voice was cold and angry.

  “Brandon, you are hurting me.” Alex tried to move her neck from under his hand, but she failed.

  “I told you not to move.” As Brandon spoke, he began tying Alex’s hands together behind her back. “Since you don’t want to listen; I will just have to take away the option of moving.” Brandon finished tying her arms, grabbed a piece of cloth, and placed it over her eyes to remove her sight. “Now, this is where things get fun.”

  Brandon’s voice had moved further away from Alex. She couldn’t tell where he was now, and then she heard the bathroom door open.

  Chapter 22

  “What was that?” Alex questioned.

  “Don’t speak.” Brandon directed his demand at both James and Alex.

  James stood by the door taking in the sight of Alex tied to the table.

  “Brandon, what is going on?” Alex began to squirm. Brandon looked to James, and nodded.

  “Not a word,” Brandon said as he sat down in the chair. He was able to see everything from where he was.

  James put his hand on the small of Alex’s back. He had a ball of cloth in his other hand. He reached forward and tied the cloth across Alex’s mouth, gagging her. Alex stopped squirming.

  James ran his hands along Alex’s back and arms. He slowly moved his hands to her ass where he softly cupped the firm cheeks before he slid one of his fingers into her slick entrance.

  Brandon, sitting on the edge of his chair, was staring excitedly at the scene before him. James kneeled behind Alex and slowly ran his tongue up her thighs before sliding his tongue into her pussy. Brandon could hear Alex’s muffled moans. His cock instantly hardened listening to her ecstasy. James continued to bring her close to the brink of climax. As she moved closer to the edge, she began to squirm again. James gripped her thighs holding her in place. Brandon gripped the arms of his chair fighting every urge to walk over and plunge his cock deep inside her.


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