Charles Manson's Blood Letters: dueling with the devil

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Charles Manson's Blood Letters: dueling with the devil Page 9

by Richard Rubacher

  MY NEXT WORK. As for me, I joined the Tomahawks, an

  all-black gang in the Bedford-Stuyvesant (Bed-Sty) neighborhood of Brooklyn at the age of twelve. I was a sex slave to the gang boss, Alcatraz. If I joined the gang I would no longer be a sex slave. I approached Alcatraz and two of his lieutenants, saying I wanted to become a Tomahawk. They laughed. I made another request the following day. This time they said okay. The following day I was initiated. I knew, as Knowing Knows, that my initiation would be pure torture and a source of delight to Alcatraz. All the Tomahawks as well as people living in the projects gathered in the quad to witness a while boy’s initiation into the all-black gang. As suspected, Alcatraz did the honors. He stood behind me and placed me in a strangle hold. He began to choke me. The Rule: if I wanted to stop the torture I was to slap his thigh. If I surrendered I would not pass the initiation, meaning I would remain his sex slave. Full details of passing the torture are given in my next book, a memoir “Being In A Child’s Mind.”

  It was the night after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. I was attending a rehabilitation counseling gathering in Detroit’s Joe Louis Convention Center. There was mayhem in Detroit. An 8:00 p.m. curfew was in effect. My fiend Noel Martlock (crippled from juvenile arthritis) hobbled ever so slowly with the aid of a cane. We boarded a bus with my other friend Seymour Broder who lived in the black ghetto. The bus driver stopped the bus and ordered us out. It was 7:50. To get to Seymour’s pad would take only five minutes, that is, if Noel wasn’t with us. The three of us trudged down the street. Gunfire echoed from several blocks. It was 8:10. The street was deserted. I told Noel and Seymour that we must leave the sidewalk and trudge along the middle of the street. The reason was to make ourselves an easy target for the angry blacks who watched us from windows and the rooftops.

  “Are you guys ministers?” a voice inquired from one of the windows. “We’re not ministers,” I said.

  “Are you guys social workers,” a second voice asked. “We’re not social workers,” I said.

  “Are you guys hippies?” a third voice inquired (it was 1968, the glory days of the flower children). “We’re not hippies,” I said.

  “Then who the fuck are you?” a fourth voice demanded. There was anger in his tone.

  How we escaped is explained in my next book, “Being In A Child’s Mind.” When I was assistant director of a halfway house for ex-cons in San Francisco I had the job of informing Jitterbug that he had violated the house rules and was to be evicted from the premises. He failed to attend the house meeting and did not know he was voted ‘outta here.’ I have Woody Allen’s physique; Jitterbug pumped iron in the joint. I tried to bluff him, saying, “I know karate. If you and your friend attack me I can take both of you down. With ease.” He said a boxer (he was a middleweight fighter in prison) was no match against a puny karate fighter. I dared him to strike the first blow. To my dismay, he called my bluff. In a split second his fist pummeled into my belly. How I a psychological trick to mask the awful pain and take Jitterbug down are given in my next book, “Being In A Child’s Mind.”

  In my job as a disability analyst for the State of California I was the only analyst who made home visits to psych claimants who lived in dangerous neighborhoods. Three near-death encounters are reported in my next book, “Being In A Child’s Mind.”

  “Forrest Gump” was playing on TV every day and night for two weeks in New York City. I conducted a survey of during that period. I rode the subway through the bad bad sections of Brooklyn to find out the effect the film had. The full details of Forrest Gump’s effect on New Yorkers are given in my next book, “Being In A Child’s Mind.”

  My all-time favorite movie, as some of you have guessed, is “Forrest Gump.” His mom reminds me of my mom.

  Index Index

  Page numbers in italics indicate photos or copies of correspondence. A, Manson bio, 91–94

  Aryan Brotherhood, 27

  Atkins, Susan, Manson family member, 34, 57, 73, 100


  Being in a Child’s Mind, 56, 104

  bio, 102–104

  crates of letters from Manson, receiving, 21–25

  encounter with “Elf,” Manson family member, 13–19 encounter with “Hail Mary,” Manson family member, 19–26 encounter with Tough Dude, Manson body guard, 27–31, 47, 53,

  55, 83

  family of author, 100–102

  farewell letter, from Manson, 62

  interview with Gentry (Curt), 1–4

  interview with Manson, 32–41

  letters, from Manson (1975), 8–12, 42–43, 76–82

  short letters, from Manson, 18, 21, 27

  Tricking Charles Manson, 56

  on writing about Manson, 3–5


  babies, learning to hate, 36–37, 40

  Beach Boys, 93

  Beatles, 93

  Beausolieu, Bobby, 47

  Being in a Child’s Mind (Rubacher), 103, 104 Bible, 63, 66

  Blessings seen as a problem, 90

  Bredlau, Aaron, 70

  Brenner, Mary, Manson family member, 34 Brown, Jerry, Governor of CA., 63

  Brunner, Mary, 14

  Buck, 61

  Bugliosi, Vincent. see also Helter Skelter (Bugliosi and Gentry)

  Manson on, 8

  at Manson trial, 2 C

  California Correctional Facility (Vacaville), 32–41

  Castaneda, Carlos, Teachings of Don Juan, The, 65

  categories of letters, sent by Manson, 22–23, 85

  Catholic monks, 75

  “Charlie Talk,” 17, 31

  Christians and Christian teaching, Manson on, 46, 59 Christmas wish list, Manson’s 57

  clarity and wisdom, Manson on, 61

  confessing to Tate murders, 42, 43, 44, 47, 53, 54. see also TateLaBianca murders

  Conrad, Barnaby, 3

  control freak, 66, 67

  craftsman of chaos, 37–38

  crates of letters, from Manson, 21–25

  crime factory, 51, 52, 70


  Day, Doris, 93

  Dalton (Analyst, colleague of author), 5 death penalty, 94

  dispensation, 41, 45, 47, 49, 51, 54 dove sent to Manson by author, 27, 55 dreams, 20, 24, 31, 60

  drugs, 83


  “Eater of the Secrets,” shaman rituals, 83

  Elf, Manson family member (Dennis Rice), 13–19, 53, 100 Emmons, Nuel, 44 evil, 66, 67, 68, 74, 91


  Family, The (Sanders), 4, 52

  family members, 4, 13–15, 34, 38, 49, 52, 54

  family unity, 57

  farewell letter, from Manson, 62

  fear, 1–2, 48, 52, 56, 58, 68, 73, 83

  first Manson letter, San Quentin (August 20, 1975), 8–10, 42, 76–80 FLASHBACKS, An Autobiography (Leary), 63–66, 69

  Folger, Abigail, 1

  Folsom State Prison, 63

  Ford, Gerald (US President), 24, 45

  Forrest Gump (movie), 104

  Fox, Matthew, 59

  Fromme, Lyn “Squeaky,” Manson family member

  code for, 20, 50, 85

  dream in prison, 24

  and Elf, 17

  instructions from Manson to, 51, 57

  instructions to author about, 44

  letters to Manson, 24

  Manson influence on, 34, 45, 46, 49

  pencil drawing of, 59


  Garden of Earthly Delight, 4

  Gengis Khan, 52

  Gentry, Curt. see Helter Skelter (Bugliosi and Gentry) George, E. L. (prison administrator) 44, 59, 85 Geraldo (television show), 70–75

  German talk by author to Manson, 34–35 girl masturbaging,sends Manson drawing, 87 God, Manson and, 35–36, 41, 47, 54, 71–73, 89 Golden Gate Park (San Francisco), 21

  Good, Sandy, Manson family member

  code for, 20, 50, 85

  comments about, 60

  and Elf, 17

instructions from Manson to, 57

  instructions to author about, 44

  Manson influence on, 34, 46

  great men, Manson comparison to, 51–52

  Greg, reporter on Vacaville newspaper, 49, 50, 53, 54 Grogan, Steve, (family member) 52

  guitar, Manson’s, 60–61, 92–93

  Gunn, G. (Warden), 24


  Hail Mary, Manson family member, 19–26

  Harper’s Weekly, 55

  hate mail, 7, 21, 22, 23

  Helter Skelter (Bugliosi and Gentry)

  family members, Manson quote to, 4

  Gentry (Curt) on writing, 3–4

  interview with Gentry (Curt), 1–4

  Rice (Dennis) “Elf ” in, 14–15

  Helter Skelter (song), 93

  Hemingway, Ernest, 1

  hippies, and Manson, 4

  historical importance, of Manson, 91

  Hit Man, in Manson recruiting system, 30–31, 38–40. see also Tough Dude (Manson’s body guard)

  Hitler, Adolph, 46

  Hitler Talk by author to Manson, 34–35

  Hoffman, Abbie, 58

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 63

  Hoyt, Barbara, (Manson family member)14–15

  humor, in seduction, 83


  International Court of Retribution (IRC), 54 interviews

  author interview with Manson (Vacaville), 32–40 author with Gentry (Curt), 1–4

  Geraldo (television show), Manson on, 70–75 San Quentin, Manson at, 5–7

  with TV anchorman, Manson, 5–7

  intuition, in seduction, 84

  IRC (International Court of Retribution), 54


  James, King of United Kingdom, 52 Jews, Manson on, 46


  Karpis, Alvin “Creepy,” 92

  Kasabian, Linda, Manson family member, 34 killing, Manson on, 41, 44–46, 49–52

  Krenwrinkel, Manson family member, 46, 57, 100


  LaBianca, Leno, 94

  LaBianca, Rosemary, 94

  Laisure, Donald L., 100

  Landau, Dr. (author’s staff psychiatrist), 5, 7 LAPD, apprehends Manson family members, 13–15 Leary, Timothy, 56, 57–58, 63–69

  letter, from Manson on

  Christians and Christian teaching, 46, 59 Manson’s Christmas wish list, 57

  clarity and wisdom, 61

  confessing, to murders, 43, 44

  family unity, Manson, 57

  farewell letter, 62

  fear, 58, 68

  Fromme, Lyn, 59

  Good, Sandy, 59

  great men, comparison to, 51–52

  his guitar, 60–61, 92–93

  Jews, 46

  killing, 44–46, 49–52

  Leary (Timothy), as inmate, 56, 57–58, 63–69

  mystical thinking, 47, 59, 62

  power over others, 58

  publication, giving permission to publish, 43, 46, 59–60 publication, withdraws permission to publish, 43–44, 50, 52 rational thought, 52

  raven as a dark force, 54–55

  reality, 52

  saving the planet, 49–50, 56

  society, 41, 43, 46, 51

  society programs, 52

  Tate-LaBianca murders, 48–49

  threatening author again, 53

  Tough Dude (Manson’s body guard), 53 (see also Tough Dude

  (Manson’s body guard))

  violence non-violence, 56

  visit from author, 59–61

  wisdom, 58, 61

  Lorraine, Tough Dude’s girlfriend, 27–28, 31

  love, 21, 34, 36–37, 40, 56, 62, 66, 83 M

  Ma Barker’s gang, 92

  Maddox, Kathleen, 75, 92, 94

  madness, 10, 42, 43, 45

  Manson, Charles, Jr. (son), 92

  Manson, Charles “Charlie,” 91, 95

  Manson, dispensation from God, 45, 47, 49, 51, 54

  on babies, learning to hate, 36–37, 40

  and Bible, 63, 66

  bio on, 91–94

  on Bugliosi, 8

  cause for hysteria, 2

  confession to mass murder, 43

  crates of letters, sent to author, 21–25

  description of, 34

  on “Elf,” family member, 17–18

  on evil, 66, 67, 68, 74, 91

  in The Family, 4

  Geraldo (television show), interview on, 70–75 and God, 35–36, 41, 72–73

  Hail Mary, family member, 18, 20–21

  interview at San Quentin, 5–7

  on killing, 41, 44–46, 49–52

  Leary, Timothy and, 56, 57–58, 63–69

  letters to author, 8–12, 43–43, 76–82

  Manson In His Own Words, 44

  meeting with author, 32–41

  mother of, 75, 92, 94

  Nixon Richard (President) and, 11, 24, 63, 88 as prisoner, 1

  on prisons, 8–9

  recruiting system, 38–40

  in Rolling Stone magazine, 4, 96

  making paper dolls, 100

  short letters, to author, 24–25

  on violence, 37–38

  “Woman of the Land,” landscape drawings, 51 as yard peacock, 34–35

  Manson, Charles Luther (son), 92

  Manson In His Own Words (Emmons and Manson), 44 “Manson Talk,” 17, 31, 35

  Master and Margarita, The (Bulgakov), 65

  McNeil Island Penitentiary (Washington), 92 Melcher, Terry, 93–94

  Miller, G. E. (prison administrator), 24

  mimicking behaviors, 6, 83

  monks, Catholic, 75

  murders. see Tate-LaBianca murders mystical thinking, 47, 59, 62


  Nathan, prison PR liaison, 32, 33

  National Enquirer, The, 57, 58

  Native American ritual used by Mansonl, 83 NBC television network, 47

  Never Learn Not to Love (song), 93

  Nixon, Richard, 11, 24, 63, 88


  O’Donnell, Dennis Patrick, 47, 55, 57 Officer Stanley, 25–26, 66–69

  Original Blessing (Matthew Fox), 59 Ouspensky, P.D., 64


  Parent, Steve, 1

  pig, 53, 97

  “pig” on door, 97

  poetic imagery, in seduction, 83 Polanski, Roman, 94, 97

  positive projection, 21

  power over others, Manson on, 58 prison nuthouse, 32–41

  prison yard peacock, Manson as, 34–35


  Ram Das, Baba, 52

  Rasputin, Russian mad monk, 13 rational thought, Manson on, 52 raven as a dark force, 54–55 reality, Manson on, 52

  recruiting system, of Manson, 38–40

  Rice, Dennis “Elf,” Manson family member, 13–19, 53, 100 Rich Boy’s Letter, 90

  Rolling Stone magazine, 4, 96

  Rosenburg, Jennifer, 91–94

  Rubacher, Richard (author)

  Being in a Child’s Mind, 56, 104

  bio of Rubacher’s family, 102–104

  crates of letters from Manson, receiving, 21–25

  encounter with “Elf,” Manson family member, 13–19 encounter with “Hail Mary,” Manson family member, 19–26 encounter with Tough Dude, Manson body guard, 27–31, 47, 53,

  55, 83

  family of, 100–102

  farewell letter, from Manson, 62

  interview with Gentry (Curt), 1–4

  interview with Manson, 32–41

  letters, from Manson (1975), 8–12, 42–43, 76–82

  short letters, from Manson, 18, 21, 27

  Tricking Charles Manson, 56

  on writing about Manson, 3–5

  Rubacher, Ronald, brother of author, 2, 51, 101

  Rubin, Jerry, 58 S

  Sacramento Bee, 49

  San Quentin State Prison, 5–7, 8, 11, 13, 42–43, 71

  Sanders, Ed, 4, 52

  Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference, 1, 3

  saving the planet, Manson on, 49–50, 56
/>   Sebring, Jay, 1

  second Manson letter, San Quentin (August 21, 1975), 11–12, 42–

  43, 81–82

  seduction, methods of, 83–84

  sex, letters about (to Manson), 23, 87

  Shakespeare, William, 51

  shaman rituals, 83

  Share, Catherine (family member), 14

  showdown with LA police, Manson followers, 14–15 society, 41, 43, 46, 51, 73

  society programs, 52

  Spahn Ranch (San Fernando Valley), 93

  Squeaky. see Fromme, Lyn

  Stanley, corrections officer, 25–26, 66, 67–69 swastika, 45, 56, 74


  Tate, Sharon, 98

  baby of, 20–21

  blood of, 53, 97

  Tate-LaBianca murders, 1, 5, 34, 42, 48–49, 94, 99. see also trial, Tate-LaBianca murders

  Teachings of Don Juan, The (Castaneda), 65

  Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha, The (Ouspensky), 64

  television interviews, of Manson, 5–7, 70–75

  threatening author, 53

  threatening letters, from Manson, 24–25, 27

  Tough Dude (Manson’s body guard), 27–31, 47, 53, 55, 83

  trial, Tate-LaBianca murders, 2–3, 15, 94, 99

  Tricking Charles Manson (Rubacher), 56


  Vacaville, 41, 43–53, 56, 59–61, 63, 67

  Vacaville reporter (Sacramento Bee), 49

  Van Houten, Leslie, (Manson family member), 34, 57, 73 violence, 37–38, 52, 56, 71

  violent society, 41, 43, 47


  Watkins, Paul, 57

  Watson, Tex (Manson family member), 34 Western Surplus Store (Los Angeles), 14–15

  White Album (Beatles), 93, 94

  Willis, Rosalie, 92

  Wilson, Dennis, 93

  wisdom, Manson on, 58, 61

  wit, in seduction, 83

  witch, letter from (to Manson), 23–24

  “Woman of the Land,” landscape drawings (Manson), 51 women, 20, 39–40, 66, 73

  world. as prison, 8


  yard peacock, Manson as, 34–35 Like Forrest Gump, I was given the gift to probe the soul of people. Because of this gift I was able to put the searchlight on the unconscious mind of Charles Manson. In the book I show what happens to me when a crisis arises—Manson sent people, including his former body guard at Folsom Prison, to do me harm. In moments of psychological combat my left brain shuts down and my right brain accelerates into action. This results in harmony with the potential combatants. I always gave thanks for this special gift, which has been a true life-saver on many occasions.


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